You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 102 The court session, hit him!

Chapter 102 The court session, hit him!

Inside Baijun Law Firm.

Su Bai briefly sorted out Zhang Laidong's case and the relevant materials to prove it.


Handed over the materials to Li Xuezhen.

"Okay, the general materials of this case have been sorted out. You can go through it again to see if there are any problems. If there are no problems, you can appeal to the court."

Li Xuezhen took the materials, looked down at the contents of the materials, her small face was slightly wrinkled: "Lawyer Su..."

"In this case, the Hailan Jianye Co., Ltd. that built the bridge, did any illegal acts...?"

"Can we appeal together...?"

Facing Li Xuezhen's question, Su Bai smiled: "Do you think it's okay...?"

Li Xuezhen's small face was excited, her eyes lit up with a hint of excitement in her tone: "Lawyer Su, is it really possible?"

Su Bai continued to smile and said:
"Of course not."

"You have also read all the relevant evidence materials. The person in charge of Hailan Jianye Co., Ltd. reported this matter to the relevant department."

"The content of the report is also very clear."

"It was Zhang Laidong who built the bridge illegally, charged fees, and the evidence was clearly explained."

"There is indeed a crime of false accusation and frame in the criminal law, but the premise of the crime of false accusation and frame is that the content of the other party's report or evidence is false and fabricated."

"As far as Hailan Jianye Co., Ltd. is concerned, the reported content is real, and there is no false or fabricated content."

"That is, it does not constitute any violation of the law. It can only be said that this company is too immoral to do so... It can be condemned from a moral perspective, but from a legal perspective, there is really no way."


"Okay, Lawyer Su, I understand."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously, with pity written all over her little face, and then said:

"Lawyer Su, does this case need to be broadcast live?"

"If there is a live broadcast of the trial, will our chances of winning the case be a little higher?"

"It's like that milk powder. That milk powder is just too bad. I don't think it's appropriate to place the charge of picking quarrels and provoking trouble on Zhang Laidong."

Su Bai looked at Li Xuezhen seriously.

Looking at Li Xuezhen's clear eyes, after a few seconds, she nodded:
"If the trial of this case is broadcast live, it is indeed possible to apply."

"After all, some cases involving the crime of picking quarrels and provoking troubles are very controversial."

"However. If you apply, you may not be approved."

"What if?"

Li Xuezhen blinked and looked at Su Bai.

Su Bai smiled slightly: "Then try it!"

The first instance of Zhang Laidong's case was heard in the Nanchuan County Court.

Submit a second trial.

The second instance will be heard in the Linnan City Intermediate Court.

Administrative penalties for dissatisfaction with the judgment of the first instance and huge fines for relevant departments.

Soon, Su Bai filed the evidentiary materials and appeal request for the appeal.

At the same time, on the grounds that the administrative penalty violated the relevant penalty law, the penalty unit, Nanchuan County Water Management Station, was also sued to the Linnan City Intermediate Court.

And apply for a live broadcast of the trial on the grounds that the case has legal publicity and education significance.

The Linnan City Intermediate Court has not yet responded to the application for the live broadcast of the trial, which is in the process of accepting and reviewing the case.
.... ...

Southern Metropolitan University.

Inside the office of the vice president of the law department.

Feng Lijian took a sip of tea and nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, this tea tastes good!"


"You have a heart, these few times I have come here, and I have brought gifts to the teacher, the teacher is very pleased!"

Seeing the happy smile on Feng Lijian's face, Li Xuezhen said to herself: This worldly sophistication is really useful.
After thinking carefully, Li Xuezhen narrowed her eyes with a smile and said, "Teacher, I have something to ask you."

"What is it...? Tell me, as long as the teacher can answer, the teacher will definitely answer you"

Feng Lijian smiled.

Li Xuezhen smiled and said:
"Teacher, do you think that if a person did a good deed but violated the law and was sentenced, shouldn't that be the case?"

Facing Li Xuezhen's question, Feng Lijian was silent for two seconds.

this problem
He really couldn't answer it, especially when his students asked him this question. If he couldn't answer it well, it would definitely have a certain impact on Li Xuezhen's legal concepts.

