[Chen Qiming’s new album is about to be released, Liu Ciwei announced that the new album target is 20 million]

[According to internal information, Chen Qiming’s new album has an advanced style and is a brand new genre. Chen Qiming calls it Chinese style]

[Zhang Huimei became the biggest winner in 1997. In just one year, she became an indispensable presence in the Chinese music scene]

[Startup star Tao Zhe and Jay Chou appeared at Chen Qiming's mansion in Taipei. Several people were drunk, and Jay Chou was suspected of urinating on the street]

[Chen Qiming was selected as Time Magazine’s Person of the Year in 1997]

[The secret of Chen Qiming’s income in 1997 was revealed. He continued to rank first in the Asian artist income list and ranked second in the world, second only to Michael Jackson]


At the end of every year, various year-end summary news always attract a lot of attention.

This year, Chen Qiming is also at the top of various lists.

In terms of income, he ranks first in Asia and second in the world. He has become a well-deserved existence second only to Michael Jackson.

On the record sales list, although he did not release a record in 1997, he was still on the list.

The records he has released in the past have achieved good results this year.

In terms of movies, he did not have any movies released this year. Only one movie in which he made a cameo, Titanic, was released in North America, but this did not affect his status among movie fans at all.

In terms of concerts, his "97 World Tour Concert" set a record for the largest number of attendees and the highest concert revenue in Asia.

As the Spring Festival of 1997 passed and time entered 1998, Chen Qiming rarely had free time and was not as busy as last year.

However, starting from February, Chen Qiming's works began to appear concentrated during this time period, allowing fans who had been looking forward to Chen Qiming's works to usher in an explosion of Chen Qiming's works.

First, the record.

On January 28th, Chen Qiming’s first Mandarin album in more than a year officially shocked the audience.

There was no charting, no overwhelming publicity, just so quietly, the album named "Chinese Style" appeared on the market.

Of course, this quietness is only compared to Chen Qiming's previous records.

After all, he is an international superstar, and his position is there.

A large number of media and fans are always paying attention to his records.

Therefore, this quietness is actually not very accurate.

It's just that it's a lot more low-key than previous albums.

However, even so, after the release of Chen Qiming's album, it also detonated the spring of 1998.

Songs such as "Blue and White Porcelain", "Orchid Pavilion Preface", "Not a Hero", "Fireworks Easily Cold" and other songs were immediately parachuted to the top of the charts in almost all regions in Asia with Chinese-speaking markets.

Not only in Chinese-speaking areas, but also in Japan, South Korea and other places, after the album was released, it quickly climbed to the top of major authoritative lists.

Three and a half million copies in the first week.

Chen Qiming continues his style of leaving other singers behind in the first week of his album release.

As soon as the album was released, it went straight to No. 1, and the song became a song sung everywhere in the streets.

"Pinning the sunset on your clothes"

"Yuhui gave me an old horse to lead"

"I was passing by a house in Yancun Village"

"Just like when my hometown was blooming with flowers"


Qiong Yao and her friends walked out of the coffee shop and couldn't help but stop when they heard the singing.

"what happened?"

Accompanying her was Sun Shupei.

Recently, the two are cooperating on the TV series "Huan Zhuge Ge" published by Qiong Yao last August.

"Has Chen Qiming released a new album?"

Qiong Yao asked looking at the popular video store not far away.

“I haven’t paid much attention to it, but it seems so. I heard that his new record has become a hit again.

Sales in Hong Kong, Taiwan and other places exceeded 3 million in the first week, and the mainland has just recently introduced this record. "

Sun Shupei looked at the Chen Qiming poster hanging at the door of the video store not far away and replied.

Qiong Yao pondered for a while before speaking: "The soundtrack for our TV series has not been finalized yet.

Tell me, should we ask Chen Qiming to do the surgery? "

Hearing this, Sun Shupei couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Chen Qiming's price is not low. A few months ago, EMI Records offered him one million Hong Kong dollars to help compose songs for its singers, but he didn't even agree."

"I know he is very expensive, but his strength and fame are there." Qiong Yao did not back down because Chen Qiming was expensive. On the contrary, her idea of ​​asking Chen Qiming to write songs for "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" became even stronger.

"If we can invite him to sing the theme song or interlude, the attention of our drama will definitely rise to a higher level."

Sun Shupei did not reply.

