death of hope

Chapter 144 "Corporate Warrior" Host and Guest

Chapter 144 "Corporate Warrior" (60) Host and Guest
The warm and sunny light passes through the glass and shines on the long pale gold eyelashes,
Sigurdriff stretched her waist beautifully, and wiped away the eye gum and haha ​​with her slender fingers.

(The bed is hard, like a camp bed, I don't know what this guy thinks...but I slept soundly.)
Opening the door of the bedroom, he found that Lynch was wrapped in a colorful woolen blanket and watching TV, and an old black and white movie was playing on the screen.

"You're awake, breakfast is on the table." He said without looking back.

"Thank you...sir...have you watched the whole night?"

"Yes, I watch a movie after the game. When the rain stops in the middle, I go out and watch it when I come back."

Sigdrifa stared at the screen:

"The film "Witness for the Prosecution", adapted from Agatha Christie's novel, is indeed wonderful. The suspense has been hanging my appetite. Only at the last moment can I know who the real murderer is."

Lynch was stunned, and turned his head: "Have you seen this?"

"Hmm, when I was young, I lived at my grandmother's house. She always accompanied me to watch old movies and told me the novels behind the movies."

"That's how it is...Nowadays people are impetuous and don't like to watch these slow-paced old movies. If you want to watch them, you can only pay to subscribe to the paid old movie channel."

"Yeah, everyone likes to watch talk shows and celebrity variety shows, but no one watches this anymore."

Sigurdlifa sat at the dining table: "I watch it occasionally in the dormitory, but I don't use the TV and download it to the computer to watch."

This time it was Lynch who stared at her back.

In this era of entertainment to death, people with retro taste like Marcus Lynch always feel lonely and closed.

It was a pleasant surprise to find a bosom friend with similar interests, not to mention that the other party was a young girl, which was even more precious.

Those who sat at the table were also pleasantly surprised,
The sandwich bread slices on the plate are just crispy, the sandwiched bacon is also tender and juicy, and the black bean soy milk is full of fragrance.

What surprised her the most was that the fried eggs were still sweet, and the yolk melted in her mouth with one bite. The lettuce leaves, black pepper and tomato sauce seasoning brought her taste buds back to her childhood in an instant.

(This taste is... Grandma's breakfast...)
A tear fell on the dinner plate, and she turned her head to look at the back of Lynch's head.

(Could it be that he...)
"It's delicious. The breakfast stall opened by the aunt on the first floor, I went out early in the morning and queued up to buy it."

(Uh... this... I'm really self-indulgent...)
"Thanks, sir, great breakfast, I'll be off."

"Wait, Miss Noble, your clothes haven't been brought back yet."

"Clothes... huh? What's going on?"

Sigurdriefa hurriedly looked at the hanger, which was empty, and her expression became angry:
"You... what are you going to do? Are you playing hooligans!"

"My little ancestor! Don't you have any common sense? How can you wear clothes that have been soaked in acid rain!
After the rain stopped last night, I went to a 24-hour laundromat, and asked the clerk to disinfect and clean our clothes and shoes. They said that there were too many orders in the store and they could only be picked up later. . "

"oh, I see……"

Sigurdriefa breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly remembered something, her little face flushed red:

"All...all...taken away?"

"Nonsense, does your family wash clothes or underwear?"

Thinking of Lynch's big rough hands touching his underwear,

Thinking of the two people's clothes being tumbled and washed in the same washing drum,

Sigurdriefa felt itchy and uncomfortable, pouted and said:
"What a nuisance! Making claims without asking me!"

"Do you think I'm dirty? Then don't wear my clothes, if you have the guts, just go naked!"


"Hmph, it's true that good people don't get rewarded, this time is enough! You little aunt, grandma, I won't serve you in the future, okay?"

"You think I'd like to live in this kennel! Hurry up and get the clothes!"

"Woman, it's really annoying. Didn't you say you have to wait?"

Lynch turned off the TV, stood up, and threw away the blanket angrily, scaring Sigurdriff to turn his back:

"Hey, why don't you wear..."

"This is my home, I like it!"

Putting on a dirty purple corduroy sweater, Lynch went to the shoe rack and sat down to put on his shoes.

"Sir...can you do it without catching up on sleep...are you...going out to get your clothes?"

"I'm just trying to get away from you, you idiot! I'm going to visit an old friend, and I'll pick up some clothes on the way back!"

"Really, let's talk about it, what kind of attitude..."

"Hey, your attitude is the problem, okay?
In the company, he made trouble for me endlessly!He still followed me during the holidays, lived and ate my food, and babbled endlessly!
C he M's!Who on earth did I offend? "

For some reason, Sigurdriefa found Lynch's exasperated appearance very funny, covering his mouth and laughing:
"Hey... let's go... have a good trip."

Lynch blew his beard and stared: "Troublemaker! Don't touch my things!
If you're thirsty or hungry, go to the refrigerator, and when you get your clothes back, get out of here immediately! "

With a bang, the door closed. Hearing Lynch's heavy footsteps, Sigurdriefa held his stomach and laughed for a long time before recovering.

(This guy is really one-sided...he deserves to be a bachelor for the rest of his life...I died laughing...)
The purpose of this trip is to find out the reality of the strongest corporate fighter, and it is a godsend to be alone in his room at this time.

The living room is full of daily necessities such as pots and pans, nothing to see,

Back in the bedroom, I tossed and found a hardcover cookie tin box with peeling paint and rust on the first drawer of the bedside table, took it out,

Open it up, it's shiny silver.

Full of dog tags!
The metal plate is engraved with the soldier's name, blood type and other information,

This thing is worn around the neck, one is to quickly identify the blood type of soldiers after being injured for blood transfusion rescue, and the other is to identify the identity of the distorted corpse.

Facing a box full of dog tags, Sigurdriefa felt pressured,

It seems that there are hundreds of undead living in it, examining their souls with empty eye sockets.

Although every dog ​​tag was cleaned with alcohol, she could still smell the smell of war hidden in the box, gunpowder and blood... the smell of corpses...

She closed the lid and felt her heartbeat accelerate:

(It seems that the rumors in the company are not groundless,

Captain Marcus Lynch is indeed a lone star, and none of the corporate fighters who joined his team left alive...

This feeling is... fear?
Do not!
I want to break this spell!survive!
Take his place and become the new legend!

Prove that I am the strongest! )
Put the iron box back on the bedside table, and the next target is the bookshelf and the desk:
(Unexpectedly, this guy is quite fond of reading... and his interests are somewhat similar to mine?)

Sigurdlifa's eyes were sharp, and she saw a thick hardcover book with no words on the spine, a green silk cover and a brass border from the rows of novels and popular science books.

I took it out and flipped through a few pages at random, and there were paragraphs of short texts written in different colors of ink in a mess,

Occasionally there are a few photos clipped from magazines, or articles clipped from newspapers.

This isn't a diary, it's more like a collection book of some older boy.

Not what she wanted the most, but not bad either.

As if she had found a treasure, Sigurdrie sat down and looked through it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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