my queen is childish

Chapter 25: What the Master Said

If possible, I really hope that everything last night was a dream, but the soreness all over my body reminds Wu Yi in another way that everything really happened.

I don't know if it's because I'm too tired, or if I really don't want to get up and accept the fact, Wu Yi lay quietly on the bed (harmony), never wanting to open my tired eyes.

But people always have to accept reality.But before the eyes were fully opened, a deep voice sounded.

"woke up?"

"Why are you still here, don't you need to go early?" Wu Yi said angrily.

"It's already the morning court." Yin Shengfeng continued to ask, "Are you feeling unwell?"

"No." Wu Yi turned her head away in embarrassment, remembering what happened last night, she still couldn't calm down, and her cheeks turned red unknowingly. "You avoid it, I'm going to get up."

"I'll ask the maid to help you." Yin Shengfeng turned around and wanted to leave.Wu Yi hurriedly grabbed him and said, "No need, really, no need." She couldn't let others see her naked.But Wu Yi forgot one thing, just now when he grabbed Yin Chengfeng abruptly, most of the quilt had slipped off his body, revealing a large area of ​​spring.Seeing Wu Yi's appearance at this time, Yin Chengfeng didn't know how to react, and could only look at Wu Yi in a daze.

"Ah~ bastard! Pervert!" Sensing Yin Chengfeng's gaze, Wu Yi hurriedly grabbed the quilt to cover her body, but those jade hands were still exposed.Furious, she picked up the pillow and threw it at Yin Chengfeng.But Yin Chengfeng avoided it by turning his body slightly.

"Empress, what happened?" Two guards rushed in, and when they saw the scene in the room, they both blushed and lowered their heads. "Ah!~~" The kindness of the two guards was exchanged for Wu Yi's more miserable cry.Yin Chengfeng hugged Wu Yi instinctively to prevent the spring from leaking out.

"Get out!" Yin Chengfeng roared in a low voice.The two guards walked out knowingly, not even daring to raise their heads.After the guards left, Yin Shengfeng turned to Wu Yi and said softly, "It's all right."

"How can it be all right? How can I see people in the future?" It's too embarrassing, if this gets out, how will she survive.

"I will immediately order those two people to be killed." Yin Shengfeng said comfortingly.

"How can you be so cruel! You can't!" Wu Yi was anxious and shook her head quickly.

"They looked at your body and couldn't live in the world anymore."

"Fun Monarch, just because your hands were seen, you want people to die, you are too much. If you continue like this, your country will be deserted!"

"What did you call me!" Yin Shengfeng said these words coldly through his teeth.

"Fun Lord." Wu Yi repeated it with a guilty conscience, the voice was so small that it was almost inaudible.

"Say it again!" was clearly heard.

Seeing Yin Shengfeng's terrifying expression, Wu Yi touched her neck subconsciously, worried that her neck would be wrung off in the next second.However, although it is important to save one's life, one must also be principled in life.So Wu Yi bit the bullet and said what was in his mind: "Confucius once said: 'The Tao is governed, and it is punished, and the people are free and shameless; Although the country cannot be established, if you want the people to truly submit to you, you must implement a benevolent government. Moreover, your punishment is too heavy, and many people dare not speak out when they are angry. If this continues, be careful that the people will rebel one day! "

[Translation: Confucius said: "Use government orders to manage the people and use punishments to restrain them. The people can only temporarily avoid crimes, but they don't know that crimes are shameful; Be ashamed and submissive.”]

Yin Shengfeng looked at Wu Yi with very puzzled eyes: "Who are you? How can a woman have such opinions?"

"Ah~" Wu Yi sighed helplessly, "I'm just a grassroots. It's just that I have been studying for more than ten years unfortunately." Yes, if you count from kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school, university , It's been eleven or twelve years at least.It is said that no matter how hard it is, you can't look after your children, and no matter how poor you are, you can't have poor education. Now which parents don't pay special attention to their children's schooling.

"Don't your parents know that a woman's lack of talent is a virtue?" Yin Shengfeng was even more puzzled.

"What they told me is that knowledge is power, and knowledge changes destiny." The difference, the difference of thousands of years.

"Hmph! It's ridiculous. To be a woman is to be a good husband and parent. Do you think you can change your destiny by obtaining fame and fame like a man? Put away your thoughts and do what a woman should do!" Yin Shengfeng said to Wu Yi Yi's thoughts are obviously unreasonable. How could a woman fantasize about changing her own destiny?

"Unfortunately, I have read all kinds of books, but I just don't understand the three obediences and four virtues that you men say. Women can also create their own world, just wait, I will let you know!" Although I don't like fighting for power Competitive, but Wu Yi still feels a little annoyed at being underestimated like this.If Ye Zi heard such remarks, she would probably beat up the person who spoke angrily, and prove with facts: whoever said that women are inferior to men.

"Okay, I'll wait." Yin Shengfeng thought Wu Yi was playing a child's temper, and didn't pay much attention.One day in the future, can Wu Yi impress Yin Shengfeng?Can you create your own world?

At this time, Qiao'er's voice came from outside the door: "My lady, the empress dowager sent you over."

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