After a few seconds of silence.

Feng Lijian said slowly: "This matter needs to be determined on a case-by-case basis."

"The main thing to look at is whose legal rights are violated in the process."

"If what he did was a good thing from the perspective of some people, but violated the legal rights of others, I think this is inappropriate, Xuezhen, do you understand?"

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously with a small face: "Teacher, I understand!"

"That's it. Teacher, I have something I want to ask you for help. It's like this. I have a friend. He took a case."

"The case went like this"


"I want to ask the teacher, can I apply for a live broadcast of the trial in this situation?"

tsk tsk...

He is a simple student junior, a closed disciple.

When did you learn to suppress first and then raise?

Ask yourself questions first, then, have a friend. . . .
Feng Lijian saw Li Xuezhen's careful thinking, and shook his head with a smile.

"This teacher doesn't know either."

"However, the teacher feels that in this case, there is indeed no problem with the actions of the parties. This case should be able to win the lawsuit, and there is no big problem."

"Oh, okay teacher."

"Teacher, I know"

Li Xuezhen's face was a little depressed, wondering if her actions would bring trouble to the teacher.

So just asking sideways.

Since the teacher said so...


After Li Xuezhen figured it out, although she felt a little disappointed, she nodded with a smile and left the office.

After Li Xuezhen walked out of the office, Feng Lijian shook his head with a smile and did not speak.

Li Xuezhen didn't bring it up...

This shows that she is still thinking of him!
But this thing...

This does not affect the legal procedures, it is nothing more than some people's sophistication, which is between the fuzzy definition of whether it is possible or not.

Not much impact.

Just ask him...
.... ...

Regarding Zhang Laidong's lawsuit application, the Linnan City Intermediate Court quickly passed Su Bai's appeal.

Moreover, due to the relevance of the trial, the administrative punishment of the water management station will be revoked and the lawsuit against the judgment of the first instance will be tried together.

And the application for live broadcast of the trial was also approved.

This surprised Su Bai a bit.

Originally, he thought that the application for live broadcast of the trial would not pass.

But now...

When he saw Li Xuezhen, he was taken aback, but Su Bai didn't think much about it.

Just pass it.

As long as there is no violation of the regulations, it is a good thing for them to start the live broadcast of the court trial for the relevant procedural content.

More efforts can be made to fight for the legal rights and interests of Zhang Laidong, the client.

After getting the news from the court.

Su Bai contacted Luo Daxiang immediately.

I hope that with the help of Luo Daxiang's influence, the influence of this trial can be expanded.

After Luo Daxiang heard about the case, he immediately agreed.

"The charge of picking quarrels and provoking trouble is indeed very inappropriate in this case."

"Do not worry."

"Actually, according to what you said, I am also very interested in this case!"

"When the time comes, I'll take a look!"

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Luo."

Luo Daxiang smiled and said, "Thank you for anything!"

"That `s a deal!"

After finishing the call.

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief, the trial has been accepted, and the next step is to submit evidence and witness materials
Witness..Evidence. …

Hiss... this... I don't know if it will work or not!

Nanchuan County, Menghui Village.

Both Zhang Laichun and Zhang Laidong belong to this village.

The economic situation of this village is not very good.

Su Bai and Li Xuezhen were guided by Zhang Laichun.

Came to the place where the bridge was built.

"The bridge in front of Lawyer Su was built by my brother. At present, the relevant departments are preparing to demolish it and plan to rebuild a bridge in this place."

Su Bai nodded slightly:

"Then how does your brother collect money at this bridge?"

Hearing Su Bai's question, Zhang Laichun raised his arm to block the glare of the sun, then pointed to the bridgehead, and said:
"Sometimes my brother is at the bridge, waiting for someone to come, and then tell them that this is the bridge built by my brother himself. If you cross it, you need to pay a fee, two yuan at a time. If the other party's family is in trouble or there is something urgent, you don't have to pay."

