The end of the world is coming, kill the Virgin first

Chapter 412 Arriving at Feiyue Mountain

Chapter 412 Arriving at Feiyue Mountain

Yasuhiro continued: "Since I became a saint 50 years ago, I have been committed to searching for traces of Emperor Gu Tian, ​​because I have a hunch that the dark turmoil of this era will still need Emperor Gu to calm down.

I have visited many ancient traditions and consulted countless classics about Emperor Gu Tian. However, without exception, the records about Emperor Gu Tian only have the sudden appearance of the final battle. They are very short, very few, and cannot be found at all. There is no way to deduce who he is from any previous clues about him. "

Gu Sha asked: "Is he very strong?"

Yasu Hong nodded and said: "The Great Emperor is already very strong, but the strength of Emperor Gu Tian is too outrageous. Descriptions of his combat power are without exception unrivaled. Looking at ancient and modern times, I am afraid that only the battles of the last era can defeat him." The combat power shown by Buddha in the final battle is comparable to that."

Gu Sha asked doubtfully: "Since Dou Defeating Buddha can rival Gu Tiandi, why can Emperor Gu Tian be able to enter the Tianyuan Realm and quell the darkness, but Dou Defeating Buddha cannot?"

Yasuhiro said: "Because Douzhanfo led Yuan Universe into the war in the early days of the Dark Troubles. At that time, the top combat forces in the Tianyuan world were still there, and he dragged the three most powerful emperors in the Tianyuan world to death together."

Gu Sha thought for a while and said: "I see, is there any record of fighting and defeating the Buddha?"

"Of course," Yasuhiro said, "He was born in a small world, and his life is recorded. He is recognized as the strongest person in the last era, and his name is - Universe..."

Speaking of which,

Yasuhiro's voice suddenly disappeared. He immediately pressed the magic formula with his hand, used the holy power, and once again said: "Conqueror of the Universe!"

Gu Sha's heart moved.
This was the first time he heard the name of the Victorious Buddha.

When chatting with Brother Bian before, I heard Brother Bian talk about it several times, but because his level was too low, he couldn't hear clearly every time.

"Conqueror of the universe, so domineering!" Gu Sha muttered.

Anhong's eyes widened and he said in surprise: "It's outrageous. You can actually say the name of Victory Buddha so easily. I know that everyone is higher than you, but you can't say it casually. It's outrageous!"

Gu Sha didn’t explain.

He knows that there are many people in the universe whose names are taboo, with great cause and effect, and cannot be recited lightly. Just like Anhong, who is already a quasi-sage, and still needs to use his magical power to recite the name Conqueror of the Universe. .

Just like Gu Sha back then, he couldn't even listen.

However, although his cultivation is still in the Immortal Way, his level of rebirth on a drop of blood has been greatly improved, which has raised his life level a lot. It has far surpassed most saints. It is naturally different from the past, and you can listen to it. Yes, you can say yes!
After Anhong complained a few words, he didn't go into details. He is the elder of the Holy House and is well-informed. He has seen all kinds of ridiculously powerful geniuses. He naturally understands that many people cannot judge by common sense. Gu Sha is also a young man. Supreme, naturally very incomparable.

Immediately, Anhong said: "Currently, the most recognized theory regarding Emperor Gu Tian's identity is that Emperor Gu Tian defeated the Buddha in a fight, because they are equally powerful.

Many people think that it was the back-up left behind by the Fighting Victory Buddha before his death, perhaps a battle statue. Therefore, the last Emperor Gu Tian appeared out of thin air and disappeared without any trace, and no trace could be found at all. However, there are many other theories. "

Gu Sha smiled and said jokingly: "If I were the Great Emperor of Zhengdao, I should also be called Emperor Gu Tian. Do you think that Emperor Gu Tian is me?"

What surprised Gu Sha was that he was just joking, but Anhong said thoughtfully, "It's really possible."

Gu Sha: "??!!"

Anhong whispered: "I have been studying the existence of Emperor Gu Tian for so many years, looking for countless evidences, and overturned all the speculations about Emperor Gu Tian one by one, including the theory that Du defeated Foliu's backhand, which was also overturned by the evidence I found. . However, this matter does not make much sense, so I did not make any public remarks. However, I deduced many possibilities in my mind, and finally after eliminating them one by one, I came up with the most unlikely possibility. "

Gu Sha asked: "What's possible?"

An Hong said mysteriously: "Since there is no trace of Emperor Gu, it means that Emperor Gu is probably not a creature from that era at all. With Emperor Gu's demeanor, it can be said that it is unprecedented, but who can say , what about the one who will never come after you?”

Gu Sha was greatly shocked and said: "You mean that Emperor Gu Tian is a powerful person in later generations, who endured great cause and effect, reversed time and space, went to the previous era, and then rewrote the ending?"

"Although it's outrageous," Yasuhiro said with a smile, "but I think it's really possible."

"Then," Gu Sha said, "there is a paradox. If Emperor Gu Tian is a person from later generations, he only appeared under the original ending. If he rewrites history, later generations will also change, then Emperor Gu Tian will also have to If it changed, there would be no chance of him reversing time and space. Without him reversing time and space, the endgame of the last era would have failed..."

Yasuhiro chuckled and said, "Don't be so serious. I'm just guessing. There's no way to verify this kind of thing. I'm just following what you just said!"

An Hong patted Gu Sha on the shoulder and said: "But, if you are really Emperor Gu Tian, ​​then you will be in big trouble. The Tianyuan world will definitely not let you successfully reverse time and space. The best way is to take advantage of you while you are still alive." I will strangle you when you are weak, hehe, are you afraid?"

Yasuhiro winked and teased,

Gu Sha was speechless and said: "I suggest that the Tianyuan world kill everyone named Gu in the Source Universe."

An Hong said with a smile: "Then, what if Emperor Gu Tian is the sixth child and he uses the name of his enemy?"

Gu Sha: "??"

This script is a bit familiar,
A sentence suddenly came to his mind:

"I don't want to change my name, I don't want to change my surname, Yuchuan of the Taiyin Clan in Beicang Region!"


Not long after, the cross-border boat stopped,

Gu Sha followed Anhong outside the cabin and was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.
In the distance, it looks like two mountains with a bridge.

But when I got closer I realized,

These two mountains are so vast, majestic and undulating, like a real dragon lying down, very magnificent. A large purple mist rises, and a mist rises from the end of the distant earth, hazy and misty, followed by a loud sound. The sound was earth-shattering, shooting out thousands of rays of light. These were two huge worlds.

"An Hong," Yuan Qing came over and said, "You should go back to the Holy Court to report on your work first. I will just accompany Gu Sha on a trip to Feiyue Mountain."

An Hong said with a smile: "I'm already here, it's not even a day or two away. Master Yuan, I haven't been here for many years, and I also want to go shopping."

Yuan Qing said "hmm",
No one noticed that there was a flash of viciousness in the depths of his eyes. He gave An Hong a deep look, and then looked at Gu Sha. His eyes were rarely dull, as dull as looking at a dead person.

(End of this chapter)

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