Chapter 13

Gu Sha didn't want to kill Lin Xingyan, nor did he want to kill those survivors.

In his plan, as long as these people are safe and sound, he doesn't mind these people hiding under his protection for a few days here, but these people don't know good from bad, so he doesn't mind wasting some effort.

As for Lin Xingyan, Gu Sha didn't care about who she was, nor did she care about her background or character. As long as Lin Xingyan followed the agreement and let the helicopter take him to T City, the fate between the two would end here.

But if Lin Xingyan insisted on courting death, he wouldn't mind helping her.

After all, from the first time Lin Xingyan connected to the satellite phone, Lin Xingyan had no effect on Gu Sha, because for Gu Sha, all he needed was the arrival of the Lin family's helicopter.

After killing Lin Xingyan and the survivors,

Gu Sha was much quieter, except for the occasional killing of two zombies that ran into the villa, he had been practicing in his room.

On the third day,
The satellite phone rang.

After connecting, a man's voice came from inside: "Miss, miss, please answer if you hear it, please answer if you hear it!"

Gu Sha replied: "Miss Lin is injured, so I can't answer."

The other party paused for a while and said, "Are you Gu Sha?"

"It's me." Gu Sha replied.

A few days ago, the satellite phone was answered three times in total. One of them, Lin Xingyan's father's people learned that it was Gu Sha who had protected Lin Xingyan, and had a short conversation with Gu Sha, expressing his gratitude. So, come to pick up Lin Xingyan now. People also know that Gu Sha exists.

"What did you do?" The other person was very angry, and scolded: "How did you protect my lady, and let her get hurt? How did you do things? You are so incompetent!"

Gu Sha frowned,
The Lin family really got used to it.

The other person did not wait for Gu Sha to answer, and said: "In 3 minutes, we will locate the villa you are in based on the signal of the satellite phone, and the helicopter will stop. Listen carefully, there are only 3 minutes, and you will take it with you immediately." My lady goes upstairs and waits, if something goes wrong with my lady, you can't be held responsible!"

After all, the other party hung up the phone.

Gu Sha put down the satellite phone in his hand, a cold look flashed in his eyes,
It seems that there is no way to make sense again!

Gu Sha took his backpack, went outside, picked up Lin Xingyan's body, and then headed towards the roof.

Soon, the helicopter appeared in the sky, and the huge buzzing sound attracted too many zombies, densely packed towards the villa, and the plane stopped in the air and slowly descended.

Gu Sha saw someone on the plane watching with binoculars.

He sneered,
At the beginning, Lin Xingyan was only stabbed once, and the integrity of the body was ensured to prevent the other party from becoming suspicious.


After confirming that it was Lin Xingyan,

The helicopter slowly began to descend, and the huge wind was very oppressive.

Standing on the roof of the building, Gu Sha could see three people on the helicopter, one was in charge of flying the plane, and the other were two strong men wearing body armor and holding light machine guns.

The plane landed on the roof.

The two strong men with light machine guns quickly jumped out of the plane and ran towards Gu Sha.

"Give me the man!"

A strong man snatched Lin Xingyan's body from Gu Sha's arms, turned around and ran away without checking Lin Xingyan's situation.

Another strong man directly raised his gun and was about to shoot at Gu Sha.

"Damn, it's really unreasonable!"

Gu Sha cursed secretly, and suddenly pulled out the Tang Dao with his backhand, and slashed out directly, cutting off the strong man's two arms.


The strong man let out a scream, and the machine gun fell to the ground, but his voice stopped abruptly, and Gu Sha quickly cut through the air again, beheading the man's head.

The head was vacated, blood was sprayed, and the body crashed to the ground.

The strong man holding Lin Xingyan's body turned around when he heard the movement, and immediately turned pale with fright.

Gu Sha snorted coldly,
Before the brawny man could react, the Tang knife in his hand was turned over by his side, and he swung his head with the knife!

the next moment,

Gu Sha jumped up and jumped directly into the helicopter,

The person in charge of flying the helicopter was subconsciously about to pull out his pistol, but Gu Sha's knife was placed directly on the man's neck, and he swiped hard, cutting the man's throat instantly. As blood sprayed out, Gu Sha covered his mouth The man's neck didn't let the blood stain the cabin.

The man struggled a few times, and then became silent.

Gu Sha carried the body and threw it off the plane.

"damn it!"

Gu Sha cursed,
He guessed that the people of the Lin family might have a bad attitude, and they might not even take him away. After all, now that the end of the world is coming, helicopters are the only means of transportation that can travel far, and they are the most precious means of transportation. He should be sent alone. A trip to C City is not worthwhile for the Lin family.

However, he didn't expect that the Lin family not only didn't plan to take him away, but also planned to kill him directly.

"Damn it, the end of the world has just come, and these people's thinking is already so advanced? I am afraid that in the age of civilization, these high-ranking dignitaries are already immoral!"

Gu Sha thought about it, but felt normal.

It is impossible for a moral person to reach the level of the Lin family, no matter what era they are in.

However, to Gu Sha, it doesn't matter anymore.

Anyway, he planned to kill these people and take the plane.

After closing the cabin door,

Gu Sha directly turned and got into the cab, and after fiddling for a while, he started the helicopter.

In his previous life, as a Tier [-] fighter, although he was not considered a master in the world, he was actually not bad. He had also participated in many battles against zombies that were prevented by the government, and entered the army for systematic study.

For example, tanks, fighter planes, etc., he has been trained, and he is not proficient in it, but he can drive it, but it is limited to being able to drive away.

After fiddling around for a while,
The helicopter took off and headed towards City C.

City C is far from City TC. It used to take two days and two nights by train. However, the plane is naturally much closer in a straight line, and the speed is several times faster than the train.


Gu Sha's aircraft technology is indeed not good,

After flying to City C, when it landed, it crashed into a building, causing a big explosion.

However, there was nothing serious about him, he was just a little embarrassed.

Come to City C again,
It made Gu Sha feel both familiar and strange.

Familiar because he has lived here for more than ten years, unfamiliar because the C city in later generations has become ruins outside the barrier, completely different from the current appearance.

Just a little emotional,
Gu Sha put away that thought.

His first priority now is to prepare for the second scarlet coming in 20 days!

(End of this chapter)

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