You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 139 Classic arrogance, Su Bai: I'll knock your head off.

Chapter 139 Classic arrogance, Su Bai: I'll knock your head off.

After receiving the subpoena from the court, the legal department of Ping An Insurance.

Discussions were held immediately.

The question discussed was how to deal with this accusation.

Legal room.

Wang Haiyang, director of the legal department of Quan An Insurance, put the court summons and some other materials on the table, and said:
"This time, our legal department was accused that we induced customers who bought insurance to be involved in infringing on the legal rights of others, and the lawsuit submitted by the other party even submitted that we were suspected of deliberate false accusations."

"This case is Li Shuangjun, Gu Bin and you two are in charge."

"Talk about it... how to deal with this matter..."

Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin acted as old baguettes.

Applications and accusations of this kind have long been commonplace.

Completely ignored.

Li Shuangjun said indifferently: "This matter is easy to deal with, so let him sue... If he wins the lawsuit, he is considered powerful."

"Is it reasonable to cheat insurance...?"

"If we submit the case, it means that we have reasonable evidence to prove that the other party has cheated insurance... No matter what method is used, the sentence has already been decided. How can he say that we deliberately made false accusations?"

Gu Bin nodded: "All the signs from the other party show that there is a certain suspicion of insurance fraud, and we have no problem filing a case against him.

Besides, we are just making normal legal inquiries and handing over to the judiciary, what do we mean we are suspected of deliberate false accusation...? "

"Which law firm took this case, isn't this nonsense!"

"Don't worry about him, just sue him however you want, when the court notifies the opening of the court, just go there..."

There was dissatisfaction in Gu Bin's tone, and then he continued:
"Director Wang, our company has a lot of cases like this, and there is a normal process, so there is no need for a meeting...?"

Hearing what the two said, Wang Haiyang unscrewed the wolfberry teacup, took a sip of water, and then slowly said:
"It is true that there is no need to hold a meeting to discuss the general situation, but this time the situation is different."

"It's a bit special."

Gu Bin asked: "Special? Director Wang, what do you mean by that...?"

Wang Haiyang pushed forward the court's subpoena and the basic information of the other party's prosecution:

"Look at the court summons and the specific content of the law firm entrusted by the other party."

Gu Bin took the summons and the information of the law firm entrusted by the other party, and after browsing through it, he frowned slightly.

Li Shuangjun noticed that Gu Bin's expression was not right, and asked again while taking the materials:
"What's wrong? Why is the atmosphere suddenly serious..."

"An ordinary case, there is no big problem, right?"

While talking, Li Shuangjun looked at the materials.

After seeing the name of the law firm on the information of the other party's entrusted law firm, he was silent for a few seconds, with a bit of seriousness in his voice:
"The other party is Bai Jun Law Firm...? Su Bai is the appointed lawyer?"

"This lawsuit is indeed a bit difficult..."

Now the Southern Metropolitan Law Circle is no stranger to the name Bai Jun Law Firm.

First of all, Bai Jun Law Firm is famous for its business, especially Su Bai's lawsuits are relatively famous and typical.

The second is to cooperate with Haifang Law Firm.

Now it can be said that Bai Jun Law Firm has also squeezed into the circle of first-class law firms, especially in criminal matters, it can be said to be the top.

After Li Shuangjun finished speaking, he pondered for a few seconds, and then spoke.

"However, the other party's main focus is on criminal cases. Although our case involves criminal matters, it is still an insurance issue when we get to the bottom of it."

"Our legal counsel should know more about insurance issues than a criminal lawyer?"

Wang Haiyang nodded: "Let's not talk about who has the deeper research on legal issues."

"The most important thing is not this, but the influence of Baijun Law Firm's lawsuit...
If this incident becomes serious, it will be a huge loss for us at Quan An Insurance. "

"Nandu Bank is a typical example."

"Now Nandu Bank is so affected by the last disturbance, and I heard from the legal counsel there that the current performance has dropped by at least 30.00%."

"As for the impact of this case, I consulted the person in charge. The person in charge said that if there is a reconciliation, then reconcile...don't continue to expand the influence. At worst, just pay the insurance amount to the party involved."

