There is indeed a problem with this word cultivation game

Chapter 40 Longing is the emotion farthest from understanding

Chapter 40 Longing is the emotion farthest from understanding (for further reading)
Tu Songhe glanced at Ning Pingle, that straight standing posture and the lines that men would envy, and spit directly:
"Scumbag, just leave it here and fool me! Ah, when will I meet my destined other half!"

With longing on his face, he entered the moment of fantasy:

"When my finger runs across the third and fourth marks of the ruler, I can touch π.

So as long as I touch the globe once, I will definitely be able to touch my right girl! "

As soon as he finished speaking, his face turned blue, he ran to the door of the toilet and knocked on the door frantically, after Shen Ning came out, he rushed directly into RUA for a while.

Come on, this kid drank too much and started talking nonsense.

Ning Pingle shook his head.

People who have never been in love are like this. They have unreasonable fantasies about love and endless imagination about sex.

Just like the author of a love essay is generally a single dog.

Longing is the emotion furthest from understanding.

Because you don't know, you will have beautiful dreams.

What's so good about falling in love, is it because games aren't fun?Or are the brothers not fun?
Tu Songhe was still spitting, and Ke Chongguang who was outside didn't forget to pierce his heart and said to him:

"Brother, wake up, you can't touch π, the ruler is also made of particles, there is a Planck length in physics, and π is an irrational number.

Of course, you can't touch her either. "

The sound of vomiting in the toilet was a little louder, and it seemed a little tragic.

Just at this moment when Shen Ning came out of the toilet, Ning Pingle turned to him and said:

"Shen Ning, apart from Songhe's incident, did anything strange happen over there today?"

Several people didn't understand why Ning Pingle was so serious all of a sudden, they looked at each other for a moment.

On the other hand, Shen Ning seemed to have remembered something and said:
"To put it bluntly, the psychology committee member of the class next door seemed to be in a bad mood today. Not long after meeting us, he said he had something to do and left early...

It was said that he was going to go fishing at night on the river beach where the corpse was caught before, and he had already made an appointment with someone, so he didn't feel too panicky. "

Ning Pingle's face changed slightly.

Suddenly, I remembered the words that the original body had written in the diary of the skin of 茼訑, and the "corpse class meeting" that I saw on the post bar when I first came to this world...

He vaguely felt something was wrong.

No, he just had a rest not long ago!
When Ning Pingle was thinking this way, he suddenly found that the screen of his mobile phone lit up.

"Lezi, your phone."

Ning Pingle looked at the mobile phone on the table. At some point, the game "Guild Way" started on the mobile phone.

He was not panicking.

The organization had already told him some information about the player.

Ordinary people can't see the game screen of "Guilty Way", and will automatically generate another screen in their minds for unknown reasons. Even if the player opens the game, ordinary people directly click on the game screen, and there is no way for the player to make a choice.

What stands out is an inability to know, incapable of knowing and incapable of interfering.

This saved Ning Pingle from a lot of trouble.

Shen Ning moved very quickly, directly picked up Ning Pingle's mobile phone and handed it to him.

He took it over and glanced at it, his heart skipped a beat.

[Affected by the title of "God Eater", the level of information exchange between you and the world of mountains and seas has increased. It has been detected that you are in an unstable area, Tiandu City, and you have been locked by "Sword Soul Blood Oath". Is it enabled in reality? Oath mission? 】

[A change in the player's body constant has been detected, the degree of information interference has increased, and the overlap between the mountains and seas and the real world has deepened! ! ! 】

Ning Pingle felt a strong uneasiness.

"Shen Ning, I'm going out for a while, is the downstairs door open?" Ning Pingle said.

"No, it's so early... Hey, where are you going?"

"I have something to go out, see you later."

"Bring me a breakfast when you come back!" Shen Ning said.

Ning Pingle gave him a middle finger from a distance: "Fix it yourself, I may not be able to come back at noon."



After leaving the dormitory, Ning Pingle walked downstairs quickly.

In his previous life, what he liked most was the natural scenery of Tiandu University.

