Mystery: The New Dark Emperor Arrives

Chapter 668 Questions and Answers at the Tarot Session

Chapter 668 Questions and Answers at the Tarot Session

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~" With the greeting from "Justice" Audrey, this Tarot session officially began.

After the situation in this world became more chaotic, the Tarot Club could still be held normally, and there were many members. This made Audrey feel some comfort and her mood improved a lot.

Because "The Fool" Klein, or Mr. World, quickly got rid of Amon with the help of "The Creator", no one noticed anything unusual about Mr. Fool.

Klein would not take the initiative to talk about the battle between him and Amon, so as soon as he came up, he smiled and said to the "Emperor" Hobert: "Let us congratulate the 'Emperor' on his smooth promotion."

Except for Audrey and Forsi, the other members felt that their backs were a little stiff: Has the "Emperor" been successfully promoted to an angel?
Because this step of promotion is very critical, Mr. Fool’s congratulations sound logical.

To be promoted to a demigod requires an opportunity, but to be promoted to an angel not only requires an opportunity, but a miracle.

"Hermit" Cattleya even speculated: Could the promotion of "Emperor" be related to the sudden death of George III?

"The Hanged Man" Alger had a very unreal feeling: Sequence 2! Angel! From God! The life form of the "Emperor" has undergone a qualitative change! but me……

Thinking of this, Alger could only smile bitterly.

Among the members of the Tarot Society, the only one who was relatively confused was "Moon" Emlyn. His mind was filled with thoughts such as "what" and "what happened".

At the same time, she can somewhat understand why Mr. Fool and the "Creator" prevented George III from becoming a god.

But she soon thought of the answer on her own: Maybe it was necessary for Mr. Fool to have some authority to accomplish something.

"When George III successfully obtained the ticket through secret preparations, the Seven Gods could only acquiesce, regardless of whether they agreed or not."

Klein said calmly again: "The Seven Gods all hope to have a 'Black Emperor', but they don't have the same opinion on who should be the 'Black Emperor'.

In the most ordinary tone, he briefly described the whole story and the process of George III's failure.

Audrey smiled and said to herself: The first angel member of the Tarot Society besides Mr. Fool!
Derrick "The Sun" lamented the speed of advancement among members of the Tarot Club. When he joined the Tarot Club, Mr. Emperor was only a "low-sequence" Extraordinary.

Immediately, the members of the Tarot Society all raised a question: Since George III had already prepared for the final step of the ceremony and obtained the acquiescence of the Seven Gods, why did he fail?
Soon they thought of an answer: because Mr. Fool and the "Creator" disagreed.

Cattleya was stunned for a moment. This tarot meeting gave her a huge shock at the beginning. She had not recovered for a while. In addition, the "Queen of Mystery"'s letter did not raise any new questions.

Audrey almost pouted unladylikely: Hobert didn't even tell me what the risks of his promotion were? Why is it related to his family's curse?
Forsi also took a deep breath and lamented that Hobert was too busy recently, and they hadn't had a heart-to-heart talk for a long time.

Finally, Cattleya realized that there were three angels under Mr. Fool: the "Snake of Destiny", the "Death Archon" and the "Ancient Evil Object". The angels loyal to the "Creator" have a "Duke of Entropy", no, there are two "Duke of Entropy" now, there is also a "Weather Warlock", and two suspected "Secret Prayer" and " The angel of the "Peeper" path. It doesn't seem too difficult to understand that such strength can destroy a king's godhood ceremony and thwart the plot of an angel king.

Cattleya thought for two seconds before saying: "Great Mr. Fool, I really want to know the truth about the 'assassination' of George III!"

After being stunned for a second or two, she decided to ask one thing she wanted to know first. Anyway, there were still many questions left.

Of course, Hobert knew the principle of "everyone carries the sedan chair". He stood up and said to The Fool: "Thanks to your help, I passed the most dangerous stage of my promotion."

Alger was the first to realize: Mr. Emperor’s promotion was somewhat risky? So he prayed for Mr. Fool’s help? I really want to know what price Mr. Emperor paid for this! He was able to impress Mr. Fool again.

But Audrey didn't expect that the airship attack on Backlund was also done by George III in order to become a god.

After getting this answer, Cattleya decided to appropriate another question: "Dear Mr. Fool, what is the attitude of the Seven Gods towards this?"

"It is a pity that his secret tomb was destroyed and the final stage of the ceremony failed."

