Mystery: The New Dark Emperor Arrives

Chapter 492 It’s raining blood

Chapter 492 It’s raining blood

There was only a shallow layer of blood left in the volcano, and suddenly, like a spring, a lot of bright red blood emerged.

While fighting, Grand Duke Lei Zhe returned to his blood.

Grand Duke Lei Zhe's figure disappeared into the thick blood, and the huge blood pit rolled like boiling water. Just as the "Holy Infant King" was about to enter the blood pit to continue the pursuit, Hobert withdrew the "Holy Infant King" "the power of.

The shadow of Grand Duke Lei Zhe was no longer controlled by any force and jumped into the blood pit.

This angel-level battle finally came to an end.

But this battlefield completely changed the surrounding terrain. The entire territory of Baron Eugene was basically unrecognizable. The territories of Viscount Teutonic and Baron Felix also suffered huge losses.

On the other side, Hobert took back the power of "The Great Sage" and "The Bull Demon King" who brought the loot to him, leaving only two corpses and a "devil's heart" where they disappeared. ” and a ball of slime.

Back in the real world, Bowen's extraordinary characteristics are already condensing, and because the "whisperer" showed signs of losing control before his death, his extraordinary characteristics are converging on one of the hands.

This is to form a sealed object!

After waiting for a few minutes, the hand condensed with extraordinary characteristics gradually lengthened and turned into an orange-red short blade.

This short blade seemed to be spreading crazy murmurs around it all the time. Hobert's head felt a little stinging just by looking at it.

It was visually estimated that the negative effect of the sealed object should be considerable. Hobert, who was in a very bad state at this time, did not pick it up. Instead, he simply arranged an altar and prepared to sacrifice it to the "Devil's Heart" and the "Sticky Ball" together. A country of disorder.”

While Hobert was setting up the altar, Maximil limped over, pulled Hobert's clothes with his horse's mouth, and then raised his mouth towards the "Devil's Heart" and "Slime Ball" .

Hobert understood immediately: "You want it?"

Maximil nodded.

"Take it." Hobert said generously: "This is a reward for your help this time, but don't go back to the underworld yet. I will think of a way to remove the mucus from you in a while."

Both Hobert and Maximil have mucus symbolizing "degeneration" that cannot be shaken off, and it is estimated that normal water cannot wash it off.

As for that sticky ball, Hobert estimated that it was the mucus that the "Sage Overturning the Sea" had inhaled in the valley before, and it represented "fallen" slime.

For Hobert, the "Devil's Heart" could only be used to make charms or be used as a sacrifice. Since Maximil wanted it, he let him take it.

Maximil took both trophies into his mouth. At the same time, Hobert had already sacrificed the short blade to the "Land of Disorder". However, it was too late to check at this time. He had to return to the real world first and take Bowen's body with him. Let’s go back to the battlefield just now.

Without the support of the short blade, the body of the "Whisperer" turned into gray sand and stone, and quickly turned into powder. A gust of wind blew by and scattered on the surrounding ground.

Just as he was about to use "Travel" to leave, suddenly, Hobert felt something. He saw a young woman wearing a priest's robe and a hood appearing on the mountain peak. She was looking at the Angel Battlefield.

Although both angels left, they left behind a pool of blood the size of a volcano, surrounded by a lot of black and gray slime representing "fall".

Seemingly noticing Hobert's gaze, the young woman glanced at Hobert and smiled slightly.

Because he was wearing a hood, Hobert couldn't see the other party's appearance clearly, but he noticed that the other party's priest's robe had the symbol of the "True Creator"!

They are from the Aurora Society!

She didn't stay long, and after taking a few glances at the battlefield, she left.

At this time, Hobert didn't want to cause trouble, so he quickly rode on Maximil and used "travel" to leave.

Returning to the battlefield at the beginning, the sacred tree in the eyes of the "devil" was still burning, and corpses with broken ropes often fell to the ground.

On the most intense battlefield just now, there were only corpses on the ground and ten masked men wearing uniform Loen-style clothes and posing in defensive formations.

They were Elliot and others. They were only supporting forces in this battle and had no intention of participating in the battle, so they did not participate in the pursuit.

Compared to Bishop Simpson and others, Elliott and other members of the Balk family have more experience in "team battles". They consciously left behind last-ditch cuts to help the "doctor" rescue the injured and collect their own spoils.

Hobert, who was riding Maximil back, stepped forward and said: "As mentioned before, the reward for your help this time is two copies of the extraordinary characteristics of the 'lawyer' and two copies of the extraordinary characteristics of the 'barbarian'."

Although the value of these four extraordinary characteristics is not high, they are what the Balk family needs most. The key is that Hobert provides each of them with a sealed artifact.

This allows their Sequence 7 to play the role of Sequence 6, and Sequence 6 can play most of the role of Sequence 5.