"Usually, if my brother doesn't stay here, just leave it alone, or write a sign to remind me that there was originally an iron box at the bridgehead, where I voluntarily put money in, but it's gone now."

"It's been a long time, and some people in the neighborhood know about this matter, and sometimes they put money in the iron box, so my brother doesn't care too much about it."


"This... I have already understood, let's continue to search."

Su Bai nodded, and visited and investigated the village with Li Xuezhen.

It can be clearly felt that the people nearby don't mind much about the charge.

Most are also voluntary.

Everyone’s comments on Zhang Laidong’s case: I didn’t expect Zhang Laidong to be sentenced at all. He is a good person. He paid a lot for the nearby villagers and spent a lot of money on the bridge. He has not recovered the cost so far, so he should not be sentenced.

"Zhang Laidong earns all his own hard-earned money. We can understand that it is all voluntary."


evaluation content such as this.

After understanding.

Su Bai rubbed the center of his brows, and took a long breath.

Judging from the content of their visits, Zhang Laidong's reputation here is still very good!
Li Xuezhen also said in a low voice: "Lawyer Su, I feel that the people nearby have very good comments on Zhang Laidong!"

Su Bai smiled slightly and agreed with Li Xuezhen's words.


But this is also a normal thing!

The repair of the bridge was originally a good thing. For the nearby villagers, it greatly reduced the detour time.


There is a charge of two yuan each time, and there is no mandatory fee. If you think it is worth it, you will pay it, and if you think it is not worth it, you will not pay it.

Of course.

Among those who cross the bridge, there must be some in their hearts who are unwilling to give.

There are not a few people who take advantage of small advantages.

After making a general visit and getting to know the details and the relevant materials on the spot, Su Bai took Li Xuezhen back to the law firm.


All the preparatory work has been done, just waiting for the court hearing!


The court summons also arrived at the water management station.

When the water management station received the summons from the court, it seemed a little stunned.

Not accepting the fine...?
After learning about the general situation according to the court summons.


Notified the relevant personnel, found a relevant lawyer, and prepared to deal with the lawsuit.

at the same time.

Feng Zhengyuan, the person in charge of Hailan Jianye Co., Ltd., sneered when he learned that Zhang Laidong not only refused to accept the judgment of the first instance, but also filed a corresponding administrative lawsuit.

"This Zhang Laidong...doesn't know the law and builds bridges privately..."

"During the first trial, a rookie lawyer was hired. The judge saw that he had done a good job, so he deliberately gave a lighter sentence."

"Now you are going to file for a second trial, and you still don't obey the administrative penalty?"

"I see him..."

"It's beautiful to think about all day long."

After Feng Zhengyuan heard the news, he didn't care at all.

Anyway, the relevant department has handed over the project to him now.

The bridge will be demolished in a few days, and it has nothing to do with him whether he wins the lawsuit or not.

As long as his goal is achieved! .
.... ...

And at the same time.

Luo Daxiang also pre-processed the situation of this case online.

Briefly describe the circumstances of the case.

As a well-known legal critic, every time Luo Daxiang publishes and sorts out every case, it will cause a lot of forwarding and broadcasting.

The case of Zhang Laidong.


It also hit the hearts of the masses on the Internet, and caused heated discussions on the Internet.

"Shouldn't be sentenced like this! What Zhang Laidong did is obviously a good thing, why is this sentenced?"

"Yeah... I don't understand!"

"Indeed, I also think that this kind of punishment is a bit serious. Although it is only six months, it will have a great impact on the children. Moreover, if you are charged with this crime, it will be difficult to find a job in the future!"


The comments on the Internet are almost all one-sided.

All in solidarity with Zhang Laidong.

Seeing this, Luo Daxiang carried out some popular science work on the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

Then he said again: "The issue of this case will be resolved during the second trial..."

"We still need to judge the specific situation based on the situation of the second trial."


Soon, it will be the day when the court is approaching.

For the court, notify all parties and arrive on time.

When he was notified by the court, Su Bai looked at the hot comments under Luo Daxiang's video, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Everything is ready, and this case is finally waiting for the trial!


In court, beat him!

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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