You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 173 Want to suspend the second trial appeal?How beautiful it is!Sentenced to death!

Chapter 173 Want to suspend the second-instance appeal?How beautiful it is!Sentenced to death!

"Lawyer Su..."

Li Xuezhen turned her head and looked at Su Bai.

"In Zhang Dahu's case, as the presiding judge, Qian Wei is responsible. Judging from the evidence submitted by the prosecution..."

"This Li Mu's identity and behavior. There should be some responsibility...?"

Su Bai smiled.

Li Xuezhen can have this idea!

But it’s not here yet, we have to take it step by step, right?
Su Bai has already made arrangements for these matters, since Zhang Dahu has entrusted the agency authority of this case to Bai Jun Law Firm.

Then there will definitely not be any other accidents, and everything that should be sent in must be sent in.

None of them can escape! .
The trial is over.

Qian Wei's eyes were full of unwillingness. He refused to accept the first-instance judgment and wanted to appeal again.

Isn't it because personal subjectivity is too strong, leading to wrong judgments?

Normally speaking, this charge will be sentenced to a suspended sentence with a high probability.

Sentence of one with reprieve or sentence of two with reprieve.

Now give him a real sentence of three and a half years? !
He couldn't accept it at all, and the second trial would definitely appeal!
At this time, Liu Jun also came to Qian Wei.

"Preparing to appeal to the second instance?"

"Hmm! Second trial!"

Qian Wei nodded heavily.

In the case of the second trial, the prosecution is only facing the prosecution, and it only needs to find some other new evidence or decide that the punishment of the first trial was too severe.

By the time.

You can still get acquittal or a commutation and probation sentence.

Qian Wei still understands this process very well.

Looking at Qian Wei, Liu Jun knew what was going on in his heart.

In fact, losing the lawsuit this time was also a word-of-mouth blow to Liu Jun.

In his heart, he also hoped that Qian Wei could continue to appeal to the second instance.

"The first-instance fee is the first-instance fee, and the second-instance fee is calculated separately. The main reason for the loss in the first-instance trial is you. I need to make this clear in advance. I will try my best in the second-instance trial. No matter whether I win or not, the lawyer's fee must be paid."

Liu Jun spoke lightly.

He charges a fee, and these things must be agreed in advance.

Qian Wei still felt a little distressed about the lawyer's fee, but he nodded when he thought of the sentence.

"Okay, I trust Lawyer Liu, so when it comes to the second trial, it's still a plea of ​​not guilty...?"

"Well, be fully prepared this time, and plead not guilty. I will find new evidence."

"Don't worry, if there are no other unforeseen circumstances, you will be given a suspended sentence at most."

"it is good!"

Qian Wei nodded and agreed.

On the accuser's seat, Su Bai exhaled softly, and waved his hand to greet Li Xuezhen to leave the trial.

At this time, Guan Tong brought his assistant and walked over with a smile, and offered to extend his hand:

"Lawyer Su... hello."

"At the trial this time, I would like to thank Attorney Su for his speech, so that Qian Wei could be sentenced for an extra six months.

Although our prosecution proposed a sentence of three years this time, I estimated in my heart that it would be a one-year sentence at most, or even a two-year suspended sentence. "

"I didn't expect to be sentenced to three and a half years in prison!"

"For a practitioner like Qian Wei who doesn't respect the law, I'm really happy to receive such a severe sentence!"

Guan Tong, as the public prosecutor, is usually responsible for duty-related crimes or public prosecution cases in other situations.

For those criminals convicted of crimes.

Especially those who know the law and break the law are very annoying.

It can be said that Guan Tongzai, as a public prosecutor and as a prosecutor, hates those who take advantage of his position to commit crimes, and has an upright heart for the law.

During his tenure as a public prosecutor, his previous record was to send the defendant's lawyer and the defendant together.

At that time, the defendant had committed a duty-related crime, and entrusting a lawyer wanted to destroy the evidence. How could it be done without sending them all in?

Facing Su Bai.

Guan Tong admires a lawyer like Su Bai very much.

Similarly, Su Bai respected Guan Tong, an upright public prosecutor.

How to say that sentence, heroes cherish heroes, although both of them are lawyers, both of them use different methods to maintain the justice of the law, to maintain the justice of the law.

Facing the same kind of people, the two have a feeling of mutual respect.

"Hello, Lawyer Guan."

Su Bai smiled and stretched out his hand to hold Guan Tong together, and at the same time said with a smile:
"Lawyer Guan, you, as the public prosecutor, also exerted tremendous power in this trial!"

"Fortunately, this lawsuit is temporarily settled!"

