You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 111 You Said Your Program Didn't Violate The Rules?That will send you in too!

Chapter 111 You Said Your Program Didn't Violate The Rules?That will send you in too!
Bai Jun Law Firm.

Inside the office.

Su Bai simply sorted out the materials.

The Supreme Court instructed the Nandu High Court to conduct a retrial procedure for Lu Ying's case.

Before long, it will enter the retrial process.

Su Bai will also act as a lawyer appointed by the victim to cooperate with the public prosecutor to carry out the prosecution function in accordance with the law and protect the rights and interests of the victim.

Boom boom boom!
Li Xuezhen walked into the office with excitement written all over her face.

This case, obviously, has the potential to achieve her achievement - send them all in!
This time, although it's not sending the chief judge in...

Did not meet the most satisfactory expectations.

But that is also sending the judges in the judgment seat in!
That is also a member of the collegiate panel.

Last time that who, Guo Xiaojun's case, almost achieved the achievement of sending the presiding judge in.

This time, although it's a bit of a pity, but how to put it, it's a small step forward.

The current achievements include: Sending the defendant in.. Sending the other party’s lawyer in. . . .

Um!The dock is done!
The difference is the judgment seat!
This time to the judge, next time to the presiding judge!

Beautiful. Achieving a grand slam!
During the internship, if you achieve a grand slam, that's great
As for the winning streak, it is not important to Li Xuezhen, she will win the lawsuit anyway.

Now, the most critical thing is to reach your achievement points!
Taking a small breath, Li Xuezhen narrowed her eyes with a smile, handed the information in her hand to Su Bai, and said:
"Lawyer Su, here are the materials I have sorted out"

"Okay, let's put it on the desk first."

Su Bai nodded slightly and took a long breath.

The general process of this case has been understood.

The course of the case, as well as the key points and key factors of the judgment of the first instance and the second instance, are also completely clear.

The subjective factors in the judgment of the first instance and the second instance are:

In addition, the perpetrator was driving a vehicle and knocked down Lu Ying, who was seriously injured. Since Lu Ying knew that she was pregnant, she had an argument with Qin Xiaofeng who got out of the car to check.

Thus happened outside of the case.

There is also the plot of Qin Xiaofeng voluntarily surrendering himself.

This is also the key to sentencing Qin Xiaofeng to death with a reprieve in the first instance.

Qin Xiaofeng didn't know that Lu Ying was pregnant, and voluntarily surrendered, so the sentence of death was suspended in the first instance.

But this voluntary surrender plot is very intriguing.

Qin Xiaofeng committed the crime on the morning of the 22nd of the month when the crime occurred, but he surrendered himself in the afternoon of the 24th.

After two days of surrendering, you call this voluntary surrender?

As for the verdict of the second trial, it's a bit nonsense.
It should be a matter of the subjective intention of the judges.

According to Chu Lei's description, the judge, He Hui, has a big problem!
After putting the materials on the table, Su Bai took a sip of tea and looked at Li Xuezhen:

"Lawyer Li, there is a very important matter in this case that needs you to handle..."

"It's done, there's nothing wrong with this case."

"Isn't that going to work?"

Li Xuezhen had a puzzled face.

Su Bai: My emotions are brewing, and you have learned to answer quickly?Tell me about this...?
After taking a sip of tea to ease the atmosphere, Su Bai spoke again:
"If you can't handle it well, this case may be difficult to handle. Then maybe your winning streak during the internship period will be interrupted..."

"Lawyer Li, you don't want to lose either...?"

As soon as Li Xuezhen heard that the winning streak was about to be interrupted, Li Xuezhen immediately became anxious.

That must not be the case!

The winning streak is interrupted, and it will be difficult to continue the internship period.

What's more, this case is one of the rare achievements.

If you miss this case, it will be difficult to find another case where the trial seat is sent in!

Li Xuezhen's face was flustered.

"Lawyer Su, tell me!"

"As long as Lawyer Su says, I can definitely do it"

Su Bai nodded in satisfaction, it would have been better if this had been the case earlier.
What he asked Li Xuezhen to do was not difficult. It just required a certain degree of worldly experience.

According to Li Xuezhen's identity and relationship——

A closed-door disciple of Daniel, his brothers and sisters are all over the legal circle in Nandu.

For Li Xuezhen, this matter is very simple!
After Li Xuezhen heard Su Bai's arrangement, her face was serious:

"Lawyer Su, don't worry, I'm sure I can handle this matter well!"

