death of hope

Chapter 192 "Corporate Warrior"

Chapter 192 "Corporate Warrior" (108)

"If it's a gangster, and Xiao Mazi is arrested, even if he is imprisoned, no one will come to rescue him.

The gang boss never worries about human resources,
New Vegas lacks everything, clean water, food, industrial products,
But there is no shortage of poor ghosts, people line up, waiting to be villains.

Who can't see it,
Honest people are skinny and hungry, driving broken cars to pull waste products, gangsters eat and drink hot all day long, drive luxury convertibles, and drive around with their mistresses and male pets on their arms. Do you think people will become better or worse?The situation is only going to get worse.

If the person arrested is a small leader of a gang, or a chemical pharmacist or a weapon craftsman, such irreplaceable jobs, the treatment will be quite different.

These outlaws are locked in ordinary cells, and there will be heavily armed masked gangsters who will rescue them from the prison. If they are locked in a heavily guarded dungeon,
They also know how to settle for the next best thing, put down their guns, and pull out bundles of bills to solve the problem.

The boss of the gang is not short of money, and the high bail is not a problem at all.

Whenever important people are arrested by the sheriff or the FBI, they will hire the best lawyers, or litigation sticks, while the trial is still pending,
Please ask our local people with a reputation to come forward as a bail, spend a lot of money to release the suspects on bail, and continue to do illegal activities.

Ladies and gentlemen, what I mean is, don't think of each other simply.

These gangbang bumpkins may not have read a few books and do not know a few letters, but their brains are quite bright and they know how to adapt.

Also, you should have seen it in the mission briefing,
The main source of income for local gangsters in New Vegas is not to rob banks, nor to collect protection fees, nor to poach and smuggle.

Their cash cow is the manufacture and sale of stimulant hallucinogens——

Those depraved, illegal, addictive drugs.

It is a great thing for a terminal cancer patient to take hallucinogens, which will make him temporarily forget his pain.However, if a normal person abuses drugs, it will cause serious damage to social order.

All of the Commonwealth colonies are suffering from drug abuse these days, and in ours it's getting worse.

Look at those truck drivers and starship crews who go to work every day in a trance on drugs. This is the root cause of accidents and insurance companies are scared away.

Look at the lifeless residential communities in the town,

The trash cans are full of needles and cotton wool, and there are shambling junkies everywhere,
His face was ashen, like a walking corpse, and he was muttering something in his mouth, and he didn't know it was because he was shooting a zombie movie.

Some people spend most of their income on drugs, and the gangsters are all so numb that their hands cramp when counting money.

Once addicted to the newly developed hallucinogen, it is almost impossible to quit,

Poor ghosts will use their last little savings to buy medicine, and dare to do anything when they become addicted, even killing their relatives and robbing life-saving money. This kind of thing happens too much here.

Ladies and gentlemen, don't be contaminated with this ghost thing. Addicts are not worthy of sympathy, just like gambling dogs, there is no cure. "

Johnny Blazer asked the question,

He was very surprised how the gang's underground factory produced such a huge amount of hallucinogens, and the raw materials were obviously contraband.

"This matter is purely a coincidence." Olivier III replied:
"The surface soil in New Vegas is poor, the food production is extremely low, the industry has not developed, the security is chaotic, and no one invests in the development of the service industry, so they can only engage in garbage recycling.

As you can see on the road, industrial waste from alien planets has piled up into mountains. By chance, a scavenger found the remains of highly toxic chemical residues in a closed iron tank, and his body was corroded. ,

This matter soon caught someone's attention,

That is a wanted, wandering chemist, he is very good at extracting valuable medicines from garbage, successfully trial-produced the first batch of hallucinogens, named 'New Vegas No. [-]'.

The gang quickly hired the chemist as their chief advisor, a so-called 'pharmacist. '

Buy raw materials at high prices from scavengers, and then send them to underground pharmaceutical factories for purification and refining.