Of course he knew that if he could invite Chen Qiming, it would be of great benefit to "Huan Zhu Ge Ge".

But again, Chen Qiming is not so easy to invite.

Qiong Yao does have a very high status in the Baodao TV circle, and she has a unique existence.

Even many actors in the Baodao film industry want to give her face.

But Sun Shupei didn't think that Chen Qiming would definitely give her face.

First of all, although Chen Qiming and Qiong Yao have had intersections, they are not many.

Moreover, Sun Shupei had vaguely heard some rumors.

It is said that when Chen Qiming and Chen Derong were dating, Qiong Yao stopped them, and the relationship between the two was not very good.

Chen Qiming might not give Qiong Yao face during this festival.

In addition, Chen Qiming is different from other TV actors.

Since Chen Qiming's debut, he has acted in one TV series, namely Qi Baoshan in "The Legend of White Snake".

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Qiming's focus is not on TV dramas at all.

The focus of my work is not on TV dramas, so naturally I don’t know how to deal with Qiong Yao.

In this way, he naturally does not have to give Qiong Yao face because of her status in the television industry like others.

“Of course it would be best to invite him, but we’d better be prepared.

While inviting him, we'd better contact other people. "Sun Shupei said.

"Yeah, I know." Qiong Yao nodded as she walked towards the parking place.

Seeing that Qiong Yao was absent-minded, Sun Shupei shook his head. He knew that Qiong Yao was probably still thinking about inviting Chen Qiming.

But he didn't stop it either.

Again, if Qiong Yao can really invite Chen Qiming, "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" will naturally improve.

Personally, he also hopes that Chen Qiming will create works for "Huan Zhu Ge Ge".

Although it will be difficult...

Qiong Yao is a person with very strong execution ability.

That night, I contacted Chen Qiming and invited Chen Qiming to help create the soundtrack and interludes for "Huan Zhuge Ge".

Maybe she thought Chen Qiming would refuse, so in order to invite Chen Qiming, she directly gave Chen Qiming a condition that he couldn't refuse.

As early as October last year, the TV series "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" had already started filming in the mainland.

This TV series is different from previous Qiong Yao TV series.

"Huanzhugege" is a co-production film.

Since the 90s, with the rise of the mainland's economy, the movie box office in the mainland market has ushered in an explosive stage.

Because co-production films can be directly released in the mainland.

Therefore, for the mainland film market. Co-productions were once very popular.

For a period of time, almost all Hong Kong and Taiwan movies were co-produced with mainland China.

But a few years ago, the mainland imposed restrictions on co-productions.

Since major film studios are required to only produce a certain number of co-productions each year, co-productions between Hong Kong films and mainland China have been greatly affected.

It even made co-productions a thing of the past for a while.

However, after movie co-productions become a thing of the past, there are more and more examples of TV series being co-produced with the mainland.

Because TV series are not restricted.

Therefore, many TV drama production companies in Hong Kong and Taiwan have chosen to co-produce with the mainland.

"Huanzhugege" is such a film.

This film is a joint production between Qiong Yao's TV series production company and Hunan Huaxia Film and Television Company.

Hunan Television is the mainland producer, which made the filming of this TV series in the mainland very smooth.

Qiong Yao's novel "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" is very popular in Baodao and other places.

In addition, Qiong Yao's TV series are famous for their good ratings.

Therefore, not long after the filming of this TV series started, TV stations from various regions came to the door, hoping to win the broadcast rights of this TV series.

Among them is ATV.

Although ATV had not yet been acquired by Chen Qiming at the time, Chen Qiming was still very enthusiastic about the Huanzhugege project.

How popular this project will be in the future is probably only known by Chen Qiming, who has the information about the future.

Therefore, after he becomes the chairman of ATV, he will naturally not give up the broadcast rights of Huanzhugege.

Qiong Yao's condition for inviting Chen Qiming to write songs for "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" was that she could directly authorize the Hong Kong broadcast rights of "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" to ATV.

Of course, you still have to pay, but the price is very cheap.

After learning that Qiong Yao was willing to directly give ATV the right to broadcast "Huan Zhuge Ge", Chen Qiming didn't think about it for long before he directly agreed to the other party's proposal.

However, he did not agree to create all the soundtracks for My Fair Princess. He only agreed to write one song and sing it himself.

