death of hope

Chapter 54 "Flying Windfall" Quarrel

Chapter 54 "Flying Windfall" (54) Quarrel

The clown said to the weeping Anna:
"Pretty little girl, it's useless to cry as hard as you want. What your man did is so dishonest! He killed someone from his gang and took away the money. If he doesn't settle accounts with him, who will he find! "

The black cat scolded: "Fuck you! Don't say a few words!"

"Hey, little cat, I advise you to stay away from this pair of catastrophe, lest you get burned!"

Judging from the expressions, quite a few people in the conference hall acquiesced to the clown's statement and pointed at the pair of fateful mandarin ducks. This made the black cat furious. She was not afraid of death, but she couldn't bear the loss of courage of her colleagues.

The ape-man stood up abruptly, with his head touching the ceiling: "Did you guys forget...the promise you made?"

The majestic voice echoed, and the conference hall quickly fell silent.
"York City needs us, and the common people need us! If we don't even stand up, then this world is not over!"

"Boss, you can't say that. Our masked vigilantes are only responsible for saving innocent victims, and he is different."

'Weasel', who is slender and good at using nunchucks, said:
"This guy is greedy for ill-gotten gains, and he has made him feel ashamed."

The black cat growled and retorted: "But now he is receiving death threats from the big cancer in this city, from the most vicious Hesse family. Are we just doing nothing?"

"You really have the heart of the Virgin, Black Cat." The 'Black Bat', who is strong and good at fighting, said:
"There are hundreds of millions of people crowded in this city, most of whom are weak and helpless. In the words of our neighborhood pastor, evil is pervasive, and even God and his elders are helpless.

We are not gods, but a group of masked knights with mortal flesh, unable to save everyone. "

Some people agree with him that we should do what we can and bear it for now.Most people objected, thinking that the oath had been violated, and the two sides quarreled again.

The groundhog beckoned both parties to be calm and calm: "This matter is different from the past, my friends, big companies have extended their greedy hands to the city council, and their ambitions and desires are endless. If they don't resist, even It was hard to catch my breath.

We have to do something, and we don't know where to start, so let's start with small things, starting with saving this little couple.Let the citizens see our efforts, and let everyone know that the righteous are not dead, and the mayoral election must not be turned into a stage for companies to compete. "

The clown heard something wrong and interrupted his speech loudly: "Wait... Listen to what you say... You want to interfere in the mayoral election?"

"We can't sit still and wait until a certain company monopolizes the city council, which will inevitably set off a bloody storm to eliminate dissidents. At that time, York City will become a slaughterhouse and a burning hell. We should try our best to avoid this situation from happening. .”

"Haha, it's so funny, just relying on our old brothers, you still want to face the giant corporation? Do you want to eat farts? Ants bite elephants, this is not courting death! Groundhog, you are so crazy !"

"If he's mad, I'm madder still," said the ape-man, unhurriedly.

"Why..." The clown widened his eyes: "Boss, do you also support his idea?"

"I will do my best to interfere in the mayor's election, and I will never let big companies monopolize and control York City, no matter what the price is."

"Boss, you said it yourself that you should be rational in doing things, but what you said just now is like a child venting his grievances."

"Children are the true temperament, and they become hypocritical when they reach adulthood. It is right to be rational, but if you are too rational, you will be cowardly and fearful, and you will just compromise and endure, and you will end up with nothing."

Seeing the determination of the ape-man, the clown turned his attention to the others:

"This city is rotten to the bone, it's hopeless! Understand! Don't be stupid, brothers and sisters, our blood and sweat can only be exchanged for tears of regret, it's better to stop, it's better to die than live. "

Quite a few people supported his opinion. After all, most street warriors only want to take care of trivial crimes in the neighborhood. Once it comes to life-threatening matters, they will inevitably shrink back.

Syndra the ape made a statement: "I have made up my mind, the York City Avengers will uphold justice at all costs! Do my best to maintain the fairness and justice of the mayoral election!

Everyone is free, a mature adult, everyone has the right to decide their own destiny, whoever wants to leave, the door is open, let's get together and leave! "

The venue exploded, and people gathered in twos and threes to argue. After 5 minutes,

Most of the masked vigilantes, such as the black cat, the small steel cannon, and the groundhog, stood up, pressed their palms on their hearts, and saluted the ape-man: "Boss! We are willing to fight to the end!"

"Hey!" The clown sighed: "If that's the case, then I wish you good luck. There is no banquet that lasts forever. It's time to say goodbye."

The opposition led by the clown, the black bat, and the weasel consisted of about a dozen people. They walked to the door of the meeting room, and the clown said to the ape-man:

"Boss, although we have disagreements with each other and have been arguing and bickering, there is no doubt that you are the superhero of this city, and I will always respect you. Goodbye, take care!"

More than a dozen people walked out at once, and the room became much deserted, and the atmosphere became awkward to freezing point.

"A bunch of cowards! Get out!" the black cat cursed angrily.

The groundhog persuaded: "Don't say that, you can't blame the clowns. They can tell right from wrong. They are just scared, tired, and want to unload their burdens and return to normal life. This is a bad thing and a good thing. Leave All are steadfast men."

"It makes sense, lest someone disturb the morale of the army while working!" The black cat patted Anna on the shoulder and said:

"Sorry for letting you see an unpleasant scene."

Anna shook her head vigorously: "It's us who should apologize... the first time we visited, we caused everyone to quarrel."

Roy looked up at the ape-man, not only from height, but also from the heart:
"Thank you...for willing to help us..."

He was ashamed, his voice was as quiet as a mosquito, and he was only concerned about his family and business, while the other party cared about all living beings. In front of this bright and upright city hero, Roy was just a petty citizen who was greedy for petty gains.

The groundhog said: "I will show you a way to survive, but it is still full of dangers."

"Appreciate further details."

"Based on the current intelligence, the Hessen family suspects that you are a street warrior of the Gokushin Group, which is why they haven't taken action for a long time. Simply, let's go along with the flow and put on a good show.

I will release a message to let Kinjiro Yamaguchi, the leader of the Kyokushin group, know the existence of the chip.

The main control chip of the battleship is exactly what the boss behind the scenes of the Geekushin Group-Sakura Co., Ltd. CEO Matsushita Juhei wants. This old guy has always wanted to build his own star fleet to consolidate the trade of alien colonies. Participate in the battle for chips.

And you, as the only person who knows the whereabouts of the chip, will definitely become the focus of contention between the two sides,

You use this status to mediate between them, causing them to fight each other and survive in the cracks, while we help from the sidelines. This is the best way I can think of. "

Roy and Anna were in a daze when they heard it, and the black cat on the side was already laughing loudly:

Raccoon Trading Group vs. Sakura Co., Ltd.,

The Hessian Family vs. the Geekshin Group,
Cyber ​​mercenaries vs street warriors,

Let these sons of bitches fight to the death!
It's fun to think about it! "

(End of this chapter)

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