I'm devouring the stars and being the villain

Chapter 195 The Dry Witch Auction

Chapter 195 The Dry Witch Auction

In order not to let anyone go, all members of Li Yao's escort team were mobilized for this mission.

At the beginning, everything went well, but when I went deep into the hinterland of this family, I discovered that there was a world lord of the monster clan hidden in it.

This monster clan world lord is extremely crazy, knowing that he has been exposed, and killing crazily, Li Yao, as the core figure, is naturally targeted by him. Fortunately, this mission has Li Shan, the world lord, in secret just in case.

Appeared in time and killed the monster clan leader with thunder!
However, Li Yao's guards still suffered heavy losses. Five of the 20 universe-level guards died. In order to protect Li Yao, the captain, Sharon, was also slapped and lost half his life.

Although Li Yao had the "Dark Crown" body protection, Li Yao was still shocked by the madness of the monster clan leader.

Under Li Shan's strong suppression, the Yaozu world lord knew that he could not survive, and at the last moment, he triggered his own world lord to blatantly reveal himself. The shock wave swept across the entire planet of life. Most of the life on the entire planet was killed and injured, and there were cries everywhere!
For the first time, the cruelty of fighting between races was reflected in Li Yao's heart.

During the four months of completing the trial mission, Li Yao also explored various world master secret realms around the Imperial Capital of the Black Dragon Empire.

However, these realm master worlds, which are considered as testing grounds, have been patronized by generation after generation of warriors, and all kinds of treasures have already been taken away, and what is left are the treasure rewards used by the virtual universe company to cultivate geniuses.

Even if Li Yao has the status of the system map, it is not easy to take away too many treasures.

After exploring seven or eight realm master worlds one after another, the results were mediocre, and a lot of time was spent on the road.

Li Yao completely calmed down, and he also understood that an undeveloped world like the Tianyu Realm Master's World is rare once in ten thousand years.

Moreover, it is rare for treasures to be hidden in the world, otherwise, with the ability of the virtual universe company, it is completely possible to manufacture an instrument for detecting the middle world, so why let so many treasures fall outside.

However, Li Yao still remembered in his heart that in the original book, Luo Feng, Hong, Lei Shen and other three mercenaries examined the world of the Lord of Thunder, and there was a world with many treasures, but that place was too far away from the capital of the Black Dragon Empire. I plan to explore again when I return to Earth.


December 2062, 12.Virtual universe, Black Dragon Mountain island.

Li Yao arrived at the "Transportation Point" on a dragon horse, holding a gorgeous invitation letter: "Transmission."

call!The space changed for a while, and Li Yao instantly disappeared on the island of Black Dragon Mountain, and was teleported to a hanging city above the "Ganwu Continent". The invitation letter shot out a little bit of bright light, causing the defense of the hanging city to automatically open a passageway, allowing Li Yao to enter.

This is an incomparably elegant land suspended in the clouds, with white clouds flowing, and the most dazzling thing in the entire Hanging City is the incomparably huge building—the auction hall.

Li Yao smiled. He had been looking forward to it for a long time. The Ganwu Auction held every three years finally came.

During this period of time, Li Yao sold the treasures he obtained from the world of the world master and some things he didn't need through the channel of the virtual universe company, and exchanged a total of nearly 300 yuan of wealth.

Now that Li Yao holds 300 Hunyuan units of financial resources, his net worth can be compared with most of the world lords, and he has some confidence to participate in this auction.

The dry witch auction is held every three years.

The minimum threshold for participating in the auction is a three-star customer of Universe First Bank and Universe Galaxy Bank!Only when the account balance reaches 10 mixed yuan units, can you automatically become a three-star bank customer and have many special powers.

And the three-star customers are almost all powerful warriors who are world masters and above!A very small number of them are big businessmen at the interstellar level, or young people with super backgrounds.

In the universe, many precious items belong to the restricted class, and there are many items that are difficult to buy even if you have money.The "auction" held in the virtual universe provides them with the opportunity to buy many precious items.

Of course, only the "Junior Auctions" can be participated in by three-stars, and the minimum threshold for the higher "Intermediate Auctions" and "Advanced Auctions" are four-star and five-star customers, and those who are generally immortal can participate The auction is coming up, and every treasure auctioned is calculated in Hunyuan units.

There were two long dragons lined up at the entrance of Ganwu Auction Hall. The names were either gorgeous or simple, some had snake bodies, and some seemed to be burning with flames. It was a sea of ​​people. Exudes a powerful momentum.

And this auction hall has a total of 16 such entrances. It is conceivable that the number of world masters participating in the auction can be imagined.

While queuing up, Li Yao often heard the discussions of some world masters around him, and the content of the discussions was quite interesting.

"Nuo Lan, I heard that you are slaughtering a powerful world lord of the Yaozu. You should have accumulated enough military merits in the foreign battlefield. Are you planning to retire?" A burly and tall world lord said in a deep voice The voice rang out.

The black-robed world lord standing with him said calmly: "The genius of the monster clan's world lord killed many of our partners, and finally died under the siege of our human fighters. Hmph, he really wanted to die. So loud!"

"This time I come back from the foreign battlefield, I plan to go back to my hometown to rest, but I plan to continue to fight in the foreign battlefield. The peace of the Ganwu universe is not suitable for me."

"What is the finale item of this auction?" Someone asked, obviously interested in the treasures in the auction house.

Li Yao followed the queue and pricked up his ears.

"It is a weapon of the gods, and it is a weapon of the gods that only the gods can get!"

Someone nearby said in amazement: "Wow, wouldn't there be many immortal powerhouses coming to buy this weapon?"

"Sure." The world masters next to each other knew each other and were chatting with each other.

"Brother, which family and organization are you from?" A team next to Li Yao, a thin one-eyed man beside Li Yao, greeted Li Yao with a smile.

The vast majority of this long line are warriors of the World Master level, and only Li Yao, a star-level guy, stands out among them, so someone asked curiously.

"Virtual Universe Company." Li Yao answered simply.

"Oh!" The one-eyed man's tone was a little surprised, "Brother, your status in the virtual universe company may be terrible!"

A star-level martial artist from the virtual universe company can actually participate in the dry witch auction, which can already explain a lot of problems.

Either it is the top talent in the virtual universe company, who can obtain admission tickets through special channels, or he has a three-star customer account, no matter which one is great.


(End of this chapter)

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