Chapter 115

"30 seconds!"

"29 seconds!"

"Dididi!" Suddenly a piercing siren sounded.

"The missile has stalled!" Smith, who had been staring at the video screen, suddenly yelled!
"What's going on, why did it suddenly stall!" The black leader roared, seeing that he was about to succeed, but suddenly there was an unexpected situation, which made his heart flustered.

"Attention, the missile is out of control, the missile is out of control!" The control system issued a warning mercilessly, and the dazzling red light came on.

The few control system operators in front had never encountered such a situation, and they were in a hurry and sweating profusely at the moment!
"Fuck, who can tell me what's going on?" The black leader was furious at the moment, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing.

At an altitude of [-] meters in the Pacific Ocean, Li Yao had already stepped out of his fighter plane at this time, standing in the sky among the white clouds, with long flowing black hair, like a fairy, looking indifferently at the big missile black spot about ten kilometers away.

"Master, by intercepting the control signal, the location of the missile control system has been traced to the source."

In my mind, two red dots were marked by the main god, one was near the waters of the White Bear Country, and the other was on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

At this moment, the main god has completely stripped the missile of its control, its speed gradually decreased, and finally stopped at a distance of five kilometers in front of Li Yao. Li Yao could already clearly see the thick body surface of the missile, with its white and blue spray paint.

"Lord God, turn the direction of the missile and target the opposite side of the Atlantic Ocean!"

Li Yao spoke indifferently.

"Roger that!"


The tail flame of the missile that was gradually stalling suddenly brightened, and the fuel spewed out again to accelerate the missile instantly, and then flew a big circle around Li Yao, and turned around directly!

"call out!"

The missile pierced the sky!

But at this moment, the commanders in the basement of the empire were all in a mess. The missiles that were originally normal suddenly lost control without warning.

"Sir! The missile is flying towards us!" Suddenly, a technician yelled in horror, which shocked everyone present.

On the large video screen, the missile that had lost control and lost its target seemed to have a target again, flying towards the direction of the empire on the other side of the Atlantic at extreme speed!
"My God, how could such an outrageous thing happen, that missile is equipped with a nuclear warhead!" Someone exclaimed.

"Quick, start the self-destruct program, start the self-destruct program!"

The black leader realized something was wrong and yelled at the technicians.

"Da da da!"

The operator skillfully inputs a series of codes on the blue screen, and then confirms directly and quickly.

Unexpectedly, the sturdy missile did not respond at all, and still flew towards the target firmly.

"Sir, the self-destruct program doesn't work, we've lost control of it..."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a sudden silence in the control room, and everyone understood what it meant.

The self-destruction program of the missile equipped with a nuclear warhead does not work, and its target is the center of the base where the command room is located, and tens of millions of people live above it.

"Hurry up, activate defensive measures and implement interception!"

Smith yelled. As the defense department of the Empire, he naturally knows how tight the air defense force network of the base city is. As long as he can shoot down the out-of-control missiles in midair, everything can be salvaged!

Several operators also seem to have a backbone suddenly, skillfully operating various control signals in an attempt to activate the interceptor missiles in the missile silo.

"How is it possible!" Suddenly, an operator made an unbelievable voice.

"Sir, all of our interceptor reserve missiles are out of order!"

The subordinate's report directly chilled Smith's heart.

The interceptor missile is not in order, and all communication is invalid!

This, this... To achieve this step, how strong must the enemy's electronic warfare be? Is there any country on Blue Star that can do this?

Smith's mind was tense, and he only felt that there was an invisible ghost lurking on the Internet, and it was strangling the empire in an all-round way!

But at this moment, facing the menacing missile attack, the empire's air defense firepower network has been paralyzed at this moment, just like a poor girl whose clothes have been stripped off and faced with the ravages of a strong man!
The black leader looked at the blue fighter plane on the half of the video screen. At this time, Li Yao was standing in the sky, looking into the distance.

Suddenly, Li Yao seemed to feel something in his heart, and looked in the direction of the video screen with an indifferent expression.

"I know...I know, it must be Li Yao the vulture..."

When they were preparing to deal with that vulture Li Yao, not only the missiles lost control, but also the base city's air defense firepower network was paralyzed. If it is said that all of this has nothing to do with that Li Yao, it is impossible!
But now, the enemy is not only powerful in force, but also controls powerful and mysterious technological means. The nuclear tactics they are proud of have now become a joke...

The black leader is slumped in a chair, the strength of the enemy makes him powerless...

Above is the most densely populated base city in the empire, with a population of tens of millions. However, they don't know at this moment that a missile equipped with a nuclear warhead is flying towards them, and the empire can only watch this scene helplessly. way to prevent.

"Sir, think of a way quickly, we can't just watch such a terrible thing happen like this!" The assistant next to the black leader looked anxious, his eyes full of fear.

At this time, the others were also confused and panicked.

Watching the missile launch towards the enemy on the video screen, they didn't feel it, and even felt a faint joy in their hearts. However, when the missile was about to fall on their own heads, they realized that the process of waiting for death is a process of imminent disaster at any time. so terrible.

"We lost, connect me to Li Yao the vulture's communication..." The black leader had no fighting spirit at this time, like a defeated proud rooster.

However, at this point, he also thinks that as long as he admits defeat to that Li Yao, there is still room for change.


The private phone rang, and the black leader put away his depressed mood. Even if the action failed, he still had the arrogance of his own identity.

"Master, I have received an unfamiliar communication and judged that the location is the missile's final command room. Are you allowed to access it?" A reminder from the Lord God sounded in my mind.

At this time, the innate intelligent life of the Lord God has already invaded the global network, extending its tentacles to every corner, and all kinds of communication facilities and electromagnetic signals in the world are under its absolute control.

"Get it through." Li Yao said.

There was a long silence at first, and the person on the other end of the phone seemed to be making a tangled decision, and then a deep and steady voice came: "Vulture Li Yao... We lost, you stop."

"Close hand?"


Li Yao was immediately laughed out of anger, the other party thought he was doing something, playing a game?

Can a flirtatious admit defeat cover up the fact that Chairman Li Da was attacked with a nuclear missile?
Li Yao didn't know whether to say that the other party was naive, or that it was better to say that he was too arrogant to see the situation clearly!
Li Yao was attacked once, but he didn't have the habit of putting on a good face.

"Your missiles are lost, and now I just return them to their original owners."

"By the way, you're welcome!" Li Yao whispered softly, his face full of sarcasm.

"You..." The person on the other end of the phone seemed shocked by Li Yao's response, and didn't react for a while.

"Li Yao, you are crazy!"

The other party wanted to say more, Li Yao directly cut off the communication of the watch, and then locked the screen and shut down the watch.


(End of this chapter)

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