death of hope

Chapter 154 "Corporate Warrior" Bullets

Chapter 154 "Corporate Warrior" (70) Bullets

"A firefight is in progress! The enemy's firepower is too strong, sir...I'm so crushed that I can't lift my head...ask for cover!"

"Sorry...can't provide're on your own! You're on your own!"

"It's a mess! Who is the traitor? It would be great if I could fire at will!"

The peaceful wilderness suddenly turned into a bloody Shura field, and the sound of gunshots and explosions became more and more intense.

Everyone on the comm channel is yelling;

"That big bald head...the security director Yuri Ivanov really has a problem, the armored vehicle he was riding in was shooting at the convoy!"

"I've already killed three people. What is certain now is that the mercenaries in digital camouflage uniforms are enemies! The security guards in blue body armor and black hoods are also enemies! Don't accidentally hurt your own people!"

"Received! Hostile targets have been marked...Protect scientists and engineers without their knowledge...Pickup and Jeep drivers are also innocent."

"My driver was killed! My God! Good Lord! My mask is full of brains! I'm going to jump out of the car!"

"Mehmadi! Kneel down! I'll cover you!"

"Attention! The other armored vehicle is also a traitor! My radar siren is sounding, and the gunship is targeting us with its fire control radar!"

"It's clear now! There are also traitors on the plane!"

"Two riflemen at seven o'clock... snipers at eleven o'clock... firing everywhere! Whoops! I got shot!"

"Sniper, are you alright?"

"It's's a miracle...the armor is too resistant...I'm not hurt...God bless you..."

After a chaotic exchange of fire, a stalemate gradually formed,

The corporate fighters used the burning car wreckage as a cover, relying on the powerful protective capabilities of high-tech armor to keep their lives alive, but they were also suppressed by the enemy's fierce firepower and couldn't hold their heads up.

"Cracked! I successfully hacked into the enemy's command system!" The hacker Shaft hid behind the car door, waving his arms frantically in celebration:

"I have...forcibly switched the armed helicopter and the armored personnel carrier to the automatic combat mode, and let them mark each other as enemies, an explosion is about to occur, everyone pay attention to concealment!"


Armored vehicles fired anti-aircraft missiles, armed helicopters fired rockets, and a series of huge fireballs exploded simultaneously on the ground and in the air.
After a brief exchange of fire, the vehicle was almost completely destroyed, and only the armored vehicle in which the security director Yuri Ivanov was riding survived. Three wheels were blown off and the vehicle had lost its mobility.

The shock waves generated by the continuous explosions set off sand and dust all over the sky, and the visibility approached zero. The two sides in the exchange of fire could only rely on the cover to shoot randomly.

As the dust fell, the counterattack began, and the traitors who lost their advantage in heavy firepower lost their advantage.
Six well-trained corporate fighters wearing high-tech armor stepped out of the bunker and lined up in a double triangle formation to shoot alternately under the leadership of captain Marcus Lynch.

The door-breaker, who is good at melee combat, was unstoppable. A large-caliber shotgun shot and killed three security guards wearing body armor in succession.

A mercenary in camouflage went around behind her, trying to attack the gap in the armor with a dagger, but was repelled by Sigurdlifa's elbow, knocked down with the butt of his gun, and kicked hard to break his neck.

Captain Marcus Lynch, who was also rushing forward, blocked the shooting holes of the armored vehicle with bursts of rifle fire, covering his teammates to surround it.

"Watch out! The cover of the armored vehicle is lifted! A white flag is raised!"

"Grenadier, come to work!"

"Come on!" Lodayev approached with a Molotov cocktail in his hand, "If you don't get out, I'll turn this iron shell into a pressure cooker and use it to stew human flesh!"

The security guards who got out were all disheveled and obediently raised their hands in surrender.

"These boys are scared to pee, haha! How should we deal with them?"

"Wang Hongye, Luodayev, you two go to deal with the prisoners, handcuff them with plastic straps, and shoot them immediately if they resist!"

"Sir, we have arrested five people, one of whom is Security Director Yuri Ivanov."

"Great! Tie it up! Tie it up! This guy is most likely the mastermind! Check his mouth for a potassium cyanide capsule and make sure he doesn't kill himself!"

"Leave it to me!" Shaft said, "How dare you assassinate me...I want this big bald head to live or die!"

