Treasure Island 1992, starting from the Four Little Heavenly Kings

Chapter 358 Chen Qiming, the Master of Massacre

Chapter 358 Chen Qiming, the Master of Massacre

February [-]th, New Year's Eve.

On this day, the whole of China enters the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

The same goes for BJ. There are firecrackers everywhere, festive music resounds in the streets, groups of children wearing new clothes are walking through the streets, and happy nursery rhymes can be heard endlessly.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Qiming and his team drove to the outside of the Spring Festival Gala studio.

After Li Xiaowen brought various documents and socialized with the guards outside the studio, Chen Qiming and his party officially entered the studio.

A large number of Spring Festival Gala performers have gathered backstage in the studio.

Everyone is busy.

Chen Qiming was no exception. As soon as he arrived, the staff immediately arranged to start putting on makeup.

After putting on makeup and gathering Andy Lau and Mao Ning, they started the final rehearsal.

"Are you going back to Treasure Island directly after you finish here?"

The rehearsal ended and the time came to around seven o'clock. Not long before the Spring Festival Gala started, Chen Qiming and others finally got a short break.

Chen Qiming, Andy Lau and this year's only Hong Kong singer besides Andy Lau, Karen Yip, gathered together to chat.

Although Mao Ning and Chen Qiming sang "Chinese" together, the relationship between this guy and Chen Qiming and Andy Lau is not that good.

Perhaps due to geographical reasons, and because he felt that he was a head shorter than Chen Qiming and Andy Lau, Mao Ning would not stay too long after each rehearsal and left early.

Therefore, although they had rehearsed together for no less than ten days and had been in contact before, the relationship between the two parties was not good.

It was Ye Qianwen.

She is the woman of Andy Lau's master, Lin Zixiang, and is Andy Lau's mistress.

I often interact with them in Hong Kong and Taiwan, so I am very familiar with them.

As soon as the rehearsal ended, she had nothing to do and joined Chen Qiming and the others.

"No, I brought my mother and the others to BJ yesterday!"

Chen Qiming smiled happily.

After the Spring Festival Gala, he immediately rushed home to reunite with his family. This was something Chen Qiming also did last year.

But flying back and forth between the three places across the Taiwan Strait was really tiring.

So this year, Chen Qiming simply took his mother and sister to the BJ.

In this way, after the Spring Festival Gala here, you can go directly to reunite with your family.

Compared with Chen Qiming's convenience, Andy Lau and Ye Sianwen are not so convenient.

After they finished, they rushed back to Hong Kong late at night.

"It seems that I should really consider buying a house in BJ!"

Andy Lau didn't care about Chen Qiming's gloating, but instead started thinking about buying a house again.

As a king-level star, while their popularity is overwhelming, they are also destined to travel across the Taiwan Strait and three places.

Therefore, many famous celebrities buy houses in places where they have great influence.

Take Andy Lau, he has bought houses in Taiwan, Singapore and other places.

Not to mention Chen Qiming, he has purchased houses not only in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Mainland, but also in the United States and Japan.

It’s completely achieved that there are mansions wherever you go.

"Master's wife, if Mingzi doesn't go back, we can be together after the meeting is over!"

Ignoring the wealthy Chen Qiming, Andy Lau looked at Ye Qianwen.

"Okay!" Ye Qianwen nodded.

A few people chatted for a while, and the time soon came to eight o'clock, and the 1996 Spring Festival Gala officially began.

This Spring Festival Gala is relatively worse than last year.

The program is not as classic as it is.

Of course, this is talking about other shows.

Chen Qiming’s program cannot be counted among them.

When he, Andy Lau and Mao Ning took the stage to perform "The Chinese" together.

The song "Chinese" immediately became a song popular all over the country.

Among the three Chen Qiming, one is the most popular star in Taiwan, one is the most popular person among the four kings of Hong Kong, and the other is a popular new era singer in the mainland.

The three of them perform together. Not to mention "The Chinese" itself is a highly popular song. Even if it is not, it is just an ordinary song. The popularity and influence of the three are enough to push this song to the top. To the extent of the fire.

And is "The Chinese" a classic?

There is no need to think about this issue at all.

In his dream, Andy Lau can become an Ivy League member with countless classic works, and this song "Chinese" is enough to be ranked at the top. This is enough to show how classic this song is.

Therefore, when Chen Qiming and three others appeared on stage at the same time and sang just a few words, major radio stations in Mainland China and Hong Kong immediately received a large number of on-demand calls.

