It's time to finish writing this essay again, and I feel really unhappy. I always feel that it's empty, and it sounds a bit pretentious. I'm not a novice anymore, but I still feel uncomfortable.

Let me first talk about a few issues that everyone is concerned about.
  First, there will be several extra stories later, but it is somewhat uncertain. The follow-up stories of characters such as Feng Nishang will be explained.

Second, it’s about the next book,

I'm not sure when it will start, but it will definitely have to be after the New Year. As for the specific time, I'm not sure because my wife is going to have a baby after the New Year, and I have already entered the fatherhood preparation camp. I have to spend this time well. I am spending time with my wife, but I don’t know if I will be busy in the future, so I don’t dare to start the book rashly, otherwise, it will be very troublesome intermittently.

Third, the next plan.

I haven't had a good rest in the past few years. This time I will rest more and do something I want to do, such as studying Feng Shui metaphysics. I wonder if there are any book friends who are in this field and whether they can accept apprentices. Hehe, I've been obsessed with this stuff lately. Note: I used to write supernatural articles, so I am very interested in these!

As promised, it ends here,

Let’s summarize this book… What a fate!
  First of all, this book is the first QQ reading book. I didn’t expect to get results at first, so I just thought about letting myself go and write what I wanted to write. But, I never expected that it would get results!
  How would you describe your achievements during that period?
  Just two words - awesome!
  When it was put on the shelves, it only had tens of thousands of words, and it had never been recommended, so the results were very poor. It had more than [-] first orders on QQ Reading and more than [-] first orders on QQ.

However, as soon as the follow-up investment arrived, it immediately exploded. It directly ranked first in the QQ reading membership list and was almost unstoppable. However, went from [-] to a high-quality product in just a few days. After that, it became a best-seller. After adding [-] to Junding, Junding once reached more than [-]. I immediately ordered thousands of orders, and then... nothing happened...

There are too many jealous monsters, and they catch me and report them every day.
  After only 404 words, I was facing the fate of being [-].

I had no choice but to make a big change and start from scratch. However, even though I made a completely different change and it didn’t feel that good at all, it still didn’t work and I was still reported. Finally, after discussing it with the editor, I just changed the outline and just changed it. It’s become a fantasy!
  During that time, I was so exhausted that I no longer wanted to write. However, I had no choice but to make ends meet and make money, so I had to bite the bullet and change an apocalyptic novel into a traditional fantasy.

Fortunately, there are still many book friends who support me.
  This is my first time writing fantasy, and I have been stumbling along the way until now.
  It’s not a lot of words, but it’s pretty good for me.

In fact, I can still write it, but I don’t think it’s necessary anymore, because writing it down would really be just writing. I don’t think it’s necessary. At this point in the story, it might be most appropriate to leave some blank space.

Well, generally speaking,

Although my grades were cut in half because I was reported, it was still okay. It was my best grade since I started working.

Hey, after saying this, I suddenly feel that my progress is not bad,
  Almost as soon as I open a book, I will make progress. Hahaha, it seems that I am a potential stock!
  This book has a good reading score on QQ. Before it was reported, the number of regulars who ranked first and second in the membership list was more than [-] at the peak. Now it has dropped to about [-]. It is okay, and I am quite satisfied with it.

I hope to get thousands of orders for the next book!

Well, that’s the end of my remarks. I wish all book friends a bright future and all the best. See you in the world!

——Que Yue (end of this chapter)

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