You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 154 Court trial, real estate owner: I really don't believe he can send me in!

Chapter 154 Court trial, real estate owner: I really don't believe he can send me in!
Nandu Bank and Nanjian Real Estate Co., Ltd. were stunned when they received the subpoena from the court...
What does this mean.….? !
Inside the Legal Affairs Office of Nandu Bank.

Xu Zhiqiang learned about it... This lawsuit is about Nanjian Real Estate Company and their Nandu Bank.

Their bank issued house purchase funds in violation of regulations, and they were sued.

more importantly!
The other party's law firm is Bai Jun Law Firm!

Xu Zhiqiang had a good impression of Baijun Law Firm.

The impact of Wang Li's case has caused Nandu Bank to still not be relieved...
Xu Zhiqiang rubbed his eyebrows and came to the office of the person in charge of Nandu Bank.

Hearing Xu Zhiqiang's report, Wang Wu's hand holding the water glass was a little unsteady, and after putting down the water glass, he was a little surprised:

"Our bank was sued for illegal lending...?"

"Or the Baijun Law Firm...?"

"Yes, Wang Xing..."

Xu Zhiqiang asked.

"Wang Xing. Is there any incident of our Nandu Bank lending money to Nanjian Real Estate in violation of regulations?"

As the legal supervisor, Xu Zhiqiang is not very clear about the bank's internal operations.

So for this case, he needs to know what happened.

Hearing this, Wang Wu rubbed the center of his brows, thinking that this is also a troublesome matter.

There is indeed a case of illegal distribution of funds.
Moreover, the cooperation with other real estate developers also has related operations.

after all
Under normal circumstances, no one will implicate the responsibility of the bank in this kind of thing.

Most of the time, the real estate company urgently needs the money. As long as the subsequent real estate company completes the house and completes the process, the bank will turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye.

As for whether it's rotten or not...

To be honest, it has nothing to do with their bank.

after all.…

The bank loan was released and the interest was received.

But who would have thought that Bai Jun Law Firm would sue their bank for a real estate lawsuit?

What is this for?

"Zhiqiang...there is a problem with our bank's illegal payment, but there is no way around it."

"..This lawsuit...regardless of whether our bank violated the rules or not, our bank needs to win...
After all, this case is related to the reputation of our bank. If there is another problem, our bank will have a big problem, understand? "

Wang Wu spoke softly, and looked at Xu Zhiqiang with a smile on his face.

Xu Zhiqiang:? ? ?

You tell me this? !
Facing Wang Wu, Xu Zhiqiang nodded slightly: "Wang Xing...I will try my best."
Inside Baijun Law Firm.

After Su Bai submitted relevant litigation materials to various departments.

The Supreme Court approved it, sent subpoenas to all parties, and fixed a hearing time.

Due to the typical nature of this case, the trial was also broadcast live on the Internet.


The case proceeded to the trial stage.

During this period.

Su Bai also made a special trip to the court to get the relevant procedures.

Accompanied by the court staff, they retrieved the details of the funds of the real estate company in the past two years.

Further confirmed the thoughts in my heart.

Send people in...the problem is not big...

Supreme Dharma.

The court waiting room.

The litigant is Su Bai's waiting room.

Ma Cheng was a little excited, he hesitated to speak several times, wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say.

Ma Xiangzhi patted Ma Cheng's arm from the side: "Dad...don't be so excited...Trust Lawyer Su..."

"I know!"

"Of course I believe Lawyer Su... But I have already told other people in our unfinished house group that we are going to have a trial, and they are all watching our trial."

"You said, what if we can't get back our money or our house? Can I not be excited?"

Ma Cheng spoke softly.

Seeing this, Li Xuezhen comforted from the side: "Don't worry too much..."

"Okay, good lawyer Li..."

Ma Cheng put his left and right hands on his lap, nodded and smiled.

Hearing the voices of several people, Su Bai smiled and didn't say much.

As for this lawsuit...

The evidence he wanted has been obtained, and there will be no other problems...
The defendant waiting room is divided into two waiting rooms.

One is Nanjian Real Estate.

One is Nandu Bank.

In the waiting room of Nanjian Real Estate, Ye Zhenghuan patted the chair and glanced at the lawyer he hired.

"Lawyer are a barrister in real estate disputes."

"This civil dispute...should be no problem winning the lawsuit, right?"

"This lawsuit is really annoying. Originally, I have already entered the final liquidation process of bankruptcy. What are I doing to stop the bankruptcy process now?"

"Lawyer Wang...Why do you think the other party is suing me? My company is out of money again. Is there any point for him to sue me?"

"Even if I lose, what can I do? Can I be caught in it, or can I get my money out?"

"This lawsuit is really outrageous..."

Wang Jiangyang glanced at Ye Zhenghuan, and said slowly:
"...According to the other party's lawsuit, we are only sued jointly, and the main target of the other party's lawsuit is Nandu Bank."

"Well... that's good, then after this lawsuit, can the company still go bankrupt?"

Wang Jiangyang nodded: "It's definitely possible, but it may be troublesome to a certain extent. The specific situation may need to be looked at again."