Klein asked Cattleya again: "What's the problem this time?"

Klein nodded slightly: "Okay."

In previous intelligence transactions, other members knew more or less some information about George III's preparations to become a god.

First of all, these two gods will definitely use this to achieve certain goals of their own, but judging from their consistent performance, even if their respective interests are not involved, they will not condone such people becoming gods.

But then she thought: But what does this have to do with the Queen? Why did she find out that Gehrman Sparrow was missing? Well, the "Black Emperor"... the Queen may have had a hand in the operation.

Seeing everyone's silence, Klein said, "Let's get started!"

Cattleya's question immediately shocked Audrey and the others, because this was also something they wanted to know.

"The World" has been investigating George III recently. Previously, he reminded the members of Backlund to pay attention to the abnormalities around them. Not long after, George III was 'assassinated'. There must be some inevitable connection.

Klein said calmly: "George III wanted to become the 'Black Emperor', so he excavated Tudor ruins, trafficked people, created the Backlund Smog Incident, and proactively started a war so that the airships of the Fusac Empire could bomb it. Backlund.

Their members also recalled the investigation and attention of Mr. Fool and "The Founder" on the matter, and believed that the "assassination" of George III was inseparable from these two gods.

The other members also had their own conjectures, and for a while, the giant hall became very quiet.

Cattleya, on the other hand, was a little strange: Why didn't the "Emperor" pray to the "Creator" for help?

Alger immediately recalled some of the inconsistent performances of the seven major churches in the Backlund Smog Incident and the "assassination" of George III, and he suddenly understood: So this is it.

Alger and Leonard couldn't help but change their sitting positions, because even they, members of the Righteous God Church, didn't know the Seven Gods' attitude towards this.

Derrick said almost immediately: "Dear Mr. Fool, Chief hopes to get your blessing during the promotion ceremony."

Klein smiled slightly and said that it was help worth mentioning: "It was just a transaction of equal value."

As for Derrick, he didn't care much about this matter. He tried hard to control his impatience and waited for Ms. Hermit's questions to be finished before he could express his request.

Based on the answers to these two questions and some information provided by the old man, Leonard had an overall grasp of the matter: The church should have had no control over the destruction of the ceremony for George III's promotion to "Black Emperor" Those who were too serious about stopping it might even have provided some help to Mr. Fool and the "Creator"'s men.

But he didn't mention what he had done at all, because it would be too cheap for Mr. Fool to take the initiative to explain the detailed situation.

"Star" Leonard also lamented: "The Creator" has another angel in its force, and the strength of this force is getting more and more terrifying.

He is currently locked behind the Charness Gate of St. Samuel's Church, unable to even read a newspaper, and not yet aware that King George III has been "assassinated" to death.

Almost at the same time, Cattleya used her rich experience and knowledge to guess the truth of the matter: the Seven Gods acquiesced, but Mr. Fool and the "Creator" opposed it, so they sent people to secretly sabotage George III's godhood ceremony.

Chief Colin of Silver City is preparing to be promoted to Sequence 3. Many demigods in Silver City have tried to be promoted to Sequence 3 before, but without exception, because they did not receive the blessing of the gods, the ceremony was incomplete and ultimately failed.

After receiving the promise, Derrick smiled and didn't know how to express his gratitude.

After two seconds, he lowered his head and said loudly: "Only believe in Mr. Fool!"

Klein just nodded slightly to show that he understood his gratitude.

Cattleya saw that Mr. Fool didn't say anything else, so she said to "The World": "'The Queen of Mystery' wants to know if you are in an extremely dangerous situation now? Do you need her help?"

Klein was slightly stunned, thinking that the "Queen of Mystery" was quite loyal and knew how to look for the missing collaborator.

He thought for a while and then said: "Thank the 'Queen of Mystery' for me, and tell her that I am now in the 'Forsaken Land' and do not need her help for the time being."

Klein plans to explore the "Gods Abandoned Land" and try to find opportunities for advancement here.

Derrick stood up suddenly: "Mr. World... Are you in the 'Land Abandoned by Gods'?"

He was very surprised at first, but was soon overshadowed by his excitement: another member of the Tarot Society was in the "Land Abandoned by Gods"!
This made Derrick feel inexplicably much more at ease.

The answer from "The World" far exceeded Cattleya's expectations. She agreed almost as a reflex, but she didn't even know what to say for a moment.

