I'm devouring the stars and being the villain

Chapter 98 A duel across time and space!

Chapter 98 A duel across time and space! (seeking subscription)
"Luo Feng! Luo Feng! Wake up! Wake up!"

Luo Feng, whose consciousness was already close to sinking, vaguely felt that someone was calling him.

The soul is surrounded by a cold nothingness, and the feeling of getting weaker and weaker is conveyed from the depths of the soul, and then his soul feels an incomparably warm and bright place, and the instinct of survival makes his soul... Warm towards that light The place keeps getting closer, closer... and then completely merged into it.

In the seawater, in the crystal nucleus of the wrist of the pale man in the falling black combat uniform, Babata felt that Luo Feng's remaining soul had successfully entered the crystal nucleus of the golden-horned behemoth, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good fortune tricks people, good fortune tricks people!" Babata with blood-red pupils exclaimed, filled with emotion.

During the battle between Luo Feng's burning soul and the golden-horned giant beast, the soul of the second-order peak psionicist of Luo Feng's planet, although with the help of the remaining high-level energy from the transformation of "Soul Seal" by the immortal powerhouse Hu Yanbo, pierced the golden horned beast. The hindrance of the giant horned beast's crystal nucleus attacked the depths of its soul.

But different from the original book, Luo Feng's soul strength failed to reach the third level of the planet, and he was unable to successfully kill the soul of the golden-horned behemoth.

It is precisely because Luo Feng's soul strength is only at the second level of the planet, that he and the golden-horned behemoth could not completely fight to the point where the oil was exhausted and the lamp was exhausted, and they were able to preserve part of their souls.

It stands to reason that the sea of ​​consciousness in Luo Feng's body had already been shattered by Luo Feng himself at the moment when his soul was burning. Even if some of his soul remained, there was no shelter for him, and he could only slowly dissipate and perish.

Babata had already prepared for Luo Feng's death, but who knew that the crystal nucleus of that golden-horned monster shot out from the bottom of the sea and appeared next to Luo Feng's body.

Although he didn't know what happened in the depths of the sea, but at this moment, Babata seemed to see a huge opportunity in front of Luo Feng.

What a twist of fate, in this case, not only Luo Feng may not have to die, but he can even use the secret method of "Seize the House" to seize the Golden Horn Beast's crystal nucleus and give birth to a new Golden Horn Beast!


Time is long and mighty, and the will of the universe overlooks all living beings!
All creatures are like fish in the mighty river of time, following a specific trajectory, ending their short life.

Even the Lord of the Universe and the True God are just bigger fish in the long river of time. Although they can swim upstream, they cannot transcend reincarnation, and they will eventually sink in the long river of time!

Li Yao died, Hong and Leishen fell into a deep sleep, the five sacrificed heroes died, Luo Feng snatched the golden-horned beast...

Although everything has deviated, it seems that a pair of big hands are smoothing everything invisible, so that fate finally returns to the original track.

Sometimes the power of fate is so mysterious!

Li Yao was like a struggling fish in the long river of time, even if he jumped high in the long river of time, he still fell into the long river in the end!

It is also like the tortuous tributaries of the long river of time, no matter how many twists and turns there are, they will eventually merge into the mighty, rushing forward long river of time!

Unbeknownst to all human beings on the earth, they escaped a catastrophe by accident.

This sea area has completely restored calm at this moment, and the waves are frivolous, emitting a faint brilliance under the sunlight.


After a long time.

A vast and cold voice seemed to come from a distant place.

"Have you failed again!"

In the depths of time and space, an indistinct figure seems to have crossed layers of time and space barriers, coming in big strides!At this moment, the void vibrated, and the space set off bursts of turbulence!

The long river of time rushing forward seemed to feel some threat. The vast and boundless long river of time began to boil with a splash, setting off waves of waves, the void began to be chaotic, and boundless power was accumulating!


"Just because of you, you want to stop me?"

The stalwart figure descending from the depths of time and space snorted coldly, and his words were full of disdain!

The blue and tall figure stepped forward, as if the entire time and space were pressing down on the long river of time, and the boundless chaotic air flow was flowing and escaping!

But at this moment, in the long river of time, all the powerful creatures in the original universe and the universe sea seem to have a feeling of imminent disaster!


The vast river of time is furious, the waves are rolling, the big waves are getting more and more turbulent, and the boundless big waves are bombarding towards the soles of the feet that are under the pressure of the cover!

"Hmph! Do you have the courage to fight?" Seeing this scene, the tall and vague figure snorted coldly, and the huge soles of his feet were still pressed down layer by layer!
At this moment, in the long river of time, countless sinking creatures were stunned by the huge shock!


The mighty river of time uttered silent anger, but in the end, as if it had compromised, the waves it set off became smaller and smaller... Finally, it calmed down and was stepped on by that huge foot!

That stalwart figure stood above the long river of time, exuding a mysterious aura all over his body, surrounded by strands of chaotic airflow!

At this moment, his magnificent eyes spanned the distance of time and space, and stared at that piece of time and space, that piece of quiet sea area, the entire earth stopped its rotation, time and space stagnated at this moment, and all creatures on the earth seemed to be pressed to pause.


That stalwart blue figure stretched out a magnificent jade-white palm. The palm prints on the huge palm are clearly visible, and in the center of the palm, a small three-foot-long incense stick is firmly protected by it. Spatial rifts, space-time eddies are still intact.

Just when the huge jade white palm was about to penetrate into the time and space where the earth is, from another direction in the depths of time and space, a magnificent light golden fist suddenly stretched out!
The light golden fist is like pouring gold, so huge that it is countless billions of light years, and the endless power contained in it can be seen at a glance!


The pale golden fist seemed to gather endless power, and it bombarded directly towards Yubai's palm. The endless space along the way collapsed, setting off a large void and turbulent flow, and all the chaotic air flow retreated under the impact!
"If you want to stop me, you will die!" Wei An's blurred blue figure saw the light golden fist bombarding him, his expression did not change at all, and his tone was still cold.


The light golden fist moved forward indomitably, and only slowed down when it was about to reach the huge jade white palm.

In the depths of time and space, another giant with endless golden light can be vaguely seen. At this moment, the body owner of the pale golden fist seems to be weighing something. In the end, the huge pale golden fist, which is unknown for billions of light years, slowly dissipated, as if it had never appeared over average.


Finally, the giant jade white palm finally crossed endless time and space, and when it reached the time and space of the earth, it slowly pushed the "three-foot-long incense" protected in the palm into that time and space.

Wei'an's blurred blue figure glanced at the earth, with endless complex colors in his eyes, then slowly withdrew his palm, without turning his head, and strode away towards the unknown depths of time and space, where the turbulent flow of time and space was beside him Retreating, the chaotic airflow surrounded his huge body.


In the depths of time and space, two fuzzy and majestic figures started a frenzied battle again, sweeping away a large number of uninhabited stars, one universe after another collapsed, and endless time and space turned into their battlefield!


(End of this chapter)

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