death of hope

Chapter 178 "Enterprise Warrior" Wrath of the Valkyrie

Chapter 178 "Enterprise Warrior" (94) Wrath of the Valkyrie

Lynch's Notepad
406 页

Tadalin's counterattack was swift and fierce, which caught people off guard.

There was only a sporadic exchange of fire a second ago, and in an instant, the sound of artillery was booming, and the jungle was full of heavily armed enemies.

Taldarin jihadists burrowed from the ground, climbed down from the trees, and emerged from the water, and we were horrified to discover that the entire jungle was a huge death trap.

The 104th Federal Division was under siege, and our companies on the left and right flanks were defeated by this sudden attack.

Electromagnetic pulses, lasers, bullets, and angry swords engulfed them instantly.

Only our Spartan heavy infantry company is struggling to support, not for any strategic goal, just to survive.

The raiders who came out suddenly were all Tadalin regular troops. In terms of equipment training, they were not at the same level as their militiamen.

Tal'darim soldiers are brave and wise, and they know how to deal with human hoplites like tin cans.

Completely different from the chaotic formations of the militia, the Tadarin special operations team, in groups of five to seven, carried out anti-armor operations efficiently and in a planned manner.

They use expensive imported alien laser rifles to consume our energy shields, and then set up anti-material sniper rifles in the distance, and use large-caliber depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets to penetrate the nano-ceramic steel armor we wear.

After fighting for a quarter of an hour, we lost a third of our brothers, but Johnny the Mad Dog remained calm,

It seemed to him that it was all small scenes.

Listening to the wailing of comrades-in-arms, facing the Tadarin raider squads all over the mountains and plains, even the bravest veterans began to feel timid,

We were overwhelmed by the overwhelming firepower, so we could only hold our ground and wait for support.

The Tal'darines stepped on the human bones and howled wildly, venting the resentment they had accumulated for a long time. They didn't know that they would soon face catastrophe.

Human military theorists believe that all fear stems from insufficient firepower.

The parliamentary appropriation and the federal army's combat method regardless of cost are the best medicine to eliminate this fear.
The impression of this battle was so deep, I clearly remember every sentence at that time,

A pleasant magnetic voice came from the radio:
"Hello, hunks.

I'm Major Elsa.

142 The formation of the Valkyrie ground attack aircraft has arrived in the combat area. Is it the air support you called for? "

For Marines with a high death rate, the voices of sisters in the field are angels and voices of hope.

"It's our call for support, we're trapped in the trenches, we can't move!"

"Which specific area? Which trench? Please mark it!"

Mad Johnny snatches the station from the operator:

"Your voice is getting more and more mature and charming. Hello, Miss Elsa, when can I have a date?"

The squadron leader recognized the voice of the Spartan company commander, and exhaled impatiently:
"Hey...Johnny, you are really big-hearted. Let's talk about the date after you survive."

"Don't be so cruel, beauty, not only me, but my brothers are also playing bachelors. Hey, let me say, our Spartan company, and your Valkyrie flight team, how about having a social reception?"

"Johnny, what time are you kidding... oh...damn it! The enemy launched an anti-aircraft missile! We are locked! Sisters, launch the decoy bombs! Take tactical actions to evade!"

"Be careful, ladies, the Tadarim bastards have eaten some kind of wild medicine, as if they have exploded their nests, they all jumped out."

"No. 171 was destroyed, five sisters died...the fuel tank exploded, they were too late to parachute...we will continue to carry out the mission,"

At this time, even Mad Dog Johnny put away his joking expression and became serious:
"Sorry ladies, we're sad too."

"The Tal'darim puppies will soon see the wrath of the Valkyrie."

"It is necessary, these savages have provoked people who shouldn't be provoked."

"We are about to arrive at the target location, Spartan Company, please indicate the area that needs to be covered by firepower."

"Except for the marked position area, the entire B13 area was completely bombed."

"Ah? Johnny! You...did too much, didn't you?

You said... you want to blow up the entire B13 area?What about the allies?There are hundreds of others! "

Johnny sighed: "There are no friendly troops, they are all dead."


Squadron leader Elsa's voice became choked up:
"Received... All comrades, please enter the bunker... Carpet bombing is about to begin..."

Half a minute later, I saw 15 A-17 Valkyrie ground-attack planes lined up in a wedge formation, roaring into the sky at the end of the day.

This type of attack aircraft fully embodies the simple and rude design elements of the human weapon industry and its pragmatism.

This is a ground attack aircraft specially designed for complex theater fire support missions. In order to resist anti-aircraft fire, the key parts of the fuselage are covered with tough titanium alloy armor.

In order to drive the huge fuselage with a full load of 190 tons, the scientists equipped it with three super-powerful turbine engines, coupled with a special aerodynamic layout design of the wings, so that this heavy and heavy iron lump can fly with great strength.

In order to fit the name of Valkyrie, the pilots are all women.
They are all classmates of the same female military academy. The Marines affectionately call them the Field Sisters, and they are mainly responsible for field fire support and rescue supplies.

Alien civilizations that are enemies of human beings call them the banshees who spread death.

Facing such a strong air barrier, the light anti-aircraft firepower of the Tadalin was completely scratching the itch. Only three of them were shot down by the firepower of high-power laser launchers and heavy missiles.

For the generals in the headquarters, seeing only three colored planes on the big screen turn into black and white is a completely acceptable loss.

For the Valkyrie pilots, losing the sisters they get along day and night must be a heart-piercing pain.

The remaining 12 Valkyrie ground attack aircraft lowered to a thousand-meter altitude, and the 40MM rotary machine gun under the nose poured out a dense barrage. The loading order of the ground crew was that each depleted uranium armor-piercing shell was followed by three high-explosive shells. , even Superman has to shed his skin.

In an instant, the anti-aircraft firepower set up by the Tadarin people was plowed upside down, and all the personnel and equipment were blasted to nothing.

The veterans are used to seeing big scenes, they just cheered and celebrated, but I, a new recruit, was completely frightened stupid by this tyrannical ground licking firepower.

Johnny the Mad Dog patted me on the shoulder and said that what we had just now was just an appetizer, and the big meal was about to start,
"Big man, if you want to save your life, don't watch the excitement, get into the trenches and curl up like a baby." That's what he said, and I quickly understood what he meant.

The Valkyrie attack aircraft opened its huge magazine and dropped dozens of tons of "dandelion" bombs in one go.

These deadly dandelion seeds cast off their shells at a height of [-] meters and split into hundreds of small guided bombs,
A few seconds later, a violent explosion turned the entire B13 combat area into a sea of ​​flames.

Our Spartan company huddled in the trenches and dared not look up,
The heroic Sergeant Oleg was the only one who didn't lie down. He waved a big stick amidst the explosion, which was our company's identification friend or foe signal transmitter.

I feel like my brains are going to flow out of my ears, and I might become deaf soon.

It's not like a bombing, it's more like a serious natural disaster, like a volcanic eruption or an earthquake,
When the Valkyrie attack aircraft formation leaves and everything is calm,
The Spartan company has been buried by the splashing mud. Due to the seepage of groundwater, the trench has become extremely muddy. It took me a lot of effort to climb out.

Everything around me feels strange, like coming to another barren planet,

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder and soil, and the ground was blown up, black or brown, and steaming soil.

The dense vegetation and trees seem to have never existed before, and we can only find clues from the blown leaves and trunks.
It is unbelievable that this place used to be a dense jungle, but now it has turned into hellish scorched earth.

Mad Dog Johnny dusted off the dirt on his body and said to me:
"See, don't mess with women."

(End of this chapter)

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