Audrey on the side said one step ahead: "Mr. World, why did you go to the 'Land Abandoned by Gods'?"

She paused and then said: "It seems wrong for me to ask this. I should ask you how you entered the 'Land Abandoned by Gods'?"

At this time, "The World" looked at the "Fool" at the top, as if asking Mr. Fool for instructions.

Hobert, who was watching the play on the sidelines, suddenly realized whether he should reveal to Klein that he knew that "the world" was the "Fool"?

He said in his heart: I guess when Klein becomes the old man, he will also know my origin. Will he blame Hobert for knowing how to watch the theater, and not care about the embarrassment of the "actor" after being involved in a gang?
But after thinking about it for a moment, Hobert decided not to talk about this matter for the time being. Perhaps the more embarrassed Klein would be by then, the more he would be able to inhibit Tianzun's recovery.

The Fool at the top seemed to have noticed The World's gaze. He smiled and said: "Some time ago, I used The World's body to play a game with Amon in the Land Abandoned by Gods."

Everything he said was true, but the information and actual situation that others interpreted from it would definitely be far, far away from the facts.

And in this way, even if Amon releases the news that "The World" Gehrman Sparrow is equal to "The Fool", the members of the Tarot Society will only laugh at Amon in their hearts for wanting to commit fraud again.

There was a time when "the world" was equal to "the fool", but that does not mean that "the world" has always been equal to "the fool".

Leonard immediately recalled a conversation he had with the old man last week: The old man’s guess was really accurate. Mr. Fool deliberately used Klein to lure the “blasphemer” Amon.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Mr. Fool quietly, and then looked openly at "The World". Seeing that none of them were wearing monocles, he breathed a sigh of relief: Judging from the current situation, Mr. Fool will be the best in this struggle. A relatively satisfactory result was obtained, and perhaps Amon suffered a loss.

From Mr. Fool's words, Alger understood that the other party had further recovered and could actually gain an advantage in a direct confrontation with the King of Angels.

Cattleya roughly understood the reason for the disappearance of "World" Gehrman Sparrow. At the same time, she was surprised that a king of angels who had disappeared from people's sight for a long time appeared on the stage of the current era.

After Audrey was surprised for a moment, she immediately realized through observation: Why didn't Mr. Xingxing seem to be surprised by this? And he seems to know some other information?

Only Emlyn didn't quite understand what Mr. Fool meant. He even had the illusion that he might be locked behind the Chanis Gate not just for a week or two, but for a month or two, so that he was seriously out of touch with the current situation.

At this time, "The World" said to "Emperor" Hobert: "Please help convey my gratitude to the 'Creator' for allowing me to obtain very important information from Amon."

Everyone was stunned at first, and then immediately realized that the "Creator" was also involved in this fight, but the "Creator" did not seem to participate in the battle between Mr. Fool and Amon, but instead helped Mr. World.

Other members realized one after another that Mr. World still had some actions or tasks in the "Land Abandoned by Gods", and this task seemed to be to obtain some key information.

As for why the "world" asked the "creator" for help instead of asking Mr. Fool for help?

Everyone also thought of the reason: just like the "Emperor" did not ask for the help of the "Creator" when he was promoted, but asked Mr. Fool for help, Mr. "World" asked for the help of the "Creator", and he should also need the "Creator" The authority you hold to complete some operations.

"I will help you convey it." Hobert smiled: "Although I cannot make any statement on behalf of the 'creator', I can express my own attitude.

"In this George III incident, we were already close allies."

Forsi smiled slightly. She witnessed Hobert discussing with "The World" how to destroy the tomb of George III.

This time Audrey had no intention of pouting, because Hobert had told her the general process of this operation.

Alger and other members lamented: This is another cooperation between Mr. Fool and the "Creator", and it is obvious that this cooperation is very successful.

Cattleya asked the "Emperor": "The 'founder' also participated in this operation?"

Everyone knows that this is "knowingly asking" because it is a very obvious thing.

The underlying meaning of Ms. Hermit's words is actually: Can you tell us a little about what happened?

Because Mr. Fool’s answer is too general.

"Yes." Hobert smiled and said, "But everyone must keep this a secret for me, because on the surface, we still have a cooperative relationship with the Loen royal family."

Alger and Cattleya, two people who often deal with pirates, didn't think there was anything wrong. In their opinion, there were many types of partners, some were using each other, some were unilaterally used, and some had a common goal. Uncooperative and so on.

