I'm devouring the stars and being the villain

Chapter 123 The Secret of the Moon

Chapter 123 The Secret of the Moon
"Wang Wang Wang!"

The little black dog trotted all the way to lead the way, looking back at Li Yao from time to time.

Li Yao understood, and then followed the little black dog, walking towards the depths of this space.

"This dog wants to take me to find the baby?" Li Yao thought inwardly.

The World of the Realm Master here is huge, with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers. A large area of ​​land is desert, which seems lifeless, and only a small part of the terrain has some low and twisted shrubs.

The space here has been filled with thin red mist for a long time, and Li Yao feels uncomfortable looking at it.

Li Yao followed the little black dog all the way, and after about [-] minutes of stopping and stopping like this, a huge valley crack appeared in front of him.

Inside the valley, there are some shrubs growing in twists and turns. These shrubs are taller here, with sharp thorns on their hard dark brown trunks, and bright fist-sized flowers blooming on the top of some branches.

The closer to the valley, the thicker the red mist, but the little black dog was obviously much more active when he arrived here, bouncing back and forth in the bushes.

In the depths of the valley, a stone palace half inlaid on the mountain wall appeared in front of him. Not far from the palace, a building like an altar stood in the open space, full of the breath of time.

With a sweep of Li Yao's mental strength, the small stone palace on the mountain wall was empty and covered with thick dust, obviously abandoned for a long time.

But that building, which looks a bit like a tower base and a bit like an altar, seems to have an invisible barrier, hindering Li Yao's spiritual exploration.

At this time, the little black dog had already stopped at the edge of the altar-like building, and turned to look at Li Yao with tearful eyes.

"Is the heavy treasure in there?" Li Yao walked to the altar-like building. The whole altar was integrated into one body. It was made of unknown materials, and various mysterious patterns were carved on it. The shape is simple and heavy!
And in a hidden place in the center of the altar, there is a device similar to a sunken palm print mechanism.

"You can try to open it by putting your palm on it?" Li Yao knew in his heart.

This realm master world is very likely to be the relics left by the ancestors of the earth's human beings after the fall. Li Yao remembered that the original book mentioned that the earth had experienced two ages before it came to the age of the earth.

And this relic may be left by the "Mountain Sea Realm" or "Original Star" humans in the previous two eras.

And this heavy treasure is likely to be left for the descendants of the earth, and it will naturally leave a means similar to detecting blood.

Li Yao thought for a moment, then stretched out his white palm and approached slowly.

In fact, he was a little nervous. The heavy treasure might be inside the mechanism similar to the altar, and the spiritual power could not penetrate it. I am afraid the material is special. If the mechanism cannot be opened smoothly as Li Yao guessed, the heavy treasure inside Li Yao may be very Hard to get.

As for the little black dog beside the altar, watching Li Yao's palm getting closer and closer to the place where the palm print was placed, there was some anticipation in the depths of his eyes.

"You really want me to put it on?"

Suddenly, the palm that was about [-] centimeters away from the place where the palm print was placed stopped, and Li Yao turned around and said something.

But here, there are no other figures at all.

"Woof!" The little black dog paced back and forth, seeming to be urging.

"How many years have you been imprisoned here?" Li Yao withdrew his palm, put his hands behind his back, and walked directly down from the altar, looking at the little black dog calmly.

"How did you find out?"

An old and deep voice sounded.

But at this moment, the little black dog seemed to know that he couldn't pretend anymore, his eyes showed a cunning and vicious look, and his originally teary eyes turned blood red and violent, staring at Li Yao firmly.

"Haha!" Li Yao burst out laughing upon hearing this.

"I don't know if you are really stupid or just locked up?" Li Yao said mockingly, "You actually thought of transforming into a black dog to trick me."

May I ask what kind of dog can survive such a long time in such a deserted ruins? There are no gods and beasts in the devouring starry sky world. Of course, apart from the innate beast gods, there are only monsters, no, more precisely, monster races!

From the moment Li Yao saw the black dog, Li Yao was full of vigilance in his heart. He was not the protagonist Luo Feng who devoured the starry sky, how could he enjoy the treatment of going out to pick up the beast.

Moreover, the red mist permeating the world of the World Lord here is full of a tyrannical and bloodthirsty atmosphere, which is not a good thing at first glance, and the more you go to this valley, the thicker the uncomfortable mist, how about Li Yao? How could he not be vigilant.

Originally, Li Yao also planned to make false claims with this stupid dog and find out about the situation here, but it was not until he saw the altar in the World Lord's world that Li Yao fully understood the mind of this stupid dog.

Where is this altar? It is clearly a sealed place where murderous creatures are held!

And the heavy treasure shown on Li Yao's map is nothing but the sealed treasure itself, and the strength of the murderous thing that needs to be sealed and imprisoned with the heavy treasure must be very terrifying, far from what Li Yao is now with a small planetary level. Can handle it.

Maybe it is the real body of this demon dog that is being imprisoned here, or it is some other ominous creature, and when Li Yao put his palm on the mechanism, it might be the chance for the ominous creature to get out of trouble.

"Human, you open the seal here for this king, and this king can give you a great fortune!"

"A powerful inheritance that can be cultivated to immortality, and even use demon blood to cleanse your real body, and transform into the blood of the king of the demon clan!"

