You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 100 Administrative and Criminal Cases!

Chapter 100 Administrative and Criminal Cases!

Haifang Law Firm.

Xiao Haibo nodded slightly when facing a big dark man who came to seek legal help, and asked:
"Tell me, what's going on with this case..."

"Okay okay."

The big man nodded hastily: "This is Lawyer Xiao."


After half an hour.

After the big man finished his statement of the case.

There is obviously a trace of tension in the eyes:

"Lawyer Xiao, I was introduced by an old friend of mine. He said that your law firm is very powerful and can win any case."

"So I'm here to consult you, Lawyer Xiao..."

"I know this case is a bit troublesome, so I want to ask Lawyer Xiao for help... Lawyer Xiao, do you think this case can be handled?"

After listening to the dark man describe the whole case.

Xiao Haibo asked a few questions, then frowned slightly.

He can indeed take this case without any problems.

But he is not good at this aspect of the case.

There is no certainty of winning the case.

According to Dahan's description, this case has obviously involved other aspects of laws and certain administrative lawsuits.

To know about administrative litigation...

Not so easy!

What's more, he is proficient in civil affairs and has a certain amount of research on civil litigation and civil cases.

However, I am not very familiar with other laws and administrative laws.

Every lawyer has areas in which every lawyer specializes.

related to administration.

Yes, you can, but
Not necessarily win.

For a lawyer like him, if he fails to win the lawsuit, it is very likely that his reputation will be ruined, and the impact will be great.

Xiao Haibo took a deep breath and asked:
"About this case, have you looked for other law firms?"

The big man shook his head slowly, his expression seemed a little cramped:
"I haven't looked for any other law firm for this case, but Haifang Law Firm was the first one I found."

"That's you, Lawyer Xiao"

The big man saw Xiao Haibo's embarrassment, so he asked carefully.

"Lawyer Xiao, is this case difficult...won't it be won?"

Xiao Haibo shook his head with a smile: "How can I say this case is difficult, but it has not yet reached the level where it is completely unwinnable."

"The main reason why it is difficult to fight is that I am a lawyer who specializes in civil matters, and I am not very proficient in administrative litigation and other aspects."

"Your case not only involves administrative proceedings, but also involves certain criminal proceedings."

"These two aspects are not my field of expertise."

"About this, I don't need to hide it, I need to inform you in advance."


"I can introduce you to other lawyers who are proficient in administrative litigation and criminal litigation. Of course, this is based on your willingness to accept the situation.

If you don't want to, you can find another law firm, which is based on your wishes. "

"Okay, thank you, Lawyer Xiao, then I will trouble Lawyer Xiao."

"I don't know any other lawyers, so please ask Mr. Xiao to introduce other lawyers to me and recommend them."

The dark man's face was full of gratitude.

Xiao Haibo smiled and nodded without saying anything. After sending the dark man away, he frowned slightly, thinking about who to ask for help.

after a few seconds.

Made a call.

"Lawyer Wang...yes, it's me."

"I have a case here, and I came to our law firm. It is related to other criminal and administrative issues."


"Then let me just talk about it, okay?"


After Xiao Haibo finished speaking, Lawyer Wang thought for a few seconds in silence before rejecting the entrustment of the case.

"This case is not easy to fight. If you lose the trial, it will affect your reputation."

Xiao Haibo said in doubt:
"Can't fight? Aren't you mainly engaged in administrative litigation?"

"But there are certain criminal factors in this case. I don't know much about criminal aspects."

"Indeed, that's true. After all, the matters involved are a bit troublesome. Okay, okay, that's troublesome. I'll ask other people. If it's not possible, let the client find another law firm."

"OK, all right."


"It's okay..."

After exchanging a few pleasantries and hanging up the phone, Xiao Haibo took a long breath, took a sip of tea, sat on the sofa, and flipped through his address book.

For a while, I didn't know who to turn to for this lawsuit.

This case was introduced by an old friend of the dark burly man. The relationship between that old friend and him, how should I put it, is not bad.

I always go to their law firm when I have a case, and I can be regarded as a regular customer.