Of course, different strategies must be used to deal with different collaborators.

Leonard thought of the news he had just learned. Not long ago, the church had just cooperated with the forces of the "Creator" to target the Church of God of War: Do you want to remind the church to be careful of the forces of the "Creator"? Backstab?

But then he shook his head again. This was not an issue that he should be concerned about at his current level.

Cattleya immediately expressed her position: "Of course I will help you keep it a secret. After all, this is the secret of the Tarot Club. Unless you want to betray the Tarot Club, who would leak such a secret."

Klein said in his heart: This is the "old man" who brought this matter online and used the confidentiality rules of the Tarot Club to ask everyone to keep Hobert's words confidential.

Audrey interpreted the meaning of "Speak quickly and everyone will help you keep it secret" from the language and body language of Ms. Hermit.

So Hobert said: "Last year, the 'founder' realized George III's purpose and sent us to do some investigations.

"Later, based on the clues described by Mr. World, we guessed that some of George III's actions were actually preparing for the ceremony of becoming a god, and also guessed that the Loen royal family was secretly renovating the mausoleum left by Tuduo.

"We have members of the Tudor family and members of the Trunsoest family. We have a lot of more detailed information about this and know the locations of Tudor's secret tombs.

"So I cooperated with Mr. World to destroy the secret tombs during the ceremony of George III's becoming a god."

Alger nodded slowly: Now it is certain that the "creator" should be a god from the "lawyer" or "arbitrator" path. Through certain connections through the extraordinary path, the "creator" has known about George III's plot for a long time. And began to make preparations to destroy the ceremony of becoming a god.

Klein even further speculated that the "creator" should be a god with the uniqueness of the "Judge" path and a copy of Sequence 1, or only one of them. The two Sequence 1 characteristics of this pathway are in the Royal Family of Loen and the Royal Family of Feneport respectively, but I have never heard of the whereabouts of the uniqueness and the third Sequence 1 characteristic.

He believed: Theoretically, the Six Gods joined forces to eliminate the Night Emperor, and the uniqueness and Sequence 1 characteristics should be in the Zhengshen Church. But now it seems that it is very likely that the "creator" obtained one of them through some way, and used it as a This restores the corresponding strength. Before the "creator" regains his strength, he certainly does not want the true god to appear in the adjacent path.

Klein had this conjecture because the "Creator" had previously successfully blocked Amon's true form, which made him think that the "Creator" could at least be at the Sequence 1 level.

But what he didn't know was that only after Hobert seized a copy of the extraordinary characteristics of "Prince Killer" did he have the confidence to face Amon's true form, otherwise the "creator" would definitely find a way to kill Klein in this way. Escape from Amon's pursuit.

Audrey and other members also realized that the "Creator" should be more active than Mr. Fool in preventing George III from becoming a god. After all, this is a battle for extraordinary characteristics and an inevitable struggle.

Only Forsi knew that in this operation, there was actually a factor that caused Hobert to be unwilling to accept the unexplained death of the people in the Backlund smog incident.

At this time, Leonard asked: "I heard that the extraordinary powers of the Feysac Empire and the Kingdom of Fenebaud also appeared at that time. Is this true?"

"It's true." Hobert smiled and said: "They are also the mortal enemies of the Loen royal family, and they are a force that can be used."

Everyone understood that it was probably the "Emperor" who quietly informed the royal families and royal families of these two countries.

Emlyn felt that his mind was a little hard to turn around for a moment: Didn't the "Founder" just attack Saint Milon, the capital of the Feysac Empire? Why are you suddenly collaborating again?

Leonard lamented: "Fortunately, I didn't go into politics."

Otherwise, you may be tricked to death.

Hobert smiled and said: "In addition to being a solid ally with Mr. Fool, the Founder basically has a relationship of mutual use with other forces.

"Whether this interest relationship is close or whether there is betrayal is not decided by one party, but by the interests of both parties." Leonard nodded, and after Hobert sorted it out, the relationship was clear.

Through the "Emperor"'s description, everyone basically understood the details of George III's failure. It was obvious that both the Feneport Kingdom and the Fusac Empire were used, but their raid must have achieved unexpected results.

In addition, the forces of "The Creator" and Mr. Fool took action. Without the help of gods, it is strange that George III could succeed.

