You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 151 Three words, why? !

Chapter 151 Three words, why? !

Su Bai looked at the materials Li Xuezhen had sorted out, and frowned slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at the private letter and message of the interested client under the short video of Baijun Law Firm.

"Lawyer Su..."

"Lawyer Su, you are a good lawyer..."

"I beg you to look at my case..."

"Our family bought a house in Xiushui Garden in Nandu three years ago, and the price of the house was not bad at that time.

But we didn’t expect that our whole family had emptied the house and owed more than 200 million to the bank to buy a house that was so unfinished!”

"Now that real estate boss eats hot food, drinks hot food, drives a luxury car, lives in a luxury house..."

"However, our family, young and old, has to pay five thousand and eight a month to repay the loan!"

"Our family..."

"We have looked for a lawyer, but there is no way. There is really no way. Other lawyers are unwilling to take our lawsuit..."

"Lawyer Su, we would like to ask you to help us... Can you find a way for us, we will pay the lawyer's fees."

"Lawyer Su, can you give us a message after seeing it...?"


The client sent dozens of comments and private messages in total.

The time started six days ago.

Until today, there are comments during the period.

The time is probably around two to three in the afternoon.
However, the comments on the short video account of Baijun Law Firm have increased a lot in recent days.

It is quite troublesome to find out and prove the comments sent by the client.

After reading the comments and messages of this person who intended to entrust, Su Bai let out a long breath.

Unfinished building...

tsk tsk...
According to the entrusting person, he bought the house three years ago, and the house has not yet been handed over.

Three years is not a short period of time.

The specific delivery date was not disclosed by the entrusting person.

It just said that there was an appeal, but the court believed that this matter should be mediated in private, and then it has been mediated.

Obviously, the specific delivery date has long passed.

In the latter words...the person who intends to entrust really does not accept the mediation, so a trial is held in the Nandu Intermediate Court.

In the first instance, the real estate company lost the case.

However, the real estate company appealed in the second instance, and the entrusted party lost the appeal in the second instance.

I don't understand the litigation request of the entrusted person in the first instance.

It is not clear why the second trial lost the case.

If the case continues to be fought, it can only go to the Supreme Court.

Su Bai rubbed his temples, the person who intended to entrust said this was too vague, and he didn't know the specific situation very well.

Based on the current situation, it is impossible to judge this case.

So I turned on my phone and searched for Nandu Xiushui Garden.

Good guy, a lot of scolding!
"Repay the money! What I said was good at the beginning, what was said to be the best quality real estate in Nandu, we bought it at a high price, bought it with a loan, and bought it with a wallet! Just to be able to live in the house, now it's the delivery date early, and the delivery is late I can’t get a room! Fuck you, pay back the money!”


"We still owe millions to the bank. Now we can't live in the house, and we have to pay so much money every month. We can't live anymore. My wife is now arguing for divorce, and my children are complaining about me. Now I Don’t want this house anymore, can you return the money to me!”

"If you don't refund the money, can you repair the house and deliver it? What are you doing now? It's just a f*cking scam, right?"

"There are old and young in our family, and we have emptied several wallets. The house we bought is so unfinished. Why didn't the real estate agent give us an explanation, why?!"

"Fuck! The real estate boss drives a luxury car and lives in a luxury house every day, making us homeless, doesn't your conscience ache?"

"Hehe...their conscience hurts? They don't have any conscience at all!!"

"They're all fucking sons of a bitch!!"


These house buyers in Xiushui Garden Community in Nandu scolded the real estate developers quite harshly.

However, the real estate developer deserves to be scolded for running away and letting people bear so much money all at once.

Su Bai exited the search interface and let out a soft breath.

Now it seems that the home buyers in this Nandu Xiushui Garden Community have a lot of resentment in their hearts.

Generally speaking, for such unfinished buildings, home buyers only have two demands when faced with unfinished buildings.

The first point is to ask the developer to make compensation.

