death of hope

Chapter 135 "Corporate Warrior" Senator's Son

Chapter 135 "Corporate Warrior" (51) Senator's Son
After dealing with the messy matters of his subordinates, Captain Lynch can finally calm down and focus on the mission.

At this time, the noble young master who was knocked out had already woken up, and embraced warmly with the beautiful and lovely little maid who took care of him,
The two young men were crying loudly, with snot and tears streaming down their noses, as if they had been wronged a lot. The more they cried, the sadder they became. For some reason, they suddenly gnawed mouth to mouth, and they didn't care about anyone's gaze at all.

"It's indecent and shameless!" The conservative Mahmadi shook his head sadly: "Hey, young man, pay attention to the influence!"

"Scared me, the two of them suddenly started chewing. Those who knew it was the young couple in heat, but those who didn't know it thought it was the outbreak of the zombie virus." Lodayev clutched his chest, pretending to be frightened.

"The young master of the rich family and his maid... the classic plot of a B-grade small movie." Shaft watched enviously, covered his swollen mouth and said:

"If I was lucky enough to be born in a wealthy family, I would definitely have a hundred times more tricks than him."

Wang Hongye said with a smile: "Come on! Which wealthy Wang family can raise such a wretched hooligan like you!"

Lynch was a little upset, and shouted: "You...don't leave it here! Go and complete the task I assigned!"

"What's the hurry, Boss, the tasks are over, and everyone is tired." Shaft lit a cigarette: "Smoke a cigarette before going, we are all colleagues, don't be like black mines." Like an overseer."

"Slacker! You always have a reason!"

Lynch no longer cares about him,

Seeing the young master and the little maid kiss endlessly crazily, with nothing but spittle on their faces, as if the two of them were celebrating the rest of their lives after a catastrophe, in order to interrupt, Lynch had to cough slightly:
"Hey! Young man, you have a long time to come, and you will have plenty of time to make out. You are Mr. Gilneas Harlond, aren't you?"

"'s me...I'm sorry, I was too rude just now."

The young master stood up and wiped off the lipstick marks left by the maid on his face with a handkerchief. Strangely, Lynch found that there were faint frostbite scars on his face, which were only seen by children from poor families who did not have enough food and clothing.

"Are you really sure you're all right? You don't need a physical examination? Move your arms and have a look."

"Look, my bones and joints are all fine. I'm fine. It's all skin trauma. It's just that there is a slight pain in the place where I was beaten."

"That's good. Our mission is to ensure your safety. Exterminating the pirates is secondary."

"Thank you!" The young master approached and shook hands with Lynch:
"I'm sorry, Mr. Officer, I was so scared just now that I forgot to thank the savior."

He hugged the little maid, looking very intimate, the two seem to be glued together:
"This is Miss Gina, my secretary and personal maid."

Lynch wondered: (This kid is really sick, you are the one asking, why introduce her to me?) He said, "Hi, ma'am."

"Sir, you saved our lives." The little maid rubbed her red eyes from crying, and bowed to Lynch in thanks.

(This child is very polite, which is rare.) "Nice to meet you, both of you, no thanks."

The young master took out a piece of paper from his wallet, scribbled on it, and handed it to Lynch:

"Please accept this check..."

Lynch pushed the check: "This is free, I'm not a mercenary, I just completed the task.

From now on, my men and I will stay on the cruise ship to ensure that no pirate remnants will suddenly appear until the federal security forces come to take over the ship. "

"You guys did a great job! You're so professional! Fortunately, you are such smart people!" The young master raised his thumbs up and praised, then shook Lynch's hand and said excitedly:
"If it's those idiots from the Terra Federal Security's unimaginable, those idiots don't care about the life and death of the hostages...

Maybe they would bring two battlecruisers to open fire on the cruise ship and blow a big hole. After boarding the ship, they would use heavy fire indiscriminately, killing everyone on board. "

The team members all laughed: "Haha, this is too real!"

Only Lynch frowned. He is a veteran, and he felt very uncomfortable when he heard that the other party belittled his colleagues so much.
But the fact is that this is the case. In recent years, the performance of the federal troops in the security war has become more and more sloppy. The mission of rescuing hostages often leads to tragedies, which is not as good as that of corporate fighters or bounty hunters.

"Okay, it's over, Mr. Gilneas, the Red Skull Pirates have been wiped out, please follow my men back to the living area."


"Stay inside the house for the time being and don't go out. The staff have started to return to work one after another. After the Federation people come, they may summon the passengers and ask some nonsense. When you reach the next planet, you can disembark and play."

Lynch's tone was secretly contemptuous,
He looked down on these cynical rich sons very much.

"See you by fate." Lynch turned to leave, but was stopped by the young master:

"Anything else?"

"Sir, I recognize your rank, nameplate, and insignia on your shoulder armor...a corporate warrior from you?"

"Yes, Alpha Tactical Team, Captain Marcus Lynch."

The young master showed a complicated expression, looking sullen and suspicious:

"Could it be that... my lord father sent you here... or that he knew you in private?"

"It's really flattering me. I'm just a stinky soldier. I don't have the opportunity to meet such big figures as the Federal Senator."

"That's it..." The young master breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good if you don't know him well. May I ask, what's your opinion of Senator Brown?"

"Sorry, I'm only responsible for leading the team to complete the task, and I will not comment on such sensitive political issues."

"Then let me tell you, my biological father...he is a complete scum! Corrupt official! Hypocrite! Warlord! Murderer!"

The young master's emotions suddenly became agitated: "Although it is an honor to be rescued, I will never be grateful to him for it... this old and immortal guy!"


Mehmadi pushed the young master angrily. According to his doctrine, the father guides the son, and he must not disobey and rebel against patriarchy:
"Young master! It's not good to judge your father like this! He cared about you, so he asked someone to save you. Being a parent is not easy. Even a shoemaker deserves respect, not to mention that he is a highly respected federal senator."

Hearing this, the little maid on the side looked silent, and the young master grabbed Mahmadi's arm excitedly, and his words became trembling:
"Reputable? You have been deceived! Don't know the truth, I hope everyone can know the truth, my father... Federal Senator Lord Brown Hallund is a complete villain!"

"Stop talking!" Lynch felt the potential danger, and knowing too much might cause trouble, so he wanted to stop the other party from continuing:
"Enough, I'm not interested in the conflict between your father and son."

Everyone knows that the officialdom of the Terra Federation is dark and corrupt, and officials protect each other. Murder cases by government officials are not uncommon. The less you know, the less danger you will have.

It is precisely because Lynch implements this principle of indifference that he avoids a lot of trouble, but his subordinates are all gossip-loving masters, and they all gather around to join in the fun:

"He won't listen, but we are interested. Let's continue." Shaft followed his teammates and came over, talking lewdly at the little maid's thigh.

(Fuck...these idiots...) Lynch was annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.

(End of this chapter)

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