Chapter 139
All the iron horned rhinos were stunned, they couldn't tell which one was Li Yao's real body.


The iron horned rhinos were stunned, Li Yao would not hold back, under the speed of the "Rainbow Transformation" technique, all Li Yao's phantoms rushed into the iron horned rhinos like beams of real light, wantonly smashing the iron horns Rhino slaughter!

"Puff puff!"

The sound of the blade entering the body was endless, and the thick iron armor of the iron horned rhinoceros could not hinder the division of the third-order force weapon Zhanyue Dao. The desert full of fine sand suddenly left corpses on the ground, and blood flew all over the sky!

Even though there were a large number of iron horned rhinos, their cumbersome attacks couldn't touch Li Yao at all, and many iron horned rhinos died under the same kind of collision attack.

In less than 1 minute, [-] iron-horned rhinos of planetary level nine were slaughtered by Li Yao!

"Not enough, not enough!" Li Yao just felt a slight heat in his body, and said directly: "Lord God, [-] stellar first-order iron horned rhinos, or a desert planet..."

"Okay, master, application has been made!"


Twenty seconds later, 20 star-level first-order iron horned rhinos appeared on the desert planet. Their body size was at least five times larger than that of the previous ninth-level planet, and their breath was ten times stronger. !


All the iron-horned rhinoceros saw Li Yao, their eyes turned blood red, and they rushed straight towards Li Yao!

The stellar iron horned rhino is obviously stronger by more than one level. Not only is its breath more powerful, but it also knows how to attack and cooperate with each other. The defense of the thick iron armor on its body has also been greatly enhanced!
However, it was still useless against the perverted Li Yao. This time, Li Yao was experimenting with the attack method of the Psychiatrist.

I saw that Li Yao's eyes became deep, and the "Shuttle" behind him moved without wind, and the 365 golden blades turned into a golden light all over the sky in an instant, densely packed like endless bees, surrounding Li Yao. Fly in the sky!

The sixth form of Duntian Shuo "Golden Storm!"

"go with!"

With a finger of Li Yao's left hand, like a finger of death, countless metal storms pierced through the space, following a specific trajectory in the space, and diffused towards the huge group of iron-horned rhinos that were rushing straight!

"Puff puff!"


Immediately there was a loud howling, and rows of huge iron-horned rhinos fell down like cutting wheat. The dexterous and deadly iron pieces of the Sky Shuttle oscillated with each other, forming a unique cutting airflow, and all the dead iron-horned rhinos were shaking violently Under the air current, there were no bones left, and it turned into a blood mist all over the sky!
In the blink of an eye, all the iron horned rhinos were swept away!
"Haha, happy, happy!"

The killing intent that had been suppressed all this time was released, and Li Yao couldn't stop laughing!

After Li Yao finished venting his emotions, it was time to improve his abilities.

For countless years, countless powerhouses in the vast universe have fought and competed in the virtual universe. The scenes of their battles will be recorded by the virtual universe, thus forming an extremely huge database, and there are reserves of various scenes of performing secret skills.

For those who also practice these secret skills, it has a great enlightening effect.

Moreover, in the killing space, you can choose your own opponent at will, and you can also set up an opponent that is exactly the same as your own physical fitness, mental power, consciousness, unique moves, weapons, etc.

The opponent is himself, but he has rich experience and is extremely good at fighting, so that he can quickly learn from the opponent's experience and improve himself. It can be said that the killing field is the best teacher!

During this period of time, although Li Yao's comprehension of laws has advanced by leaps and bounds, he feels that his comprehension of laws has not yet fully transformed into his own strength.

"Lord God, set the opponent to be yourself after the second stage of "Moon Shadow Whirling"!"

The main god quickly completed the application.

A moment later, a Li Yao who was also dressed in black and holding a moon knife appeared in the killing space, looking at Li Yao coldly.


The opponent suddenly turned into ten thousand phantoms, and the entire space was filled with identical "Li Yao", all staring at him indifferently.

Seeing this scene, Li Yao's pupils shrank. It was also the second level of "Splitting Light and Transforming Shadows" in "Moon Shadow Whirling". The opponent could easily conjure [-] figures, but Li Yao could only conjure fifty.

Of course, this has something to do with Li Yao's "light splitting and phantom" not yet fully mastered. The third level of "Moon Shadow" "Moonlight" has already begun to dabble in time, and the second level "light splitting and shadow transformation" has achieved great success. Naturally, he has a very high understanding of the law of light. mastery requirements.

However, Li Yao has comprehended about half of the laws of light, and he can only create fifty phantoms, which is obviously not up to the standard.


One after another phantoms attacked Li Yao layer by layer. The Zhan Yue Dao in his hand emitted a cold light like a ghost. Li Yao's fifty phantoms were quickly submerged in the crowd, one by one. Shattered, but his eyes are getting brighter and brighter!
"In this way, it turns out that the condensed phantom body should be like this..."

Li Yao was completely immersed in the battle with himself. The opponent's powerful and skilled light manipulation ability gave Li Yao a great inspiration, and at the same time corrected many of Li Yao's mistakes.

How does the phantom maintain long-term stability, how to quickly condense, how not to be affected by each other, how to coherently and skillfully manipulate so many phantoms... All doubts suddenly cleared up in his mind, Li Yao was like a hungry sponge, Frantically absorbing experience and knowledge.

For several days in a row, Li Yao stayed in the trial space and did not come out. In addition to practicing "Splitting Light and Transforming Shadows", Li Yao also set up the same opponents for the first stage "Shadow Escape" of "Mastering the Space".

Although he hasn't fully comprehended the laws of space, Li Yao has already touched the threshold of the laws of space, and he can also use "Shadow Escape", but the distance, speed and concealment of "Shadow Escape" are greatly reduced.

In addition, there is also the practice control of "Dun Tian Shuo"...

Five days later, Li Yao walked out of his killing space with messy hair. His whole body looked a little messy, but Li Yao's eyes were extremely bright. It was a sign of his control over his own strength coming from the inside out. confidence.

At the end of the Killing Space corridor, the old man with green skin and wrinkled face was still the same as when Li Yao entered the Killing Space before. He was lying leisurely on the wicker chair, as if nothing could arouse his interest.

Li Yao turned and walked past, "Man Luo" opened his closed eyes slightly, cast a glance at Li Yao, and then hummed a little song leisurely.

In a high-end resting place of Qiulongxing's family, in a room with strong privacy, Li Yao went offline from the virtual universe, and he was in a trance.

After so many days of uninterrupted training, he felt mentally exhausted, but the improvement in strength made him very satisfied.


(End of this chapter)

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