Those well-groomed campus lawns have no value in his eyes.

He prefers those corners that exude a desolate atmosphere.

Such as thin standing grave mounds in the yellow jungle, dry lake water and weeds drilled from the cracks in the building walls of the last century.

This kind of scene deeply likes him.

But today, he felt a little different.

In his eyes, the school, which was waking up in the morning sun, was like a painting made of quicksand.

Amidst the chaotic chirping of birds, the world seemed to become stable at once, but it became illusory again.

He suddenly raised his head and stared blankly at the large floor-to-ceiling windows of the surrounding buildings.

In the brilliance of the morning sun, a bottomless blue sky was reflected on the glass window.

The world became quiet at this moment, and he suddenly saw a fine line of words engraved on the glass window.

[Whether to open the "Sword Soul Blood Oath" oath mission]

【Time: 5:59:58】

Ning Pingle blinked, almost thinking that she was hallucinating.

Just as he was about to focus on the glass window, a large truck flashed by in front of him, and its headlights shone on the rearview mirror of a small eDonkey next to him, which dazzled his eyes.

He looked over subconsciously, and then saw that there was also a row of dense words and numbers on the lens.

[Whether to open the "Sword Soul Blood Oath" oath mission]

【Time: 5:59:30】

Ning Pingle was a little confused, but immediately realized that this was a manifestation of the "overlapping degree between the mountain and sea world and the real world" mentioned in the "Strange Way" mobile game just now.

He scanned the surroundings again, and in almost every smooth area, he could see the rows of floating words.

Water on the ground, glass windows, smooth marble tiles, rearview mirrors of vehicles, and even when the screen of the mobile phone is black, the words will adapt to the background, and this line of text will appear on top.

It's like a death talisman, telling you non-stop, accept the mission, accept the mission!
His heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously pressed the phone's power button.

A bright light flashed on the screen, and a clean and clear Two-dimensional background image lit up.

Before he unlocked the screen, when he saw the background picture, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and a bottomless chill seemed to emerge from his feet, and quickly climbed up his spine.

It was an illustration of the body of Naraku's avatar mirror demon [Kanna] gradually disintegrating in "Inuyasha".

What makes one's hair stand on end is that the small characters of that mission are reflected on the mirror that Kanna is holding in his arms in the illustration.

Because the small characters are so thin that it looks like twisted maggots hovering at first glance.

As the real time passes by every minute and every second, the time difference displayed in those mirrors is also passing by synchronously.

It was like... announcing the arrival of a death crisis.

 Street diary:
  【Interesting Diary】

  Death is actually a terrible thing, and the pain alone is terrible.

  People who have experienced infusion for a month, whose body gradually becomes cold and numb, and whose arms are swollen and painful, will not think that it is a very simple matter to reset time by committing suicide.

  In reality, a wound would scream, and the fever at the beginning of the year would kill him, let alone commit suicide.

  The reaction of 486 from zero is correct. If the pain lasts for a period of time, the person's spirit will be sluggish and depressed, and then he will be on the verge of collapse, and he will not want to do anything.

  It was like this when you were lying in the hospital in critical condition. You couldn’t read a book. You obviously didn’t do anything during the infusion. You should study, but you didn’t even have the idea to pick up a book.

  Quietly looking at the ceiling, wiping the scars on the skin, and then looking out the window, imagining when he would be able to get out of the white house, waiting, waiting, waiting for a month, feeling that the thinking of the whole person is slowly becoming rigid.

  When the fructose was infused, I felt pain on one side of my body, but I didn't say it immediately, so I let myself feel the pain. The pain was unbearable, so I called the doctor in a low voice.

  The doctor saw that my reaction was so serious, so he changed the medicine directly. Just like this, from elementary school to the two years after I graduated from the country, I recalled it like a nightmare, as if there was a pain that came across time, looming, and my scalp was numb.

  The price of the Twelve Flower Gods is actually very serious, especially if you don't die quickly, it will be torture in hell.

(End of this chapter)

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