You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 156 Do you still want to refute?You are the judge!

Chapter 156 Do you still want to refute?You are the judge!
Outside the courtroom.

When Wang Wu heard Su Bai's defense.

The whole person is numb...
Don't say anything else, just say this...
Now in the Internet age... If this passage spreads, it will deal a huge blow to Nandu Bank!
What is this Su Bai from Bai Jun Law Firm doing!
The last time they let Nandu Bank's performance decline, and this time they did it again. What do you want to do? !
"Isn't it just a violation of regulations to put a regulatory fund, what's the big deal?!"

Wang Wu rubbed the center of his brows. At that time, he was indeed turning a blind eye because of some interests.

But who would have thought that it would cause such a big trouble.

Wang Wu took a sip of water and exhaled softly before he suppressed his irritable mood and continued to focus on the courtroom.

In court.

Li Xuezhen looked at Xu Zhiqiang excitedly with a small face, unwilling to blink.

Lawyer Su's it all about the mute...?

Achievement Points +++++

On the other hand, Xu Zhiqiang, who was sitting on the seat of the defendant Nandu Bank, frowned.

He stared straight at Su Bai.

I don't know what angle I will use next to refute the other party's point of view.

On the presiding judge's seat.

After listening to Su Bai's statement, Zhu He pondered for a few seconds.

Boom boom boom!
Ring the gavel.

"Now, Nandu Bank is asked to entrust an agent to defend."

The pressure is on Xu Zhiqiang's side.

Xu Zhiqiang looked at the trial materials in front of him, and simply put them aside.

Su Bai's series of questions.

The main thing is to highlight a problem, from the common point of interest, to bind the Nandu Bank's illegal issuance of regulatory funds and unfinished real estate.

For this point....
Xu Zhiqiang took a deep breath and said, "I would like to ask the plaintiff's attorney."

"Your question is based on the law that we have obtained high interest and the funds for supervision are not in place, so we need to pay compensation?"

Su Bai:? ? ?
This Xu Zhiqiang is digging a hole for himself.

What does it mean to get high interest?The regulatory funds are not in place, so compensation is made.

? ! ? ?
Su Bai took a flat look at Xu Zhiqiang, and then continued to speak.

"It's not..."

"The relationship we believe is that Narada Bank's illegal operation of capital supervision and inadequate supervision have led to the occurrence of unfinished buildings, rather than obtaining high interest and inadequate supervision of funds."

"In other words, if the real estate developer misappropriated funds, Nandu Bank has the responsibility to supervise the funds.

In the case of real estate misappropriation of funds, Narada Bank not only failed to fulfill its supervisory responsibilities, but also issued supervisory funds in violation of regulations, resulting in unfinished business, so it needs to pay certain joint and several liabilities. "

to be honest.

High interest rates and illegal operation of regulatory funds only make Nandu Bank further responsible.

rather than the main argument of this argument.

The main thing is to let it have a relationship of joint and several liability.

Xu Zhiqiang's words were obviously digging a hole.

High interest rates and regulatory breaches are not necessarily connected.

If a plea is made from this aspect, the bank will directly come to a temporary worker and shift the responsibility to the individual.

will be troublesome.

It is equivalent to deviating from the main contradiction of this trial.

It's a beautiful idea to push it to temporary workers!

Immediately afterwards, Xu Zhiqiang continued to speak:
"May I ask the plaintiff's litigator, on what basis do you think we need to bear joint and several liability...?"

"According to which one of the joint and several liabilities?"

Since he can't break through from other places, Xu Zhiqiang can only start with laws and regulations.

To realize the current headwind situation.

Facing Xu Zhiqiang's question, Su Bai asked back without thinking:
"According to the contract, isn't it the bank's responsibility that the bank's supervision is not in place, or even issued in violation of regulations?"

"What is the relationship between Nandu Bank and Nanjian Real Estate?"

"According to the contract."

"Real estate companies need to assure homebuyers that residential and commercial housing will be delivered on time."

"As the bank provides loans and supervises the funds, it also needs to be responsible for the purchase funds of the buyers.

According to the joint guarantee liability, Narada Bank and Narada Real Estate both need to bear certain responsibilities for the buyer's delivery of the house. "

"If the bank fails to protect the regulatory funds during this process, it will have to bear certain joint and several liabilities for the unfinished end of the house."