Ye Zhenghuan waved his hand, not too concerned about this lawsuit.

Since the other party was going to Nandu Bank, it basically has nothing to do with him.
The waiting room of Nandu Bank.

Xu Zhiqiang sat on the seat in the waiting room and rubbed the space between his eyebrows.

This lawsuit is not easy for him to handle.

Judging from the other party's prosecution and related content, the other party obviously used the bank's illegal lending as a plea to make the bank bear corresponding responsibilities.

If the case is lost, it will not only be a huge loss to the reputation of Nandu Bank.

Narada Bank also needs to bear the corresponding joint and several liabilities.

In this way, he has already foreseen the difficulties faced by Nandu Bank.
As the trial time approached, relevant staff brought all parties into the trial.

After the parties are in court, the clerk reads the court order.




Finished reading.

The clerk spoke again: "The court discipline has been read out, and now the presiding judge is invited to enter the court."

After the presiding judge and judges enter the venue.

The clerk continued: "All parties to the trial are in place and meet the conditions for the trial."

dong dong!

On the trial platform, the presiding judge Zhu He sounded the gavel.

"The court is now officially open."

"All please sit down."

Swish swish.

At the scene of the trial, all the staff sat down.

Immediately afterwards, the presiding judge began to check the identities and entrusted representatives of the persons present in court.

at the same time.

This trial is a live trial.

Before the trial, Luo Daxiang and Xiao Haibo learned that Su Bai had a real estate lawsuit.

I also made a phone call with Su Bai. After learning about this case, I think this case is of great significance for legal evaluation.

Therefore, an off-site live broadcast was carried out at the first time of the live broadcast of the court trial.

And before the trial started, the lawsuit was roughly sorted out.

However, at the first moment of the court session, sharp-eyed old fans recognized Su Bai.

"??? Isn't this Lawyer Su? Good guy, now Lawyer Su is going to give someone away in the Supreme Court?"

"?! Give it away in the Supreme Law, are you kidding me?"

"Hahaha, I'm not kidding, Lawyer Su doesn't send a few in any lawsuit! Hahaha!"


Facing the ridicule from fans after the court session, Luo Daxiang smiled.

"This lawsuit is a civil case . . . not a criminal proceeding."

"You can't send people in..."

"Okay, everyone's ridicule is ridicule. This lawsuit is still very typical, and we can learn more."
In court.

After the presiding judge Zhu He checked the identity information and agency authority of all parties involved in the trial.

Ring the gavel.


"Personnel information has been verified."

"This case is heard by the Supreme Court, members of the collegial panel, presiding judge Zhu He, judge Li Mingfei, and judge Wang Dong."

"Did the parties apply for challenge, or did they have objections to the adjudicators?"

Su Bai: "No application for recusal, no objection."

Xu Zhiqiang: "No application for recusal, no objection."

Wang Jiangyang: "No application for recusal, no objection."

"The following are the reasons for this case:"

"The plaintiff sued Nanjian Real Estate Company for failing to perform the contract, demanding financial compensation, and believed that Nanjian Real Estate Company had maliciously evaded debts.

At the same time, the suing bank violated the real estate company's disbursement of house purchase funds in accordance with the bank's regulations and the terms of the contract.The suing bank bears certain joint and several liabilities. "

"Plaintiff's attorney, is the case true?"

"True judge."

Su Bai spoke.

"Dong dong!"

"The cause of the case is true, and the plaintiff will begin to state the application for litigation."

Zhu He flipped through the materials of the trial, and then spoke to Su Bai who was sitting on the plaintiff's seat.

"Good judge."

After Su Bai sorted out the litigation materials, he said:
"Our claim is as follows:"

"First: According to the house purchase contract, Nanjian Real Estate Co., Ltd. failed to fulfill the delivery time requirements of our house purchase contract and exceeded the house purchase deadline."

"We request Nanjian Real Estate Co., Ltd. to compensate us for economic losses and compensation losses of 112864.53 yuan in accordance with the requirements of the contract."

"Second: Nanjian Real Estate Co., Ltd. failed to notify its creditors when it applied for bankruptcy. It is bankruptcy and malicious debt evasion. The court is required to punish Nanjian Real Estate Company for its bankruptcy and malicious debt evasion."

"Third: Nandu Bank issued house purchase funds to Nanjian Real Estate in violation of regulations, and needs to bear certain joint and several liabilities for the unfinished Nandu Xiushui Garden house purchased by us."

"(1) We have the right not to make repayments and refuse to pay interest."

"(2) We demand that Narada Bank compensate us and assume joint and several liability, and the amount of compensation is 1567248.53 yuan."

"Presiding judge, our lawsuit application has been stated."


Finish the lawsuit application in Su Bai.

There were starkly different reactions from the two docks.

Ye Zhenghuan seemed a little indifferent, his company was gone, even if he maliciously evaded debts, how much would he be fined?
Besides, can the company's malicious debt collection still send him in?
He didn't believe it.

On the other side, after listening to the other party's lawsuit, Xu Zhiqiang had a headache.

If this case really allows the other party to win.

It's really fucked up...

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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