Chapter 60 Inscription Power
"You mean, the Clean World Association has appeared in the C city barrier?" Gu Sha asked.

"It seems that Mr. Gu knows about the World Cleansing Association, so I won't explain too much," Han Ze said: "The Clean World Association was originally a huge extremist organization. Now that the end of the world is coming, those people are scattered everywhere. Many things have happened, and today, the federal government has issued multiple warning messages.

At present, in our Longzhou, many shelters have been destroyed by the World Purification Association, and the losses are very heavy. However, in order to avoid causing panic, the official has not made it public. Now, all human beings are needed to unite as one, and we don’t want people to be turbulent at this time . "

Gu Sha slowly said: "Can you target those people from the World Purification Association?"

"It's hard," Han Ze said, "A few days ago, we caught a few of them, but they were all lunatics. They committed suicide directly in prison, and they refused to expose other accomplices."

Gu Sha said in a deep voice: "I see, you can check it yourself, and I will look for it too. The purpose of this group of people is very simple. Now, the tide of corpses and beasts is approaching, and the barrier is preparing for war. They want to destroy , so that the barrier cannot withstand this disaster."

"I understand, I have arranged for someone to investigate."

Gu Sha let out a "hmm" and hung up the phone.

He put the twenty or so corpse cores left in the box into his backpack, and then went downstairs with the backpack on his back.

At this time, the nanny Zhang Shufen had been out for a while.

Gu Sha remembered that in the future picture he saw, the bomb in his residence was in the bag of vegetables that Zhang Shufen bought back.

There are many high-level fortresses living in the Tianhu community on this day, and the guards are very strict. It is impossible for the World Cleaning Association to put so many bombs in openly, and it must be through various channels.

Just like the vegetables bought by Zhang Shufen,
These people use some special methods to hide it, so they can hide it from the inspection. After all, they already have extraordinary powers now, and the disadvantages of technological inspections are obvious.

Moreover, in the memory screen,
The bomb hidden in the dish was hidden from his perception.

This is what Gu Sha cares most about.
As a ninth-level fighter, he is definitely the most evolved person in the world in this era, but the other party actually used tricks to not only hide from the security check of Tianhu Community, but also hide from his perception, which seems very strange up.

Just when Gu Sha was about to go out,
Zhang Shufen came back with a bag of vegetables, saw Gu Sha standing at the door, and hurriedly called out, "Sir, do you want to go out?"

Gu Sha didn't answer, but reached out to take the bag from Zhang Shufen's hand.

Zhang Shufen was a little puzzled, but she honestly handed it over to Gu Sha.

Gu Sha poured out all the vegetables in a bag,

There are chicken, duck and fish, and a few Chinese cabbages.

There seems to be nothing unusual about it.

However, under Gu Sha's deliberate attention, he still found something wrong. He actually felt a weak energy fluctuation in a chicken, which was very weak. If he hadn't deliberately observed it, even his ninth-level fighter Can't find it either.

Gu Sha picked up the chicken that had been plucked and slaughtered,
If you look carefully, you can't see anything unusual.

But he is basically sure,

That bomb was inside this chicken.


Gu Sha activated the Entraining Qi Art to mobilize the genetic energy to cover the chicken,

Soon, he discovered the problem,
There's something hidden in the chicken leg bone,

He immediately tore open the chicken leg meat and broke the chicken bone
A tiny bomb dropped from the ground!
Zhang Shufen's expression on the side changed drastically. She didn't know the miniature bomb, but seeing Gu Sha's abnormal behavior, she knew that there must be a big problem with this thing, and hurriedly explained: "Mr. Gu...I...I don't know..."

Gu Sha waved his hand,

Of course he knew that this had nothing to do with Zhang Shufen,

In the future picture he saw, Zhang Shufen was directly blown to pieces. If Zhang Shufen had a problem, she wouldn't have stayed there waiting to be blown to death.


The most important thing is,

Gu died on this chicken bone,
Feeling the power of inscriptions possessed only by kings,

It was also the effect of the power of this inscription that allowed the bomb to escape the security check at the gate of the community and his perception.

Gu Sha looked at the miniature bomb,

On the surface, he was calm and expressionless, but his heart was already turned upside down!

inscription power,

The power possessed by the king class.


"Clean World Association, do you already have a war king?"

However, the next moment,

Gu Sha denied this conjecture,

If the World Purification Association owns the King of War, there is no need to hide and do things in the dark. A King of War can enter the barrier and destroy it openly. The technological weapons in the barrier are currently only nuclear bombs. H-bombs and the like can cause trouble for the Warlord.

But, inside the barrier,
Unless the official wants to die together, it is impossible to use the weapon of the destroyer.

If used, it will be destroyed directly,
It happened to be in line with the wishes of the World Cleaning Association!

"It's impossible to have a war king, but the opponent has the power of the inscription, which doesn't make sense!"

Gu Sha looked at the miniature bomb, stood up and said to Zhang Shufen: "There will be people from the city guard or the military coming here later, so you can just take them to see this thing, don't touch it, wait until the official When you arrive, you will leave this neighborhood, go as far as you can, and don't come back until tomorrow morning, understand?"

"Huh? I see."

Although Zhang Shufen was puzzled, she didn't ask any further questions. She hurriedly nodded in response, and then stood solemnly, staring closely at the miniature bomb.

Gu Sha picked up the chicken and went straight out to the vegetable market.

Today, the shopping malls in the barrier are naturally different from the messy shopping malls before the end of the world. The current shopping malls have designated locations in official areas, and then they are sold by the community.

Gu Sha went straight to the shopping mall, found the officials of the management office, and directly threw the certificate issued to him by the extraordinary on the desk of the director of the management office.

The director of the management office, who was still drinking tea with the old god, turned pale with fright when he saw the certificate, stood up suddenly, tensed all over, swallowed his saliva, and said, "Leader...leader...good! "

Gu Sha sat on the sofa, threw the chicken on the table, and said, "Check it out for me, where did the chicken come from?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

The director of the management office responded hastily, and then shouted at the door, and soon several staff members hurried in.

The director of the management office asked: "Which department is responsible for delivering the chicken today?"

Several staff members looked at each other, and finally, a middle-aged man in his forties smiled and said, "Director Wu, I'm in charge. What's the problem with this chicken?"

Director Wu didn't know what was wrong with the chicken, so he looked at Gu Sha.

Gu Sha looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "Where did this chicken come from?"

"Ah?" Director Wu asked puzzledly, "Naturally it's from the community breeding base?"

Gu Sha's pupils shrank, and a murderous look permeated the air, and he said in a cold tone, "Are you sure?"

Now is the end of the world, chicken is a high-end thing,

The amount provided by the community is very small every day. It is basically a special supply. Only a certain part of the family can afford it, and this part of the family is all dignitaries. Therefore, these things are strictly censored, and even the raising process is very strict. It is very strict, and it is very difficult for people and procedures to be inserted into a miniature bomb.

To do that,
There is only one possibility, this chicken is not from a community breeding base.

(End of this chapter)

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