You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 16 What?Are you going to file for divorce?

Chapter 16 What?Are you going to file for divorce?
In terms of public opinion, Nandu Bank's act of repairing the past can only be said to have a slight effect.

So Nandu Bank paid again to buy a lot of media and public opinion, trying to seize the commanding heights in public opinion.

It's a pity that netizens didn't buy it at all.

"Buy, lower trending searches, spend money!"

Wang Wu spent a lot of money to lower public opinion.

After spending a considerable sum, some results were finally achieved.

But I also met law critic Luo Daxiang who posted a video titled "The most exciting court defense I saw this year".

The video explains the case of Wang Li.

As a well-known legal critic, Luo Daxiang has a great influence on the Internet. Every time he releases a video, the number of reprints and views is frighteningly high.

As soon as this video was released, the media and public opinion bought by Nandu Bank instantly fell silent.

In the video.

Luo Daxiang broke down the legal knowledge at the trial site in detail, explained why lawyers had to argue from a certain angle, and analyzed the key issues in the trial.

In the court trial video, although Nandu Bank has been coded.

But everyone who knows it knows that it is Nandu Bank, and there are many kind people in the comment area.

Nandu Bank once again suffered a huge loss of reputation.

Wang Wu just wanted to say one thing: I'm the fuck!It exploded!
Compared with the hustle and bustle of the Internet, Bai Jun Law Firm is much quieter.

In the first two days after the lawsuit, there were quite a lot of people who came to consult legal services, but most of them were only thundering but not raining.

They would come here to tentatively want to prostitute some legal issues for free, and most of them ran away after learning that there would be a fee.

Not a single case.

There are also some women who specially come to Su Bai for consultation on marriage issues in order to ease their mood.

Su Baiquan pushed it to Li Xuezhen.

There is the most resonance between women and women. There is nothing wrong with entrusting the consulting business to Li Xuezhen, right?

However, these people who came to consult saw that Li Xuezhen was receiving them. For some reason, they often left in a hurry after chatting for more than ten minutes.

After the heat subsided in the next two days, the number of people who consulted decreased a lot.

After Su Bai was free, he spent nearly 5000 yuan to have the law firm roughly repaired in two days. At least from the outside, it was much more formal than before.

Another five thousand was spent on some simple office equipment.

On the whole, the law firm looks like a serious law firm.

"Well, much stronger than before."

Su Bai nodded in satisfaction, becoming bigger and stronger, this is a small step!
It's just that the law firm is still deserted and has not received any cases.

It seems that the effect of advertising on the Internet is not very good!

The advertisements in those media are not good either!
During this period, he received many invitations to other law firms to handle criminal cases.

Just no case.

But working for others is not as comfortable as being a capitalist, so they all refused.

The tenth day after the lawsuit was over.

At noon, around 01:30, the sun was in the sky, and the weather outside was a little hot and dry.

Su Bai was drinking tea while blowing on the air conditioner.

Li Xuezhen was busy advertising the law firm under Teacher Luo's video.

The way of advertising is very simple, simple, without any bells and whistles.

Leave a message in the comment area: The lawyer who won the case this time is Nandu Baijun Law Firm. Lawyer Su Bai is superb in business and proficient in civil and criminal matters. Look for Nandu Baijun Law Firm in litigation, and it will work.

Half an hour later, Li Xuezhen became a little numb from copying and pasting, and couldn't help asking: "Lawyer Su, is it really useful for us to advertise like this?"

"I think our comments have no effect at all, and there is no movement in private messages."

"Of course it is useful, but a single shot may not be very effective, so you still need your unremitting efforts."

"Besides, don't you want to fight more lawsuits, learn more experience in litigation, and become a barrister after you become a regular?"

Su Bai solemnly gave Li Xuezhen, a young and energetic trainee lawyer, the best of luck.

Li Xuezhen looked serious: "I want to!"

"Then go on."

"Good Lawyer Su!"

Li Xuezhen was full of chicken blood, and continued to copy the comments repeatedly.

Su Bai glanced at the date. Wang Li should have finished the probation process today. He and Wang Zizhong made an appointment to settle the lawyer's fees today, and the calculation time should be almost here.

Sure enough, when Su Bai was thinking.

With Wang Li's support, Wang Zizhong and his wife walked slowly to the door of Baijun Law Firm, the smiles on their faces could not be stopped at all.

My son was sentenced to a suspended sentence from 20 years in prison, which is simply a great benefactor to their husband and wife!

Otherwise, according to their age, they will never wait for the day when their son is released from prison.

May die with endless regrets.

It can be said that Su Bai gave them new hope.

Wang Li's mouth was also grinning. This time, he recognized Su Bai's strength in litigation.

If it weren't for Su Bai, when he was released from prison, it would be tantamount to saying that he was completely out of touch with society.

To Su Bai, he is sincerely grateful.

He helped the old couple into the law firm.

"Lawyer Su, Lawyer Su."

"Dad, you slow down"

Wang Zizhong broke free from Wang Li's support, and walked into the law office, Wang Li and he almost missed.

On the brand new sofa of the law firm, Su Bai took three bottles of mineral water and put them in front of Wang Zizhong's family who were sitting on the sofa.

At the same time, the verdict was handed over to Wang Li.

"This is the verdict at the end of the trial. It was deposited with me earlier. Please keep it and don't lose it."

Wang Li solemnly and carefully folded the verdict several times, and put it into his pocket after folding it to about the size of a pocket.

Another black bag was taken out of the bag.

"Lawyer Su, according to the contract, the lawyer's fee is about 10 yuan.

"I discussed it with my dad. If it weren't for Lawyer Su and you this time, I'm afraid I would have to sit for at least ten years. Now I have been sentenced to a probation, and it is only a few months. Here is 12. I know these are insignificant. Thanks to you, you accept it."

Wang Li forced the money into Su Bai's arms.

Fearing that Su Bai would not accept him, Wang Zizhong and Zhang Cuifen supported him.

"Lawyer Su, this lawsuit depends on you a lot. Compared with other lawyers' fees, this money is already very little, so you can accept it."

"Yes, you have helped our family so much, and these thank you fees are not too much."

Su Bai wasn't too polite. To be honest, lawyer Jinzui could charge 18 in the second trial of such a case. He let Wang Li go straight out of jail, and the amount he collected was not too much.

Lawyers' fees are generally based on the difficulty of the case.

After seeing Su Bai accept the money, Wang Li let out a long breath as if he was relieved, and asked as if he remembered something.

"Lawyer Su, are you familiar with the legal business of marriage?"

Su Bai looked up at Wang Li: "What? You still want to file a divorce lawsuit?"

 Please follow up, just click a little every day, please recommend a monthly ticket ~ the data is good, the little author is more motivated ~
  thank you

(End of this chapter)

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