Chapter 16 Demon Sealing Vessel·Human Pot

Sure enough, try to start from the outside?
Ning Pingle thought about this possibility.

There is a high probability that you are not the only player in this game.

When he was using a notebook to get relevant information before, he at least knew that this world, at least on the surface, is still peaceful and peaceful.

There's no mutant coming out of nowhere, chanting "I'm king of the world" and making trouble.

Although there are many anecdotes among the people, there is no such well-known catastrophe.

Then I thought that there was no lightning, thunder, or storm in the stadium a few kilometers away, but the school was like a prophet, and arranged for the evacuation of students early.

It is basically certain that there are relevant forces dealing with this type of special incident.

The dormitory building I am in is likely to be caught in the time slot of the "special area" mentioned at the beginning of the game, which belongs to a special place isolated from the outside world.

"Jingle ding bell..."

The phone rang for a while.

At this moment, Shen Ning's phone call came.

Ning Pingle hung up without hesitation.

With previous experience, he skillfully took out the rice cooker, attached the Zhong Kui Suppressing Evil Curse, found a canvas bag, put it inside, and called the local police station.

Sure enough, after hearing Ning Pingle's explanation of his current situation, the phone on the other side paused for a while, and asked him to wait for a while, and they would be transferred to the relevant personnel for detailed communication.

Soon, he heard a slightly frivolous male voice:

"Hello, is anyone there? This is Zhou Beimo, a handsome guy passing by. I heard that someone needs help?"

Ning Pingle was silent for a while, explained his current situation, and then quietly waited for the reply from the other end of the phone.

"New player? You are a bit unlucky!"

The voice of the person on the other end of the phone was a little distressed, and he could feel a little tangled through the phone.

"So what should I do?"

Ning Pingle asked directly.

"How long can you last, rookie?"

"It won't last long, Liuxiang Jizang can't suppress that thing anymore.

And I encountered a situation in the game before, when an outsider entered the ceremony, the ceremony that could have been persisted has accelerated the speed of destruction.

Do you know why?I fear something similar will happen here. "

"It's because you're cunning!"

On the other end of the phone, the man's cynical tone became serious: "You have fallen into the time slot, and the only thing that can protect you now is the ritual.

However, for many rituals in the mountains and seas, we ourselves are 'cunning'.

It was originally able to suppress evil things, but now because part of the power needs to be put on suppressing you, the power of the ceremony will naturally be shared. "

"That is to say..."

"Well, you are the one who broke the ritual. The longer you stay inside the ritual, the faster the ritual will fail."

"What if an outsider enters the ceremony?"

"It will die, and the ritual will use more power to balance us as 'cunning'.

Whether it is a player or someone else, it is abnormal for many rituals. As long as someone steps into this field, the destruction of the ritual will be accelerated.

I'm more curious, this kind of spell power that you can feel from a long distance, what did you do to destroy the ritual of sealing that thing? "


"Okay, let's not talk about these unhappy topics, can you provide any information?"

"The thing being suppressed is an existence called Xiangliu Corpse."

"Is it the remains left by the legendary evil god Xiangliu?" On the other end of the phone, Zhou Beimo's last bit of relaxed tone disappeared.

"Is there any way to stop him?"

After a while, his voice became deeper and deeper:

"If the ceremony has reached this point, even if I come, I won't be able to help you, because the moment I stepped into the time slot, you were killed because the ceremony was broken.

Although it doesn't sound so nice... Newcomer, do you have anything else to say? "

Ning Pingle was silent for a long time, is this asking him to say his last words?
Finally he said, "No more."

The man on the other end of the phone sighed: "Is there really nothing you want to relay to your family?"

"No, there is no one to relay."

Ning Pingle replied seriously.

"Then, you still have 5 minutes, let's take a look at the scenery of the school. And... I'm sorry."

"Well, it's okay, thank you for clarifying."

Ning Pingle hung up the phone, raised her head and looked out the window.

No wonder Xiangliu's corpse had to wait until he came in before making a move... The Five Emperors Terrace and the Six Phases Ksitigarbha Golden Body still had an influence on him.

He wanted to lead himself into the cage and completely break the shackles of the ritual.

It turned out that from the very beginning, there was no possibility of being rescued from the outside world.

No one could save him, not even delaying death.

Listening to that man, he would mercilessly sweep away the time slot, along with him who was sure to die.

"I don't want to die!"

He has to save himself!

Ning Pingle closed his eyes to recall everything that happened before.

What is certain is that the magic-sealing container can take effect on [Xiangliu Corpse], and it can even be said to be very effective.

The last time I didn't die immediately, it should be the result of Xiang Liu's deliberate delay.

It seems angry.

Is it because I used the Zhong Kui Suppressing Evil Talisman to create the demon-sealing container and angered it?
The skin of the scorpion...that thing is of no use to 【Xiangliu Corpse】.

[Sacrificial Mask · Please God's Upper Body] was also damaged.

Sure enough, do we still have to start with the Zhong Kui Suppressing Evil Talisman?
Suddenly, a looming stench came.

Ning Pingle got up and went to the balcony, and found that while the wind and rain were blowing outside, some strange changes had also taken place around the dormitory building.

The original road paved with concrete floors disappeared.

In its place was a muddy body of water, in which the university buildings towered here and there.

The common reeds and sage grass in the swamp area are swaying with the violent wind and rain, and a faint stench pervades the air.

In a trance, Ning Pingle seemed to hear a burst of laughter like silver bells.

That laughter was full of malice, as if expecting his death.

Ning Pingle looked at [Zhong Kui Suppressing Evil Talisman], thought for a moment, and took out the incantation of Zhong Kui Suppressing Evil Talisman, intending to engrave it on himself.

He wants to make his body into a container for sealing demons.

However, in the next second, the moment the mantra just touched the skin, like a stress reaction, each strand of hair directly tore his chest and crushed the mantra in his hand.

Ning Pingle spat blood in a muffled voice.

Twelve flower gods are triggered, and the time is reversed, and the current remaining 5/12.



Ning Pingle's face was gloomy, and he didn't imprint the Zhongkui Suppressing Evil Talisman on his body anymore. Now the amulet will arouse the instinctive resistance of [Xiang Liu Corpse] in his body.

There is no need to wait for [Xiangliu Corpse] in the game to kill him, the instinctive resistance of those black beards in his body will end his life in advance.

Think back to the notes on Zhong Kui's Evil Suppressing Talisman again.

If there is no way to use it in reality, then try to see if it works in the game.

He finally chose to cast the spell on himself in the game.

【You get the demon-sealing container (human pot)】

 Street diary:
  【Rest in peace】

  I saw a news in the group yesterday that the author of "The Story of China Entertainment Good People" had an accident, and today I heard that his rescue failed for a month, and now he is preparing to donate his body.

  For a while, I was a bit cold. From the beginning of this year to now, as far as I know, three authors have fallen, and two of them are the authors of the ninth group. Logically speaking, the ninth group of authors should be the youngest of all the groups. Approval is right.

  I was so scared that I went to bed early these days, and I wanted to live a few more years and have more fun.

  (Comment: Everyone must remember to pay attention to safety, don’t stay up all night relying on your youth! Start with Luoluo first, and go to bed early and get up early!)

(End of this chapter)

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