There was silence in the hall for a while, and "The World" said to "The Fool": "Dear Mr. Fool, I wish to communicate with Mr. Emperor alone."

While Hobert guessed what Klein wanted to do with him, he nodded and agreed to the request for private communication.

After "The Fool" arranged a space for private communication, Klein controlled "The World" and said, "I hope I can talk to you alone in the real world."

Hobert was stunned: "Is there something that can't be said here?"

"The World" sighed: "If we talk about this topic, we may talk about it for a long time, and it is not suitable for a Tarot meeting."

Hobert "recalled" that Klein learned from Amon that this was the Earth. This news must have had a great impact on him.

After all, Klein's motivation for working hard to advance and explore this extraordinary world for a long time was to "go home." As a result, he found that he had "never left home," but his current home was no longer his original home.

"No problem." Hobert said, feeling that he had an obligation to try to find a new target for Klein.

Klein asked again: "I thought of a way to temporarily return to the Northern and Southern Continents, and use Miss Magician's 'Lemanor's Magic Book' to record three abilities to summon from the historical pores.

"Then you summon my historical projection, and my body enters the historical pore, which is the same as my body returning to the northern and southern continents.

"You can 'amplify' or 'use' the ability to summon from the historical pores to extend the summoning time."

Hobert nodded: "That's a good idea."

He paused and then said: "It will take a few days before I can summon you, because recently I have to help the 'founder' complete a very important task, and at the same time, I need to resolve the civil war in the principality as soon as possible."

Klein nodded: "Okay."

Then he asked: "Can you help me get a 'Star Worm'?"

The auxiliary materials for promotion to Sequence 2 require one "Insect of Time" and one "Insect of Star".

Klein has the "Time Worm" in his hand, but there is no way to get the "Star Worm".

He remembered that there were several demigods under Hobert's "apprentice" path.

Hobert asked: "Can the 'Mystic Mage' split the 'Star Worm'?"

"Theoretically it's possible," Klein said.

When he was in Sequence 4, he was able to split the "Insect of Spirit". As a demigod in an adjacent path, it should be possible.

Hobert agreed happily: "That's no problem."

"What kind of reward do you need?"

Hobert couldn't tell for sure: "I'll tell you when I get the 'Star Worm'."

It is very likely that Jonathan will not ask for any reward, but Hobert does not intend to owe a favor and still has to pay some reward to the Gnosis Council. The specific reward will depend on the actual situation.

They ended their private conversation, and Emlyn applied for a private conversation with Mr. Star.

As soon as Klein established a space for them to communicate alone, Emlyn rushed to ask: "When will you let me out?"

Leonard maintained a loose sitting posture and said: "This is not something I can decide. My suggestion is that you find someone to contact the senior leaders of the vampire clan as soon as possible and let them find a way to get you out."

Klein, who was listening in the audience, wanted to laugh, but held it back: These two guys made a simple "protective detention" an accident?
Emlyn's expression was a little gloomy: "Is it useful to find the senior leaders of our vampire clan?"

"The goddess is the 'Crimson Lord', and she still favors you guys who belong to the 'Moon' realm." Leonard said casually: "Although you don't believe in Him."

What he really means is: the vampires, an ancient race that has lived for several centuries, must have more or less connections with major churches, especially when the queen of the vampires was still the queen of the Trunsoest Empire, and at that time the goddess of the night The church supported the Trunsoest Empire.

Emlyn probably understood the meaning of "star": "Let me entrust Mr. Emperor."

After all, the forces of the "Founder" are in an "alliance" with the Vampires, but what is frustrating is that the person arrested this time was the liaison between the two organizations. I wonder if the "Emperor" can find other Vampires. ?
As soon as Emlyn finished speaking, he and Leonard said almost at the same time: "No!"

"Moon" Emlyn glanced at Mr. Star who was standing aside: "Have you thought of it too?"

Leonard said "ha": "Such a simple question."

Emlyn sneered in response: "But you just suggested that I contact the top brass of the vampire clan.

"I have been imprisoned in the Church of the Night for several days. They must have known about it for a long time. They did not try to rescue me probably because they wanted to see who would help me."

After all, in the eyes of the vampire clan's senior leaders, there are still many doubts about Emlyn, and they will definitely do some investigation whenever they get the chance.

Leonard didn't seem to hear Emlyn's sneer and looked away: "That's probably the case, so you can only continue to stay behind Chanis' door. Maybe after a few more days, they will lose their patience. , got you out."