Produce addictive stimulants and hallucinogens, and sell their rough and illegal drugs to the entire star area, making this lucrative business bigger and bigger.

In order to protect the continuation of the industrial chain, they began to spend money to hire smuggling ships to smuggle in more chemical agents, purchase weapons and ammunition in large quantities, and hire thugs from pirates and wanted criminals throughout the galaxy.

By the end of the day, the New Vegas Sheriff and the Rangers were no match for the gangsters.

It's no wonder that the law and order is not chaotic! "

(The fat governor is quite right about hallucinogens... there is still a clear distinction between right and wrong.

But...he just talked about it, and didn't take action to control it in time. If it wasn't for his inaction, New Vegas wouldn't be reduced to what it is now. ) Lynch thought to himself, and still said kindly:
"Your Excellency, I have a general understanding of the situation in your land, and I will start to act soon. Just wait for the good news!"

"Don't let me down." Olivier III was still a little worried, raised his eyebrows and said:

"Big man, don't be soft-hearted like those FBI agents, don't worry about legal issues, I have people in the Terra Council, just feel free to do it...

The gangs in New Vegas are very difficult to cure. As long as there are leftovers left, the old diseases will relapse sooner or later. "

Lynch nodded in response: "For criminals, the greatest respect is to kill the grass and roots."

"Happy!" Olivier III smiled happily: "It seems that my worries are unnecessary. The veterans of the battlefield are different, and they will not be entangled in such boring things."

The governor's eyes turned to Johnny, who was interested in the story of this accomplished hero turned into a mercenary:
"To be honest, I knew that the two major companies must have sent ruthless people, but I didn't expect them to be so powerful.

Mr. Johnny Blazer, I've read about the Spartan Company, it's like Ares reincarnated, per Stallone, by the way... how did you get kicked out of the army? "

"It's purely my own fault," Johnny said. "When the Varanian warlord rebellion was suppressed,
My deputy company commander, Warrant Officer Depay, did not know which muscle was wrong, and suddenly began to show kindness, taking out his own canned luncheon meat and distributing it to the local children.

There's a little guy who's the son of a warlord soldier who cut the throat of my poor lieutenant commander with a knife to avenge his bastard daddy while Depay hugged him,

The boy's mother went crazy when she saw the blood. She took out an old-model grenade and wanted to die with me. I grabbed my neck and lifted it up with one hand. The thumb of my other hand buckled the spring of the grenade to prevent it from detonating. .

According to the standard procedure, I should transfer the mother and daughter to the judicial institution, but at that time... watching the severed carotid artery of Sergeant Depay, I couldn't calm down no matter what.

Depay was a soldier for half his life. He never died in order to cover us. He didn't die on the battlefield of honor, but was killed by a kid because of his kindness. Of course, I couldn't swallow this breath.

No matter what his reasons are, Depay is the brother of my Spartan company, the deputy company commander, and my successor!I have to avenge him!

I think so, and the brothers are the same. The mother and son, soaked in the blood of Warrant Officer Depay, were firmly tied to two broken chairs by us. Grenade together.

The fireworks were really enjoyable, the two of them were blown up to the sky, and our entire company was bathed in a "blood rain" full of revenge and sweetness.

In fact, it’s nothing, all companies do this, but I was unlucky, unfortunately, I was photographed by a reporter’s unmanned aerial camera.

I should have been sentenced to prison because of my status as a war hero, and finally gave me the whole so-called 'honorable discharge due to injury'. I stayed at home for a while, which can be said to be like a year.

People like me couldn't live without the battlefield, so I went to work as a mercenary in the Blackwater Company.

"It turns out that sometimes official procedural justice can't give us the results we want, and we often need to do it ourselves. A warrior who is willing to fight for revenge, Captain Johnny Blazer, you will always be the idol of mankind."

Olivier III raised his fat arms and clapped his hands:

"Captain! Let the maids serve!
Distinguished guests, this way please, the banquet for the wind and dust has been set up,
In the days to come, I will work hard everyone! . "

(End of this chapter)

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