Chapter 66 Enlightenment World
Hearing this, Li Yao walked around the Enlightenment World, which is about a thousand kilometers square.

However, in addition to the magnificent and shocking scenery in this world, all kinds of treasures such as the "Pangu Opening Axe", "Chaotic Green Lotus", and "Xuanhuang Banner" that Li Yao was looking forward to were all gone, and even some natural treasures Neither did the Spirit of the Plants.

"This..." Li Yao was a little helpless, what use is such a broken world for him?

Moreover, now Li Yao also has no "Enlightenment Rewards" times, so he can't connect to that huge and empty existence in the void again to enlighten Dao.

Li Yao didn't give up, for such a huge world, he certainly didn't develop a proper way to use it.

"Enlighten the world, enlighten the world! World!"

Li Yao muttered a few words, then thought of a certain possibility, his eyes lit up sharply.

The world is synonymous with the realm of the world master, so in this realm, the world master can open up the world of the world master, and with the help of a world in every gesture, he can exert extremely terrifying power.

As for the world of enlightenment, Li Yao obviously can't control it at present, and can only stay for one hour a day.

However, the World Lord possesses an enviable ability, that is, through the power of the world that creates the world, he can communicate with the original place of the universe and enter the sea of ​​laws!

The sea of ​​laws is the supreme holy place for warriors to understand the laws. After the consciousness enters the sea of ​​laws, endless laws will show the mystery in front of you. The speed of comprehension of laws is hundreds of times faster than other realms. The main realm will stay for a while longer before breaking through immortality.

But now, Li Yao has the authority to enlighten the world, if he can communicate with the origin of the universe through the enlightened world...

Li Yao's breathing began to become heavy!
The World of Enlightenment had just been established. He stretched out his hands and felt the endless and active world power flowing wantonly in the World of Enlightenment. Afterwards, Li Yao's conscious control of these strong world powers began to vibrate!

At a certain moment, the power of the world vibrated to a certain frequency, and Li Yao felt that his consciousness suddenly communicated with a mysterious place in the universe.

Mysterious, ancient, boundless, vast!
An ancient and mysterious land is like a vast scroll, slowly unfolding in Li Yao's consciousness!

Light!The endless light instantly occupied Li Yao's entire mind!
In this mysterious place, time and space seem to have lost their concept, and there are many laws, which are extremely active in this original place of the universe, entangled with each other, colliding with each other, and interpreting infinitely changing legal principles.

The avenue is invisible, but the great sound has no sound!
In this mysterious place, in addition to the law of light, various laws of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and lightning seem to open their hearts to Li Yao enthusiastically. Clear understanding of various laws.

But Li Yao sticks to his heart. In his comprehension, only the light is incomparably close to himself, and the speed of comprehension is unmatched by other laws.

Weak water is three thousand, I only take a scoop to drink!

The first time Li Yao's consciousness entered the sea of ​​laws of the original place of the universe, he was completely addicted to it. Various perceptions of the light flooded into his mind quickly. He forgot the time and greedily absorbed various perceptions!

"Tick tock!" In the enlightened world, the system faithfully kept time.

At a certain moment, the enlightened world suddenly shook, the earth, wind, water and fire in the whole world suddenly broke out, and various natural disasters reacted violently.


Li Yao's consciousness was shaken, and he was directly thrown out of the world of enlightenment.

Outside, Li Yao on the balcony attic suddenly opened his eyes, his exquisite eyes seemed to be shining brightly.


Wanton laughter filled the entire attic and echoed in the silent manor.

The original place of the universe, when Li Yao thinks that his consciousness can enter and leave the original place of the universe, and watch the endless sea of ​​laws, he can't stop his heart stirring!
It is a legendary place that only the world masters can start to touch, and it contains the infinite mysteries of the universe. Li Yao can enter this place now. Although the realm is not high, the speed of comprehending the laws is not as fast as the world master, but compared with the outside world, the progress can be a hundred times. A thousand times improvement!

Originally, Li Yao's talent was not bad, but compared with Luo Feng and the cosmic genius and leader Bolan, there is still a huge gap between the evildoers who appeared in the tens of thousands of epochs of mankind, but now, Li Yao's planetary level has the speed of perception of the world lord !

Damn it, you're coming, get out of the way!

"Ahem!" It seemed a little pretentious.

Li Yao quickly pulled back his tail that was about to go up to the sky. He could only enter the world of enlightenment for one hour a day, and the speed of comprehension was actually not that exaggerated. It could only be counted as tens or hundreds of times faster.

Li Yao smacked his lips greedily,

"System, you are already a mature system, you must work hard, so that I can pretend as much as I want!"


Li Yao was stunned for a while, and then thought of something, "System, I can only enter the world of enlightenment for one hour every day, so what about my extra rewards?"

Adding some rewards is actually locking Li Yao into the small black room in the space of enlightenment. By controlling the flow of time, Li Yao can study hard and hone his skills in the small black room. Years, the outside world learns directly in an instant!
Before that, Li Yao stayed in the small black room of the Enlightenment Space for three years in order to practice "Phantom Sword Art". He felt endless loneliness and severe mental torture.

But now the Enlightenment Space has been upgraded and has become the Enlightenment World!
"System, I can actually..."

If the World of Enlightenment is now opened up for "additional rewards", Li Yao will be like a mouse in a rice bowl, and he can stay there forever.

"The enlightenment world is unstable, and the rewards for adding points are temporarily closed." The system's unemotional voice sounded, shattering Li Yao's thoughts without mercy.

Well, Li Yao spread his hands, because he was thinking too much.

There are gains and losses. Although I can't use the "additional rewards" at present, compared with the huge gain of being able to enter the original place of the universe, it is a very profitable business.

Moreover, adding some rewards does not mean that they can never be used forever. If the enlightened world is stabilized, it is estimated that it will return to normal, but I don’t know how long this period will be...

Add some rewards, Li Yao previously planned to use it to proficiently portray the third layer of "Sun God Transformation" secret pattern in "Star Body Refining Art", so as to shorten a lot of tedious proficiency time.But now that the World of Enlightenment is unavailable, Li Yao will naturally not wait, it just takes a little more time.

Moreover, another condition for practicing the third level of "Sun God Transformation" is "Visualize a great sun." Li Yao has no idea yet, all these need time to settle, so there is no rush.

Li Yao collected his mind and recalled everything he had experienced in the world of enlightenment. What exactly is the "world of enlightenment"?
Li Yao was a little curious. The Enlightenment Space was a reward that came with the system from the very beginning.At first, it was a dark and empty space, where you could practice time acceleration. After upgrading, it became a world where the power of the world is active, and you can communicate with the original place of the universe.

Then, after that, will the Enlightenment World be upgraded again? And in what form will it be evolved?
Li Yao thought of many things at once, and also speculated about various possibilities...

However, the world of Enlightenment is still in an unstable state at the beginning of the world. Even if there is the possibility of continuing to upgrade and change, it will be a long time later.


(End of this chapter)

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