Elliott, holding "1-104", can even function as a Sequence 5.

It is precisely because of these sealed artifacts that in this battle, none of them died in the line of duty, only some were slightly injured, but they achieved considerable results.

Hobert checked their trophies and said: "It's useless for you to take these Extraordinary Characteristics back. Let me think about it. After paying you the reward, I still have 4 pieces of 'Lawyer' and 1 piece of 'Briber'." 's extraordinary properties.

"How about I trade these five extraordinary characteristics for your trophies?"

Elliott can make the decision in such a deal: "No problem!"

The Balk family really has no use for these extraordinary characteristics obtained in the battle. The key is that it is still difficult to deal with them in the southern continent. It is better to exchange for some extraordinary characteristics that they can use.

So Hobert exchanged 5 extraordinary characteristics of the "Lawyer" path for 1 "Desire Apostle", 1 "Devil", 4 "Serial Killer", and 4 "Cold-Blooded" extraordinary characteristics.

Hobert had asked Leonard before about the extraordinary characteristics of the "Abyss" approach acquired by the Church of the Night Goddess, which was also charged at the basic price.

The seven orthodox churches actually collect them, and they will use them to try to make magical items or do some experiments.

In short, even if they are piled there to eat ashes, these extraordinary characteristics cannot be circulated back to the hands of the "Blood Worship Cult".

"The sealed objects will be placed with you first." Hobert said: "I will ask the 'Creator' to give you the extraordinary characteristics you just discussed. When the time comes, you can just sacrifice the sealed objects to the 'Creator'."

"Okay." Elliot asked, "It seems that the 'Creator' just sent another angel to help?"

Although he did not see the "Holy Infant King", he could still feel his aura from such a distance. He had felt that aura when he was fighting against the "Rose School" in the southern continent.

"That's right." Hobert looked a little weak and smiled: "Actually, we had no such plan at the beginning. At most, we only planned to invite two saints to participate in the battle."

Then he said seriously: "But it is our duty to fight against this evil force! This time we will give the Blood Worship Cult a severe lesson and end their evil rule in this land! The 'founder' is also very Support causes like this!”

Elliot and others heard this with excitement. Although the Balk family never regarded themselves as righteous, who wouldn't want to stand on the side of justice?

After a brief chat, Elliot took the people away.

They came through the "Traveler's Gate", which Hobert set up on the ship near the dock. Before Hobert joined the battle, he informed them of his identity as "The Founder" through the "State of Disorder" Prepare for action.

So they used the "Traveler's Gate" from Connacht City, laid an ambush in the Teutonic town, and waited for Hobert's whistle to sound, and immediately rushed to support.

They are very willing to participate in this battle. This is an extraordinary battle initiated by the beloved of the "founder" of the Northern Continent. If they can participate in the battle here, they will have bragging material when they go back.

Moreover, they were very happy to be able to help the favored ones in the northern continent, as if they had the value to be favored by the "God's favored ones".

Of course, they would be even happier if they could still get the spoils.After sending Elliot and others away, Hobert shouted to a few villagers in the Teutonic town who were poking their heads: "Bring me a wooden bucket for bathing!"

The villagers shrank in fear, but they didn't dare to disobey, so they quickly found a big wooden barrel and sent it over.

Hobert asked them to fill up the water again, and then put the hand wearing the "Light Priest Ring" into the barrel. The water in the barrel gradually became clearer.

Although it was originally clear water, it is now clearer than clear water, and it seems to reflect colorful luster under the sunlight.

In a few minutes, a large vat of "holy water" was created.

Hobert took a bucket, filled it with water and said to Maximir: "Be patient."

"Holy water" can wash away the mucus on Maximil's bones, but it is an undead creature after all, and the holy water will also do great harm to it.

For Maximil, the damage caused by "holy water" can be recovered, but if the mucus symbolizing "degeneration" is not removed quickly, Hobert will probably summon a complete horse the next time he summons it. A fallen, skeletal horse that attacks indiscriminately and is as evil as an evil spirit.

"No need to go to such trouble." Hunter on the side stopped Hobert's move, and he said to Maximil: "Let me try it first."

There were other ways, but of course Maximil was not willing to take a "holy bath", so he obediently let Hunter put his hands on his skeleton.

Hunter's silver-white light became brighter, and if you ignored his eyes, he actually looked a little holy.

The mucus on Maximil's body gradually turned into a foul-smelling black liquid.

The liquid dripped onto the ground, turning the surrounding ground black for several meters.

After a minute or two, the mucus on Maximir's body disappeared, and he raised his head as if to express his gratitude.

After nodding to Hobert again, Maximil ended the summons.

Hunter's silver-white light only had an effect on undead creatures. The mucus on Hobert's body was powerless to him, so he was ready to end the summons.

Hobert said: "The loot you need this time..."

