Chapter 57

【Sun Simiao: True Believer】

[Faith value: 8848]

With Jiajing's continuous assistance of penicillin, alcohol, scalpels and other medical equipment, the medical level of Qiao County Medical Center has been improved intergenerationally. Sun Shenxian's belief in the Longevity Emperor has accumulated little by little, and he is finally not far from being a devout believer.

Devout believers, the skill "invite God to upper body".

As long as Jiajing is given a chance, it is absolutely impossible for Sun Simiao to continue compiling his medical books in this troubled world.

When it comes to trouble, Jiajing is a professional.

As a believer of Emperor Longevity, what is it if you don't collect the martial arts of this world for the emperor, and don't deduce the way of longevity? !
He Jiajing is not the Holy Mother or Bodhisattva, and it is impossible to help another time and space free of charge.

Benefits are eternal.

Today, Sun Simiao is compiling pediatric medical skills and prescriptions according to the emperor's instructions.

In these years, he no longer traveled all over the world. Unless there was a major epidemic, he would go to the epidemic area in person.

Most of the time, he is focusing on the compilation of medical books and the cultivation of doctors.

With the power of one person, how many people can be saved, and hundreds of thousands of doctors can be trained, how many people can be saved.

it goes without saying!

Sun Simiao's contribution to the Han nation deserves the title of "immortal".

[Sun Simiao, I have a way to make people in the world not be afraid of smallpox! 】

War will kill a lot of people, and it is not only war, but also plague that makes the people talk about it.

A large city with a large population is most afraid of the plague.

When the war comes, you can still escape. If you can't escape, you will be a obedient citizen; but when the plague comes, you really can only resign yourself to fate.

Among them, the five plagues of typhoid fever, sores, miasma, corpse transmission, and typhoon are the most terrifying.

Sores are smallpox, miasma is malaria, tuberculosis is tuberculosis, leprosy is leprosy, and typhoid is typhoid.

In the history of the Ming plane, Sun Simiao was an expert on leprosy.

Although he has high attainments in pediatrics and was the first person to advocate the establishment of gynecology and pediatrics, how to prevent smallpox is beyond his cognition.

Vaccination immunization can only be traced back to the 10th century AD, the Northern Song Dynasty.

Cowpox was not discovered by the British until the end of the 18th century.

Therefore, this kind of big killer is naturally the best weapon to break through the bottleneck of belief.

Sun Simiao immediately became agitated, took three sticks of incense, and respectfully bowed to the three-inch-high statue: "Wang Dijun taught me."

[This method is not difficult to say, it is not easy to say...]

Emperor Wanshou passed on the vaccination process of cowpox to Sun Simiao, and by the way helped a cow suffering from smallpox. Immediately, his faith value increased several times at the previous speed.

"I have pimples, I have pimples..."

Qin Shubao took the initiative to ask Ying to be a guinea pig, and locked himself in the yard in the countryside. After only one day, he yelled in fear.

This fierce general charged into battle on the battlefield and was put to death without blinking an eye.But in the face of the terrible plague of Lupus, he still felt fear.

A fear from the soul.

Looking at the pimples on his body, he felt that he was about to die. It seemed that the muscles under the skin had begun to fester...

For a moment, Qin Shubao's goosebumps rose, and his hairs stood on his head.

He is not afraid of the horse leather shroud on the battlefield; but he is afraid of lying on a hospital bed and rotting.

Once fear takes hold of the heart, it is despair.

"let me see."

Sun Shenxian's fairy voice came from afar, and Qin Shubao's heart instantly settled down.In the blink of an eye, he saw Sun Simiao with a childlike face and white hair pushing the door in. He was wearing a gauze mask, with white hair and a fairy air.

"Sun Immortal, this is a sore! Get out quickly." Qin Shubao covered his face and retreated into the house.

"It's okay, I also got acne..."

Facing Qin Shubao, Sun Simiao walked up to him, looked carefully at Qin Shubao's pimples, nodded and said: "Very mild sores, it will heal in a few days."

"I can't die?" Qin Shubao's bull's eyes widened, feeling like he was alive after a catastrophe.

"I can't die! The hidden wounds in my body are also recovering very well."

"Oh!" Qin Shubao let out a long breath, and then felt that he was really ashamed just now. For a moment, his sallow face was stained with a blush, and a layer of white sweat appeared all over his body.

Soon, the whole Qiao County knew that the old god led his disciples to take out a sore-like thing called cowpox from the cow's milkhouse, and then let people touch this sore, and then fell ill, but it was said that the symptoms were extremely severe after the onset. It is mild, but once the patient is cured, he will never get sores again in this life.

Such words can only be credible if they come from Sun Shenxian's mouth.

For another person, no matter who he is or what his status is, someone will definitely put shit on his mouth.

"Old Immortal, Living Bodhisattva! Boss, Second, Youngest, you all need to kowtow a little more later."

"I know! Dad, I'm going to be a medicine boy for the old fairy. If the second and youngest get pimples, they won't be afraid of getting sores. It's because the son is not filial that he can't take care of the two elders."

Immediately, the black and strong boy of fifteen or sixteen knelt on the ground and smacked his head at a middle-aged man who looked like a hunter.

"It's right to be a drug boy for the old god. There is the second child and the youngest in the family. You serve the old god wholeheartedly."

"I just feel sorry for my third son. Without this blessing, he had smallpox a month ago and couldn't climb out of the mass grave..."

"Look, the smallpox I have is just a few pimples... Hey, don't be afraid, the old god said it won't be contagious. I want to set up a longevity tablet for the old god in the temple."

"Old Immortal naturally outlive Peng Zu, the sage descends to earth, why not, let's build a temple for the old Immortal!"

"It's called the Temple of the Medicine King."

"Okay! Medicine King Sun Immortal, good good good good good good!"

On the official road leading to Qiao County, some people were wiping tears, while others were nibbling their long heads.

In ancient times, when a child had smallpox, he could die or live, and he could only resign himself to fate.

Those who could climb out of the mass graves where smallpox patients were placed outside the city would be able to survive, and those who could not survive would be shot there with rockets and burnt down.

Even, the reality may be crueler.

A village, a township, or a city can all die.

Those who are not dead will also be physically destroyed by the ruler...

This is why Sun Simiao became a doctor.

Sun Simiao looked at the long queue outside the medical hall, and showed a gratified smile. Then, he returned to the bedroom and knelt down towards the statue of Emperor Longevity.

This time, he worshiped very piously.

Once the emperor thought about it, countless people would live, and smallpox sores would no longer be a serious disease. What a great merit this is!
He has cured diseases and saved lives all his life, but the merit of cowpox is not worth it.

"It's done!"

Sun Simiao: A devout believer.

It's time to plan the next step.

Jiajing got up from the gossip stage: "Lu Fang, arrange arrangements, follow me to the small station..."

(End of this chapter)

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