Chapter 262 Sponsorship of 1000 RMB

In 1994, which was about to become a node of the past, table tennis suddenly became a hot topic among the people.

As the person who brought up this topic, Chen Qiming, it is inevitable that he will be often asked about table tennis.

"Why did you choose to be the image ambassador of the World Championships?"

"Do you like ping pong?"

"Do you think next year's World Championships will be successful? What kind of results can the Chinese team achieve?"

The reporters tried their best to get close to Chen Qiming and asked him some very basic questions that were of great interest to the public.

As for this, Chen Qiming, as the image ambassador of the World Championships, naturally spared no effort to say something positive.

For example, the performance prediction of the national team.

He spoke directly.

"I know that the table tennis performance of the national team has not been ideal in recent years.

But I believe that this time, Chinese table tennis will usher in a revival, and we will definitely regain the championship! "

Well, yes, the performance of table tennis has not been good in recent years, and this result is not good, just because it has not won the championship.

Since [-], the national team has never won a championship in international table tennis competitions.

Although it hurts football's self-esteem a bit.

But that's it. There has been no championship in table tennis for several years, and the national team regards it as a bad result.

Not to mention, although Chen Qiming's words were bold words, they brought new promotional materials to the Table Tennis Association.

A few days after Chen Qiming's rhetoric was spread, the Table Tennis Association used his words to promote it.

"The World Championships will be the revival of national table tennis"

"champion!champion!Our goal is to be champions! "

"National Table Tennis has entered a rigorous training phase, and the goal is to become the world championship champion!" "

In the next few days, news about the revival of table tennis directly swept across China.

A reporter found Kong Linghui, a member of the national team who was going to the training base, for an interview. Kong Linghui said directly:
"Yes! As Chen Qiming said, we are ready to win this World Championship, and our goal is to win the championship!"

Several other members of the national team also expressed the idea of ​​trying their best to keep the championship here at their doorstep.

Chen Qiming is also very happy about the enthusiasm of the members of the national team.

While holding a concert in South Korea, he directly asked his Taiping bird brand to contact the national team, and donated millions of yuan of equipment to the national team in the name of a free sponsor.

Even, Chen Qiming's Taiping bird also promised that if the Chinese team wins the team championship in next year's World Championships, Taiping bird will distribute 300 million yuan as a bonus to the members of the national team.

If the single player wins the championship, the winner will be rewarded by Peacebird with 100 million RMB, and the runner-up will be rewarded with 50 RMB.

In addition, if both the team and individual championships are won by China, then Peacebird will reward the national team with a total of 1000 million RMB.

Moreover, if there is a revival of table tennis next year and both team and individual competitions win championships, Peacebird promises that in the future, as long as Peacebird exists, it will be a free sponsor of the national team, providing them with equipment, clothing and Tournament prize money.


Who knows Peacebird?

Undoubtedly, most people now know that this popular clothing brand company in Hong Kong and Taiwan was founded by Chen Qiming.

Now Peacebird has publicly set up bonuses for the national table tennis team, which directly caused an uproar in the whole of China.

Countless people were amazed that Peacebird did not treat money as money, but also turned their attention to the national team.

Now, the pressure is on the national team.

Chen Qiming has already given out the money. Whether he can take it home and share it equally with the national team depends on the national team's ability.

"Grandma! Do it! I must win the championship! I am not because of money, I am because of honor! I want to win the championship!"

At the national team table tennis training base, after Kong Linghui saw the news, he wiped the sweat off his face and stood up to continue training regardless of his fatigue.

Not only him, after hearing the news and confirming the reliability of the news from the upper echelons of the national team, the entire national team was boiling.

If it is said that everyone used only eight points of strength in training before, then after the news came, they directly used ten points of strength to start training.

1000 million!
This is definitely a number that Kong Linghui and the others didn't even dare to think about before. Now that it is placed in front of them, how can this not make them excited.

Although there are many trainers, coaches, logistics and players in the table tennis national team.

But if the 1000 million is divided, it is definitely not a small amount.

Moreover, Taiping Bird clearly stipulates that some money is obtained by athletes.

For example, the prize money for the team competition is 300 million. For this 300 million, Taiping Bird stipulates that apart from the participating athletes, only the coach and a few assistants will be the ones who distribute the money.

For the individual championship, only the champion and the coach will get points.

For the athletes of the national team who can only earn tens of thousands of yuan a year, this reward given by Chen Qiming is definitely exciting.

Money, it may not really be everything.

But for those who have the desire, it will definitely be the best power fuel.

To be honest, it has long been commonplace in global history for big companies to sponsor athletes.

But in China, Chen Qiming is definitely a precedent this time.

Not only is it the first time that a sponsor is willing to directly spend real money to support a national movement, but it is also the first time someone directly spends tens of millions of dollars.

Therefore, when the news spread, Chen Qiming became completely angry.

Countless citizens know that there is a big star who spent tens of millions of dollars to support Chinese sports.

This move directly gave Chen Qiming a wave of goodwill in the hearts of the people.

Now, when Chen Qiming is mentioned, many people will really give him a thumbs up.

However, although Chen Qiming's move has attracted a lot of favor in the mainland.

But at the same time, it also caused dissatisfaction among some people in Baodao.

In Taiwan media, more than one attack on Chen Qiming with political factors appeared.

Even Liu Ciwei called Chen Qiming himself, and mentioned in a cryptic way, telling him not to favor one person over another.


It means that if you donate money and materials to athletes in the mainland, you can't ignore it here in Baodao!

If you really don't care, be careful to wear small shoes for you.

In this regard, Chen Qiming couldn't help shaking his head.

Since Baodao also wants it, donate it.

He directly imitated the specifications given to the table tennis side, and also set up a reward mechanism for Baodao.

Money is as much.

However, to be honest, Chen Qiming felt that it was impossible for Baodao to get this money.

Chen Qiming is not ignorant of Baodao's sports performance.

Not to mention the championship, the top ten are difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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