Chapter 39 No.30 Nine Vinina's Ambition
As the fighter plane flew back, Li Yao recalled the information about Yan Hai in his mind.

According to the plot in the original book, Yan Hai and Li Yao are both Chinese, and their personalities are similar to those of the original, both of whom are eccentric and selfish.As a result, Yan Hai was squeezed out by Huaxia's military Jia Yi and others, and left Huaxia in a fit of anger to join the HR alliance.

With Hong and Leishen under pressure at ordinary times, Yan Hai has always kept a low profile, but in the original book, after Hong and Leishen fell into a deep sleep because of killing the golden-horned beast.

Yan Hai, Alkin and others completely exposed their ambitions, tried to control the power of the earth, and even secretly manipulated the families of the heroes of the earth to act recklessly, and finally died in the hands of Luo Feng who recovered from the golden horn monster.

Dealing with such a selfish, ambitious person who usually hides it, Li Yao doesn't have any psychological burden.

The contacts left by his predecessor are not for nothing, and he has nothing against him. After asking for advice, Li Yao didn't owe any favors, and just paid the remuneration directly, treating it as a deal. Besides, Li Yao himself is not a good person.

While manipulating the fighter plane, Li Yao was thinking about what Yan Hai said in his mind.

"The key to breaking through the spiritual will lies in the heart?"

Li Yao has heard about two conditions for breaking through to the planetary level. One is the physical fitness to reach the peak of the god of war, and the other is a strong mental will.

There are traces for warriors to break through their physical strength, they only need to practice continuously or take some natural treasures that promote the evolution of body cells.

However, with the improvement of physical strength, the requirements for the warrior's spiritual will are also getting higher and higher.There is no doubt that strong physical strength requires sufficient spiritual will to control.

Otherwise, you will face a situation where your strength is out of control and your foundation is unstable, just like a child swinging a sledgehammer. Not only will you not be able to exert your full strength, but you may even hurt yourself.

Moreover, the stronger the mental will, the more able to exert one's own strength.Just like the army, one army has loose discipline and fights on its own, with natural combat effectiveness, while the other has a commander, sufficient command, strong cohesion, and natural combat effectiveness.

And spiritual will is equivalent to the role of an army commander!

The key to breaking through the spiritual will lies in the heart, which Li Yao never thought of before.

Li Yao recalled the earth's division of the soul and will into three levels:
The first level: to see the nature clearly, to point directly to the original heart.The heart is like a bright mirror, which does not stir up a trace of dust, and the heart is as concise as a knife, cutting off all obstacles.

The second level: the heart of a child, the harmony of yin and yang, the combination of hardness and softness; to achieve the unity of man and nature, the heart of a child, and the great perfection of the state of mind.

The third level: "The heart is infinite, and the heart can tolerate everything", no matter how strong his coercion is, I can tolerate him, and my heart is infinite.

Li Yao himself is currently in the stage of the first level of state of mind to see the nature, pointing directly to the original heart.It stands to reason that he is already in the first level of state of mind, and has surpassed the vast majority of parliamentarian-level warriors on earth.

After all, even if the earth is transformed by the powerful foreigner, it is helpful for the cultivation of the state of mind, but at this stage of the earth, there are very few people who have achieved success in the cultivation of the state of mind.

Except for Hong and Leishen, the other councilors, including Yan Hai, probably didn't enter the state of mind.

Obviously, the heart that Yan Hai refers to does not mean state of mind.

"Then what exactly does this heart mean?" Li Yao muttered to himself.


The Youlan fighter was flying fast, and when he returned to Shanshui Manor, Li Yao hadn't figured it out yet.

Back at the villa, Venina was at home. At this time, she was wearing a plain white robe, with a belt around her slender waist, her breasts were bulging, and her buttocks outlined by the robe were sitting on a stool. He was concentrating on checking the computer. Looking from the side, his fair face had a charming jaw line.

Winina heard the sound, turned her head to see Li Yao, her eyes were bright: "Yao, you're back."

"Well, what is Vinina up to?" Li Yao responded with a nod, and walked to Vinina's side, his arms naturally wrapped around his plump waist.

Winina sensed Li Yao's small movements, gave Li Yao a blank look, and said in a reproachful tone, "It's not about the recent alliance. Since we broke up with the Capez and Rockefeller families, they don't cooperate in various things. I'm so busy with my problems!"

"Hmph! Sooner or later, I want their two families to look good." Li Yao snorted, his eyes were cold.

"It's nothing, just be busy for a while! At that time, the organization will run slowly, and all parties in the alliance will have opinions, and they have to take care of the overall situation." Winina felt that Li Yao's tone was unhappy, and she was afraid that Li Yao's disagreement would cause trouble again. Contradictory, he comforted him.

At the same time, she stretched, her delicate body leaned back on Li Yao's body, and raised her head to ask for a kiss. It happened that she was also tired from work and planned to rest for a while.

Li Yao naturally sucked his charming lips, then lifted up his luxurious plain white robe, with a slight force on his palm, Vinina was directly pressed on the table.

Vinina was blushing all over her face, she turned her head and looked at Li Yao coquettishly, and she planned to take a rest...


During lunch, the housekeeper served respectfully, and some servants carefully served the food.

Venina changed into a pale yellow dress, with a natural and cold expression, and she sat upright, showing no signs of abnormality at all.

But Li Yao was annoyed in every possible way, he had been thinking about breaking through, so why did he go in the wrong direction all of a sudden.

Hey, I can't do this in the future, and the most important thing is to cultivate!

Gentle Township, Hero Tomb... Li Yao fell into deep reflection.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was weird, and the servants became more and more cautious. They couldn't be too careful when facing the "vulture" and "poisonous scorpion" couple who made children stop crying.

"Yao, what's on your mind?" Winina finally broke the silence. Seeing Li Yao frowning sometimes, and sometimes with a thoughtful expression, she asked.

Hearing this, Li Yao looked at Vinina. At this moment, Vinina's blond hair was tied up behind her head, revealing her slender neck. She had a gentle demeanor, and she looked at Li Yao with a tinge of blushing.

Seeing Li Yao's gaze, Vinina blinked her charming eyes, revealing her tacit playfulness, her whole body exuded the charm of a mature intellectual woman from the inside out.

This goblin... is killing people more and more...

"Ahem..." Li Yao coughed to cover up his embarrassment, and then remembered his previous doubts.

"Winina, what is your martial arts heart?" Li Yao asked casually.

"My heart of martial arts?" Venina's expression fell into a daze.

If we talk about why she practiced martial arts, Venina was born in a noble family. At the beginning, it was naturally because she had a woman's unyielding energy. With her own hard work and viciousness, she earned the title of "Poisonous Scorpion".

And after she married Li Yao and took the position of HR Alliance Huaxia Regional President, her martial arts practice became a bit neglected and sparse, and she devoted more energy to her career and work, and at the same time gave her husband great resources to support his cultivation.

"My heart for martial arts..." Venina pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "I don't have heart for martial arts. My biggest wish right now is that my husband can become a peerless powerhouse!"

"In this way, I, Venina, can also become the most powerful woman in the world, admired by all!"


(End of this chapter)

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