You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 141 Good guy, you bite back, right?

Chapter 141 Good guy, you bite back, right?
In He Dongsheng's case, it is impossible to continue to deal with the case through a settlement or mediation by the court.

Neither party agrees to a settlement, mediation, and both are prepared to proceed directly to litigation in court.

The Nandu Intermediate Court conducted a final inquiry regarding the mediation between the two parties.

Ask both parties if they are going to litigate and if mediation is needed.

After learning that both parties did not continue to accept mediation.

The court notified both parties to be present on time during the court session.

This time the court heard the same case as the Wang Li Bank case.

Joint trial.

On the day of the court session, around 09:30 in the morning.

The court session is ten o'clock in the morning.

The waiting room of the court hearing.

Li Xuezhen sat upright with a small face, thinking silently who should stare for a while...
With a dull face and a trace of emptiness in his eyes, he sat straight beside Su Bai.

Su Bai noticed Li Xuezhen's expression, and secretly sighed in his heart.

Xiao Li's can tell what he's thinking at a glance...
tsk tsk...
Li Xuezhen has gone further and further along this road.
.... ...

Two other waiting rooms.

They are the legal lawyer of Quan An Insurance, Li Shuangjun, Gu Bin and the prosecutor's lawyer.

Security waiting room.

Gu Bin handed over the sorted materials to Li Shuangjun.

"You are the lead litigator for this trial. I have prepared all the relevant materials."

"This material is all about questions raised by Bai Jun Law Firm, which may be suddenly raised. I just sorted it out."

"Look at it a little bit, and be mentally prepared."


Li Shuangjun nodded, and after receiving the materials handed over by Wang Bin, he browsed through them roughly, and put the materials together with other materials when he had an idea in his mind.


It was nearly ten o'clock.

Relevant staff notifies all parties involved in the proceedings to enter the trial.

After going to court.

Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin's seat against the litigant was opposite to Su Bai's litigant's seat.

Li Shuangjun raised his head and glanced at Su Bai.

This gaze was caught by Li Xuezhen...
Li Xuezhen:? ? ?

What are you doing, you stare at Lawyer Su...?

Alright, this trial is yours...
Li Xuezhen's eyes skillfully focused on Li Shuangjun.

When Li Shuangjun sat down and sorted out the relevant materials, he always felt that something was wrong, so he looked up to the opposite side.

After looking at Li Xuezhen:? ? ?

There's something wrong with this look!

No...why does he always feel this weird?

Staring at Li Xuezhen.

Li Shuangjun didn't pay much attention to it, avoided this gaze, and continued to look at his own materials.

At this time, the clerk is reading the court discipline and court related matters.




After the clerk made the announcement, he spoke immediately: "The court discipline has been read out, everyone stands up, now invite the presiding judge to enter the court!"

Swish swish.

All relevant personnel at the court hearing stood up.

The presiding judge and two judges enter the venue.

The presiding judge Du Linmu stood in front of the trial platform, glanced at the trial scene, and said to the microphone in front of the presiding judge's seat: "Please sit down."

The voice fell.

Swish swish.

The relevant personnel at the trial site all sat back in their seats.

Judgment table, the presiding judge's seat.

Du Linmu struck the gavel.

"Now for court!"

Boom boom boom!
Accompanied by the fall of the gavel.

The trial was officially opened.

According to the materials in front of him, Du Linmu said, "Now the trial has started, please all parties involved in the lawsuit to state their identity information."

"Next, please state the identity information of the litigant."

"Good judge."

Su Bai looked at the presiding judge's seat and nodded slightly.

For this trial, Su Bai had already known the information of the members of the collegial panel in advance.

However, Su Bai did not take the initiative to learn about this information.

It was Li Xuezhen who told him after taking the initiative to understand.


Of course, it is for the sake of accomplishing the Great Achievement and Consummation.

It's just that Li Xuezhen was a little disappointed by the information this time, and there was nothing wrong with the members of the collegial panel.

The reason why there is no problem is that the members of the collegial panel did not make any major mistakes in the previous judgments this time, and the general judgments are reasonable.

Neither party to the lawsuit could pick out any major issues.

It can be said that Du Linmu's level as the presiding judge is relatively high.

It can also be seen from this point that the Nandu Intermediate People's Court still pays relatively more attention to the trial of this case.