When writing a song for "Huanzhugege", what should you write?

Of course it's "Dang".

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……"

This lyric represents the youth of so many people in the future.

Since he wants to write, Chen Qiming naturally wants to write the hottest and best-selling song.

The song "Dang" was used as the interlude of "Huanzhugege" in my dream, and it became popular all over the country.

Singing this song, I don't lose Chen Qiming's appearance.

Chen Qiming acted very quickly. In just three days, he faxed the lyrics and music of the song "Dang" to Qiong Yao.

"Look at this song, what do you think?"

BJ, Qiong Yao received the fax early in the morning.

After a brief look, she rushed to the crew of "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" with the lyrics and music, found the two directors Sun Shupei and Li Ping, and showed the lyrics and music written by Chen Qiming to them for review.

"I think it's great. Chen Qiming is indeed the most famous creator in the Chinese music scene.

His song is atmospheric and has clear lyrics. Although it is not directly linked to the TV series, it is indeed very suitable for use as an episode. "

Li Ping took a brief look and couldn't help but nod.

The same is true for Sun Shupei, "Chen Qiming is the most popular singer in recent years, whether in Hong Kong, Taiwan, mainland China or internationally, he is one of the most popular people.

His singing will definitely add a lot of points to the TV series. "

After hearing what the two said, Qiong Yao smiled.

It was her decision to invite Chen Qiming. Now Chen Qiming has produced a work that satisfies everyone, which has also brought her a lot of glory.

This proves that she made the right decision.

"In this case, I will ask Chen Qiming to record the song as soon as possible.

Hunan Satellite TV means that the TV series will be broadcast on the TV station in April.

You guys should also hurry up and finish the TV post-production. "

Qiong Yao made the decision directly.


It was inevitable that Chen Qiming wrote songs for the cast of "Huan Zhu Ge Ge".

Qiong Yao said it.

Perhaps in order to attract attention, she directly claimed in an interview with reporters that the episode "Dang" of "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" was composed and sung by Chen Qiming.

Qiong Yao's move indeed attracted a lot of attention to "Huan Zhu Princess".

However, it caused Chen Qiming misery.

Because, after Qiong Yao announced that Chen Qiming had written songs for "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", a large number of TV drama producers and TV station people who were familiar with Chen Qiming immediately came to visit.

As for the purpose, of course they were all looking for Chen Qiming to write songs.

Among them, there are TV series that will become popular in the future.

For example, "Journey to the East" co-produced by Singapore Television and mainland China.

This drama uses actress Guo Feili from Qiming Film and Television.

Therefore, the Singapore TV station took advantage of her relationship and came directly to her door.

In addition to Journey to the East, there are also many costume dramas from Treasure Island.

And the reason why so many TV series suddenly came to my door.

Except that Chen Qiming suddenly made an exception and wrote songs for "Huan Zhuge Ge", which gave many people hope.

Another reason is the popularity of the album "Chinese Style".

In this album, the song "Not a Hero" has been favored by many martial arts lovers.

Many people believe that this song truly wrote "Xia".

No, not long after this song was released, it has received many purchase applications from TV drama production companies.

Everyone wants to buy this song and use it as an episode in a martial arts movie.

Because of the popularity of this song in the TV drama market, many people think that Chen Qiming can write more songs suitable for ancient martial arts.

So they all came to the door.

Recently, many TV drama producers have invited Chen Qiming to compose songs for them.

Many TV drama scripts were also sent to Chen Qiming.

Because of Chen Qiming’s acquisition of ATV.

Recently, there have been rumors that Chen Qiming may come out to film a TV series for ATV.

This news is believed to be true by many people.

As a result, a large number of production companies who were keen on Chen Qiming's popularity set their sights on Chen Qiming.

Hope to invite Chen Qiming to star in its TV series.

As a condition for Chen Qiming's appearance, they are willing to hand over the TV series to ATV for premiere for free.

Chen Qiming did not refuse or agree to these TV series invitations. Instead, he received them all and reviewed them together.

Unfortunately, there are no episodes that he is satisfied with.

Most of the dramas submitted to him are either ordinary works that were unfinished in the early stage of Fengshen and later in the film, or they are adaptations of Jin Yong and Gu Long dramas.

Chen Qiming didn't really want to act in these dramas that had already had several versions, so he put them aside for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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