my queen is childish

Chapter 28: Is he your man? !

In the last chapter, it was said that Yin Chengfeng left Wu Yi and left alone in a fit of anger, but when he turned around, Wu Yi had long since disappeared.Where did this no memory go?Did she escape?

Pushing aside the crowd rudely, Yin Shengfeng came back to the stall selling stinky tofu. "Where's the girl who was here just now?" Yin Shengfeng asked commandingly, with an irresistible majesty in his tone, as well as faint worries.

"Are you that girl's husband-in-law? Go find your wife, I saw a man dragging her away just now." The peddler didn't know Yin Chengfeng's identity, but from Yin Chengfeng's clothes and his extraordinary demeanor See, the peddler can be sure he must be a man of status.

When Yin Shengfeng heard that Wu Yi was taken away by the man Wu Yi, a wave of anger burst out of his heart. He was angry that he shouldn't have left her behind, and he was even more angry with that daring person, who must be smashed into pieces!Yin Shengfeng grabbed the peddler's skirt angrily, and said fiercely, "Which direction are they going?!"

"There." The peddler timidly pointed to the direction where Wu Yi and the man left.

Yin Shengfeng shook off the peddler and galloped towards the direction he pointed.But suddenly there was a sound of horseshoes and human footsteps in the distance.If I didn't guess wrong, this should be the sound of the army traveling.After hearing this sound, the originally lively street was in a state of chaos.The crowd's running around greatly hindered Yin Chengfeng's forward speed. Yin Chengfeng flew up to the roof and ran lightly on the roof.

Yin Chengfeng looked around while running, and finally found Wu Yi kneeling on the ground in an open space to the west, and there was another person beside him.

Unknowingly speeding up her pace, Yin Shengfeng only had one thought in her mind at this moment: She must not be hurt in the slightest!

Another flying body, Yin Chengfeng landed lightly from the roof, like a white-clothed immortal flying in the clouds, descending gracefully, with wind like snow sleeves, wandering in spirit (it seems that this kind of picture is not suitable for the current plot, hehe, forgive me for being an idiot sometimes one time).

"Let go of your dirty hands!" Yin Shengfeng said coldly.If it wasn't for Wu Yi still in that person's hand, he would definitely give that person a slap involuntarily.

"Hey! Who are you? Your hands are dirty!" the man said angrily.

Wu Yi tugged at the man's sleeve, and shook his head feebly, as if to tell the man to stop talking.In fact, she really wanted to tell that man with words, but the pain made her unable to even speak.

Yin Chengfeng looked at Wu Yi who was kneeling on the ground, covering her belly with both hands, and found that her face was abnormally pale, and her heart ached uncontrollably.

"What did you do to her!" Yin Shengfeng shouted fiercely.

"I didn't do anything." The man waved his hand helplessly, but met Wu Yi's resentful gaze.Feeling a little embarrassed by being stared at, the man sighed, "Okay, I was wrong. I shouldn't have dragged you to run wildly, but you didn't tell me that you were here, so you can't exercise vigorously, so you can't blame me. "The man looked at Wu Yi and said dotingly.

As a man, how can he tolerate other men looking at his wife with such ambiguous eyes, not to mention, he even knows about Wu Yi's menstruation!Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!

For the sake of the man's dignity, regardless of Wu Yi's situation at this time, Yin Shengfeng shot like lightning and grabbed the man's neck.As long as he exerts a little force, this or that person can leave this world immediately.But at this moment, Wu Yi grabbed Yin Chengfeng by the corner of his clothes, and shook his head violently at him, with an unspeakable expression of distress.

"Let go...hand." Wu Yi struggled to squeeze out a few words.

"Hey, I told you to let go, didn't you hear!" the man yelled, without any tone of begging for mercy because Yin Shengfeng was pinching his neck.

Yin Shengfeng ignored the man, just looked at Wu Yi, and found that she was looking at him with pleading eyes.

Taking a deep breath, when he let it out, Yin Shengfeng reluctantly put the man down.Annoyed, he glanced at Wu Yi who was still on the ground, but seeing her still pale face, he finally couldn't bear to blame her for helping outsiders.Then, Yin Chengfeng bent down, picked up Wu Yi, turned around, and left.

"Hey, what are you doing?! Put her down quickly!" The man caught up and grabbed Yin Chengfeng.

"Hmph! If you still want to live well, don't appear in front of me again."

"Hey, are you here to rob someone?" The man asked Yin Chengfeng relentlessly.

"You're the one who robbed him, right?" Yin Shengfeng glanced at the man with cold eyes.

The man looked at Yin Shengfeng, then at Wu Yi, and seemed to understand something, clasped his hands together, and asked in a very quack manner: "I haven't asked for advice, Your Excellency is..."

"She's husband." Not wanting to say more to the man, Yin Chengfeng left with Wu Yi in his arms after dropping these three words.

"Ah!!!..." The man suddenly burst into a sharp cry, staring at Wu Yi in Yin Chengfeng's arms in surprise, pointed at Yin Chengfeng tremblingly and said, "Is he your man?!"

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