Chapter 166 New Album Songs

Just when the major radio stations in Hong Kong started to scramble for users because of Chen Qiming, and the media was discussing the injustice of this year's Top Ten Chinese Golden Song Awards Ceremony.

As soon as Chen Qiming returned to Taiwan, he started preparing for his next album.

For this Mandarin album, Chen Qiming and the company attach great importance to it.

If we say that "Trend Figure" is Chen Qiming's debut album, it is also the album that made Chen Qiming famous in the music world.

Then "Fairy Tale" is the album that made Chen Qiming completely squeezed into the first-line ranks.

Subsequently, the album "The Heart Is Too Soft" made Chen Qiming surpass many Hong Kong and Taiwan singers in one fell swoop and become the well-deserved king of popularity in the music world.

The height is not cold.

But when you stand on a high place, you also have to be careful about your back.

Because there are countless hands reaching out to you behind you.

Some of them want to use your strength to climb up, while others want to pull you down directly from above.

What's more, they will plan to step on your shoulders and climb higher.

In a word.

Although the current Chen Qiming is extremely beautiful, he is also facing countless opponents and enemies staring at him.

Under such circumstances, the only thing Chen Qiming can do is to stabilize his hard-won status and achievements.

The annual sales record holder in the Chinese music scene, this record is indeed amazing.

But if the influence of Chen Qiming's follow-up album can't keep up, there is no doubt that his opponents will approach him without hesitation and kick him down.

Therefore, Chen Qiming's new album, let alone achieve the terrifying results of "The Heart Is Too Soft".

But also stay above the standard.

At the very least, you can't make people think that Chen Qiming, the number one pop king in the music scene, is a parallel importer.

Therefore, as soon as the plan for the new album started, Chen Qiming racked his brains and began to prepare songs for his new album.

First of all, the first one is naturally an R;B song.

Starting from "Trend Figures", Chen Qiming focused on a trendy style.

"Just Love You", "Love Is Simple", and the previous "Street", "Change Yourself", and "Dance for Two".

The emergence of these songs has already made Chen Qiming a leading figure in R;B music in the Chinese music scene.

Especially the big hits of "Just Love You" and "Love Is Simple", now a large number of follow-up works have appeared in the Chinese music scene.

Even, there have been a large number of new singers who claim to be R;B music genre.

These people, they all target Chen Qiming as their idol, calling Chen Qiming the Godfather of R;B.

In this case, Chen Qiming's new album naturally cannot lack R;B songs.

For the new album, Chen Qiming and Fulong Company are planning to release four versions.

The first one is the Mandarin version.

There are two R;B songs, one is called "Flower Field Wrong", which is a song from the future singer Wang Leehom.

The other song is called "Chapter 7 of the Night", which is a song by the future king Jay Chou.

Except for these two songs.

The other eight are:

"Sad Pacific", "The Moon's Trouble", "Moonlight", "Meteor Shower", "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", "Star (Zhang Jie)", "Dark Fragrance", "Twilight".

The second version is the Japanese version.

This version also has ten songs, with "Meteor Shower" removed and replaced with another Japanese song "Bamboo の Song (Bamboo Song)".

"Sad Pacific" was replaced with Japanese "喜せ (Happiness)".

The third version is the Korean version.

This version includes "Hot" and "PARADISE" in addition to the aforementioned Mandarin songs.

Then the fourth version.

This version is specially prepared for the English market, and two English songs have been added.

A song "That Girl", "Lemon Tree".

Among them, the two English songs in the fourth version will also be added to the Japanese and Korean versions.

In this way, there are ten songs in the Mandarin version, twelve in Japan, fourteen in Korea, and twelve in the English version.

Four versions, Fulong will plan to release at the same time.

However, for the distribution company, Fulong is still hesitating whether to continue to cooperate with Warner.

Not only was Chen Qiming annoyed and angry about Chen Qiming's performance at the Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Awards Ceremony, but Fulong Company was also ashamed of Warner's inaction on this matter.

Therefore, Furlong is now considering whether to continue to cooperate with Warner Records.

The entertainment industry has always been a place where rumors spread quickly.

The news of Chen Qiming's conflict with Warner Music also spread quickly.

In just a few days, many record companies in Hong Kong and Taiwan received news in this regard.

Therefore, when Chen Qiming was preparing songs for his new album, EMI and EMI approached the door respectively, hoping to win Chen Qiming's record distribution rights.

Even Polygram Records sent someone after learning the news.

Chen Qiming didn't pay much attention to the release of the new album.

As far as he is concerned, as long as it is an international record company that has the ability to send his records to all over the world, then he can accept it.

Therefore, he didn't bother with this matter too much, but wrote a monograph on the new record.

oh!And it's not all on the new record, either.

There is also a new song.

This year, the Mainland Spring Festival Gala has a new director.

After the new director Lang Kun took office, he immediately started the reform of the Spring Festival Gala.

This year, while the Spring Festival Gala in the Mainland continued to be broadcast simultaneously in three places across the Taiwan Strait last year, certain changes were made to the participants.

After Lang Kun took office, he had great ambitions.

He felt that since he wanted to invite singers from Hong Kong and Taiwan, it was natural to invite the most popular and influential singers.

It is reported that in Hong Kong and Taiwan, there are three people who are the first to be invited.

One is Anita Mui, the queen of Hong Kong. Although she has retired in recent years, she has a huge influence in the Chinese music scene.

The other is Teresa Teng.

Needless to say, Teresa Teng's influence is top-notch in the whole of Asia.

The last one is Chen Qiming.

Chen Qiming himself has a very large influence in the Chinese-speaking area.

Coupled with the successful entry into the Japanese market, he has become another international singer in the music scene in recent years.

Therefore, Chen Qiming also became the first batch of invited singers.


Although there were three people in the first batch of invites for the Mainland Spring Festival Gala, except for Chen Qiming who agreed to attend.

Anita Mui was unable to attend due to schedule constraints.

Teresa Teng was able to go, even, she took the initiative to contact the mainland Spring Festival Gala.

It's a pity that she can only choose to attend by recording and broadcasting.

If it was in the past, the crew of the Spring Festival Gala would have agreed, but this year the crew of the Spring Festival Gala is promoting live singing, and a conflict has arisen between the two.

Therefore, the crew of the Spring Festival Gala had no choice but to part with it, and also removed Teresa Teng.

As a result, only Chen Qiming was left among the three to attend.

It is said that Lang Kun also contacted Chow Yun-fat, Jackie Chan and others, but because of Jackie Chan's Lunar New Year this year, he ran the promotion of "Drunken Master 2".

Chow Yun-fat is trying to learn English and wants to enter the European and American markets.

Therefore, neither of them can attend.

Other singers, Wang Jingwen, who is very popular in Hong Kong, were also invited, but she refused to attend because of her throat discomfort.

As a result, in the entire Hong Kong and Taiwan region, only Chen Qiming can attend this year.

After Chen Qiming confirmed his attendance, he quickly proposed to the Spring Festival Gala program group to sing a song dedicated to celebrating the New Year.

After obtaining the consent from there, it began to be produced quickly.

And this song is, "Gong Xi Fa Cai"!
This is a super golden song that can represent the Spring Festival according to the description in the dream.

(End of this chapter)

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