Chapter 166 Evolution
You must know that Ming Yu, as the top domain master level powerhouse of the Black Dragon Empire, has only reached a small level of comprehension of the law of the wind attribute, but now, such an achievement is easily achieved by a planet-level little guy, It shocked him.

"In the world of world masters that have been born over the years, it is naturally impossible for people of the world master level to compete directly. The world masters are powerful, and there is a world's blessing in every gesture, and they can easily destroy a world without a master."

"Therefore, the five giant forces later formed an agreement, and the warriors below the universe level under their command will compete to finally determine the ownership of the world of the world."

"The object of contention is often a special item in the world of the world lord. His Highness has mastered the mysterious and unpredictable space law, and the SSS-level blood potion can increase His Highness's strength. Shine!"

"Most of the people who participated in the competition before were elites from the headquarters of my Black Dragon Island branch. This time, with the help of His Highness, our chances of winning have increased a lot, haha!"

Ming Min pointed to the three people behind him, and then laughed heartily.

There is a super elite from the headquarters of the virtual universe company branch of the trial mission, which naturally increases the chances of winning. He doesn't believe that the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance also has monsters of the same level this time.

The little guys under his command compete to determine the ownership of the world of the master, and the undeveloped world of the master is not low in danger. There are often creatures of the universe level or even the level of the domain master. How many treasures can these little guys search for.

The final big head must remain in the hands of the strong ones who will end up in the end. As long as the virtual universe company obtains the control of the world of this world, he can also share a lot of benefits.

Behind Ming Min, two men and a woman wearing a black coat with the logo of the virtual universe company saluted Li Yao.

"Your Highness, let me introduce myself. My name is Silver Swordsman, and my real name is Feng Yuan!" The woman in front of her was tall and well-proportioned, with slanted willow eyebrows and a cold face. She looked at Li Yao with admiration and fighting spirit.

"Silver swordsman, it's you!" Li Yao was a little surprised.

He remembered that in the killing space of the virtual universe, a female nine-star genius who was beaten to pieces by him was wearing a silver battle suit and a golden mask at that time. Li Yao didn't recognize it for a while.

Li Yao took another look at the woman in front of him, her face was exquisite, and her cold eyes seemed vaguely familiar.

"That's right, it's this subordinate! If there is a chance, this subordinate would like to ask His Highness for advice on two tricks!" Feng Yuan spoke bluntly, without hiding the vigorous fighting spirit in her heart!

As a super elite of the Black Dragon Island branch, she has always crushed her opponents in the face of challenges from eight-star opponents. She just completed the task and had no sharpening effect.

Facing Li Yao now, he became the crushing party, powerless to fight back.

Now that I have finally met a monster who is even more talented than myself, and has been rated as a super elite in the headquarters, Feng Yuan will naturally not let such a good opponent go, and I also want to know how far there is between myself and the super elite in the headquarters .

"Oh... have you been promoted to the star level?" Li Yao felt the powerful aura on Feng Yuan, knowing that she has advanced from the ninth level of the planet to the star level, and her strength has increased, so she naturally feels that she can do it again.

Li Yao smiled and said, "If you're going to learn from each other, you're naturally welcome to the top level!"

As for the other two male elites, one is at the eighth level of star power, and the other is at the fifth level of star power. However, Li Yao estimated that the two of them have not reached the level of super elites, and they are standing behind Feng Yuan.

Seeing that the four of them got acquainted with each other, Ming Min said again: "My virtual universe company has agreed with the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance this time. The trial mission of the battle between the two sides will be just one month later, and the time is completely in time. .”

"Moreover, His Highness still has an SSS-level bloodline medicine that has never been used. After using it, the strength will increase rapidly, and it will be easy to break through to the star level!"


Inside the pitch-black flying sword-shaped spaceship, there was a highly concealed cabin. After discussing things with Ming Min and others, Li Yao couldn't wait to enter his own cabin.

Inside the silver metal box lies a 20 cm long glass test tube, the liquid inside has a dreamy color.

"SSS bloodline evolution agent." Li Yao looked at the colorful liquid in the long and thin needle tube in his hand. This liquid has an incomparable beauty. Star field, even a strong player at the domain master level has to go bankrupt to afford it, and there is no way to buy it yet.

"Let's get started!" Without hesitation.

Li Yao directly took off the cap of the needle tube, then directly pierced the skin with a needle, and pushed it slowly, the colored liquid in the needle tube began to gradually melt into Li Yao's body, just like crazy cancer cells, and began to crazily devour the blood in Li Yao's body. In every cell, pain like a thousand cuts rushed into my mind.

"Damn!" Li Yao gritted his teeth and cursed, curled up on the bed.

Bloodline medicine changes bloodline cells from the genetic level, which is equivalent to the deepest evolution of life. The transformation is very thorough, and the pain of natural evolution is also painful to the bone marrow.

Fortunately, Li Yao has already practiced "Star Body Refining Art", and has a certain degree of tolerance for this kind of evolution on the genetic level.

Li Yao clenched his teeth tightly, without making a sound, only the muscles and fascia all over his body were trembling involuntarily, feeling hot!

And inside.

Every cell of Li Yao has become a battlefield, regardless of muscle cells, bone cells, etc., are in the middle of the battle, and the transformation of life is happening.

The evolution of human bloodlines is supposed to be a long-term and long process of gradual change, and the evolutionary agent of bloodlines is the evolutionary agent developed by Virtual Universe Company to accelerate this fundamental change.

The cost of each copy is very high, and many precious secret medicine liquid essences are added to it. The quantity is extremely rare, especially the SSS-level blood medicine, and only super elites can apply for it.


An hour later, Li Yaocheng was lying on the ground in a "big" shape, his clothes were soaked and stuck to his body, showing his extremely strong body, but at the same time, he was extremely tired and lay there motionless.

Tired, but there is a kind of comfort from the bottom of my heart, with a sense of fulfillment after a life-level transition.

Before Li Yao sighed for too long, there was a crazy sense of hunger in his body, and all the cells seemed to be hungry, conveying the desire for energy!

Li Yao quickly took out a Muya crystal, held it directly in his hand, and practiced cross-legged.

The energy contained in a wood seed crystal is astonishing. Usually, Li Yao can only spend a little time absorbing it every day, and it can completely saturate his body.

But today, after undergoing a great bloodline evolution, all the cells seemed to be stimulated, and the appetite increased greatly, but the extremely hungry body was crazily absorbing Mu Yajing's energy.


(End of this chapter)

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