Emlyn sighed in confusion. For him, the quiet environment behind Chanis Gate was bearable, but what he couldn't bear was that the guard inside gave him cow's blood, which was very unpleasant to drink!
The second round of private communication was over, but Emlyn thought of the taste of cow blood again, and suddenly felt hopeless.

He looked at the top of the long bronze table: "Dear Mr. Fool, I hope to pray for some enlightenment from you alone."

The vampire's face is still very important, and Emlyn doesn't want other members to know that he is still being held behind the Chanis Gate.

Klein nodded and once again established a space for private communication between The Fool and Emlyn.

Emlyn begged: "Can you give me a hint on how to get out of protective custody?"

Klein, shrouded in gray-white fog, answered succinctly: "This week."

His answer is very confident, but it does not come from a prophecy, but from a judgment of current events:

The Fusac Empire and Intis are attacking Loen, and Fenebaud is attacking Loen's ally, Lunburg. The three major churches in the Kingdom of Loen definitely don't want to be enemies with the vampires in addition to their existing enemies. , so Emlyn will be released soon, while Father Utravsky will have to be detained for a while longer.

At the same time, the vampire's focus must have shifted to the world situation at this time, and they have little motivation to continue testing Emlyn's doubts.

Combining these two factors, it is not difficult to conclude that it will not take long for Emlyn to regain his freedom.

The only exception is that this guy is truly forgettable.

Both the Church of the Night and the Blood Clan have forgotten that there is such a guy locked behind the Chanis Gate. If this is the case, Klein will ask Leonard to remind the Church of the Night at the appropriate time.

Emlyn was completely relieved and sincerely thanked Mr. Fool.

After the individual prayer ended, the hall fell into silence again, which meant that the transaction session ended and this Tarot session entered the "free communication" session.

Hobert first said: "Please pay attention, Trunsoest is resurrected!"

The hall was quiet for a few seconds before Alger asked: "Who?"

Hobert said again: "'Night King' Trunsoest!"

The hall was quiet again for a few seconds, and then everyone asked questions almost one after another. Cattleya asked: "How was He resurrected?"

Before today, she had never heard any news about this. In her opinion, the Night Emperor's resurrection was very sudden!

Klein manipulated the "world" and asked: "Did your plan fail?"

When Hobert was promoted, Klein had to be careful of Amon's clones rounding up him, so he did not dare to stay in Source Castle for too long. After seeing that Hobert was successfully promoted, he withdrew his sight and returned to "God Abandoned". place".

Therefore, Klein still doesn’t know the news about Trunsoest’s resurrection.

He probably knew that Hobert's plan was to trick Trunsoest into a refined body by "grafting" his bloodline.

Theoretically, it would take a certain amount of time for Trunsoest to recover, and Hobert should be able to kill him easily.

Klein is not sure at this time, which body Trunsoest was resurrected in? Or was he resurrected in Hobert's body?
Audrey asked: "Is His resurrection related to your family's curse?"

When Hobert first joined the Tarot Club, he talked about the family curse, but he only talked about it once, and never talked about it again. Even Alger had forgotten about it, but Audrey had always been very clear about it. Remember this.

Forsi asked: "Are you in danger?"

Hobert told her about the family curse, and she immediately realized that it might be related to the curse of the Trunsoest family.

After everyone had finished asking, Hobert replied: "It does have something to do with the family curse."

But He did not go into details and planned to discuss the matter in detail with Audrey alone when he had time.

Then Hobert answered Forsi's question: "Because of the protection of the 'Creator', I am not in much danger, but I have a very troublesome competitor!"

Cattleya, Alger and others all heard the concern for the "Emperor" in the voices of "Justice" and "Magician", and they once again confirmed that these three people knew each other in the real world!

Hobert then answered Klein's question: "The plan was basically successful, but what I didn't expect was that Trunsoest's resurrection plan was more complicated than expected.

"After tricking him into that body, he summoned a sealed object with the 'Hand of Order' level, which reached the Sequence 1 level within a few seconds."

Not only was Klein stunned, but the other members were also stunned. Not only was the Night Emperor resurrected, he actually had Sequence 1 strength!
This is definitely a big event, the Extraordinary World suddenly has a Sequence 1!

Cattleya said in her heart: No wonder Miss Magician would ask the "Emperor" if he would be in danger. Even though he is an angel now, it would be quite dangerous to have a Sequence 1 as an enemy and competitor.

