You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 148 It's all like this, you still make threats?

Chapter 148 It's all like this, you still make threats?

Li Xuezhen was in a good mood, with happiness written all over her face.

Looking at Su Bai's background.

After arranging the litigation materials into the briefcase, Da Da Duang followed Su Bai.

"Lawyer Su"

"This safety insurance, what will happen in the future..."

"It's really bad that they do this..."

Su Bai smiled: "Don't worry, you will know in two days..."

Ping An Insurance did this kind of thing, not once or twice.

However, most of the time, policyholders are worried about getting into a lawsuit, and they have a certain fear of the legal affairs of Quan An Insurance Company.

They think they can't win the lawsuit, so most people give up the lawsuit.

After the results of this court trial are spread, then will be the troublesome time for Quan'an Insurance Company.

Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin.

The two of them, as the main person in charge of this lawsuit, falsified evidence, induced them, and made malicious accusations.

Knowing the law and breaking the law, the evidence is conclusive.

In the face of accusations, it is absolutely indispensable to eat crunchy big pot rice.

As for the final situation of Quan An Insurance, this Su Bai really can't say, but the situation must be very bad.


"Good Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously with a small face.

Not long after the trial ended.

Ping An Insurance Legal Department, in the director's office.


"Can you say that again.….?"

Wang Haiyang's tone seemed a little anxious:
"Are you sure? The trial was lost?"

"And it is determined that Quan'an Insurance Company has made malicious accusations, and now Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin have been taken away for investigation...?"

"A public prosecution will be filed later...?"

"No, Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin are the legal elders of Quan An Insurance, how could this happen...?"

"The compensation is the compensation, but what happened to the malicious accusation? Why was it sentenced like this? There must be a problem with the judgment!"

On the other end of the phone, a voice came:
"Do you think you were sentenced wrongly, or do you think that according to your legal level, you should not be sentenced severely...?"

"Okay, don't say anything else. You just need to know what kind of virtue you have in Quan An Insurance's legal affairs. I have already informed you about the matter. You should first think of a way to solve it yourself!"

When the phone was hung up, Wang Haiyang rubbed the center of his brows, and the skin on his face wrinkled.

"What did Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin do? They've become like this even though they're legal seniors. What's going on!!"

Wang Haiyang complained for a while, but he didn't dare to delay too much in his heart.

after all.….
If this incident has a big impact, it will be a huge hidden danger for their safety insurance company...
So I hurried to the office of the person in charge of the company to report the situation...

After reporting the general situation.

Wang Haiyang took the initiative to admit his mistake.

"Mr. Feng, this matter is the responsibility of our legal department..."

In front of Wang Haiyang stood a man in his early fifties.

Feng Yuan, person in charge of Quan An Insurance.

Feng Yuan frowned after hearing Wang Haiyang's report, his face was full of anger.

"How can there be an accident in this matter? Didn't you always come here like this before? What do you do for legal affairs?"

"Do you know what insurance depends on? It's reputation!"

"Tell me, if this trial is lost, if the matter is spread, how can we stay in the insurance industry at Quan An Insurance.

Also, we are now approaching the listing, if something happens and the listing plan fails, will you take the responsibility? ! "

Feng Yuan looked at Wang Haiyang impatiently.

Wang Haiyang smiled apologetically on the surface, but cursed secretly in his heart:
At the beginning, you said that you wanted to reduce the expenses of insurance, so you arranged for legal affairs to refuse compensation for some high-value insurance, especially for some accidental personal insurance, and some ordinary people's insurance.

Now tell me this...? !
Why didn't you say this when you asked our legal department to do these things, and now something happened and put everything on our legal department?
However, Wang Haiyang thought about these words in his heart and didn't dare to say them out.

"Boss Feng..."

Wang Haiyang was about to explain with a smile, but was interrupted by Feng Yuan waving his hand.

"Okay, okay, don't mention anything else, I will find a way to eliminate the impact of this incident as much as possible, and avoid any unexpected situations, you go out first."

"Okay, Mr. Feng..."

