death of hope

Chapter 124 "Corporate Warrior" Gluttonous Feast

Chapter 124 "Corporate Warrior" (40) Gluttonous Feast

The Alpha tactical team approached the core area of ​​the luxury cruise ship "Shangri-La", as if they were in no-man's land along the way, and the security gates and armed checkpoints they encountered were all easily handled by the hacker Shaft.

Encountered some anxious tourists along the way, Lynch comforted them with kind words, telling them that the situation has been brought under control, and after the pirates are wiped out, control of the cruise ship will be returned to the captain's team——

Of course, the premise is that they are still alive.

Passing through the intricate layout of the tourist living area, the team members pass by a kitchen the size of a basketball court. The working class will never imagine that there is such a scene of extravagance and extreme desire in the world;

The crystal-clear icebergs are piled with smooth and tender sashimi from Wuma Planet, as well as the fresh tentacle of giant squid in the Dao Geli star area,
In the huge tank-like oven, the iron frame is turning the mammoth mammoth from the Yegri planet,
There are hundreds of flavors of cream ice cream lying quietly in the freezer. For Wang Hongye, who has a sweet tooth since childhood, it is undoubtedly a delicious paradise in his dream.

The crystal cabinet displays thousands of fine wines and other non-alcoholic beverages from hundreds of different human colonies.

And that's just the aperitifs in the galley, not counting the amazing storage in the cruise ship's huge wine cellar.

The pots, pans and pans in the disinfection cabinet are all high-end products of well-known brands, and the price of any one is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even an ordinary ceramic bowl that looks inconspicuous,
Also recognized by Wang Hongye, it is a limited edition vintage glazed porcelain produced in the famous handicraft colony, Jingde Star District. This thing is much more valuable than the silver knives and forks piled up on the side.

While Lynch wasn't paying attention, Xia Fu put the small glazed ceramic bowl into his pocket and hid it. Wang Hongye saw it and stuck out his tongue at him.

In Nuoda’s kitchen, there are no people, no utensils have been damaged, and there is no sign of food being taken.
Apparently, the pirate boys of the Red Skull Pirates are more interested in gold, jewelry and banknotes than food.

Pass through the kitchen and come to the splendidly decorated buffet restaurant,

Smart serving carts are constantly flowing, robot players are still playing the violin on the stage, and the laser lights are transformed into burning candlelight with extremely complicated craftsmanship.

And those candlesticks are obviously all gold-plated, in order to simulate the atmosphere of dining in a medieval aristocratic castle.

The luxurious life of aristocrats is exactly what Sigurdriefa, who is determined to revive the family, expects. She is like Cinderella (Cinderella) who has just entered the castle. She is amazed by everything around her, but she is also hypocritical. Trying to look calm and calm.

Everything remains as it is, and the top dishes from the colonies of each star area are placed on the stainless steel dining table;

Flaming cauliflower salad from a hot desert colony planet, surrounded by a ring of dried redstone roasted lizards,
Four-eyed fish sushi from the extremely cold colonial planet Sakarum. The meat texture of this fish is like a finely crafted work of art. It is said that the meat tastes as smooth as curdled fat.

Thick crushed ice is covered with fresh vegetable leaves, covered with various black, red and gold caviar. From the appearance, you can tell that these are genuine natural caviar, not the kind in the supermarket. Cheap artificial imitations.

Stewed hexagonal ribs with Sichuan-style plum sauce are served on a delicate and elegant silver plate, with a layer of peppercorns evenly sprinkled on top,

The salt-baked snails are neatly placed in small tinfoil bowls with thick purple velvet cushions underneath.

Genetically bred high-grade Wagyu steaks lie quietly on the iron plate for cooking. In the wooden grid next to them are huge long-whiskered red shrimps, metallic squid shark fins, and different cuts that are as thin as cicada wings. Star dinosaur meat slices.

The members of the Alpha Tactical Squad were all stunned by the scene in the cafeteria. In most of the less affluent human colony star areas, the residents can only maintain basic food and clothing. Who would have thought that there is such a way of enjoying in the world.

Everyone swallowed their saliva for the delicious food, and suppressed their desires in order not to be too embarrassing. Only the well-informed Captain Lynch remained calm. He knew how exciting all this was for the civilians, so he didn't say anything to stop the team members. they watch.

Mahmadi was born in the barren and barren outlying colony Kraken,

His family and relatives have problems even having enough to eat. Where have they seen such extravagant and extravagant scenes?

The virtual candlelight reflected on the colorful alien shark fins and the polished silver tableware made him dizzy, and there were hardly any words to express his amazement:
"It's so magical in here, my God... I can't really... say it."

The hacker Shaft laughed: "It's really unfair, isn't it? Some people are born with a golden spoon in their mouth, and some people can't even drink gruel. I really want to take a picture of it and show it to the federal congressmen."

Lodayev said: "They must turn a blind eye. The Terra Federation has become corrupt to a certain extent, and it can't restrain the desire of giant enterprises. Now each star area is gradually breaking away from the control of the Federation. Entrepreneurs are seeking to establish their own country. .”

Mehmadi shook his head: "I don't think so long-term like you. I only know that people need food and clothes."

Mahmadi knelt on the soft plush rug in a Kraken vespers pose, as pious as a pilgrim who had discovered a miracle.

When he found that the garbage cans were full of intact, unspoiled, fresh food that hadn't even been bitten, his expression gradually became angry:
"Waste food! Sin! In our Kraken star region, every disaster year, children have to catch grasshoppers and mice to survive. Many teenagers and girls cannot live past the age of 20 due to malnutrition.

If the ascetic monks in our monastery see such extravagance and waste, they will definitely come forward and scold these tycoons and celebrities. "

"Rage?" Lodayev laughed, "Then your monks will be beaten into pigs' heads by bodyguards hired by rich people."

Mahmadi clasped his hands together: "By God, I really... can't understand all this...

The governor of the star region always complains to our village chief, saying that the food reserves are insufficient, so stop asking for relief food, let us find a way to survive... But the land rent has to be handed over to the landlords according to the ratio of previous years.

Behold, they would rather throw away the rye flour than leave a little for us to make bread with. "

Sigdrifa, who hadn't spoken for a long time, couldn't bear it any longer: "You country bumpkin who hasn't seen the world, there are so many things you haven't seen."

"Haha, we call it, Grandma Liu enters the Grand View Garden!" Wang Hongye said.

"Who is Grandma Liu? A relative of Big Sister?" Shaft asked suspiciously.

"It's a meme from my hometown. Of course you outsiders don't understand it."

Lodayev took off his helmet, dipped some caviar into his mouth, closed his eyes and chewed:
"It's cool...fuck, these rich bastards... just enjoy it!" He felt that it was not enough, so he poured the whole can of caviar on the fish sushi, dipped it in some sauce and condiments, and it was all delicious. stuff it in your mouth.

"Wow! Cough cough...there is too much mustard in the seasoning, my nose...choked to death..."

Lodayev was choked to tears by the mustard, and his teammates laughed happily.

"Caviar is not eaten like that... Rude guy, good things become vulgar in your mouth." Sigurd Lifa murmured with disgust in his eyes.

Lodayev snorted: "Tsk tsk, it seems that our noble lady has recovered and started to push her again. Don't pretend to be a little guy, you poor ghost have never eaten real caviar, have you?"

These words hit Sigurdlifa's weakness, and her face blushed again: "At least, I know noble etiquette."

"It's so hypocritical, miss, if some unlucky bastard marries you, he will be bored to death."

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes!" Shaft quickly raised his hand.

"go away!"

(End of this chapter)

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