Chapter 31 Judgment (Please follow up! Thank you)

"Trigger mission!"

"Host Li Yao is suspected of murdering the daughter of the High God of War, Alia, and is currently undergoing trial! The rewards for the trial results are as follows:
[A: Death penalty.Reward: Treasure (day level)]

[B: Fixed-term imprisonment.Reward: Draw the ground as a prison (secret skill)]

[C: Compensation for fines.Reward: add points once. 】

[D: Not guilty.Reward: Get away with it (Secret Technique of Body Technique)]”

Li Yao's spirit was shaken, he came to life!
"System, what's going on, why is there an option of death penalty? What's the use of rewarding me even after I'm dead?" Li Yao was puzzled and confused.

What's the point of asking for a fart reward when everyone is dead?

"After the death of the host, the treasure belongs to the inheritance and can be inherited." The system sounded without emotion.


"6, the system, you are right, I am convinced!"

"You are my son, so let me inherit all my treasures!"

Li Yao was speechless.

However, he also found that the format of the task had changed. Instead of multiple choice questions, it was more like an exam, and the exam results had four grades of ABCD.

"System, I'll give you an A to show you how good the man selected by the system is!"

"Wait for good news from the host."


Li Yao came back to his senses, glanced at the audience in the auditorium, and looked at him, good guy, at least one-fifth of them had a relationship with the original Li Yao, and now these people looked at Li Yao gloatingly.

In the dock, besides Apeli, there was also a woman who looked a little like Alia, with a graceful and luxurious temperament, but at this time she looked at herself with eyes full of resentment.

Li Yao ignored everyone's eyes and said calmly, "I don't plead guilty."

Vinina next to her cooperated tacitly, and quickly submitted the fighter plane video footage extracted by Li Yao, in addition to the video evidence obtained by the satellite.

As the video was played on the large video screen of the court, it was clearly recorded that in the face of the king-level fierce beast Thunder Owl's pursuit, Alia ignored the safety of everyone and held the Thunder Owl egg tightly.

And the whole incident where Li Yao found out that there was a glass bottle of extracted egg liquid, and was thrown off the plane by Li Yao to quell the anger of the king-level monster thunder and owl.

In an instant, the court of the God of War Palace was full of discussions.

The God of War who came to observe before didn't know the specific situation, thinking that the vulture Li Yao deliberately murdered Apeli's daughter, but now things are obviously very different.

Moreover, it turned out to be the egg of a king-level fierce beast, Thunder Owl. Many Gods of War beat their chests and stamped their feet with regret!
"That's how it happened."

Winina next to her opened her mouth when she saw the video finished playing. At this time, Winina was wearing a close-fitting suit, her legs were long and straight, her chest buttons were tight, and her golden wavy hair was tied behind her head. She was refreshing and capable.

Seeing everyone's eyes looking at her, Winina spoke again, her voice was clear and penetrating: "My husband Li Yao belongs to the Chinese nation, and the deceased Alia belongs to the European Union. One, or Article 20 of No.30 of the European Federal Criminal Law."

"In order to protect the person, property, and other rights of oneself or others from the danger that is happening, the act of emergency avoidance taken as a last resort belongs to emergency avoidance, and the punishment for emergency avoidance exceeding the limit shall be mitigated."

"According to Article [-] of the Martial Artist Regulations of the God of War Palace, warriors who put themselves in a risky situation due to rescue operations, and take emergency avoidance measures that cause damage, should be exempted from punishment!"

"In this matter, Aliya concealed the matter of stealing the eggs of the king-level beast and extracting the egg liquid first, which led to a series of dangers in the subsequent pursuit and killing of the king-level beast. After the incident was revealed, she did not know how to repent. The plot was bad! My husband The proper handling of risks is the correct use of emergency avoidance measures!"

"Therefore, you should be innocent!"

Venina's tone was passionate and loud, and as soon as she finished speaking, the audience was in an uproar.

