You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 123 There is no suspicion, do you understand? !

Chapter 123 There is no suspicion, do you understand? !
Zhang Yingying is Feng Qian's colleague.

The two are also judges, and they have different ideas about the trial.

Zhang Yingying's philosophy is that everything is based on facts, and there will be absolutely no misjudgment.

Relatively speaking, Feng Qian is much more subjective.

In other words, it is to judge according to one's own subjectivity, not based on facts, although the purpose of judging according to one's own subjectivity is to help the good side.

However, this basis, in some specific cases, there is a high probability of misjudgment.

After Jiang Hetao spoke, Zhang Yingying and Feng Qian remained silent and did not speak again.

Time is fast.

The recess is over.

After the clerk announced the resumption of the trial, the judges sat in the trial seats again.

The gavel of the trial of the Yangtze River and Hetao was sounded.

"The adjournment is over, and the trial of the case continues."

"Before the adjournment, both parties to the lawsuit have made detailed statements about the case."

"The two parties have disputes over whether Wang Mingxuan, the party concerned, foresaw and foresaw the actor Lin Xiu's jumping off the car."

"There is controversy over whether Wang Mingxuan was found to be negligently causing death."

"This court summarizes the disputed points:"

"One: After Wang Mingxuan saw Lin Xiujiang leaning out of the window, did he foresee that Lin Xiu would jump off the car?"

"Two: Wang Mingxuan stepped on the brakes, did he foresee that Lin Xiu would jump off the car? Is there any causal relationship between the two?"

"Three: Wang Mingxuan has learned of Lin Xiu's panic, is there any criminal responsibility for the incident of Lin Xiu jumping off the car?"

"With regard to the three issues summed up by the collegial panel, do the parties to the lawsuit have any comments or objections?"

This sums it up.

It can be said that Jiang Hetao has summed it up very well.

There are very few bugs or omissions.

The determination of these three issues is the key factor in determining the judgment of this case.

Neither Su Bai nor Lu Hongmei had any opinion on the three questions summarized.

"Judge, we have no objection."

"The prosecution has no comment."
dong dong!

The gavel sounded.

"Since both parties have no opinions or objections to these three conclusions, let's continue discussing these three issues."

"Let's start with the third question."

"According to the evidence in this court, it shows that when Wang Mingxuan received the platform list and rushed to Lin Xiu's community, it was around 08:30 in the evening, and it took Lin Xiu four to ten minutes to move the goods, that is, At around 10:[-] p.m., the moving was completed. During this period, the two parties had some unpleasantness and some quarrels occurred, but there was no physical conflict."

"Are there any objections?"

These are ironclad evidence obtained by law enforcement agencies, which cannot be refuted at all.

Su Bai: "No objection."

Lu Hongmei: "No objection."

dong dong!

"If there is no objection from both parties, then continue."

This time it was Feng Qian who supplemented as a judge.

"At around [-]:[-], Lin Xiu got into the co-pilot. During the driving process, she saw that it was inconsistent with the navigation, and asked Wang Mingxuan. Wang Mingxuan responded to this. Still worried."

"According to the evidence investigation, Lin Xiu felt extremely insecure towards strange men. When she was in the car, Lin Xiu was overly panicked. This is the reason why Lin Xiu jumped out of the car. Do you have any objections...?"

Zhang Yingying frowned slightly when she heard Feng Qian's question.

After Su Bai heard this passage, he also frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything.

after all
According to a normal psychology, there is no big problem in inferring in this way.

But if judged according to this method, then the potential problem is very big.

After Feng Qian finished her statement, Jiang Haitao also frowned slightly, and interrupted Feng Qian's continuation by waving at the court seat.

Seeing this, Feng Qian opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again without making any sound, but took a deep breath.

Jiang Haitao continued: "As for Lin Xiu's psychological panic, Wang Mingxuan knew that Lin Xiu was in a state of panic. Is there any objection to this point?"

Su Bai: "No objection."

Lu Hongmei looked in Feng Qian's direction and said, "I have no objection."

dong dong!

"There is no objection to any of the above."

"Based on the above, this collegiate panel concluded that Wang Mingxuan knew that Lin Xiu was in a state of panic, but it was before and after Lin Xiu got in the car. During this period, there was no violent conflict between the two, which did not cause Lin Xiu to jump off the car. direct factor.