The second point is to require the developer to complete the project, which is delivery.

But it is very difficult to achieve the above two points.

If the lawsuit is based on these two points, it will definitely win.

But what about after winning the lawsuit?
The developer patted his butt and said: I have no money...
…If you don’t get your money back, there is nothing you can do.

What's more, it may directly cause the real estate company and the boss himself to have no legal connection.

This is an important difficulty for most unfinished building appealers.

The second point is to let developers continue to develop and deliver.


If the developer has the ability to continue to develop and deliver, he will definitely choose to deliver.

The key point is...
He's so screwed up that it's impossible to deliver unless there's a massive infusion of money.

But in fact, most of the reasons for his unfinished business are because the economic disputes are too complicated.

No one was willing to take over, which led to a long-term unfinished business.

Therefore, the difficulties in this unfinished lawsuit lie in these two points.

It is not difficult to win the lawsuit, but what is difficult is how to complete the client's litigation application after winning the lawsuit.

In other words, how can we get back the original purchase price or let the house continue to be built.

Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows, this case is indeed a complicated one.

It is a typical case in civil disputes.

Seeing this, Li Xuezhen on the side whispered, "Lawyer this case difficult...?"

Su Bai raised his head slightly, and said, "It's not that hard to fight, but it's very troublesome... because there are a lot of things involved, and there are a lot of things that need to be prepared for the trial."

"But there's a little upside."

"...If our law firm accepts this case, it will definitely become famous in civil litigation, which will further expand the reputation of our law firm."

"At that time, our law firm will become the top law firm in Southern Metropolis in both criminal and civil matters."

"...For this case, it is necessary to further inquire the client about the specific circumstances of the case."

"However, the most troublesome thing is to fulfill the request of the client, which is to let the developer continue to build the building, or to refund the compensation to the buyer."

"The most troublesome thing is to achieve these two demands."


"That's it, Lawyer Su..."

"Lawyer Su, what you're saying is that if you continue to complete the repair of this community, you've completed the client's entrustment, right?"

A light burst out from Li Xuezhen's eyes.

Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows.

According to what Li Xuezhen said, it is true that the repair of this community is completed, which is regarded as the completion of the client's commission.

But let the developer use the due construction funds to complete and properly deliver the community.

Instead of... other weird ideas.

Su Bai could tell at a glance that the idea of ​​Li Xuezhen, a little rich woman, was that she wanted to take over the whole community project?

Sure enough, a little rich woman is a little rich woman, with different brain circuits.


Su Bai coughed dryly: "As lawyers, we use the law to let those developers complete the development of the community, or conduct litigation in court to apply for the completion of the client's entrustment."

"Instead of anything else..."

"do you understand?"


"Okay Lawyer Su, I understand..."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously.

"Then, shall we take up Lawyer Su's case?"

Looking at Li Xuezhen's expression, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief temporarily.

"Go on, make an appointment with the person who intends to entrust, and ask them to come directly to our law firm to discuss the specific situation."

"Good Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen nodded and stepped out of the office.

After Li Xuezhen left the office, Su Bai took a sip of tea.

Feel the tea flow into your throat.

Su Bai's consciousness became clearer.

After placing the teacup on the table, he sat down on the office chair.

This time, if this unfinished building case can be resolved, it will undoubtedly be a huge improvement for Bai Jun Law Firm.

that is.…

This kind of case involves many aspects and is a bit troublesome.

For details, you still need to talk to the client more.

Only then can we further determine how to proceed with the litigation in order to satisfy the litigants' claims.
at the same time.

Nandu City Village, in a shared house.

A small fifty square meters, squeezed a family of four...

"Dad...don't post it...I've said it many times. Lawyer Su is a criminal lawyer. This is a civil dispute case. No matter how many messages you send to him, he won't be able to handle our matter."

"Look at how many days you've posted, and they haven't responded? I've already said that they are a criminal law firm. Although they also handle civil disputes, they won't accept such complicated civil disputes."