Wang Haiyang was full of anger, nodded, and left the office of the person in charge.

After returning to the legal director's office, Wang Haiyang rubbed his brows.

If this matter is not handled well, it will really be a public relations storm.

It's not just a public relations storm, maybe it will have other effects.As the person in charge of legal affairs, he may also be implicated to a certain extent.

Thinking of this, Wang Haiyang said to himself that iron would not make steel.

"What's going on with Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin!"

"How could such an accident happen!"
the next day.

Inside Baijun Law Firm.

Su Bai just took a sip of tea when he received a call from He Dongsheng.

"Lawyer Su..."

"Quan An Insurance contacted me and said they wanted to settle with me, not only compensating me for the insurance amount I deserved, but also compensating me for hundreds of thousands."

"Oh? What did they say to compensate you for another hundreds of thousands? A non-disclosure agreement?"

"That's right...Lawyer Su, I don't want to sign this nondisclosure agreement...but I'm afraid that if I don't sign this nondisclosure agreement, the other party won't compensate me for my insurance..."

"I had already rejected it on the phone, but the other party hinted at me..."

"It''s best to sign a non-disclosure agreement, and they will call me the cost of the non-disclosure agreement and the compensation fee...otherwise there may be some other problems..."

Su Bai:? ? ?
At this time, how dare Quan An Insurance say that?

But it's normal to think about it...for a company or individual who is used to pride.

Being able to reconcile is already giving you face, and you still don't reconcile?
In this case, there must be a certain gap in my heart.

Facing He Dongsheng's worry, Su Bai comforted him.

"Don't worry about this. This is the amount of compensation determined by the court. If they say no compensation, it can be enforced."

"Don't worry, even if you don't sign this confidentiality agreement, you can still get back the compensation you deserve."

"Oh, right.…."

"I told you before that if Quan An Insurance calls you, you have to record it. Did you record it this time?"

"Recorded, recorded... I listened to Lawyer Su, and recorded everything."

"Well, okay!"

"Then wait for me for a while, I'll take down the recording later."

"Good Lawyer Su."

After hanging up the phone, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief, and drove to He Dongsheng's house.

After listening to the recording, Su Bai smiled.

Ping An Insurance is really brave. It was enforced by the court, but it is still so tough.

If you don't sign the settlement agreement, there is a certain possibility that you won't get the compensation you deserve.

tsk tsk...
This is the store boss bullying customers and people, are you used to bullying?

"Lawyer Su...Look, they insisted on making me sign this settlement agreement, and even said that they would not pay me if I didn't sign it. What should I do...?"

He Dongsheng's face already had a lot of wrinkles, but now his face was even more sad, and his whole face was wrinkled.

Su Bai comforted: "Don't worry, this money will definitely help you get back."

After saying this, Su Bai seemed to remember something, and asked again suddenly.

"Oh, right.…"

"Are you against being interviewed?"

He Dongsheng was stunned for a moment, interviewing...?
"Lawyer Su, as long as I can get the money back, I'm not against any kind of interview."

"Hmm! OK!"

Su Bai nodded.

Immediately afterwards, he took the recording to the Nandu Intermediate Court.

The recording of Quan An Insurance's call to He Dongsheng was submitted to the court and handed over to the corresponding executive judge.

Executive Judge: ? ? ?
Is this a threat in disguise?

What's wrong...?
You don't want to give this money, do you?
What does this mean for those court officials who enforce the law?

Do you think they can't enforce it?

Bullying people don't know the law, right?

Just relying on this threatening recording, he really enforced the compensation today!

The executive judge immediately told Su Bai that the court would force safety insurance to compensate He Dongsheng as soon as possible.

Facing the executive judge's statement, Su Bai smiled and thanked:

"Thank you for the court's attention to the implementation of He Dongsheng's case."

The executive judge smiled: "This is all the responsibility of our court."
.... ...

And at the same time.

Nandu Metropolis News received a call, and the relevant content of the call was an explosive news.

After hanging up the phone, the person who answered the phone immediately found the team leader of the media publicity department.