When the local sheriff and the rescue convoy sent by the base arrive, the inventory of the battlefield is over.
Looking around, gunpowder smoke was billowing, blood, body remains, broken glass and metal parts, and bullet casings scattered all over the place.

Damage vehicles include two wheeled armored personnel carriers, two heavy-duty armed helicopters, four modified pickups, two off-road vehicles, and a half-track engineering vehicle.

Casualties were also quite heavy, 31 security guards, 11 mercenaries, 9 drivers and 3 scientists were killed, and the Alpha Tactical Squad was unscathed.

Such a large-scale armed attack occurred, and it was the betrayal of internal members. The task of the day was canceled as a matter of course. The company's senior management immediately decided to investigate to the end after learning about it.

Back at the base, the alarm has been sounded, everyone is in a state of readiness, and the staff is using equipment to check for wiretapping devices and explosives.

The main suspect, Yuri Ivanov, the security chief, and 18 of his men were all locked in iron cages in the underground warehouse, awaiting interrogation.

The person in charge of the base, Dailin Wood, looked devastated. The image of a shrewd and strong woman had collapsed, and she looked much older.

Trembling, she took off her pink-rimmed glasses and bowed deeply to Captain Lynch.

Thank him and his team for protecting the scientists and the company's property, recovering the huge loss, and for being willing to guarantee her. If not, the company headquarters would definitely dismiss her directly and investigate.

But she is not out of trouble yet, and she and her management team are naturally to blame for such a large-scale armed rebellion.
The company's top executives convened an emergency meeting and decided to keep Dailin Wood for observation. Before the arrival of the federal prosecutor and the investigation team sent by the company,
Capt. Marcus Lynch is temporarily acting as the security director of the base,

The McMillan board of directors applauds the legendary veteran for protecting talent and material in battle.

Half a month later, a fleet composed of huge interstellar transport ships and escort fighter jets arrived in Kurmat's extraterrestrial orbit.

An investigation team led by company executives is stationed at the base, along with a team of interrogation experts and lawyers. To prevent accidents, a large number of corporate fighters and various heavy vehicles and weapons are also stationed at the same time.

The complex investigation and interrogation work lasted for more than a month, and the truth of the large-scale rebellion gradually surfaced.

It is nothing more than economic interests, people die for money, and birds die for food.

Yuri Ivanov and his confidants were still stubborn at first,
After being tortured and tortured, he finally revealed the truth. This kind of lynching to extract a confession is obviously against the federal law. Of course, the federal prosecutor who received McMillan's favor fee did not say anything.

First of all, Ms. Dailin Wood, the head of the base, cleared her suspicions and restored all her duties.

Yuri Ivanov, the former security director, was the instigator. He was motivated by interests and collaborated with the local warlord organization "Poison Scorpion" to secretly include the general soldiers into the base security team.

Conspired to launch a surprise attack during the transportation of the company's goods, in an attempt to kill the escorting corporate fighter team, hijack scientists and precious equipment, and resell them at high prices through the warlord's black market channels, and then split them [-]-[-].

Now that the facts are clear, the procedure will be followed step by step.
Yuri Ivanov and his four surviving men will be sent to the Sector Court for trial,

If nothing else, he will be convicted of robbery and first-degree murder.
Offending a large interstellar company like McMillan, the ending is of course tragic, and it is impossible to die happily. McMillan's top management decided to make an example of others to deter potential traitors within the company.

The judge would certainly not sentence the death penalty after receiving a favor fee, it would be too cheap for them, and living is often much more painful than dying.

The rest of their lives will be spent in dark and dank dungeons, their useful organs removed, and they will die screaming in countless human experiments.

After the investigation report was released, the company's investigation team left in a hurry, took away all the prisoners and evidence, and left behind a large number of materials, equipment and armed personnel.

The mission of the Alpha Tactical Squad will continue, and there is a saying that if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed. After all this trouble, the exploration plan has been continued, and the fatalistic believers in the company's top management firmly believe that Kurmat Star must still have value to be tapped.

Today, the senior management of the McMillan Group relies heavily on the ability of Captain Marcus Lynch,
In view of the extremely harsh natural and security environment of Kurmat Star, Captain Lynch obtained the command of all armed forces in the base.

(End of this chapter)

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