You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 116 Initiated review and supervision, members of the collegial panel were taken away for inv

Chapter 116 Initiated review and supervision, members of the collegial panel were taken away for investigation

The scene of the trial.

The accuser and the defendant presented two completely different states.

On the courtroom.

Facing Wan Yuping's questioning, Yu Caixia frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

As the vice president of Nandu High Court.

And majored in criminal, sentenced to death row inmates.

After the death penalty was sentenced in court, there were also various situations encountered.

But like today, after Wan Yuping announced the closure of the court, she questioned loudly and said directly that such a sentence was a direct murder and sued them.

Such extreme cases are quite rare.

Yu Caixia looked at the seat of the defendant's family:

"The trial is based on evidence and legal provisions. If you are dissatisfied with the judgment of the retrial, you can apply to the Supreme People's Procuratorate to revoke the judgment."

"However, the premise is that evidence that can overturn the judgment needs to be produced."

"As for the judgment judges, if you think there are any problems, you can also initiate a review and supervision procedure."

Yu Caixia finished speaking.

Marshals have taken control of the scene.

Prevent unexpected situations.

Under Qin Anhai's comfort, Wan Yuping's emotions have calmed down at this time.

But before she opened her mouth to say something, Yu Caixia and the other two judges had already left the courtroom.

Wan Yuping looked at Qin Anhai nervously.

Qin Anhai glanced at Qin Xiaofeng who was sitting on the defendant's seat.

At this moment, Qin Xiaofeng was filled with fear and looked at Qin Anhai, but before he could say anything, he was restrained by the bailiffs on the side and was not allowed to speak.

With complicated eyes, Qin Xiaofeng followed the bailiff and left the courtroom.

Defendant's lawyers are seated.

When Jiang Min heard the verdict, he looked up at Su Bai again, and heaved a long sigh.

This is just great
Ye Fei was sent in, Zhang Xiao's client went in, and his client went down.

He could see it.
They Nanyuan Law Firm and Su Bai are in a fight. Every time there is a lawsuit, a person will be randomly sent in.
Rubbed his eyebrows.

If things go on like this, then the lawyers and clients of Nanyuan Law Firm must not run out of time? !

But this trial.
Jiang Min looked at Qin Anhai and Wan Yuping who were sitting on the family seats.

This trial is the biggest problem for Qin Anhai and Wan Yuping.

First of all.

According to his practice as a lawyer for so many years, the Supreme Court rejected the second-instance judgment and conducted a retrial.

The judges previously arranged by the Nandu High Court were not allowed to try the case on the basis of the principle of recusal.

The vice president, Yu Caixia, conducted the trial. There were no problems during the entire trial process, and the evidence judgment was sufficient.

There is little chance of appealing to the Supreme Court for a retrial.

It cannot be said that it is not big, it can only be said that it is not.

There is no chance at all.

The death penalty has been fixed, and there will be no more chances.


This is not the most critical point. The most critical point is the problems encountered in the whole trial of this case.

Doubt, avoid!
There is also a problem with the judgment of surrender. Although the definition of resistance is vague, slight resistance generally does not affect the judgment of surrender too much. It is a normal situation. The law enforcement party should express it in detail in the surrender.

Then it was determined that he surrendered himself.

However, in the evidence provided by the law enforcement party, there is no statement that Qin Xiaofeng resisted
Then the court determined that the evidence provided by the law enforcement party was insufficient and the judgment was reasonable.

As for Qin Xiaofeng's rebellious behavior, Jiang Min didn't know much about it.

As an experienced criminal lawyer, Ke obviously understands the connection.

This matter probably has something to do with Qin Anhai and Wan Yuping.

After sorting out all the relationships, Jiang Min packed up the trial materials and glanced at Qin Anhai who was sitting on the family seat.

Statements based on previous hearings.

Jiang Min did not think that Su Bai would not initiate a supervisory review procedure for this trial.

if mentioned
Then the result may be known.


Su Bai also set his eyes on the family members' seats, and said silently: The rest should be submitted to the review process.

this case.

Doubt a lot.

It is estimated that there are a lot of things hidden, but after there are directional evidence and proofs, it is entirely possible to file for review and supervision.

By the time.
tsk tsk.
Li Xuezhen's face was full of smiles, and she won the lawsuit again!
Su Bai smiled: "Okay, the trial is over, let's go back."

"Good Lawyer Su!"

Li Xuezhen smiled with a small face, and followed up with Su Bai.

Meanwhile, outside the courtroom.

Facing the death penalty, the audience outside the live broadcast were relieved, but they still had many questions.

The verdict is now in.

The audience went back to clear up these situations.

First: Why didn't the judges evade themselves at the beginning of the trial? Is there something in it...?

Second: Some netizens said that regarding the law enforcement party, the details of the arrest and the circumstances of the decision to surrender must be included in the materials, but why did Qin Xiaofeng's case not include the circumstances of the decision to surrender?

Why didn't it include Qin Xiaofeng's resistance to law enforcement and intentional escape?

Did Qin Xiaofeng surrender himself?
The first point is to question the judging party.

The second point is doubts about law enforcement.

The above two points are also the places where many netizens found the judgment of the first instance and the second instance unreasonable.

"Why this happens, we need to understand the actual situation!"

"Yes, we must understand the actual situation. Why did the above two situations occur? Is it the negligence of the judges or other problems? We would like to ask the relevant departments to give us a satisfactory answer!"

After the trial is over.

The popularity of Qin Xiaofeng's case has not only not decreased, but has also increased a lot.

What more people want to know is whether there are any problems with the relevant judges and other aspects.