"So as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin nodded.

Just listen to Wang Haiyang continue to speak:
"The main key issue is reconciliation. Let the other party withdraw the incidental civil lawsuit against us, as well as accusations. As for the criminal punishment for fraudulent insurance, that's not our problem, understand?"

Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin nodded: "Director Wang, we understand."

"Hmm! The court estimates that the lawsuits between the two parties will be filed for mediation. It will be fine to lower the level of compensation during the mediation...
What about He Dongsheng, I probably haven't seen any money, so I'll talk about it when the time comes, it's almost worth it. "

"If it doesn't work, let's talk about it in private and let the other party withdraw the complaint against us."

Regarding the solution to this case, Wang Haiyang gave a few instructions.

Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin nodded at the same time: "Okay, Director Wang."
Court side.

Generally speaking.

In civil litigation, most cases do not reach the level of trial.

For cases involving civil disputes, mediation is generally carried out first, and if mediation fails, litigation procedures are followed.

The court's mediation waiting room.

He Dongsheng twisted his body nervously, fearing that there might be some problems in the mediation of this lawsuit, he hesitated to speak several times, wanting to ask.

But it was pressed down again.

Su Bai saw what He Dongsheng was thinking, and asked, "Now it's just the court intervening for mediation, so don't be nervous."

"You just need to keep your request, and leave the rest to me..."

"Don't worry, there will be no problem."

"And I judge that in order to reduce the influence of the matter, the other party may propose a settlement and request compensation to you. What do you think about this...?"

"If you want to reconcile, you can tell me with gestures, and I will strive for the greatest reconciliation interests for you."

He Dongsheng pursed his lips and remained silent for a few seconds: "Lawyer Su, I don't want to settle. I just need to get my share of the money back. I don't want the rest. I just want what belongs to me." .”

"oh, I understand now!"

Su Bai nodded.

Li Xuezhen at the side let out a soft breath after noticing the expression on He Dongsheng's face.

Encountered danger at work, and bought insurance in advance. The other party did not pay, but deliberately guided and filed a case.

He Dongsheng has encountered so many things, and there is no lion to ask the other party for compensation.

Thinking of this, a look of anger appeared on Xiao Li's face.

Why do good people have to suffer like this...
Really, this insurance company is too bad...
at the same time.

Another mediation waiting room.

Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin didn't pay much attention to the mediation of this case, thinking that as long as they lost money, it would be over.


The mediator of the court brought both parties to the mediation room to prepare for mediation of civil disputes.

Su Bai sat on the left side of the mediation, while Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin sat on the right side of the mediation.

The mediator glanced at the arrival of both parties, and said slowly:
"Now I, as the Nandu Intermediate Court, mediate the dispute between the two parties"

"Quan'an Insurance Company, as the party being sued, are you willing to mediate? He Dongsheng, are you willing to mediate?"

Su Bai: "Yes."

Li Shuangjun: "Yes."


"Since both parties are willing to mediate, let's talk about the settlement request."

Before He Dongsheng could speak, Li Shuangjun said:

"For the other party's accusation that our law firm has guided the filing of the case, we have stated that this is not true, and the other party has asked us to pay insurance compensation, which we also think is very unreasonable."

"However, this case is related to the image of our safety insurance company, and it is out of sympathy for the parties involved."

"We are willing to compensate He Dongsheng 30 yuan out of humanitarianism."

"This is the largest amount we can compensate, and it also shows our sincerity for reconciliation."

"Please also ask the other party to think about it carefully."

tsk tsk...

For what Li Shuangjun said so much, Su Bai twitched his lips.

Humanitarian compensation of 30?Then nothing happens?


The attitude of the other party is really arrogant!
Can't this knock the opponent's head off?

After Li Shuangjun finished speaking, the mediator turned his attention to He Dongsheng again.

"Participants, are you willing to mediate?"

At this time, Su Bai spoke: "As the agent of the client, I am also a full-fledged agent and have the right to speak."

"If the other party only offers a compensation of 30 yuan, then we refuse to settle.

And I think what the other party should pay us should not be the amount of compensation, but the amount of compensation in the legal sense. "

"These two have different meanings..."