Then Audrey and Forsi realized that Hobert's promotion plan had received help from Mr. World, so "The World" probably knew about his plan.

Finally, Hobert answered Cattleya's question: "Not long after Trunsoest became a god in the Fourth Age, he began to arrange some means of resurrection.

"Later, with the help of 'Blood Moon Queen' Onya, I perfected the corresponding arrangements and finally resurrected last week."

Because the specific resurrection process was very important to Him and required confidential information, he did not explain it to Cattleya in detail.

Cattleya immediately realized that this must be a hidden history from the Fourth Age, but unfortunately the "Emperor" had no intention of explaining it in detail.

Emlyn immediately reacted: "Mr. Emperor, are you saying that the Night Emperor's resurrection was helped by our queen?"

Hobert nodded: "Yes."

Trensoest himself admitted this.

Emlyn asked again: "What about the 'Blood Moon Queen'? Has she been resurrected together?"

"He should..." Hobert was about to say "He should not have been resurrected", but then he thought that Trunsoest's resurrection arrangements were all operated by Onya. With such a good opportunity in front of him, wouldn't He Will you also leave yourself a way out?
So Hobert immediately changed his words: "I don't know about this."

He paused and then said: "I will understand accordingly."

Theoretically speaking, if Ornia really has plans for resurrection, then she should be very similar to Trunsoest's resurrection. It will also be a member of the Balk family who can be resurrected after meeting certain conditions.

Emlyn said with some excitement: "Please tell me the results of the investigation."

Hobert nodded: "I will."

The other members were stunned when they heard their conversation: It was not only the Night Emperor who was resurrected, but also the Night Emperor's Queen!
Cattleya couldn't help but said: "Is it really that the predicted doomsday is coming soon? So many ancient gods have awakened and resurrected one after another!"

Except for Hobert and Klein, the other members were slightly stunned.

Audrey asked: "Ms. Hermit, what is the predicted doomsday?"

Cattleya paused for a few seconds before explaining: "There is a prophecy in the Moss Ascetic Order that in the near future, the end will come to our world."

When the "hermit" said this, the other members recalled that they seemed to have heard rumors about the doomsday, but they didn't take it seriously. After all, in the extraordinary world or mysticism, there are often some vague or excessive things. Interpretation of prophecies.

But the prophecies confirmed by the Moss Ascetic Order are different. After all, the demigods of the "Secret Peepers" have certain prophetic abilities.

Alger thought about it and asked, "Could this prophecy describe the change of eras?"

The person who answered "The Hanged Man" was Klein, who had communicated with the Seven Lights of the Spirit World. He manipulated the "world" and said: "As far as I know, it should not just be as simple as the change of eras, but what the specific end of the world represents, The current interpretations are very vague.”

The doomsday told by the seven lights in the spiritual world is the invasion of alien gods, but such information is obviously not suitable for communication now.

Even Cattleya was stunned by the answer of "The World", because there were only prophecies of doomsday in the Moss Ascetic Order, without any substantive revelation.

And "The World" seems to have taken some clear cues from Mr. Fool.

Seeing that everyone was a little depressed, Hobert smiled and said: "Everyone, we all know a very simple truth: after birth, we are rushing towards death.

"Is there anyone who is depressed because of this and has no motivation to live?"

He paused and said, "On the contrary, right? People are more motivated to live, and people with corresponding knowledge work hard to become gods and avoid the threat of death."

Finally, Hobert said: "Isn't the end not coming yet?"

Everyone was slightly stunned. As Mr. Emperor said, there is no need to worry about things that cannot be changed. You just need to know that this is happening and make some preparations in advance.

Leonard suddenly smiled and said: "Mr. Emperor, you have become an angel and don't have to worry about death. That's why you say it so easily."

Everyone smiled knowingly, and the haze in their hearts was swept away by this well-timed joke.

Immediately afterwards, their free communication continued. Audrey shared her experience of "persuading" the indigenous people in the Southern Continent, and Forse also shared the story of the first batch of cabbage harvested at the vegetable base on Longtail Island.

After exchanging a few more topics, Klein announced that this tarot session was over.

Hobert woke up in the study room of the Duke's Palace. He stretched and prepared to enter Unst City for the second time and continue to try to seal the uniqueness.

This time he is going to attack with "Tuba" and "Creator".

(End of this chapter)

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