"If this matter is done well, then our winning streak will not be interrupted?"


"If this matter is done well, our winning streak will definitely not be interrupted."

"Good Lawyer Su, then I can rest assured that I can definitely handle this matter well."

"Well! I believe you!"

Su Bai smiled and nodded.

just now.

It's no longer popular to draw big cakes, it's popular to grasp small ideas!

Looking at the back of Li Xuezhen leaving the office, Su Bai smiled slightly.
.... ...

Inside the office.

After Li Xuezhen left, Su Bai leisurely made a cup of tea.

As soon as he took a sip, he saw Chu Lei calling him.

After connecting.

"Lawyer Su...the judge of the second trial came to see me again..."


It's not enough to find it once, so come a second time, right?
Su Bai asked, "Why did the judge of the second trial ask you...?"

"It is said that this case is not easy to handle. I want to recommend a good law firm to me."

He said this with obvious intentions, and those who didn't know thought it was He Hui's kindness.

But in fact, the secret meaning is that he does not want Bai Jun Law Firm to take this case.

It seems that Bai Jun Law Firm has a lot of influence in Nandu.
That He Hui would actually make such a request.

On the other end of the phone, Chu Lei continued to speak: "I have kept this evidence, that He Hui, is he threatening me...?"

"Lawyer Su, this judge, can we make him?"

Chu Lei hesitated to speak.

Su Bai didn't answer Chu Lei's words, but said, "Send me the evidence first."

"Good Lawyer Su."

Su Bai hung up the phone and sent him the evidence from Chu Lei. After a brief understanding, he called Chu Lei again.

"This evidence is not evidence."

"Generally speaking, the judge will conduct simple inquiries on you. There is no problem in the process and regulations."

"Generally speaking, if the judge or the presiding judge asks this kind of question, it is a kind of goodwill towards the plaintiff or defendant."

"However, this He Hui obviously has no good intentions, so just leave him alone."

"Although this evidence cannot be used as evidence against He Hui, it is crucial in the trial."

"You keep it first."

"Good Lawyer Su, I will keep the good ones."

call ended.

Looking at the phone interface, Chu Lei sent him the evidence.

Su Bai muttered silently.

this He Hui
If it has nothing to do with the original judgment of the second instance in this case, he really doesn't believe it.

However, what is a little troublesome is that He Hui did not make any mistakes in terms of procedures and regulations.

It is a bit difficult to find out the problem of his judgment in the original second instance.


Do you think that if you don't make mistakes in these procedures, you can't be sent in?


Difficulty is difficult, but I didn't say it can't be done!

Su Bai sat on the office chair, took a sip of tea, and felt happy.

For now, just wait for the trial
.... ...

According to the instructions of the Supreme Court, the High Court of Nandu initiated the retrial procedure for the case of Lu Ying's murder.

The court notified all parties to attend the hearing on time.

After receiving the notice.

Chu Lei and his family were very excited because the procedure of retrial of the second instance was started.

This also means that they can obtain legal justice for their loved ones!
On the other hand, Qin Xiaofeng's family.

It seems a little sad.

at home.

Qin Anhai is a person who hardly smokes, and there are cigarette butts one after another on the coffee table.

Wan Yuping was very haggard, and it was obvious that she hadn't been in a good mood these past few days.

Half an hour passed.

Only then did Wan Yuping speak slowly: "Is Lawyer Su really that powerful?"

"Is it exaggerated?"

Qin Anhai sighed deeply: "I don't know about this either. I asked the criminal lawyer at Nanyuan Law Firm, and what he said was that this Su Bai is indeed a top lawyer in terms of criminal matters."

"However, considering that Xiaofeng surrendered himself, the punishment for the crime can be mitigated, and we can plead in this regard."

"There is a high probability that a sentence of death can be suspended."

Hearing this, Wan Yuping let out a long sigh of relief.

"Death reprieve is fine, as long as it's not the death penalty."

After Wan Yuping finished speaking.

The two of them remained silent for a while, not speaking, not knowing what was going on in their hearts.
.... ...

The day of Lu Ying's murder case came to trial.

Due to the high degree of social concern.

On the eve of court.

Outside the court hearing, there were already a crowd of relevant media reporters, and the attention of the whole network was very high. This lawsuit was still being heard live.

The family members and defense lawyers of the accused party, that is, Qin Xiaofeng's side, arrived at the scene.