"The presiding judge, our court members, Nandu Baijun Law Firm, Su Bai, assistant lawyer, Li Xuezhen, the appellant, He Dongsheng."

After Su Bai finished his statement.

Du Linmu began to ask for other people's identity information again.

"The identity information of the accused party."

Li Shuangjun said, "Li Shuangjun, the legal officer of Quan An Insurance, Gu Bin."

"Prosecutor's identity information."

"Prosecutor Hu Bing."

dong dong!

After verifying the information of those who appeared in court, Du Linmu made a statement in the presiding judge's seat:
"This case will be heard by the Nandu Intermediate Court on its behalf. The presiding judge Du Linmu, judge Zhang Huan, and judge Li Chengxiu will form a collegial panel."

"According to the provisions of the Procedural Law, if the parties to the lawsuit have any doubts about the trial personnel of this case and believe that they meet the requirements of the principle of recusal, they can apply for recusal. Do the parties to the lawsuit have any objections to the members of the collegial panel and apply for recusal?"

Su Bai: "No objection, no application."

Li Shuangjun: "No objection, no application."

Prosecutor Hu Bing: "No objection, no application."

dong dong!

After the parties in the lawsuit finished answering, the presiding judge Du Linmu sounded the gavel:
"The parties to the lawsuit have no objection to the members of the collegial panel, and now we will announce the cause of the case."

"The cause of the case: the litigant believed that the client's first-instance judgment was maliciously sued by Quan'an Insurance Company, and maliciously led the case to be filed. The second-instance application applied for revoking the first-instance judgment and sued the legal affairs of Quan'an Insurance Company for malicious accusation."

"And ask Quan'an Insurance Company to compensate the corresponding insured amount."

"Is the cause of the lawsuit true?"

When the presiding judge was interrogating, Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin frowned slightly as they listened to each other's case at the seat of the accused party.

The reason for this case is to put all the responsibility on them to the security insurance company.

However, as old baguettes, I have fought a lot of lawsuits, and I have seen a lot of lawsuits.

Although it is said that in this case, the other party has pushed all the responsibilities to Quan An Insurance, but it still needs to win the case.

If you can't win the lawsuit, then everything else is nonsense.

So the two of them just frowned slightly, and didn't take each other's case too seriously.

On the other side, when the presiding judge asked, Su Bai nodded.

"Presiding Judge, the case is true."

dong dong!

"The cause of the case is true. Next, I would like to ask both parties to state the application, factual basis, and legal basis."

"The parties to the proceedings, please begin their presentation."

After sorting out the materials in front of him, Du Linmu looked at the litigant's seat.

Su Bai nodded slightly, and glanced at his lawsuit materials.

"Good judge."

"Our claim is as follows:"

"First, we believe that the first-instance judgment is seriously inconsistent with the facts, and we have no intention of defrauding insurance. We apply to revoke the first-instance judgment and adjudicate us not guilty."

"Second, regarding Quan'an Insurance Company's accusation against our party, He Dongsheng, we believe that there is a subjective willingness to accuse maliciously. Liability for malicious accusations related to insurance companies.”

"Third, we purchased insurance. The claim is based on the contract specification. It is a legitimate claim. Our claim is within the scope of the contract. We require the other party to compensate us 958674.52 yuan in accordance with the insurance litigation compensation contract."

"Fourth, because the other party's malicious accusation against us has caused great damage to our mental loss, we demand that the other party compensate us for our mental loss of 46852.47 yuan."

"Fifth, we require the other party to pay our litigation costs and attorney fees."

"Judge, we have finished our statement."

During Su Bai's statement, Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin were sorting out the content of Su Bai's statement.

After Su Bai's statement, the two looked at each other and frowned unanimously.

Opponent's application for litigation...

The most critical is the first, and the second.

Especially the second one...

It is believed that Ping An Insurance made a malicious accusation against He Dongsheng and publicly apologized.

You know, Quan An Insurance is now raising plans to go public.

Now is the critical moment for listing.

If this case is defeated and a public statement is made, let alone raising money for listing, it may go directly from listing to the verge of bankruptcy.

What is the most important thing for an insurance company?


Although in the perception of many people, insurance means that this is not covered, and that is not covered.