Of course, it’s not just “The Chinese”.

Other works by Chen Qiming and others also experienced a significant increase in the number of views during this period.

Especially Chen Qiming.

His "Gong Xi Fa Cai" and "Good Luck Come" are simply Spring Festival songs tailor-made for the Spring Festival.

During the Chinese New Year last year, these two songs returned directly to the major song charts during the Chinese New Year, and occupied the top spot during the three days of the Chinese New Year.

And this year is certainly no exception.

With the popularity of "Chinese" and the song spreading rapidly across the country, "Gong Xi Fa Cai" has once again reached the top position on multiple charts in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

In addition to "Gong Xi Fa Cai", the songs in the currently hot-selling album "Nocturne" were already on the verge of falling off the major charts, but now they are suddenly gaining momentum again and are soaring up the charts again. Channel.

At this time, at the main station of the Voice of Asia Radio, Sun Chenglong, the head of the Voice of Asia pop music station who was still working and had not returned home for the Chinese New Year, was having a headache because of Chen Qiming's song jumping onto the charts.

Major radio stations are actually already accustomed to Chen Qiming's songs dominating the charts.

Over the past few years, there has been a very noticeable phenomenon.

That is, Chen Qiming has songs occupying the top ten of all authoritative lists throughout the year.

Well, that's how cool it is.

Taking the Voice of Asia as an example, Chen Qiming created an epic achievement on this list, which has a good status in the Chinese music scene.

He became the only one to have a song occupy the top ten positions on the Voice of Asia radio chart every day and every week for three consecutive years.

Think about it, the Voice of Asia announced yesterday's Voice of Asia list that Chen Qiming is in the top ten ranks every day for three consecutive years.

Such a terrifying achievement is not scary.

Because of this achievement, the top management of the Voice of Asia organizer had a big quarrel.

Some people think that Chen Qiming has completely affected the fairness of Asian Voices.

That's fair.

Every time Chen Qiming releases an album, a song from the album will land in the top ten of the charts.

This directly pushed the exposure of other singers' songs to almost no place.

Even if Chen Qiming doesn't release an album, every time his movie hits the box office or he does big things in Europe and the United States, his previous songs will be on the charts again, and once they hit the charts, they will remain on the charts for a long time.

Among them, at the most serious time, there was even a situation where the top [-] songs on the list were all Chen Qiming's songs.

The most important thing about a list is fairness.

Now, Chen Qiming has broken this fairness.He's such a dick.

He was so impressed that Jackie Chan directly suppressed Chen Qiming's song on-demand data in order to maintain competition in the Voice of Asia chart.

When Chen Qiming has a large number of songs on the charts, he will directly erase some of them.

Sometimes, in order to suppress Chen Qiming's chart success, he even opened the door to other singers' songs.

For example, the data is not enough, but it is brought up directly.

Or it may be to increase the playback rate of these singers' songs on radio stations to promote these songs.

But what makes Sun Chenglong angry is that even if their radio station takes action, it can't stop Chen Qiming from killing the Voice of Asia.

No, during the time when "Nocturne" was released, Chen Qiming had just achieved 21 of the top [-] songs by Chen Qiming.

Now, the popularity of this album has just dissipated, and the charts are about to return to normal, when something unexpected happens again on Chen Qiming's side.

The song "Chinese" not only landed at number three, but also directly promoted other songs that had already dropped out of the list.

It depends on the situation. In three days, no, it may be less than two days, Chen Qiming will be slaughtered again on Voice of Asia.

When he thought that the top ten on the list were all Chen Qiming, and that the impartiality of Voice of Asia would be questioned again, Jackie Chan felt as if he had a mouthful of old blood in his throat.

He really loves and hates Chen Qiming.

Every time Love Is This Guy releases an album, major radio stations including Voice of Asia will experience a wave of on-demand playback, and the listening rate will increase significantly.

What I hate is that this guy is constantly killing people on the charts, which directly makes the outside world question whether Voice of Asia is being used by Chen Qiming in his back garden.

This is not a joke.

When a radio station has one person's songs at the top of the list, no matter how fair the list is, it will be questioned by unfair opinions.

In fact, if it goes on for a long time, it is possible that the reputation will be ruined.

Those guys from the outside world didn't know that Chen Qiming's slaughter was entirely based on his strength.

They will only think that if a list is full of Chen Qiming, it must have been swiped, and even the list is openly helping Chen Qiming.

After all, it has long been known to everyone that Chen Qiming is a rich man.

