death of hope

Chapter 80 "Flying Windfall" Confrontation

Chapter 80 "Flying Windfall" (80) Confrontation

Roy slammed the steering wheel to avoid the crater on the ground, and the tires rubbed violently gave off an unpleasant burnt smell.

In an instant, childhood memories emerged in my mind. At that time, my parents were still alive, and I took the young him to a small church in the suburbs to worship by bus.

(Remember, this is the road,
Take the side road on the right and pass a small village. Anna and I met in the small church in the village.
She was sitting in the front row and dropped the rocker ball in her hand. I picked it up and handed it to her.

she smiles at me...

Azure pupils, pale golden hair, incomplete baby teeth, and cute dimples...

That's the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my life,

Since then, I have clarified my life goals, and when I went back, I was pleasantly surprised to find that we are neighbors...

My God, life and death are at stake... What am I thinking about...)
Thinking of this, I gradually recalled the road conditions nearby,

If you don’t go off the auxiliary road, and drive straight for about one kilometer, you will be able to enter a deep tunnel and avoid air raids. If you leave the tunnel, you may run into a patrol car of the federal army, so it will be safe...

Roy had no choice but to take a gamble.

Just as he was about to press the gas pedal to accelerate again, the sniper on the rotorcraft opened fire.

A 12.7MM anti-material armor-piercing projectile pierced the hood and engine, flying metal fragments jammed the brake disc, and a wheel was locked.

The body of the car shook violently, then completely lost control and rolled along the road.

The bumper and the road guardrail rubbed sparks, and the high-pitched and piercing metal scraping sound shook the eardrums extremely uncomfortable,

The car rolled over ten meters before stopping. Fortunately, the skeleton of the convertible cover was strong enough to not collapse.

The on-board computer voice warned over and over again:

"There was a car accident. It was detected that the car body was severely damaged and there was a danger of an explosion. Passengers are asked to stay away from the car for 25 meters as soon as possible."

Roy was choked by the thick smoke and coughed. He felt that his head was upside down, like pork in a butcher shop, hanging upside down on the driver's seat by the seat belt.

The inflated airbag covered his face, making it difficult to breathe.

It didn't matter that his vision was also blocked by the airbag, and he couldn't see anything. What worried him was Anna's screaming—it sounded like she was injured.

"Are you okay...why don't you talk?"

It took a few seconds to hear a weak answer:

"I... I'm still alive."

"No broken bones?"

"do not know."

"Don't move! I'll get you out of here!"

Roy fumbled for the button with his fingers, and finally unlocked the seat belt. His head hit the roof of the car heavily, and his scalp was cut by broken glass and sharp iron fragments.
Without the cover of the airbag, I saw thick smoke rising from the front hood of the car, and orange flames could be vaguely seen moving through the gap, and a wave of heat rushed towards my face.

He smelled acrid, the gas tank might have burst, some kind of fluid was dripping onto the tarmac.

(No, it might explode at any moment, so get out of the car quickly.)
Roy turned his body and kicked open the deformed car door. His palms and knees were covered with blood and broken glass. His current appearance must be horrible.

He didn't have time to care about these things, so he climbed out impatiently, yanked open the rear door, unfastened the seat belt, supported his soft back with his left hand, and rested his slender legs with his right hand, and carried out the blood-stained Anna, and put her on the bed. Get away from the safety of the car, and huff and puff.

At this time, Roy had time to take care of his injury. The gunshot wound to his shoulder hurt even more.

Her ears were buzzing, her gums were full of fishy smell, a few teeth were knocked loose, her scalp was cut, and blood flowed down her sweaty neck, a large piece of skin was cut on her leg, and blood flowed down her calf in the shoes,
Anna's condition didn't look much better than her own, with blood and broken glass all over her body, she was covering her mouth and nose, coughing while leaning on one hand.

"Is the injury serious...God, you are sweating from the pain..."

"I'm fine..." Anna felt that her whole body was about to fall apart, but she still tried to hold back her tears: "The bones are fine, it's just some skin trauma."

"Really? Your face looks terrible..."

"My heart is beating so fast, just slow down for a while."

The roar of the aircraft engine is getting closer, and the red and white rotorcraft landed on the road,
Now you can clearly see the emblem of Sakura Co., Ltd. sprayed on the plane. With a bang, the thick bulletproof cabin door was pulled open, and three figures jumped down.
Two corporate fighters from Sakura Corporation are wearing military-grade special combat equipment——

Wearing a light exoskeleton armor, a fusion battery on the back, and an optical stealth tactical windbreaker inside,
Holding anti-material sniper rifles and low-sound SMG submachine guns in their hands, and their national katana swords hanging on their waists, the red tassels at the end of the handles sway in the wind.

The cyborg transforming man in the middle is the old enemy from before - the cyber warrior "Cold Steel".

A pair of variable-focus electronic eyes glow red in the dark night,

I saw that his armor was dented and damaged, and the mechanical body was covered with scars. In some places, the outer skin was completely destroyed, exposing the internal mechanical structure and wires.

The three approached with slow steps,
Roy wiped the blood from his forehead with his sleeve, drew his pistol, and shouted:

"You guys...don't get any closer, or I'll destroy the chip!"

Cold Steel stopped, and two heavily armed corporate fighters also stopped.

One of them with a submachine gun said: "Put down your weapon, your broken pistol is no threat to us."

Roy ignored him and said directly to Cold Steel:

"You left the city alive, which means you have defeated that monster. The ape man and Dragonfly Man... what happened?"

Cold Steel's voice is between human voice and electronic voice, which is ruthless:
"Ape...Dragonfly, you mean the gorilla, and the guy in the green tights, right? They're dead."

Hearing this news, Anna felt even more uncomfortable, sobbing softly and trembling all over.

Cold Steel continued:

"The main task has been completed, and the superheroes in York City are extinct tonight, but I have to thank the gorilla for helping me defeat the genetically modified weapon 'Meat Devourer' produced by Raccoon Trading."

"It's a pity. You should be eliminated together. This city will be much safer."

Roy spat on the ground, and then took out a shiny chip from the hidden pocket inside the cuff,
Gently pinch between the thumb and index finger of the left hand, and align the muzzle of the right hand pistol with the chip:

"That's what you're looking for, isn't it?"

The corporate soldier carrying a sniper rifle shrugged: "Hand it over, you have no choice."

"I asked for a deal. If my conditions are not met, I will destroy this chip with one shot.
You Sakura Co., Ltd. will not even think about building a star warship in ten years. "

(End of this chapter)

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