But in fact, insurance plays a very important role, and there are many people who buy insurance.

The main concern is the credibility of the insurance company.

If Quan An Insurance really loses the lawsuit and apologizes publicly, then the damage to the company's reputation will plummet.

Other companies will not give you a chance to breathe, and will directly eat your market share.

This is also the reason why Wang Haiyang has always emphasized that if he can mediate in the court, he can mediate, and if he can mediate privately, he can mediate privately.

Because they cannot bear the consequences of losing the lawsuit, and they are not willing to take the risk of losing the lawsuit if they can settle.

"The lawsuit on the other side is the same as what we thought before... This lawsuit is not easy to handle."

"If it's not easy to deal with it, you have to be tough. You have to win...Besides, the other party hasn't produced any substantive evidence. It's just an accusation, and it doesn't have much impact..."

After Li Zhangjun finished speaking, Gu Bin nodded slowly: "Yes!"

On the seat of the trial platform, the presiding judge Du Linmu rang the gavel.

dong dong!

"The litigants have finished their presentations, and now the prosecution will begin their presentations."

dong dong!

After Hu Bing heard the presiding judge's words, he sorted out the litigation materials he had prepared a long time ago and placed them in front of him.

Regarding the merger of this case, he, as the prosecutor, has also undergone certain investigations.

As a neutral public prosecutor, his judgment on this case is that He Dongsheng is suspected of defrauding insurance to a certain extent, and it can be determined that He Dongsheng defrauded insurance through supporting evidence and other objective facts.

However, the court of second instance accepted the case, which means that there is key evidence showing that He Dongsheng did not engage in insurance fraud.

However, further certification is required.

In response to the presiding judge's inquiry, Hu Bing began to state:
"The prosecution believes that He Dongsheng is suspected of fraudulent insurance, and the objective facts are established."

"Unless the other party has key evidence to show that He Dongsheng has no basis for insurance fraud."

"That is, when there is no critical evidence to show that He Dongsheng did not engage in insurance fraud, the prosecution believes that the prosecution's application for innocence should be rejected."

dong dong!

"The prosecution has finished its statement, and now the accused party should make a statement."

The respondent is also the party of Ping An Insurance.

Li Quanjun looked at the presiding judge's seat after hearing the presiding judge's words.

Direct statement:

"Presiding judge, we believe that the accusation made by the litigant against our safety insurance company is completely false."

"He Dongsheng cheated on the insurance, which is based on facts, and we have no malicious accusations at all."

"And during the entire process from filing the case to execution and then to the judgment, all parties believed that He Dongsheng had fraudulent insurance. This is not something that our Quanan Insurance can control and do. It is the factual basis that He Dongsheng has fraudulent insurance. That’s why they were prosecuted.”

"Under such circumstances, how does the litigant determine that we are making a malicious accusation?"

"This is completely defamatory and has seriously damaged our reputation. We have applied to the collegial panel to reject the application of the litigant and demanded that the other party apologize for the damage to our reputation."

"Judge, we have finished our statement."

Li Shuangjun's voice fell.

Su Bai:? ? ? ?

Good guy, I am suing you here, and you are counter-accusing me over there for causing damage to your reputation?

Do you want face?

Is there any malicious accusation you really don't know?

Or is it impossible to admit that there is a malicious accusation?
Old baguette, right?
Direct backhand accusation of a loss of reputation has suffered major damage, right?
tsk tsk...

As expected of an old baguette, this method of counter-accusation is really powerful.

at the same time.

After Li Shuangjun finished stating the lawsuit application, he deliberately glanced in Su Bai's direction.

The meaning of his application for this lawsuit is already obvious.

If you can produce evidence of our malicious accusation by Quan An Insurance, then I will defend it with you.

If I win, then I will sue you maliciously for violating our reputation through litigation...

If you lose...lose?

As a legal lawyer of Quan An Insurance, Li Shuangjun has fought so many insurance cases, and his winning rate is very high.

In the absence of absolute evidence from the opponent, he has basically never lost.

Especially in such a complicated insurance case, it is even more impossible to lose!

Li Shuangjun deliberately glanced at the litigant's seat.

He noticed that Su Bai was looking at him with a smile.

Li Shuangjun:? ? ?

Su Bai: Why do you think you can win?

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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