The direct reason is the responsibility relationship between Lin Xiu's behavior of jumping out of the car due to panic and Wang Mingxuan's innocence. "

"Judging by this!"

"Wang Mingxuan has learned of Lin Xiu's panic, and there is no criminal causality in the incident of Lin Xiu jumping off the car, so he is not responsible."

this judgment.

It's not that Wang Mingxuan was directly judged innocent, it's just that Lin Xiu's panic and jumping out of the car belonged to her own will, and there was no coercion or other threats caused by Wang Mingxuan.

of course.

There is no problem with such a judgment.

after all
If this is not judged, then in the legal sense.

Wang Mingxuan is a measure of intentional crime, rather than being prosecuted for causing death by negligent crime.

"Are there any objections to this decision?"

Facing the interrogation of Changjiang Hetao's trial, neither Su Bai nor Lu Hongmei had any opinion.

Su Bai: "We have no objection." '

Lu Hongmei: "We have no objection."
dong dong!

"Let's discuss the second question."

Because of Feng Qian's inappropriate speech just now, Jiang Hetao didn't allow the judges to express their opinions.

Instead, express the whole process by yourself.

"According to the evidence provided by the law enforcement and the prosecution, when Lin Xiu leaned out of the car window, Wang Mingxuan noticed it and let go of the accelerator."


"According to Wang Mingxuan's statement, it is already very clear that the purpose is to avoid the passing vehicles from causing harm to Lin Xiu, but through the investigation of the court, there are indeed many passing vehicles on this section of the road, and the statement is reasonable."

"It is determined that Wang Mingxuan stepped on the brakes, and subjectively, there is no causal relationship with predicting that Lin Xiu will jump off the car, and then it is jointly determined that Wang Mingxuan saw Lin Xiu leaning out of the window and predicted that Lin Xiu would jump off the car, there is no causal relationship."

"Are there any objections to the above judgment?"

According to the above question.

Once judged, it will be confirmed that Wang Mingxuan did not meet the conditions for a negligent crime.

When he heard Jiang Hetao's imminent verdict.

Lu Hongmei was in a hurry.

Raise your hand to signal: "Judge, we have objections."

"Please state the prosecution or show that the evidence proves that the judgment was wrong."


Lu Hongmei was taken aback for a moment.

She relied entirely on subjective factors, and this case also relied on subjective factors
Can't take evidence.

Totally subjective.

The main focus is the tendency of a presiding judge.

After taking a deep breath.

Lu Hongmei said slowly: "Judge, I want to submit a new piece of evidence."

New evidence?

After Lu Hongmei spoke, everyone in the courtroom was stunned for a moment.

Su Bai frowned slightly.

new evidence
The dossier and the evidence provided by law enforcement, prosecutors, and the court are sufficient...

He confirmed that there was almost no substantive evidence in this case, and it relied entirely on confessions.

There is neither audio recording on the cargo platform, nor video and evidence on the truck.

Where did the prosecution get new evidence?

If the new evidence can prove that Wang Mingxuan is a negligent crime, then he can only defend his sentence in this trial.

after all.…

In the face of evidence, legal defense has little room to play.

Especially in such a highly subjective court trial.

The relevance of the evidence is self-evident.

After Su Bai said silently in his heart, he looked towards the prosecutor's seat.

Wondering what the evidence is...
Boom boom boom!
The trial of Changjiang Hetao sounded the gavel: "The application is approved, and the prosecution is requested to submit new evidence."

Lu Hongmei handed over the relevant materials of the evidence to the relevant personnel beside her, and then said slowly:

"The new evidence is about Lin Xiu's medical diagnosis some time before his death."

"The above shows that Lin Xiu has been hurt emotionally, and the diagnosis is mild depression, and she has a certain rejection of men."

"When Lin Xiu and Wang Mingxuan had a quarrel."

"Lin Xiu showed this state."

"In other words, Lin Xiu's death is inextricably linked to Wang Mingxuan."

"We apply to dismiss the judgment request just now"

Su Bai:? ? ?
No, you call this evidence?

Are you OK.…?
What is the relationship between Lin Xiu's medical diagnosis and her jumping off the car?
This evidence can only further determine that his jumping off the car was his own behavior and had nothing to do with Wang Mingxuan.