In an instant, he was surrounded by reporters.

"Mr. Qin, Ms. Wan, there are many debates on the Internet about Qin Xiaofeng's remarks. Some people say that he should be sentenced to death, while others say that the death penalty is too severe. After all, he is just an adult. He should be given a chance and given a lighter punishment."

"What do you think of the above two remarks?"
"Mr. Qin, as a well-known professor at Nandu University, why did you teach children like Qin Xiaofeng in terms of education? There are many criticisms of you on the Internet. I think you are responsible for Qin Xiaofeng's education problems and intentional homicide. All responsibility, what do you think, Mr. Qin, about this view?"

"Mr. Qin, please talk about your thoughts on appearing in court this time..."

"Mr. Qin, according to the court's judgment, the second-instance judgment has been finalized, but the family members of the victim were dissatisfied with the second-instance judgment and filed a complaint with the Supreme Court, and obtained the consent of the Supreme Court."

"According to the comments on the Internet, the sentence about Qin Xiaofeng is likely to be aggravated. Regarding these remarks on the Internet, I would like to ask Mr. Qin what is his opinion?"


These questions are completely murderous.

Properly stabbed Qin Anhai and Wan Yuping in the heart.
.... ...

The reporters flocked to Qin Anhai and Wan Yuping.

after all.…

As the parents of the murderer Qin Xiaofeng, Qin Anhai is a well-known professor, and Wan Yuping is a strong woman in business.

And Qin Xiaofeng belongs to the proper rich second generation. He drove a car worth 60 million yuan when he was just an adult, and he was also a college student.

This kind of topical identity made Qin Xiaofeng's side full of topics.

For the inquiries of these reporters.

Qin Anhai frowned slightly, and did not speak. At this time, Jiang Min, a lawyer from Nanyuan Law Firm, the lawyer who entrusted the case, saw that the two were really unable to cope with this situation, so he took the initiative to speak.

"Everyone, Mr. Qin and Ms. Wan are equally angry about what Qin Xiaofeng committed, but there is no court trial yet, and everything has not been settled yet."

"I also ask everyone to pay more attention to the results of the trial instead of staying on the family members. Thank you for your concern."


Jiang Min took Qin Anhai and Wan Yuping into the trial court.

Seeing such topical Qin Anhai and Wan Yuping walk into the trial court.

The reporters of the news media felt a pity for a while.

This time, the psychology of the two people has not been interviewed yet.

If the interview is available, it must be an explosive topic discussion.

And just when everyone was feeling sorry, a reporter suddenly ran towards another direction.

Seeing this, the others followed suit.

The group of reporters ran in the direction of Su Bai's side.

Su Bai attended this time as the victim and the victim's attorney, and there was a certain degree of discussion.

This group of media people are professional in picking people's underwear, and they are no strangers to Su Bai.

As early as when Chu Lei said which law firm the entrusted law firm was.

They have already wiped out Bai Jun Law Firm.


Some senior reporters also remembered who Su Bai was.

Isn't this the lawyer who advertised in the Nandu Bank case?

Su Bai!

They remember it clearly!

"Excuse me, Lawyer Su, this time, you entrusted a lawyer to appear in court as a victim, do you have anything to say?"

"Lawyer Su, what do you think of this case, and what kind of claims do you have for the trial and the perpetrator?"


"Lawyer Su, I remember that you are the client of the Nandu Bank case. This time, Lawyer Su, will you still advertise?"

Su Bai twitched the corner of his mouth...

Well, the black history has been picked up.

In the past, the law firm had no money and no reputation, so it wanted to use the media to advertise.


Who would have thought that these media are not good at advertising, but they are good at picking up black history...


In the face of this group of reporters flocking to ask questions.

Su Bai took a deep breath, showing his small white teeth:

"As for your concerns about the entrustment of our Baijun Law Firm this time, we have already understood."

"Thank you for your concern."

"thanks, thanks.…"

Su Bai smiled and opened his mouth, and when he finished speaking, he couldn't wait to drag Li Xuezhen and Chu Lei into the court for trial.

"Lawyer Su, you haven't answered our question yet, Lawyer Su."

"Lawyer Su, don't go!"


Waiting room.

Su Bai wiped off his sweat, but fortunately he walked quickly, otherwise he would be picked up by those unscrupulous media to blackmail the history.

That was a nuisance.

He remembered... Li Mo's first lawsuit...

Now in Nandu, it seems that I haven't found a job yet!

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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