Hunter opened his arms: "This is the best trophy!"

As he spoke, he also disappeared on the spot.

The surrounding villagers were horrified, but they did not dare to leave just like that.

Hobert took off his cloak, wrapped it in the extraordinary characteristics he had just exchanged from Elliot, and then jumped into the bucket.

After two or three minutes, the water in the barrel turned dark.

After pouring the water away, Hobert made another large bucket of "holy water" and went in to take a bath again.

It wasn't until the third time that the water became completely clear.

When I came out of the barrel, the tight and wrinkled feeling on my body disappeared. Although I still felt a little weak, the negative effects on my body were gone.

After finding a place to sit down, Hobert waited for Bishop Simpson and others to come back.

In this pursuit, Simpson was determined to drive away these "demons".

But Simpson and the others had been fighting for a long time, and the first and second teams were not very cooperative, so after chasing for more than an hour, they withdrew.

In the end, there were two "Desire Apostles", five or six "Devils", and more than 20 other sequences of Beyonders.

These people all ran separately. Since Simpson and others had no plan to pursue before the battle, they did not form an effective blockade during the pursuit, so they ran away with so many enemies.

After everyone returned, they began to take care of the wounded and count the loot.

Because this battle was cooperative in nature, Hobert wanted to divide the spoils on the spot.

According to the previous agreement, he gave Bowen's body and extraordinary characteristics to Simpson. In contrast, the Church of the Mother Earth, which had the largest number of people in this battle, made concessions in dividing other spoils.

Hobert reiterated the rules of the Special Operations Department for dividing the spoils, because Hobert provided a large number of sealed objects, single-handedly blocked the first wave of enemy reinforcements, and also provided help in hunting Boer. So he alone got nearly one-third of the spoils.

As for his contribution in that angel-level battle, Hobert did not mention it, because he did not intend to take out the sealed artifact formed by the "Whisperer" to participate in the carving up.

After dividing the spoils, Hobert said to the members of the first and second teams: "If the extraordinary characteristics you obtained are useless, you can exchange them for achievements."

He briefly explained the rules of exchange, and several members were delighted to find that they could use the loot to exchange for the extraordinary characteristics they needed!

Angus calculated that the loot in his hand could be exchanged for about two-fifths of the "Retribution Knight"'s extraordinary characteristics.

Everyone has decided to exchange the loot in their hands for achievements.

Just as Hobert was about to say what to do about his fallen soldiers, it suddenly started to rain. Everyone glanced at the sky and saw that the dark clouds were not thick and it should not rain heavily, so no one planned to take shelter from the rain.

Just as he was about to continue speaking, Hobert suddenly saw a red raindrop falling on Angus's face in front of him, and he quickly opened his hand.

Really red raindrops!

I put it in front of my nose and smelled it. It was fishy and smelly.

"Quick!" Hobert finally realized something: "Quick! Take shelter from the rain! Find a place to take shelter from the rain! Cough cough cough!"

Everyone also noticed something was wrong and took shelter under the tree one after another!
"Go to the house in the town!" Hobert was anxious just now, and his eyes suddenly felt dark.

It's not that after the "baptism" of the Angel Battlefield, his body has become so weak, but that under the influence of the "Blood Archduke", his emotions are easily overexcited.

Of course, as long as he wears "Fabouti's Ring", his emotional fluctuations cannot be exploited by the "Apostle of Desire", but he will only suffer severe discomfort.

Simpson and others who have fought with the "Apostle of Desire" for a period of time will have similar phenomena in the next day or two because their emotions have been manipulated many times, but they will not be as serious as Hobert.

Hobert realized that this bloody rain was caused by the arrival of the "Blood Archduke" just now. Extraordinary people below the level of demigods would become extremely poor after being exposed to this kind of rain, and even suffer permanent trauma. This leads to loss of control.

And if ordinary people get caught in this kind of rain, they will most likely become extremely aggressive lunatics!There is a small chance that he will directly become an irrational monster!In short, no ordinary person can survive this rain of blood.

The rain of blood became heavier and heavier, and Hobert, with the support of Fors and Archibald's marionette, ran towards the town.

After running for a few steps, Hobert felt much better and was about to use "Travel" to take Forsi away. Suddenly, the rainwater that fell on the ground sprouted quickly, and a small red grass actually grew.

The rain that fell on everyone turned into red moss.

The rain of blood stopped, and Bishop Simpson and others knelt on the ground to worship and loudly praised "Your Majesty."

Only then did Hobert realize that it was the Pope of the Mother Earth Church who had taken action!
 Well, all the standards for additional updates have not been met yet. The reason for adding more updates is because the author has been feeling good these past two days and should be able to add more updates for two or three days in a row.

  But if you have monthly votes, please vote for the author. After all, there are not many authors who take the initiative to add updates ( ̄▽ ̄)
(End of this chapter)

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