I'm devouring the stars and being the villain

Chapter 61 Li Yao 2 enters the courtroom

Chapter 61

May 2057, 5, at three o'clock in the afternoon.

In the supreme court of the Civil War Shrine, the huge spaceship building in the Xtreme Headquarters, more than the vast majority of congressmen and powerhouses on the earth gathered. The trial of "Vulture" Li Yao this time has touched the hearts of too many people.

Even Hong and Thor, who are number one and number two on Earth, will attend the trial in person.

Moreover, it is not limited to the range of warriors. In the face of the protests and concerns of many ordinary people in various countries, the countries are under pressure and have to negotiate with the Ares Palace. The final result is that the trial of "Vulture" Li Yao will be Using the method of simultaneous live broadcast, it is open to ordinary people and attracts worldwide attention!

"God! So many powerful fighters!"

"God of War, all of them are gods of war, and the one at the forefront, the legendary congressman!"

For ordinary people, this is the first time that the circle of warriors has been shown in such an all-round way before the eyes of the world!
Countless ordinary people are paying close attention to the development of this matter through computer network, TV, square video screen and other means.

At this moment, the protagonist Li Yao has not yet appeared on the stage, and the courtroom of the God of War Palace is filled with all the gods of war. At a glance, there are at least a thousand of them, each with a strong aura and different expressions!
Usually it is rare to see the mighty God of War who sees the dragon and sees the head and tail, but now he can be seen everywhere as if he is in a vegetable market.

There are also dozens of congressmen in the front with mysterious positions, surrounded by special abilities, and they are as eye-catching as gods!
"Strong, incomparably powerful!"

"Is this the essence of my humanity?"


Countless human beings were amazed at this scene, their hearts were surging, and they felt extremely proud!

The Fifth Human Speaker was killed, and many people were worried about the fate of mankind. Some careerists even took the opportunity to coerce the people, incite emotions, and impact the originally stable order. The law and order in some countries and regions even showed signs of chaos.

This time, the Ares Palace adopted such a high-profile live broadcast method to show the power of human beings to all mankind and to appease the emotions of ordinary people!

"Here we come!" someone whispered.

Before everyone had to wait too long, a fuchsia triangular fighter plane "rumbled" approaching at a high speed in the distance, then slowed down sharply and hovered over the entrance of the huge spaceship at the Xtreme Martial Arts Headquarters.

"Crack!" The hatch opened, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the hatch in an instant.

"Vulture, Li Yao!" Someone murmured softly, looking at the person who walked out of the fighter plane door first.

He was wearing a black combat uniform, with a thin figure and a stern face. His deep eyes were calmly looking down, like a high god looking down on all living beings. Nothing could move him.

He didn't look like a prisoner about to be judged, but rather like an emperor inspecting his people, with a reckless posture.

"Crash!" The air boiled instantly.

Whether it was the journalists waiting outside the God of War Palace, or all the humans on the other side of the ocean waiting on the Internet and TV screens, heated discussions arose.

"He is Li Yao, he really doesn't look like a good person!"

"It's him, damn it, this attitude is so arrogant, I don't like it, who can beat him for me, I will V you for 50 yen!"

"Why don't you go, I'll pay you 100 yen..."

"Go together, go together!"

In the Yen area, Li Yao killed Matsuda Gohara, one of the patron saints of the people, and the people hated him deeply. In their view, Li Yao the vulture is the embodiment of evil.


"Judge him, judge him!" In the Nordic area, a large number of people gathered and pushed each other, chanting loud slogans!

"Vulture Li Yao, my God!" Someone in the Huaxia area screamed and fainted, completely overwhelmed by Li Yao's temperament.

Li Yao is from China, although his means are vicious and he has joined the HR alliance, but his ruthlessness has won him a large number of fans!
Fans are a group that doesn't care about right or wrong in many situations. As long as idols are responsible and strong, a large number of fans will naturally gather and wave their flags!
Moreover, the one who killed was a warrior from another country, so what does it have to do with China?Good kill, wonderful kill...


On the Internet, a large number of netizens made a fuss, and the group of warriors in the God of War Palace is obviously much more rational, but each of them looked at Li Yao with different expressions, including admiration, resentment, envy, and schadenfreude...

"He's Li Yao the vulture. I didn't expect his strength to improve so quickly!" A God of War who knew Li Yao exclaimed.

"So what if your strength improves so fast, if you can't pass this test, it will be nothing!" A strong man snorted coldly, obviously not interested in Li Yao's rise.

"I heard that it was Alkin who led the people to besiege and kill the vulture Li Yao first, I'm afraid the trial will be uncertain..." Some warriors hesitated.

"Maybe it depends on the attitudes of Hong and Leishen. In the final analysis of the God of War Palace, they have the final say!"

Warriors from all sides discussed and expressed their opinions.

As Li Yao stepped out of the cabin door, following behind were the Ice and Snow Emperor Merhandsen and the number one Psychic Master East, who had serious faces and did not dare to relax their vigilance at all.

They kept their eyes on Li Yao. At this critical moment of the global live broadcast, they were also worried that Li Yao would suddenly violently escape.

However, Li Yao has always been honest. His gaze swept across the crowd below, and then he saw the gorgeous and extraordinary Winina waiting at the defense bench, and tender emotions flashed in his heart.

Vinina had been busy researching laser gun blueprints in the European base camp before, and when she got the news, she rushed to the God of War Palace to wait before Li Yao.

At this time, Winina looked at Li Yao with eyes that seemed to be talking, and her expression was a little worried. Although he knew that Li Yao had the courage to fear the world, but when it came to the step of using the laser gun, I'm afraid he had to do it well. Prepare to fight against the world!
However, she had read the case file and knew the ins and outs of the matter, so she was sure that Li Yao would get a misdemeanor or even absolve him of the crime.

However, she was uncertain about the attitudes of Hong and Leishen, which might bring variables to the outcome of the trial.

Li Yao gave Vinina a reassuring look, then flashed, and appeared directly on the dock with a calm expression, as if he was really about to accept the trial of a reformed prisoner.

In the auditorium, the congressmen who had been watching Li Yao all the time saw this scene, their eyes shrank. Such a fast speed has already surpassed everyone present!

Although they had already heard that Li Yao was very powerful, but seeing Li Yao Xiaolu's actions with their own eyes, some councilors were still very shocked in their hearts!

"First speaker, second speaker, here we come!"

At this time, someone spoke, and the strong members of the parliamentarians and some gods of war in the auditorium who were originally discussing were all quiet.

From the side door of the court, a short-cut man in black and a bald monk in a white robe walked towards the front of the auditorium one after the other.

Hong, the man in black, seemed to be devouring the surrounding light, but the bald monk had a feeling that made one's heart tremble involuntarily.


(End of this chapter)

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