There are certain business contacts.

Although it is not a big customer, it is not considered a small customer either.

If you refuse directly, it will definitely have a certain impact on the customer...

But this case is indeed a bit tricky!
Xiao Haibo took a sip of tea, then took a long breath, thinking about how to solve this matter.

at the same time.

Inside Baijun Law Firm.

Su Bai was holding a law firm meeting, and briefly emphasized and analyzed the general planning and development of the law firm.

Emphasized at the same time.

The two new interns, Wang Kexin and Wang Kangjie, can ask more questions if there is anything they don't understand. If you feel embarrassed to ask your own tutoring lawyer, you can ask Li Xuezhen more.

to be frank.

Su Bai was also worried that Li Xuezhen had misled the two trainee lawyers.
Gee tut.

Su Bai shook his head, and did not continue to think about this issue for the time being.

After the meeting ended, Su Bai briefly summarized the business of the law firm.

The current main business of the law firm has several aspects:

First: civil, civil and commercial.

Second: small criminals.

Third: Company business cooperation.

Judging from the current performance of the law firm, these three aspects have brought considerable income to the law firm.

But recently.
The law firm has nothing to expand, which makes Su Bai idle.

On the first day after being free, tsk tsk tsk, it's a good day!
On the second day when I was free, tsk tsk, the little days are okay.

Day three. A little boring.
The fourth day. Teaching interns, trying to get the crooked Xiao Li back.

We can't let Xiao Li lead the other interns astray anymore.

On the fifth day, well, I failed. It was a long way to go to bring back the crooked Xiao Li. This matter needs a long-term plan.

At the same time, I really want to have an awesome case to fight, and I feel a little uncomfortable when I am idle.

In addition, I chatted with Xu Xiang and Duan Liang about the law firm's case.

Day [-]. Tsk tsk, I hope there will be an awesome case! !
Continue to expand the influence of the law firm! !
On the seventh day, Su Bai scrolled through Moments boringly, and saw Xiao Haibo's Moments.

Content: Recently, I took a difficult case. Friends who have ideas about administrative litigation and criminal law can take a look.

Mutual friend: Tsk, this case is a bit tricky!Criminal law and administrative litigation. This case should require administrative reconsideration, right?
It looks like it should be one against two?

"The high probability is. This case is not easy to fight, and I can't help you."

"Lawyer Xiao, even your law firm can't handle this case. Post it in Moments. Do you think we can handle it?"

This is probably the content in Moments, Xiao Haibo frowned slightly when he saw the content of these comments.

Of course he knows it's not easy to hit him, otherwise, he wouldn't ask in Moments.

Isn't this forced and helpless?


This case is indeed a bit tricky. Those who are capable look down on it, and those who are incapable cannot fight it.


Why don't you push it...

When Xiao Haibo was thinking about it, he suddenly noticed the likes in Moments.

【Su Bai liked your circle of friends】

Xiao Haibo slapped his head suddenly, how could he forget about Su Bai!

He only thought about the administrative aspect of this case, but there was also the criminal aspect!

Previously, he had been looking for a lawyer partner in administrative litigation. The reason why the other party was unwilling was because this case, in addition to the administrative aspect, also involved criminal aspects.

This case in particular is equally tricky on the criminal side.

And for that kind of first-class lawyer, this case is a bit small to be honest, and it is not worth wasting so much energy to take such a case.


They are all first-class lawyers in big law firms, and they don't bother to fight this kind of case.

Su Bai's law firm should need it!
and in criminal terms.
Su Bai is good at this!

A top-notch lawyer in a criminal case!
If this case is handed over to Su Bai, no matter how criminal it is, it can be resolved!

Thinking of this, Xiao Haibo immediately sent Su Bai a message:

"not busy."

"If you're not busy... Lawyer Su, are you interested in this case posted by my circle of friends?"

Su Bai: This case is a bit interesting.

"Ahem. Isn't Lawyer Su interested in such an awesome case? Just take it as a help."

"In the future, if Lawyer Su needs my help or Haifang Law Firm's help, just mention it! I have absolutely no second words!"