Hatred of the rich exists in every era.

Chen Qiming is indeed popular, but it is impossible for everyone to like him.

There are many fans of other singers and even people who dislike Chen Qiming for various reasons.

When these guys come together, they are a force that cannot be ignored.

This is the situation faced by Voice of Asia now.

If he doesn't choose justice, then Chen Qiming will kill everyone every day.

If it is unfair, increasing efforts to suppress Chen Qiming's songs on the charts will violate the original intention of establishing Voice of Asia Radio.

The Voice of Asia's ability to become an important radio list in the Chinese music scene relies on fairness and fairness, and all data are not fake.

Moreover, if they cheat, it doesn't matter if they do it on a small scale.

But if the fraud is serious and discovered by Chen Qiming's fans, then Voice of Asia will obviously have to face Chen Qiming's fans abandoning the platform or retaliate in other ways.

The lessons learned by Radio Television Hong Kong are still fresh in our minds.

When Radio Television Hong Kong played tricks on Chen Qiming in the awards, the relationship with Chen Qiming became directly hostile.

At that time, RTHK thought that Chen Qiming was an ant that could be easily crushed to death.


As a result, Chen Qiming turned around and cooperated with Metro Radio, and directly removed his songs from Radio Hong Kong.

This caused Radio Hong Kong to lose a large number of listeners in just one month. These listeners directly transferred to Metro and Hong Kong Commercial Radio, allowing these two radio stations to catch up and directly surpass the radio station that originally ranked first in Hong Kong in terms of listening rate. Radio Hong Kong.

Later, although Radio Television Hong Kong reached a reconciliation with Chen Qiming, it also allowed Chen Qiming to play a game of slaughter at last year's Hong Kong Top Ten Chinese Golden Songs in order to ease the relationship.

But what is lost is lost. Even now, Radio Hong Kong's listening rate is completely suppressed by commercial radio stations and Metro Radio that have overtaken them.

There are lessons learned from the past.

Naturally, Sun Chenglong did not dare to suppress Chen Qiming's songs too obviously.


It won’t work if we suppress it, and it won’t work if we don’t suppress it.

This directly put Sun Chenglong into a dilemma.

"Brother Jackie Chan, Chen Qiming has two more songs in the top [-], "Sad Pacific" and "Heart Is So Soft". In addition, "The Trouble Caused by the Moon" and "Daoxiang" are also very close. I'm afraid they will be in the top [-] tomorrow. Come in!"

A voice interrupted Sun Chenglong's contemplation, and his subordinate handed over a data sheet.

This is a copy of Voice of Asia's on-demand data today.

Sun Chenglong took it and took a closer look. The more he looked at it, the darker his face became.

There are fifty songs in the entire list.

The column for singers is filled with Chen Qiming's name.

At a rough count, there are no less than 30 songs.

Almost every one of these songs is familiar.

Many of Jackie Chan's songs are available on tapes and records.

In the past, when seeing these songs, Sun Chenglong couldn't help but admire Chen Qiming's talent.

Now, he gets a headache just looking at these names.

He couldn't imagine what kind of pressure Voice of Asia would be under when the list was announced tomorrow.

"No, if this continues, Voice of Asia will really become Chen Qiming's exclusive radio station. We must find a way to solve this matter!"

Looking at the list, Sun Chenglong made up his mind that this matter must be resolved.

If a radio station is completely reduced to a personal radio station, the impact on the radio station's image is simply unpredictable.

Just as he was thinking about it, Sun Chenglong was suddenly stunned.

"Exclusive radio station...exclusive radio station!"

Reciting these words, Sun Chenglong's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Since Voice of Asia is going to become Chen Qiming's exclusive radio station, why not follow his wish and reorganize a channel directly.

A channel that only plays Chen Qiming's songs on demand.

By then, all Chen Qiming's songs will be assigned to that channel.

In this way, a new channel can be established based on Chen Qiming's fame, and other singers' songs can avoid collision with Chen Qiming's songs.

Moreover, this is something Metro Radio has done before.

Metro Radio had originally set up a radio program dedicated to playing Chen Qiming's songs.

This show was a hit.

However, the only thing that makes him feel uncomfortable now is that although Chen Qiming has [-] or [-] songs, it is obviously impossible to support a channel.

"What should we do! How can we solve the problem of the number of songs?"

Sun Chenglong had a lot of thoughts in his mind and began to analyze.

However, the more he thought about it, the more he frowned.

He still couldn't figure out how to break the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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