You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 13 Final Judgment!The legal affairs of Nandu Bank are going crazy!

Chapter 13 Final Judgment!The legal affairs of Nandu Bank are going crazy!

The moment Yu Caixia announced the adjournment, all the trial personnel stood up.

Watching Yu Caixia and other members of the three-person collegial panel leave the trial platform.

During the adjournment, everyone was uneasy about the final result of the trial.

There is only one exception.

That is Su Bai.

Li Xuezhen's palms were sweaty. This was the first time she attended the trial in person.

At the same time, he also witnessed Su Bai's debate in court.

Although the debate is over, the outcome of the final trial is still unknown, so I am extremely nervous.

Li Xuezhen looked at Su Bai curiously.

"Aren't you nervous about the outcome of the final trial, Lawyer Su?"

"This is a big case, and the trial is being broadcast live. I heard that there is a lot of commotion, so you are not worried at all?"

The corners of Su Bai's mouth twitched slightly: "There's no need to be so nervous. Those who should be sentenced will be sentenced, and those who should not be sentenced will not be sentenced. Just don't worry."

"It's not us who should be worried. Look at Lawyer Li. As the legal counsel of Nandu Bank, he should be more nervous than us."

Li Xuezhen took a look at Li Mo, who was looking in her direction, and said involuntarily, "Lawyer Su, it seems like Lawyer Li is looking at us."

Su Bai raised his head and noticed that Li Mo was staring at him with eyes of anger, unwillingness, tension and various negative emotions intertwined.

Slightly smiled: "Never mind, Lawyer Li is doing eye exercises."

Li Xuezhen:? ? ? ?
Eye exercises, what the hell?

Li Xuezhen didn't understand what it meant, but she also knew that Su Bai was telling a bad joke, so she nodded silently and didn't continue speaking.

at the same time.

After the adjournment, the three members of the collegial panel, that is, the presiding judge and the two judges, conduct final decision-making discussions.

"Do you two have any opinions on this case?"

Yu Caixia looked at the other two judges.

One of them said, "As for Wang Li's innocence proposed by the plaintiff, although a legal argument was made in court, certain evidence was also provided."

"However, the first trial imposed a 20-year prison sentence, and the second trial upheld the original sentence. If the difference in our final verdict is too large, will it cause controversy?"

Another judge nodded in agreement.

Yu Caixia frowned slightly: "The result of the trial is based on the law, and there is no need to refer to the first and second instance."

"Then follow the judgment of the chief judge."


In the end, the three proposed that Caixia make the judgment result.

Outside the courtroom, the live audience of the trial, as well as the media reporters, were all anxiously waiting for the 30-minute adjournment.

Many of the reporters were swearing.

"At first, I thought that Nandu Bank would definitely win, so I specially conducted a close-up interview, but seeing the results, there are still eggs left!"

"TMD, I knew I was going to interview that lawyer from Bai Jun Law Firm. It must be a breaking news on the Internet!"

"Really, I really regret it to death!"


Outside the court, the reporters kept discussing.

One of the young female reporters' eyes lit up.

She had previously interviewed Bai Jun Law Firm when many media were not optimistic about it.

I didn't expect, I didn't expect to make so much money this time!

"There is an opportunity to become a full-time trainee!"

In the courtroom, the three and 10 minutes ended quickly, and everyone who followed the lawsuit was looking forward to the final verdict.

Accompanied by Yu Caixia and other three members of the collegial panel walked into the court hearing.

Clerk: "Everyone stand up!"

Swish swish.

Everyone at the courtroom stood up.

Li Mo looked nervously at the trial stage, he was not sure about the result of this trial.

We can only wait for Yu Caixia to announce the result of the trial.

From the corner of the eye, he accidentally looked in the direction of the plaintiff, but found that Su Bai's face was relaxed, and his heart sank.

Yu Caixia held the judgment materials in her hand, and under the gaze of everyone, she spoke slowly:
"This case is the final case heard by this court, that is, Nandu High Court. The plaintiff is Wang Li, and the defendant is Nandu Bank."

"This case has jurisdiction over the case, and the applicable laws are all based on domestic laws."

"According to the criminal law of our country, using violence, coercion or threat to others to rob public and private property is a condition for constituting the crime of robbery."

"The public prosecution filed against Wang Li, the plaintiff, that Wang Li was an accomplice in the robbery, and the legal conditions were not fulfilled. Wang Li did not meet the criminal facts of the robbery."

"However, Wang Liming knew that the obtained property was illegal income, and he still chose to use it to pay his father's fees. He was suspected of unjust enrichment and transfer of stolen money, and was suspected of concealing criminal proceeds."

"Because the incident happened for a reason and the situation was urgent, considering that Wang Li lost his basic rational behavior at that time, he was given a lighter sentence."

"Sentence Wang Li to six months in prison, suspended for one year! Return the illegal property he obtained!"

"As for the compensation issue of Nandu Bank raised by the plaintiff, Nandu Bank is indeed involved in this case. Nandu Bank is sentenced to apologize to Wang Li, and all other claims are dismissed!"

"A lawsuit has been filed against the defendant, all of which will be dismissed!"

"This court is the final judgment. According to the provisions of our country's procedural law, this court will send the judgment to all parties within ten days after the court closes."

The hammer fell.

"Close the court!"

With Yu Caixia's voice falling, the final trial came to an end.

Hearing the verdict of the final trial, Li Mo completely collapsed!
lost? !
Nandu Bank lost? !
And the loss was extremely thorough!

Not only was Wang Li not convicted of robbery, but the judgments of the first and second instance were overturned.


The sentence was only six months, not only six months, but also probation!
What does probation mean?
Probation means that Wang Li does not have to go to jail at all.

As long as he is honest and does not commit a crime or violate the law, then his sentencing is equivalent to nothing!
At the moment when the verdict was pronounced, Li Mo, the legal counsel of Nandu Bank, was going crazy!

Nandu Bank Legal Office.

Xu Zhiqiang watched the live broadcast of the trial, and was slightly taken aback when he heard the result of the trial.

While watching the live broadcast of the trial, he had a vague premonition that he might lose the trial this time!

But what he didn't expect was that the result of the sentence was such a miserable loss!
Forget about Wang Li's probation, Nandu Bank has to apologize to Wang Li!

Who can handle this?
For a while, Xu Zhiqiang didn't know what to do.

If he told Wang Wu the result of the trial, he could imagine himself walking away with his personal belongings on the spot.

The interior of the president of Nandu Bank.

Wang Wu looked at the live broadcast of the court trial and closed it with the announcement that the court was closed.

The whole person was mad with anger, and angrily pushed open the door of the legal room.

"Xu Zhiqiang, how did you promise me?!"

"Didn't you say that Nandu Bank will definitely win and win in public opinion?!"

"This is the victory you said?!"

(End of this chapter)

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