Xu Zhiqiang retorted: "But the bank only needs to be responsible for the supervision funds, and the bank can't decide whether the real estate is unfinished or not."

Su Bai said:
"If the bank does not issue regulatory funds in violation of regulations and strictly supervises the funds, will Nanjian Real Estate Co., Ltd. misappropriate the regulatory funds? If the regulatory funds are not misappropriated, will there be unfinished business?"

"Please ask the bank to appoint an agent to answer this question directly."

Xu Zhiqiang: .....
He hasn't opened his mouth to rebut.

On the presiding judge's seat, Zhu He sounded the gavel.

Boom boom boom!
The pleas of both parties have actually entered the final stage of pleas.

Judging from the process and results of this trial and plea.

Obviously, it is the bank's illegal operation of regulatory funds, which has led to the unfinished business of real estate developers.

Banks themselves need to bear certain responsibilities, that's for sure.


The division of responsibilities needs to be divided into primary and secondary stages.

At present, the defense of the two parties has been settled, but some issues still need to be clarified.

After sorting out this relationship, Zhu He said:
"The collegial panel has heard the pleas of both parties."

"In addition to the above points of view, do the plaintiff and the defendant Nandu Bank have any other points of view...?"

The case itself focuses on the point of view of whether joint and several liability is required for bank violations.

Not too complicated.

The chain of evidence is clear and there are no major problems.

In addition, the bank is the main fault party, Xu Zhiqiang also knew this, so he decided that this case was not easy to fight before the trial.
….The defense has reached this level.

Neither side is likely to have any other point of view.

Su Bai: "Judge, we don't have any other views."

Xu Zhiqiang: "We don't have any."

Boom boom boom!
The presiding judge Zhu He looked down at the litigation materials, then looked up from Su Bai's direction to Xu Zhiqiang's position.

"The collegial panel has roughly sorted out the pleas of both the plaintiff and the defendant."

"Next, the collegial panel will ask some questions about the pleas of both parties."

"Nandu Bank, do you admit that there are irregularities in the issuance of regulatory funds, and the supervision of regulatory funds is not in place?"

Xu Zhiqiang: "Yes."

"Then according to the joint and several liability stipulated in the law, what is the most critical factor for you to believe that you are not liable...?"

"We believe that we should only bear the responsibility for the failure to supervise the funds, and should not bear the responsibility for the unfinished business, because the main body that caused the unfinished business is Nanjian Real Estate Co., Ltd...."

dong dong!

"Nanjian Real Estate Co., Ltd., do you agree with this point of view...?"

In a word, the topic was brought to Nanjian Real Estate Co., Ltd.

Face this problem.

Wang Jiangyang obviously needs to stand on the same line as Su Bai.

Because if the bank does not take responsibility for this matter, then Nanjian Real Estate will bear full responsibility.

Although bankruptcy proceedings have been carried out, the division of responsibilities cannot be ambiguous.

"Presiding judge, we believe that the unfinished business is multi-directional, not what Nandu Bank said. The whole reason for the unfinished business is Nanjian Real Estate Company."

Xu Zhiqiang:? ? ?

You backstab me? !
Wang Jiangyang: You stabbed us in the back first!

You said that the main body of responsibility is Nanjian Real Estate, so what else can I do...?

It can only be said... to clarify the division of responsibility between the subjects.

Besides, even if I say no, will the presiding judge accept it?
Do you really think that just a few words can affect the judge's decision?
When Supreme Court justices have no level? ! .
After Wang Jiangyang finished his statement, Zhu He, the presiding judge on the seat of the trial bench, sounded the gavel.

Boom boom boom!
"Adjourn now!"

"The trial will continue in 30 minutes."

The muffled sound of hammer strikes sounded in the courtroom.

The three members of the collegial panel left their seats.

At the same time, outside the trial, the live broadcast was cut to other places.

In the live broadcast room of the law review.

"Why is the court adjourned? Now is the critical time, and the judgment has not yet been made, so why is the court adjourned?"

"That's right! That shameless Nandu Bank, I haven't seen this Nandu Bank be sentenced to pay the full amount!"