"Team Leader Li...Our Nandu Metropolis News has a traffic indicator for this year!"

After hearing this sentence, Li Wenqian raised her head slightly.

As the head of the publicity team of Nandu Metropolitan News Media, she has been busy looking for some explosive news during this time.

To complete this year's work flow indicators.

But there has been no good news to report.

After hearing this sentence, Li Wenqian hurriedly asked, "Have you got the traffic indicator?"

"Any breaking news?"

"One...the insurance company accused the policyholder of fraudulent insurance and sent the policyholder to prison."

Hearing this, Li Wenqian frowned slightly.

"What's next? Is there a follow-up to this matter? Don't really cheat the insurance. At that time, there will be a big reversal. Not only did we fail to meet the traffic quota, but we were also scolded."

"And... just listening to what you said, it doesn't feel like there is anything explosive."

"No, no, Team Leader Li, I haven't finished yet."

"This case was decided a few days ago, and the judgment was that the insurance company maliciously accused the policyholder in order not to pay the policyholder's insurance, and sent the policyholder inside.

Then the court asked the insurance company to pay compensation, and the two legal counsels of the insurance company were brought under control on the spot. "

"The most important thing is...this case was handled by Bai Jun Law Firm, which has been on the hot search many times before, lawyer Su Bai."

"Team Leader Li, I think this news will definitely meet our traffic target for this year!"

Li Wenqian nodded heavily after listening to the descriptions of her team members.

This kind of topic about people's livelihood insurance is already very hot.

The insurance company also maliciously sued the policyholder, which is very explosive when it is said.

And this case is also related to Bai Jun Law Firm.

In terms of traffic, it is full.

"Okay! This news is really explosive. I will arrange an interview tonight and release it overnight to occupy the flow of first-hand news."

Li Wenqian made a quick decision and made a decision.

"Good team leader Li!"

Wait until the reporter leaves the office.

Li Wenqian sat in the office by herself, her expression a little excited.

According to her judgment, this case will definitely attract a lot of traffic.

At that time, with just this news interview, maybe she will be able to win the Team Leader's Excellence Award this year!
.... ...


Nandu Metropolis News, after a general understanding of the case, edited the process into a copy and posted it on the Internet.

At the beginning, the traffic was not too much.

But in the end, because there are more people who pay attention to this matter and there are more discussions, the short video platform slowly pushes a large number of them according to the algorithm.

After many netizens learned what happened, they left messages one after another.

"Fuck! This insurance company is too inhumane, isn't it? You don't pay them. If they appeal for compensation, you cheat the insurance and sue them.

Are you okay now?Have all your legal affairs gone in?I think this kind of insurance company should have gone bankrupt long ago! "

"Yes! I think it's not only a bankruptcy, but also the relevant person in charge should be tracked down to see if it is the relevant person. This kind of thing must be the idea of ​​a leader whose head was kicked by a donkey."

"Fuck! The upstairs is really right. I checked the security insurance company. Guess what? There have been a lot of lawsuits in the past few years, and many of them have been accused of fraudulent insurance, but some of them have ended without a problem. But it’s true that you don’t need to pay insurance.”

"Nimma! From this point of view, the security insurance company is indeed a malicious accusation. If it goes like this, who would dare to buy insurance from him?"

"Cough cough... There is a saying that I don't know if I should say it.... Isn't the insurance company always bought by salesmen, parents buy it, parents buy it after relatives buy it, and relatives buy it and let friends buy it?"

"Hahaha, you know insurance!"


It has become a public perception that insurance will not pay for this or that.

Now there is news of insurance companies maliciously suing policyholders.

In an instant, the public felt empathy.

The topic of safety insurance also rushed to the hot search.

It also gave other insurers a sense of opportunity.

come come come...
Everyone invests some money, invests some traffic, and invests in the intensity of news releases to major media.

If Quan An Insurance is killed, then the market share of Quan An Insurance will come out?

for a while.

The hot topic of malicious accusations against policyholders by Quan'an Insurance Company remains high.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month~

(End of this chapter)

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