death of hope

Chapter 126 "Corporate Warrior" Prank

Chapter 126 "Corporate Warrior" (42) Prank
"Oh my God! Hegganders ice cream! I couldn't afford it when I was a kid, but now... I want to eat ten buckets!"

Wang Hongye picked up a large stainless steel spoon for soup, and rushed towards the freezer with a wild laugh like a starving beggar.

"Take it easy, big sister, don't spoil your stomach!"

Lodayev turned his head and found that Mehmadi was carrying a plate, and his beard was covered with brown sauce:

"Big Beard, what are you eating? The taste is...too...ahem! It's too strong!"

"I'm eating super-spicy curry rice, it's probably going to be watery, see you in the toilet later."

"Hey! How disgusting!"

After a bout of unrestrained overeating, the three men Shaft, Lodayev, and Mahmadi gathered in front of the aquarium with happy expressions, holding iced milk tea in their hands, watching the animals swimming in the aquarium. Vigorous seafood.

"It's too big! It even has sharks! Who would have thought this is a restaurant? If you didn't know this, you would think it was in an aquarium."

"I want to know how much it costs to live on this ship for a week."

"It doesn't matter how much it is, it's something we poor people dare not think about."

Walking and watching along the aquarium, Mehmadi excitedly patted the glass:
"Look! Look at those purple electric eels! It's a specialty of our planet! It can secrete mucus to protect fish skin. If it is in danger, it will release an electric current to protect itself. The serrated teeth are very powerful, and it can tear off a large prey with one bite. A piece of meat."

"This thing is a fish? It looks like a f*cking alien...bearded, the creatures on your planet are really scary."

"The world is dangerous, so we are very devout, praying for God's blessing."

"Hey! Guys, I have a bold idea."

Shaft rubbed his hands back and forth with an obscene smile on his face.

Lodayev stuck out his tongue: "Looking at your expression... you know it must be something good! Beard, let's not get involved!"

"I'm too busy drinking soybean juice to do anything else."

"Just wait and see the fun!"

Shaft lifted the lid of the aquarium, picked up the long pole net bag standing beside it,
A huge purple electric eel was picked up in a net bag, which looked to be [-] kilograms in weight, and its slimy long body writhed and struggled in the net bag, feeling an indescribable and strange sense of terror.

"Oh! What are you doing! It's disgusting! Stay away from my ice cream!" Wang Hongye walked away in disgust.

"Do you want me to cook eel? Braised or steamed?" asked a chef, rolling up his sleeves.

"No, it's fine to live." Shaft smirked, and walked forward with a heavy net bag.

"You want to eat sashimi? No way! This stuff has a lot of parasites, it's better cooked..."

Before the chef could finish, Shaft made a hissing gesture to him to keep silent.

He tiptoed behind a high-backed chair,
The goalkeeper Sigurd Lifa is sitting there enjoying a French meal of red wine and salt-baked snails,
She set the silverware and folded the napkins in a serious manner, trying to imitate the appearance of a noble lady dining, but she looked dull and clumsy, like a maid who had never seen the world and stole the master's meal.

"Look, this little bitch is daydreaming about being a nobleman...surprise her a little bit!"

As soon as the words fell, Shaft flipped the long pole, and the sticky purple electric eel escaped from the shackles of the net bag, and fell straight onto Sigurd Lifa.
The tail of the fish was wrapped around the chest and waist, the middle of the fish was wrapped around the neck, and the head was directly pasted on her delicate face.

"Ah!" She no longer pretended to imitate a noble lady, but screamed like a pig: "What's going on!

She wanted to grab the tail of the fish with her hand and pull it away, but she couldn't hold it tightly because of the mucus. She didn't know what the hell was on her body, so she kicked and beat it. The purple electric eel started to discharge.

"What the hell! Whoops!" Sigurdlifa was so shocked that his whole body was numb.

"Wow!" With a loud sound, all the salt-baked snails just ate were vomited out, and people and chairs fell down, and then the writhing purple electric eel was thrown to the ground.

The result of this prank was that Shaft had two rows of fingerprints on his face,

These two slaps were really serious, the gums were bleeding, and the cheeks were swollen, but Shaft looked like he was enjoying it, and he didn't regret it at all.

Seeing everyone playing and playing, they were all excited, and Lynch didn't bother to care about it.

(Who knows, is this their last orgy?)

He thought so.

Everyone was enjoying the gluttonous feast, and after 10 minutes, the state of emergency on the cruise ship was lifted,
Shaft's self-developed software successfully obtained the A-level administrator authority of the Shangri-La cruise ship and opened the security door to the core area.

"Guys, it's done, the casino area is unlocked."

"Amazing, kid." Lodayev said, "It would be even more perfect if it wasn't so obscene and lustful."

"Haha!" Shaft laughed, "If one day you find that I suddenly become serious and look like a gentleman, it means that I have gone crazy with drugs, and I should be sent to a mental hospital for electroshock treatment."

As soon as these words came out, even Sigdrifa, who had just been pranked, covered her mouth and laughed.

Lodayev looked at the robot player playing the violin and said:
"I really don't understand, such a luxurious interstellar cruise ship, carrying so many rich people to travel far away,
It stands to reason that it is reasonable to have a hundred or eighty robots for security, but I didn't see any of them, what the hell. "

"People's memories aren't that bad, they haven't forgotten the horrors of the AI ​​insurgency," Sigurdriefa said.

"Yeah, it was really scary back then," Lodayev said with lingering fear: "The sweeping robot at home suddenly started chasing and killing my pet Chihuahua.

The traffic lights are messed up, the robot traffic police are directing blindly, causing a car accident on purpose, the self-driving car crashes directly into the wall, killing the owner...everything that year was... so crazy..."

"After the Omnic Crisis, only two years of strict investigations have been conducted. Looking at it now, AI chips are fully distributed, and smart devices are all over the streets.

People are still the same, relying on AI, it’s really good to forget the pain from the scars, and forget that the smart watch on the wrist may think of murdering itself at any time. "

"In those two years, the production and R&D of intelligent machines were strictly regulated by the Federation. However, interstellar enterprises with deep pockets can always evade supervision. If this continues, I see that the second AI rebellion is not far away!"

Lodayev spread his hands and expressed helplessness: "There is no way, this kind of thing is beyond the control of us small people. I can keep my job under the competition of robots and have something to eat. I am satisfied."

Lynch pushed away a large pile of empty oyster shells in front of him: "Okay, the rest time is over,

All cheer up! "

Lodayev burped and wiped his mouth contentedly:
"Satisfied with wine and food, ready to work."

(End of this chapter)

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