After listening to Vinina's statement, Li Yao's blood boiled with excitement, and he wanted to applaud vigorously, Vinina, my eternal God!
It turns out that I really didn't commit a crime. Li Yao thought that he must have committed some crime by throwing Alia out.

In fact, he also admitted that what he did at the time was somewhat due to the displeasure of that stupid woman, Alia.

Originally, he planned to rely on his own strength to fight for "reasons", but now it seems that Vinina wants Kerry to take the audience!

Thai pants are hot!
Li Yao completely lay flat...

Your Majesty, please take your seat.

"Protest! Protest!"

In the dock, Aperi saw that everyone was talking about it, and the wind direction was a bit wrong, so he quickly protested loudly.

At the same time, he scolded Noah and the two bodyguards in his heart. In order to survive, how dare those two idiots continue to anger Apeli by saying bad things about the eldest lady. Splashing dirty water on his body is very different from the facts that Li Yao submitted now, which also caused the current situation to be passive.

"I protest!" Apeli's eyes were a little red, and he said regardless: "Anyway, Li Yao can delay the time!"

"As long as you delay the time and wait for the rescue to arrive, Alia won't have to die!"

"No matter how ignorant she is, it's to keep the egg, to extract the essence of the egg liquid to refine the genetic medicine, and to benefit all mankind!"


As soon as Apeli finished speaking, there were a lot of boos.

The other God of War warriors who watched the excitement didn't think it was a big deal, and they ridiculed one after another, for the benefit of all mankind?Your HR alliance is also worthy, not to make a lot of money!
These ridicules made Apeli, who was used to seeing big scenes, blush a little, but in order to put a shit shed on Li Yao's head and avenge his daughter, he could only continue to say cheekily: "Li Yao, you could delay the time at that time." , but you chose to kill Alia, what is your intention!"

Apeli watched Li Yao closely, and when he thought of the death of his beloved daughter, his heart felt like a knife!And he needs to grasp the flaws in Li Yao's words. Once Li Yao responds improperly, he can give Li Yao a fatal blow!
"Because I'm a good person."

In the dock, Li Yao spread his hands and shrugged.

In the spectator seats, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay!

"Fart!" Seeing that Li Yao was such a rascal, Aperi slapped the table angrily.

"No one knows what kind of virtue you, Li Yao have. You are a good person, and there are no bad people in the entire God of War Palace!" Seeing Li Yao's indifferent attitude, Apeli roared angrily.

"Judge, someone is roaring in the courtroom!" Li Yao ignored Apeli, and cupped his hands at Isadona who was sitting in the chair.

"Okay, be quiet!" Isadona said, and the whole court fell silent again.Even though Apeli was aggrieved, he could only sit down reluctantly.

"The whole matter has been clearly understood by this court, and the evidence is indeed sufficient, and the sentence is now pronounced!"

"Defendant Li Yao actively rescued in the face of the HR alliance's rescue mission, and successfully rescued a total of nine members of the "Holy Hammer Squad". The plaintiff's alleged murder of Alia has no specific factual basis and cannot be established."

"Defendant Li Yao's emergency avoidance measures were excessive and caused great mental damage to the victim's family!"

"The verdict is as follows: dismiss the plaintiff's request to accuse the defendant Li Yao of murder and death penalty."

"The defendant, Li Yao, is sentenced to pay the plaintiff mental damages totaling 1000 billion Huaxia coins!"

"It is judged that the defendant Li Yao shall bear all the costs of this lawsuit."

"The plaintiff refuses to accept this judgment, and may appeal to the Ares Palace Speaker Committee within 10 days after this judgment is made, or file a protest request to the HR Alliance Parliament."

Following Isadona's announcement of the verdict, there were joys and sorrows below.

"War God Palace, please review and approve this judgment!" Isadona spoke again after looking around for a week.


"This judgment is passed! It has been recorded and archived!"



(End of this chapter)

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