Chapter 417 Slaves
After about a month in the space passage, finally one day, a bright light appeared in front of them. Suddenly, almost all the ascendants could not restrain their inner joy. They stood up one after another and came to the edge of the space ship, looking through the windows. Look outside.

However, what puzzled everyone was that they did not appear in the city. Instead, they came to an endless desert. There were many space ships docked in this desert. To count them, There are over a thousand ships.

At this moment, there are people on many boats lining up to get off the boat. However, these people are all wearing a very special kind of armor, densely covered with runes, which seals all parts of the body. They are surrounded by many monks wearing the same clothes of the Luo family. Driven.

"where is this place?"

"Didn't you say you were going to Luo Tianyu?"

"What are those people doing?"


In the cabin, many ascended people asked, and for a while, there was some noise.

However, what all the ascendants did not expect was that the Luo family monks who had been very gentle during this period suddenly seemed to have changed, and the expressions on their faces became very... Impatient or even disgusted, completely devoid of any humility.

"Shut up for Lao Tzu!"

A Luo Family Golden Immortal scolded, a long whip appeared in his hand, and he waved it wildly.

That long whip was an extremely immortal weapon, full of violent aura and attached with a cold aura. It whipped a group of ascendants quickly. At the same time, many Luo family monks showed ferocious faces and took out their weapons. A group of Ascended Ones started beating him up.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "What are you doing..."

In the cabin, there were bursts of shrill screams. Some ascended people wanted to resist, but magic circles suddenly rose up in the cabin, and endless runes filled the air. Those ascended people who had not fully recovered yet. Momentarily suppressed.

Not to mention that these ascended people are now about the same as Gu Sha, and they are not in peak condition. Even if these ascended people are in peak condition, they are no match for the monks of the Luo family. In this ship, the monks of the Luo family can There were three Immortal Kings, a dozen Golden Immortals, and dozens of Immortal monks. In addition, the magic arrays in the cabin suppressed the Ascended Ones' little recovery of cultivation.

After a long time,

Amid bursts of wailing, all the ascendants squatted on the ground with their heads held in their hands, not daring to resist any longer.

Only then did the monks from the Luo family stop.

Luo Yun, who was in charge of taking the lead, stood up and looked down at all the ascendants. His whole temperament changed completely. He was no longer as amiable as before, but became very indifferent. He said in a deep voice: "You have figured out your identity, right?" , are you still confused about the situation?"

The ascended ones here are all outstanding people from the world they live in. There is no one who is hopelessly stupid. They have all seen clearly that the Luo family, who treat them with great courtesy, is not as fancy as they imagined. Their potential is not to recruit them, but to plot against them.

Many ascended people were quite sensible and remained silent.

Seeing this, Luo Yun waved to the monks behind him and said, "Put them all in dustproof clothes."

Immediately, a group of Luo family monks took out a lot of armor, which was exactly the same as the armor worn by those who were being driven off the ship in other cabins. It was very thick and covered with runes.

A monk waved his hand and sent these armors to all the ascendants one by one, and scolded: "Put them all on me."

A pair of armor also appeared in front of Gu Sha.
He reached out his hand and touched it lightly, and immediately understood that this armor had strong defensive properties, but it also had extremely strong binding properties. The mana of a person wearing this armor would be completely suppressed, and inside There is also a positioning circle, which means that the person wearing this armor will be completely controlled.

However, the current situation was pressing, and Gu Sha still couldn't figure out what was going on with the Luo family. After hesitating, he thought of quietly erasing the armor's restricting circle and then putting it on again.

However, just when Gu Sha was about to take action,
An ascended person next to him suddenly held Gu Sha's hand, shook his head slightly, and gave a look, signaling Gu Sha to look forward.

This ascended person is a gray-haired old man, and Gu Sha also knows him. The two communicated a lot in the space ship. This ascended person comes from a corrupt Zhongqian world. His cultivation has reached the level of Golden Immortal, and he is already alive. He is more than 2 years old, but his strength has not yet been restored. He is called Zuoqiu.

Perhaps it was because Zuoqiu had lived for so many years and was in a higher state of mind than most ascended people, so he got to chat with Gu Sha.

Gu Sha was stopped by Zuo Qiu, so he followed Zuo Qiu's gaze and discovered that a monk hiding behind was holding a magic weapon and observing. Without guessing, he knew that he was observing whether the ascended person was making any small moves. .

Gu Sha immediately gave up the idea in his mind, nodded to Zuoqiu, and honestly began to put on the dustproof suit armor.

Just when Gu Sha put on his armor,

Several screams were heard, and several ascended people were directly beaten to death by the Luo family monks.

"Don't even think about making small moves, your every move is being observed," a golden immortal pointed at the corpses and said, "This is what will happen."

With this deterrent,
All the Ascended Ones were honest, and soon everyone was wearing armor.

Luo Yun took the lead out of the cabin, and the monks behind him began to drive all the ascended people off the boat together.

"Hahaha, Luo Yun!"

Just after all the ascended people got off the boat, a Luo Family Immortal King flew over, patted Luo Yun on the shoulder and said, "You can't do it. Why are you so little slave this time?"

Luo Yun shook his head and said: "I'm not very lucky. Many ascended people have been snatched away by other orthodoxy. I was able to find these more than 1000 slaves as a result of working day and night."


The conversation between Luo Yun and the Immortal King was not hidden, and he spoke it out so freely, causing a small uproar. However, feeling the unkind looks from the Luo family monks around him, he quickly became quiet again.

among the crowd,

Gu Sha quietly observed the situation around him.
Although this dustproof suit covers the entire body, the eyes are made of special colored glaze, so the line of sight is not affected.

In this desert,
At this time, at least more than [-] people wearing armor had gathered. Gu Sha could basically guess that these people should be the Ascended Ones who had been deceived.

Gu Sha secretly guessed: "This Luo family is probably doing something shady!"

Ascended ones from all worlds,

Being without relatives or relatives in the wild means that you have no worries or concerns. Even if you die, you will not attract attention. Similarly, if you disappear on a large scale, you will not attract the attention of other orthodoxies. Natural things are the most suitable. Shady things.

(End of this chapter)

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