After the trial ended, Su Bai also initiated the supervision and review procedure, and determined that there were many doubts in the first and second trials of this case. In the original first and second trials, the prosecutor and the members of the collegial panel did not understand the facts clearly and make judgments.

The law enforcement party provides evidence and materials for violations.

Request relevant departments to initiate review procedures for this case.

Because the heat of this case is high, and there are doubts.

Relevant departments quickly accepted the request for review.

And at the same time.

The Qin family's house.

Wan Yuping's face was anxious: "My surname is Qin, what are you thinking, and is there anything you can do!"

"Now the high court is submitting some application for death penalty. If you don't hurry up, then Xiaofeng will be gone!"

"Just think of a way!"

"That woman is gone, but why should she take our son's life!"

"Hurry up! Think of a way, find your old classmates and old friends!"

Qin Anhai frowned slightly: "I'm sure I'm more anxious than you when something happened to Xiaofeng, but what's urgent now is not this matter, what is anxious is whether we made any mistakes in the procedure and whether it will be checked out."

"I've searched for everything I can find! It's useless!"

"Didn't you see how hot netizens are asking questions about this case on the hot search right now?"

"and also!"

"It's not your fault!"

"If you hadn't asked me to find someone, we would have been able to control it in court! If we couldn't control it, it would be impossible for Xiaofeng to be sentenced to death!"

"This is all a stupid thing you did!"

"What stupid thing did I do?? Now you're blaming me again.? No, Qin Anhai, Xiaofeng is my son, not yours, right?!"

"Tell me!"

"We only have this one son, why can't you take care of yourself!"

Qin Anhai: "That's a death sentence! It's not a death sentence with a reprieve! It needs to be approved by the Supreme Court! Don't worry if you let me think of a way!"

"All right, all right, you want what you want."

Wan Yuping knew that it was useless to be anxious now, so she simply didn't mention it.

Qin Anhai took a long breath, smoked a cigarette, and narrowed his eyes slightly, not knowing what to do for a moment.

It's not just Qin Xiaofeng who has problems now.

And their problems.  …

investigation of the case.

The personnel of relevant departments quickly found out the problem, not only found out that there was a certain problem with the certification of the surrender plot.

Also found out the review of the second instance.

He Hui and Qin Anhai have a close relationship.

Nandu High Court.

He Hui was sitting in the office, scrolling through the trending searches on his mobile phone, feeling uneasy.

Several law enforcement officers opened the door and walked in.

After He Hui looked at the surveillance uniforms of the law enforcement officers, he was stunned for a few seconds, and then he said, "Excuse you have anything to do?"

The voice of law enforcement officers is serious:

"After our investigation, during the judgment of the second instance, you violated the regulations that the relevant judges are not allowed to contact the litigants. I would like to invite you to come with us to learn about the relevant situation."

After the law enforcement officers produce the relevant law enforcement documents.

He Hui was slightly taken aback.

"it is good"

"However, when I made the judgment, I came in accordance with the laws and regulations, and there was no illegal act. Have you investigated this clearly?"

Facing this circumstances.

Law enforcement officers have seen a lot.

What does it mean to come in accordance with laws and regulations?
The interpretation of the law is partly tendentious. Since it has close contacts with the family members of the parties, it must not be wrong.

The voice of the law enforcement officer was cold: "We have already investigated clearly, and please cooperate with our work."

Hearing this tone, He Hui's heart skipped a beat, and he nodded sadly.

"Okay, I will cooperate."
.... ...

at the same time.

The other two judges in the second trial.

The original presiding judges Zhou Qiangsheng and Zhang Guangquan were also under investigation.

After learning what had happened, Zhou Qiang was so angry that he almost scolded his mother!
What do you mean?
This He Hui, no wonder he kept helping Qin Xiaofeng in the original trial of the second instance.

It turned out that there was a connection between them!

Well now, let him be pitted too...

But Zhou Qiangsheng is also very fortunate, if he hadn't directly adjourned the court in the retrial and applied for recusal...

Then what greeted him should be a heavier punishment.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qiangsheng let out a long breath, and nodded relaxedly in front of the law enforcement officers.

"Okay...I am willing to accept any review and supervision."

Qin family.

When Wan Yuping was worrying about how to exonerate her son from the crime.

Relevant law enforcement officers came to the door.

"Hello, is this the home of Wan Yuping and Qin Anhai?"

Wan Yuping's heart skipped a beat when she saw law enforcement officers come to investigate.

But he still pretended to be calm and said: "Yes, this is our home, and I am Wan Yuping."

"Hello, according to our investigation, Qin Anhai is suspected of obstructing the judicial process. We would like to ask where Qin Anhai is now?"

Qin suspected of obstructing the judicial process...


Wan Yuping was a little nervous, and asked, "How did you decide that Qin Anhai was suspected of obstructing the judicial process?"

"We have the right to refuse to answer questions about this aspect. We just want to learn about Qin Anhai's current situation from you, and ask you to cooperate with our work."

Wan Yuping panicked, and before she had time to speak, Qin Anhai walked out of the room.

"Hello, I am Qin Anhai, and I am willing to cooperate with your investigation."

"Okay, then please come with us."

After saying that, the relevant law enforcement officers took Qin Anhai away from the Qin family.

After Qin Anhai was taken away, Wan Yuping was extremely nervous.

How to do this...?
Shouldn't something be wrong...?
What if something goes wrong...

at the same time.

In Baijun Law Firm, Su Bai is drinking tea leisurely.

The review and supervision is probably going through the procedure now...

I don't know where it is now.

I'm looking forward to it...

ps: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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