"Just let the court rule that all go in!!"

"Nandu Bank is shameless. I think the adjournment is just because the members of the collegial panel are discussing how to judge this Nandu Bank as something wrong!"

In the live broadcast room of the law review, Luo Daxiang made a general summary of the audience and fans in the live broadcast room regarding the pleas of all parties before the adjournment of the trial.

Regarding the reason for the adjournment...

Then it's very simple...

That is for the first summary point, the division has been made.

If you continue to argue, it will be meaningless, and the next step is to judge.

But as for how to judge...determine whether the bank is responsible for the unfinished building?Determine how much responsibility the bank takes.

These are all decisions that need to be negotiated.

As for how to negotiate, Luo Daxiang can only guess a rough idea, and the specifics still depend on the results of the collegial panel's discussions.
In court.

Li Xuezhen rubbed her eyes and let out a soft breath.

Eyes can rest for a while...

Li Xuezhen blinked and looked at Su Bai: "Lawyer Su...the court is adjourned."

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Well, the court is adjourned."

Ma Cheng, the client at the side, said: "Lawyer really spoke my heart just now..."

"Why doesn't Nandu Bank take responsibility? He just teamed up with real estate developers to suck the blood of house buyers!"

"I think they deserve to go out of business!"

"Oh, right."

"Lawyer Su... There is no problem for us to win this lawsuit, right?"

"It's hard to say the specific situation, but there should be no problem."

Hearing Su Bai's words, Ma Cheng looked at Su Bai excitedly: "That's good, that's good..."

"This lawyer from Nandu Bank is not a good person at first glance. Lawyer Su can definitely do it!"

Su Bai: ...

It depends on the picture above? .
the other side.

Xu Zhiqiang sighed slightly, and looked at Wang Jiangyang, who was also in the defendant's seat.

Originally, Nandu Bank could continue to plead, maybe it could change the presiding judge's inclination.

But now...

Now that I have encountered Wang Jiangyang's backstab...

Regarding this point, to be honest, Xu Zhiqiang couldn't accept it too much.

Wang Jiangyang noticed Xu Zhiqiang's gaze, but he didn't take it too seriously. Anyway, Nanjian Real Estate Company can't blame them all.

The ones with back pads....It is one to be able to pull one...
The discussion room of the collegial panel.

Zhu He took a sip of tea and looked at the other two members of the collegial panel, Li Mingfei and Wang Dong.

Li Mingfei and Wang Dong are judges proficient in banking and finance and real estate disputes respectively.

"The first point of defense in this court trial has been completed...Ming Fei, you are proficient in laws related to the banking and financial industry. Do you think this Nandu Bank should be held responsible?"

Li Mingfei smiled: "The bank violated the regulations first, since there are violations...then it must bear certain responsibilities, but this responsibility is divided into primary and secondary responsibilities."

"In my opinion, no matter how the bank defends, this case is caused by the bank's illegal operation of lending funds under supervision, improper supervision and lack of strict supervision."

"The reason for the unfinished business is because of the misappropriation of regulatory funds."

"Since the reason for the unfinished business is the misappropriation of regulatory funds, it has nothing to do with the bank."

"But from a subjective point of view, this case is carried out by the real estate side, and the misappropriation of funds is supervised, so I think Narada Bank should be judged to bear secondary responsibility."


"I agree."

Wang Dong said: "Most of the real estate disputes are the problems of the real estate developers. Due to the signing of a series of contracts, the real estate developers did not carry out the disputes caused by the implementation."

"The problem of unfinished business is also a problem of embezzlement of funds by real estate developers."

"I have dealt with many cases of this kind before... I also know a lot about banks. Nandu Bank does have an unshirkable responsibility."


"a little bit."

"That is if we judge that the bank is responsible, then the subsequent problems will be caused..."

Li Mingfei nodded: "This is also a problem."

Zhu He smiled and nodded: "There is no need to worry about this issue. As far as this case is concerned, there is no problem in judging that the bank is liable?"



"Well, that's fine! Let's make a judgment after the court session, and then assign responsibility to the subject of the judgment."


Neither Li Mingfei nor Wang Dong had any opinions.

Zhu He put down his water glass and waited quietly for another court session for judgment.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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