I see!

Lu Hongmei really couldn't come up with subjective judgment evidence, so she wanted to judge Wang Mingxuan by guiding the intention of the trial collegial panel members.

Indeed...Wang Mingxuan did not have strong evidence to prove that his subjective intention was not "foreseen".

So it depends on the trial intention of the judges.

Even if Wang Mingxuan was found guilty...he committed the crime of causing death by negligence.

Also in line with the "certain" process...


Su Bai noticed Feng Qian among the members of the collegial panel, and silently looked at Lu Hongmei.


Knowing that he couldn't break it straight, he simply asked Xiao Li to turn his head to look at the court seat.

"Look at the court seats..."

Court seat...? !

Xiao Li's eyes lit up: "Oh!"

"Good Lawyer Su!"
.... ...

On the presiding judge's seat.

When he heard what evidence Lu Hongmei presented, the judge Jiang Hetao frowned slightly, and said:
"According to the statement of the prosecution, the Lin Xiu mentioned by the prosecution suffers from mild depression and has a certain rejection of men. Is there any connection between this and this case?"


"Through this evidence, can it be proved that Wang Mingxuan has subjective foresight and foresaw Lin Xiu's idea of ​​jumping off the car?"

Jiang Hetao was slightly dissatisfied with Lu Hongmei's defense and the evidence submitted.

He also understood that Lu Hongmei wanted to influence the members of the collegial panel through the above plea.

But the point is!

The above defense may be useful in the first instance, but in the second instance, this effect will be greatly reduced.

In his eyes, if there is no evidence, no direct evidence, then there is no doubt.

The truth of no doubt, to put it simply.

It is through the subjective intention of the court.

90% of the subjective intention of the court finds that this person is guilty, so if there is no strong evidence to prove that this person is guilty, then he is innocent.

Although it sounds like you are being considerate of the bad guys.

But from a certain objective point of view, unjust and false cases are 90% of the subjective intention to determine that this person is guilty, and there is no strong evidence to prove that this person is guilty.

If it is determined based on the subjective will of the chief judge, then it will result in a wrong judgment and an unjust judgment.

For a little bit, Jiang Hetao, who has practiced as a judge for more than ten years.

What Lu Hongmei stated did not have much influence on the judgment at all.

Facing Jiang Hetao's question, Lu Hongmei seemed hesitant...


Jiang Hetao directly struck the hammer.

Boom boom boom!
"It is now determined that the evidence appealed by the prosecution has no relevance to this case, and the evidence appealed by the prosecution is invalid!"

"The prosecution, do you have any objections?"

Lu Hongmei was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that the evidence she submitted would be invalidated so easily by the chief judge.

Helplessly, she could only nod her head: "Good judge, we accept the judgment of the judge without any objection."

dong dong!

Jiang Hetao sounded the gavel.

"There are no objections to the above litigants and the prosecution."

"Right now."

"It is determined that the above issues are established."
During Jiang Hetao's statement, the prosecution was seated.

Xu Qing looked anxious.

"Lawyer Lu... Now the presiding judge has made a judgment..."

"What should I do.…?"

"Is our court statement still useful...?"

"The above three questions are the key questions to determine whether Wang Mingxuan committed the crime of manslaughter."


Lu Hongmei looked at Feng Qian who was sitting on the presiding judge's seat, and took a deep breath.

"Don't worry...Although the judgment has been made now, but it is not yet the final announcement of the judgment result, so there is still hope for everything."

Xu Qingchang sighed and nodded.

"I hope..."
.... ...

On the other side, Li Xuezhen looked at Lu Hongmei happily with a small face.

And Feng Qian on the bench seat...

In my heart, I said silently: "Lawyer Su asked me to stare at the female judge on the seat of the trial bench..."

"Could it be..."

tsk tsk...

Although it is not that the achievement points continue to expand, but the achievement points have increased...

If this is the case...

tsk tsk...


Li Xuezhen looked at the seat on the trial table seriously with a small face.

Seeing this, Su Bai frowned.

Forget it, forget it, forget it, whoever brought it out by himself.


That search bar is complete bullshit!

He didn't think about sending so and so in all day long...

Su Bai let out a long breath, and now the three problems have been judged.

Now comes the critical moment of the trial...

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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