Son of the Stars

Chapter 81 Dangerous

Chapter 81 Dangerous
The "subject matter" of human cloning is actually not new at all.If only from the perspective of technical level, human beings already possessed the ability to create human clones before the 21st century.

But they didn't - thank goodness.

Although the human beings before the Great Collapse died in a different way, they have left one huge mess after another for the current coalition government.But they are very rare, firmly standing in the team of "not to cause trouble for future generations" on the issue of human cloning.

Even if someone who is not afraid of death dares to jump out and announce that "we have completed the gene editing of the fetus", still no one dares to clone a human being at the risk of the world.

After the Great Crash, especially after the coalition government announced the "Human Act", human cloning technology once again attracted everyone's attention and discussion, but the results of the discussion were nothing new.

Everyone agrees that human cloning technology has no practical value and significance except for organ transplantation.And at the moment when stem cell-induced proliferation technology has begun to be put into clinical application (after the announcement of the Human Act), it is even more meaningless.

But this technology seems to have played an important role in the hands of Wenger Cheklavski.At least according to the confession on the 14th, human cloning technology is an important means for the Primarch—that is, Wenger Chklavsky himself to be able to control many cult groups at the same time and make them obey his orders.

"The original body created a total of three batches of replicas—I am the third batch." Number 14 wanted to die quickly, but now he knew everything was poured out. "The first batch of replicas rarely succeeded, only survived. Six. One, two, and three betrayed the Primarch, and Number Four and Five died in the brother's rebellion. Only Number Six survived, and he has been serving as the village head of the Order's villages in the Mediterranean region, guiding the followers of the Order .”

Lu Chen quickly copied the notes by hand.Although there are audio and video recordings throughout the entire operating room, no one can be sure how much damage these electronic instruments have suffered from the microwave exposure just now.For the current plan, the only way is to collect data as much as possible, so that there is no need to worry about not recording content in key positions when analyzing later.

The interrogation itself happened quite suddenly. They had notified the North American Comprehensive Investigation Bureau, hoping to have professionals to participate in the interrogation—but Director Anton's reply was puzzling.

According to Director Anton, the North American Comprehensive Investigation Bureau currently has no manpower to participate in the inquiry.He suggested letting Watanabe go.

Yang Weimin, who pushed the cart from the operating room, watched Lu Chen write the last few words, and then continued to ask, "What is the final result of the three rebel clones? How many clones do you have in total? Copy you?"

"The three incompletes who betrayed the original body fled the Mediterranean region, and then they didn't know where to go." The voice of No. 14 seemed to have some regrets. I don't know if there is something wrong with the AI ​​system that reproduces the voice. , "When the original body was still alive, there were a total of 37 surviving replicas, from No. 42 to No. [-]."

After quickly reading Lu Chen's handwritten record, Watanabe complained about Lu Chen's dog-like handwriting, and then asked his own question, 【When did Wenger Cheklavsky die? 】

This question did not get an immediate response from No. 14, and he seemed to be a little confused about how to answer this question.

"There is a rumor circulating among us. There is no evidence, but there is such a rumor." NO.14 said hesitantly, "The Primarch was killed by No. 42. He disagreed with the orders of the Primarch, thinking that these orders There is a problem."

"The Primarch requires us to operate and serve the Order." NO.14's voice returned to normal, "However, the way to serve the Order is to choose a qualified leader for the Order, to guide him, educate him, and assist him."

Lu Chen could hear something was wrong from here——Wenger, as a leader in human cloning, personality digitization, and brain-computer interface, even if he doesn't trust clones so much, he should have enough means to make these clones do what he wants. way to act.

For example, planting certain concepts in the minds of these clones, or setting a goal for them to resolutely implement.

With the help of brain-computer interfaces, such a goal can be easily achieved.It was even simpler than Lu Chen cutting off all senses of No. 14 and letting him fall back into nothingness.

Wenger could even write his personalities directly into the brains of these clones if he wanted to.Let them directly become individuals exactly like themselves - wouldn't this be more convenient to control?
【You still have not answered my question. 】Watanabe didn't care too much about the "cannibalism" news.He continued to ask, [When was the Primarch killed? 】

"I heard the news eight months ago." NO.14 replied, "Eight months ago, No. 42 contacted me suddenly, saying that there was a problem with the religious order operated by No. [-]. He asked me to expand the camp and prepare to receive The believers who were evacuated from the church operated by No. [-]."

"I asked him what happened to No. 14, but he didn't answer directly. Instead, he told me that the Primarch was dead." NO.[-] said after a pause, "He said that No. [-] was the last surviving No. [-] A batch of replicas, they have always wanted to replace the original body. Now that the original body is dead, number six will definitely move."

[It sounds like our number 14 may not be very bright. 】Watanabe expressed his opinion on the screen, 【It's a pity, he only has one brain left - it turned out to be not very easy to use. 】

Ignoring Watanabe's hell joke, Yang Weimin typed and asked, "The North American Comprehensive Investigation Bureau asked you to interrogate, and they seem to have no more manpower."

【Of course. 】Watanabe typed a string of "hey" to express his current mood, 【It is no accident that Mr. No. 14, who is not very good at using his brain, will appear here-that one can get at least 1000 million Doctor No. 42 of the bounty has been calculated clearly. 】

[The North American Comprehensive Investigation Bureau has been abolished, and the last agency that resisted the coalition government has since disappeared—great. 】If there was a face, Watanabe would be smiling like a blooming old chrysanthemum now, 【I just want to know now, did the No. 42 doctor expect Anton's backhand.It would be too boring if he died under Anton's counterattack. 】
The scouts regrouped together, and after several detachments reported their reconnaissance results, the captain who led the team sucked his teeth.

This base is very large, and the layer they explored alone has at least 15 square meters.

The passage to the southeast collapsed halfway, and they were temporarily unsure whether the collapse was due to disrepair or was intentionally blasted.But the second team found a fixed magnetic levitation track on the branch road on the left.The track is currently charged, and it is likely that someone used this track to evacuate.

The second team went to hunt down possible evacuees, but the real headache for the captain was the thousands of dusty cultivation tanks in the huge base of 15 square meters.

Among these things floated Wenger Cheklavsky with his eyes closed. Except for a few abnormal bodies that had grown and lost their human form, they were all normal people.

What to do with these things?They are not in danger, are they?
 This article will be officially launched at noon next Friday (August 2023, 8).I implore all readers to subscribe to the original version, vote actively, and comment more.

  Thank you very much, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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