"Besides, how many lawyers have we asked, and other lawyers have said that such cases are difficult to handle, so don't waste your time..."

A 27-year-old man looked at his nearly 60-year-old father in front of him, sighed deeply and spoke.

When Ma Cheng heard his son's persuasion, he was impatient.

"How old are you, what do you know? There is no case that Lawyer Su can't handle!"

"Let's ask more people and lawyers. I don't believe that we can't get our money back. We borrowed so much money and repay so much money in a month. What's the matter? It's for nothing?"

"Lawyer Su is a criminal lawyer. He happened to send in that development, the real estate owner of our Xiushui Garden!"

"Save him from harming people again!"

"Is it easy for our family to buy a house? If you say you don't care about it, you don't care about it?"

Ma Cheng's eyes were red with anxiety, and he scolded his son Ma Xiangzhi for a meal.

In order to buy this house, their family emptied several wallets.

Even in debt. . . .

Isn't that money?
Well, now I don't have a house, and I have to repay nearly 6000 foreign debts every month.

How much does he have to work hard for a month?
If the matter of the house is not resolved, he will not be willing to die!
Three words, why?
Why did his family spend so much money and end up with nothing?

A light and unrefined ending and it's over! ?


He doesn't believe that the law can't give him justice!
Ma Cheng's face was full of anger, and he became extremely angry when he mentioned this matter. He even couldn't sleep all night when he thought of this matter many nights.

That's not tens or hundreds of dollars, but millions, hard-earned money that he can't earn in his life.

Why can't you come back? !
Seeing his father so angry, Ma Xiangzhi took a deep breath.

Knowing that I can't persuade you at this time, I can only sigh silently in my heart.

no way.…

Is it because he doesn't want to go through court proceedings to get back their compensation?
It was he who knew that he would never come back.

Over the years, their family has lived a life of not daring to eat or drink because of this house. It can be said that life is very difficult.

His father didn't know any laws or anything else.

A few days ago, I saw on the Internet that lawyer Su Bai of Baijun Law Firm can win any lawsuit.

So I thought about going to Bai Jun Law Firm to file a lawsuit.

I think I can get back my house or my own house purchase money through a lawsuit.


Ma Xiangzhi went to many law firms and asked many lawyers, but he really didn't have much hope for this.

Besides, he also knew that Baijun Law Firm was the top criminal law firm in Southern Metropolis.

Their case is just a civil lawsuit.

And it is also a very difficult real estate unfinished case in civil litigation disputes.

Whether you can win is one thing, whether you want to get back the money is another thing, whether people are willing to accept the case or not is another thing...

Thinking of this, Ma Xiangzhi shook his head slightly.

Standing up, I was about to pour myself a glass of water first, and then pour a glass of water for Ma Cheng, to calm down.

I saw Ma Cheng holding the phone in both hands, with a long-lost and rare smile on his old and wrinkled face.

"Come back to me!"

"Lawyer Su has returned to me!"

Ma Xiangzhi was stunned for a moment: "Dad? You posted a comment on that Baijun Law Firm and sent a private message, and they replied to you?"

"What did you say?"

Ma Xiangzhi asked a question.

Ma Cheng stood up, took a sip of water in a hurry, and then laughed.

"Lawyer Su said...he can take this case, we can go directly to Bai Jun Law Firm to discuss what is going on with this case.

Lawyer Su said that he could learn more about it in detail. If there is no problem, he can continue entrusting this case. "

On the side, Ma Cheng's wife showed a smile on her face: "That's great!"

"I read online that Lawyer Su has never lost a lawsuit, and he will definitely not lose this time."

"That's right! I think Lawyer Su sent all those criminals in, and I'm sure he can send them in this time!"

"That's the best!"

The couple laughed and discussed.

When Ma Xiangzhi heard that Su Bai was willing to take this case, he also had a little expectation in his heart.

If you can really win the case, that's great!
PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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