Seeing that the deception failed, the demon dog began to lure again. With its eyes, it naturally discovered that this lowly human has only mere planetary level strength, and it is estimated that there is no decent inheritance in this barren star field. It does not believe this. Human beings can't refuse the inheritance leading to the immortal level!

"Immortal level inheritance?" Li Yao pondered for a moment, ignoring the blood of the bullshit monster king.

"What strength are you? How dare you speak so brazenly!" Li Yao didn't want to give up this precious treasure, so he began to try to get more useful information.

"World Lord! This king is the Supreme World Lord!" This time it wasn't the little black dog who was speaking, but a deep and loud voice came up from the depths of the altar, and the whole altar began to vibrate.

"Boy, although this king is the master of the world, there are more than ten immortals who died in the hands of this king!"

"This king is from the lineage of the demon clan and the Tengu royal family! As long as you open the seal, not only will you be inherited at the immortal level, but this king can even use the blood of the royal family to help you escape from this inferior body, in exchange for infinite potential, and cultivate to immortality in the future." It's not impossible!"

The loud and deep voice was turbulent in the air, and it was transmitted to Li Yao's ears, even with the slightest hint of bewitching thoughts.

However, Li Yao was not affected by this mental bewitchment at all, not to mention the strong will of his world beast avatar, even the first state of mind was not something that could be shaken by this mere emotion.

Li Yao was about to respond,


"Stimulate system tasks!"

"The bloodline of the king of the monster clan, the genius of the Tengu family, Bi Sha, was imprisoned in the tower prison for tens of thousands of epochs. Now it promises you great benefits and asks you to open the seal of the place where you are imprisoned. You can choose:

[A: Open the seal.Reward: Monster feces. 】

[B: Bargaining and successfully getting more weight.Reward: Three Inch Tongue (Talent)]

[C: Empty glove white wolf.Pretending to agree to open the seal, he successfully defrauded Bisha's treasure.Reward: Fishing Rod (Treasure: Mysterious Grade)]

[D: Reject and anger Bi Sha.Reward: Enlightenment Reward! 】”

Li Yao originally wanted to ridicule the demon dog, but he didn't expect the system to give the task directly.

Damn it, this dead dog said to give himself a reward after opening the seal, but he didn't expect to swallow himself after thinking about it, the dog is so cunning and unbelievable!

In addition, some information was revealed in the task selection given by the system. First of all, this sealed and imprisoned treasure is called "Tower Prison", and Bi Sha was actually imprisoned for tens of thousands of epochs. He really is immortal...

Moreover, as a world lord, it can live for tens of thousands of epochs without dying. Li Yao remembers that the lifespan of a human lord is about a thousand epochs.

Either Bisha deceived himself, and his realm may be the realm of immortality, or it may be that the lifespan of the king of the monster race is longer than that of humans, especially the royal family of the monster race, the world master may live longer.

Li Yao pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "It's fine to open the seal, but give me the immortal inheritance first!"

"Boy, it's impossible. What if you don't keep your promise? Besides, this king is imprisoned here, and the mental fluctuations can't be transmitted, and you can't receive the immortal-level inheritance." Bi Sha flatly refused.

There was no other way, Li Yao directly chose option D, Enlightenment Reward, since the Enlightenment Space was upgraded to Enlightenment World, he has not tried the opportunity for Enlightenment Reward.

Now holding it in your hand is pretty good!
"I can't give you the Immortal Inheritance, but you can always introduce your bloodline of the Tengu. I don't know how it compares to the bloodline of the giant starry sky beast?" Li Yao said nothing, and directly silenced Bi Shaqian.

The Tengu clan is the king-level bloodline of the monster clan. Although it is powerful, how can it be compared with the emperor-level bloodline of the starry sky behemoths.

Li Yao is also a world beast avatar, which made his vision difficult. You must know that in the eyes of the Chaos City Lord, a golden-horned giant beast avatar can be regarded as a medium chance.

And what kind of person is the Lord of Chaos City, the top person who can be the top person in the entire original universe, the person who stands at the top. The smoke from the ancestral grave is even more outrageous!
But now, an ant-like human being does not know where he got the news of the giant starry sky beast, and he actually blows a toad in front of Bi Sha, if it wasn't for...

Bi Sha restrained his irritable temper, and explained in a low voice: "Boy, you have to know that the blood of the starry sky giant beast is the top blood of the universe. Only special life can beat it. Naturally, it is stronger than the blood of my Tengu clan."

"However, sometimes too strong a bloodline is not a good thing. The stronger the bloodline, the greater the shackles of breaking through the realm. Countless starry sky behemoths are stuck at the peak of the world master and cannot break through to immortality."

"Only the blood that is most suitable for you is the best. For example, this inferior human body on your body, even if it is trained with the blood of my Tengu clan, is enough for you to use for a lifetime!"

Bi Cha's words still carried a trace of invisible bewitching power, as if it was a supreme honor to be baptized by the blood of the king.

Li Yao's spirit was not affected at all, and he scoffed inwardly.

Accepting the baptism of essence and blood, not even a king-level bloodline, what kind of junk is not worthy of lifting shoes for my world beast avatar.

"Sorry, I refuse!"

"Boy, are you kidding me?" Bi Sha's voice was furious, and his dull growl echoed in the "Tower Prison", like thunder!

(End of this chapter)

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