Su Bai: What I'm waiting for is your words!

Criminal and administrative proceedings!
This is equivalent to expanding the business of their law firm!

Such an awesome case must be taken over!

More importantly, I also gained Xiao Haibo's friendship!

Su Bai immediately said: "Okay, let's help each other, just recently, I'm not too busy, I can take this case, no problem."

Hearing that Su Bai agreed to come down, Xiao Haibo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then thank you, Lawyer Su, for this matter. If you have anything to do in the future, you can call me."

"Lawyer Xiao is being polite."

After the chat is over.

Xiao Haibo sent the more detailed content of the case to Su Bai.

After Su Bai read the case, he frowned slightly. This case is indeed difficult.
He took a long breath, it was difficult, but there was no problem in going to court, and he could accept it.

After reading the case in detail, Su Bai sent a message back to Xiao Haibo.

"Our law firm took this case."

"When can I meet the client and have a good chat?"

"This afternoon, I have already agreed with the client that I will let him come here today, and I will give him a notice today whether he accepts the case or not."

"Lawyer Su, are you free this afternoon?"


"Okay, see you this afternoon."

After confirming the time, Su Bai immediately notified Li Xuezhen to make preparations.

"Haifang Law Firm recommended a case to us."

"Wait until the afternoon, you come with me."

In the past few days, Li Xuezhen was a little anxious because she had no case. When she heard that Haifang Law Firm introduced a case to them, Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up.

"Lawyer Su"

"What kind of case did you introduce to our law firm this time? Criminal or civil...?"

"It's criminal and administrative.. This case is a bit complicated, and further research is needed before it can be confirmed."

Li Xuezhen's small face was blank for a few seconds.

Administrative Litigation! !
Immediately afterwards, a trace of joy and excitement appeared on Xiao Li's face, looking at the administrative procedure law and administrative law drawn in circles on his desk.

Good case!
After studying administrative law for so many days, it finally came in handy!

Not bad!

Xiao Li's face was full of smiles, and Xiao Lian replied seriously: "Good Lawyer Su, I will prepare well!"

in the afternoon.

The sun was shining brightly, Su Bai took Li Xuezhen to a taxi and came to Haifang Law Firm.

Inside Haifang Law Firm.

Su Bai and Li Xuezhen sat across from Xiao Haibo.

Xiao Haibo poured a cup of tea for Su Bai and Li Xuezhen each, and said with a smile:
"Lawyer Su, the client of this case is on his way and will be here soon, please wait a moment."

After Su Bai took a sip of tea, he put down the teacup: "Okay."

Then the topic changed: "Lawyer Xiao, how much did you pay for this tea per catty...?"

Xiao Haibo smiled and said, "I didn't buy it, it was a gift from others. If Lawyer Su thinks this tea is good, I can give Lawyer Su two catties."

Su Bai smiled and shook his head.

I just sigh in my heart, this law firm is full of scenery, and this tea is all given away!

Compared with my own law firm, there is still a certain gap!
Then you have to work harder?

But Su Bai didn't think too much about it.

Soon, the parties involved in this case came to Haifang Law Firm.

Inside the office.

Xiao Haibo enthusiastically introduced Su Bai and the parties to each other.

"Lawyer Su, this is what I told you, the client of the case, Zhang Laichun."

"Mr. Zhang, this is the top-notch lawyer I introduced to you, lawyer Su Baisu. Although lawyer Su has not handled many cases so far, every case is very classic!"

"For your case, it's definitely right to find lawyer Su!"

"Okay, thank you, Lawyer Xiao."

Zhang Laichun's face was full of restraint. After thanking Xiao Haibo, he subconsciously and cautiously wiped the sweat from his palms with his trousers, showed a restrained smile, and stretched out his hand nervously.

"Hello, Lawyer Su."


Su Bai smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and held Zhang Laichun together, greeted each other, and sat back on the sofa again.

Followed by.

Zhang Laichun began to state the process of the case. The case involved many aspects, and the general meaning was just that.

repair bridge.


He was convicted of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and received a huge fine.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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