"If the other party is willing to compensate us for the amount of insurance that we should have, and believes that the accusation and filing of the case against us is an improper accusation, then we are willing to settle."

The request that Su Bai made seemed simple, but in fact, he slapped the opponent twice in the face.

The amount of compensation and the amount of compensation are two concepts.

Compensation can be said to be humanitarian compensation, and has no legal relationship.

But compensation is different. Compensation has a legal relationship. If you don’t compensate, I can’t do it.

The most critical thing is the latter one, which is to determine that the accusation and filing of the case are improper accusations.

If so, then the court will revoke the criminal punishment for He Dongsheng, and thus determine that Ping An Insurance is responsible for malicious prosecution.

This is a completely unacceptable condition in terms of safety insurance.

After hearing Su Bai's reconciliation request, Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin frowned at the same time.

Is this a settlement request?
This is obviously the other party deliberately making things difficult for them!
Li Shuangjun looked at Su Bai and said slowly: "Lawyer Su, we have already expressed our sincerity in Quan An Insurance, please ask Lawyer Su to show your sincerity..."


You call the compensation of 30 yuan sincerity?
Why don't you say it when you induce people and then file a case?

Besides, according to He Dongsheng's insured amount, the indemnity amount of the insurance has reached more than 90.

You are now compensating 30, saying that I have reached my utmost sincerity.

Isn't this purely funny?

When you say these words, aren't you making things difficult for us?
Su Bai shook his head with a flat expression: "This is also our minimum requirement for reconciliation."

Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin looked at each other, and said again: "Lawyer Su, if this is the case, why don't we each take a step back, and we are willing to make compensation."

"The amount of compensation can be increased, I wonder if this is possible?"

Su Bai shook his head and reiterated: "Since the reconciliation request put forward by Quan An Insurance cannot meet our demands, then we feel that there is no need to continue the negotiation this time."

With that said, he stood up and looked at the mediator.

"Meditor, we are not continuing with the mediation."


The mediator nodded. The mediator had a certain understanding of this case, and the two sides insisted on their own opinions. It was not easy to mediate in the first place.

This result has been foreseen for a long time, and there is not much to say.

The settlement failed.

After Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin walked out of the court, they looked at each other.

Li Shuangjun: "The other party has rejected our terms, what should we say now?"

Gu Bin rubbed his eyebrows and said: "

That Su Bai, as the sole agent, understands the law and has confidence in this case, it is indeed a little troublesome, and the compensation of 30 yuan we offered may indeed be a bit low. "

"How about this.…"

"Go to the client again and ask him to directly withdraw the litigation representation and start directly with the client. It's easier."


"That's fine..."

Li Shuangjun nodded, agreeing with Gu Bin's point of view.

It would indeed be easier to ask He Dongsheng to withdraw the lawsuit directly from the parties concerned, without having to face that Su Bai.

Li Shuangjun exhaled lightly: "Then let it be..."

"I'll go get in touch..."

"Well, pay attention, don't make any trouble."

"Don't worry... There won't be any problems. Besides, we're just reconciling. What problems can there be?"

"Don't worry, don't worry..."

Li Shuangjun spoke again and again.

At night, he called He Dongsheng.

"As for the content of the mediation, we are willing to discuss in detail..."
.... ...

After hanging up the phone, Li Shuangjun smiled.

The other party has agreed to continue the mediation, and after leaving that Su Bai aside, there probably won't be any major problems.

But what Li Shuangjun never expected was that after hanging up the phone, He Dongsheng immediately called Su Bai with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Lawyer Su...that person from Quan An Insurance really did what you said, he called me and said he wanted to talk again..."

Su Bai smiled: "Well! Let's talk again according to their requirements...but just remember the points I reminded you."

"Good Lawyer Su, don't worry..."

Hearing He Dongsheng's words, Su Bai smiled.

In order for He Dongsheng to withdraw the lawsuit against him, Quan An Insurance...

It's really painstaking!
However, the other party should not have imagined that they are all pits under their feet...

It is estimated that after the reaction, I will find that I have fallen into the pit...

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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