Guan Tong smiled and nodded: "But I guess Qian Wei may appeal again at that time. If he appeals again, Attorney Su remembers to come and watch the second instance trial!"


Su Bai smiled and nodded.

The two chatted for a while and added a contact information.

Guan Tong still needs to sort out and submit some materials in the follow-up, and there is not much to continue the in-depth chat.

Su Bai also beckoned, beckoning Li Xuezhen to follow, and returned to Nandu.
Inside Baijun Law Firm.

Qian Wei was sentenced, so the judgment of Zhang Dahu's case was naturally revoked.

Zhang Long and Zhang Dahu went to Bai Jun Law Firm to thank them.

Su Bai, you and Zhang Dahu explained some related matters after the trial, and asked Zhang Dahu for his opinion.

"This trial is not over yet. For example, Chen Meixia and Li Mu have involved some illegal and criminal acts."

"You can continue to hold them accountable if you want."

"What are your considerations?"

Zhang Dahu clenched his fists tightly: "My idea is to send it in as soon as I can. People like them are not the ones who blackmailed me today, and they will blackmail others another day."

"If I hadn't met Lawyer Su, I might have paid 40 in this case."

"I listen to Lawyer Su, and I can do whatever Lawyer Su says."

"Well! Then, our law firm will continue to pay attention and submit some proof materials to the court and the supervisory department."

"Good Lawyer Su!"

After a rough chat, Su Bai nodded slightly after confirming Zhang Dahu's thoughts.

There are many follow-ups to this case! .
In the female dormitory of Nandu Fa University.

Wang Kexin's eyes lit up.

"Really? And then.... Xuezhen, tell me quickly! And then?"

"How many years has Qian Wei been sentenced?! Two and a half years?!"

Li Xuezhen smiled and narrowed her eyes and stretched out a finger: "Two and a half years is not enough, add another year!"

"Three and a half years?!"


When Wang Kexin heard this, she was even more excited than Li Xuezhen, +1+1+1...
Excited for a few seconds, Wang Kexin swayed her little ball vigorously: "Xuezhen, this case is a big one!"

"If other people know about it, it will definitely increase the reputation of our law firm!"

Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up: "That's right!"

"Ke Xin, how do you think you should become famous?"

"It's simple, just listen to me!"

Wang Kexin's little ball head shook vigorously: "Xuezhen, we just need to do this."

two hours later...
Wang Kexin hit the export button on the computer, and then sent the finished video to Li Xuezhen.

"Xuezhen, I'm done"

"Just send this video directly to the account of our Baijun Law Firm, it's not a big problem!"

Li Xuezhen looked at the content of the video and wondered, "Is this possible?"

"Sure, trust me!"

Wang Kexin's little ball swayed, and patted his flat chest to make a promise.

"it is good."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously, and posted the video on the account of Bai Jun Law Firm.

10 minutes.. two 10 minutes half an hour
after an hour.….
The video is clearly streamed.

Someone commented in the comment area: ? ?

Nima, who is making fun of Lawyer Su!Can Lawyer Su still lose the case? !

After reading.

Excuse me, it turns out that Lawyer Su's purpose is to send the judge in!This trick is high!It's really high!
The reversal of front and back is simply unprepared!
The content of the video is very simple, it is Wang Kexin using the gimmick of Su Bai losing the lawsuit, and then sending the judge in in series.

A reverse effect was achieved.

Su Bai's reputation in the short video is not small.

As soon as the gimmick of losing the lawsuit was thrown out, it immediately attracted a large number of people to watch.

"Huh??? Attorney Su lost the case?! How is that possible? Only those who cannot be admitted by Lawyer Su, there is no such thing as Lawyer Su losing the case. Does it mean that Lawyer Su did not send people in, so it is equivalent to saying that Lawyer Su lost the case?" ?”

"Hahaha! MD, I really lost the case because of this title. Well, what then? Lawyer Su backhanded the report and sent the presiding judge in the trial. This is inappropriate and unreasonable A good judge made a malicious judgment!"

"That's right, it does feel like a title, come, come, let me see which little unlucky presiding judge is sent in."

"Qian Wei, the presiding judge of a basic court in Southern Metropolis!"

"What's going on with this case again... Good guy, the helper was blackmailed, this judge really dared to judge, and even sentenced the helper to pay 40 yuan in compensation!"


"Dare to judge, but isn't it also sent in now?"

"Hahaha, you are right, you are right!"

Originally, this simple civil lawsuit did not attract much attention.

Because this is just an ordinary civil case... It can even be said to be just a very ordinary dispute case, which can be resolved through out-of-court settlement.

But after the video released by Li Xuezhen, Su Bai lost the search term, and it was soon topped with a small trending search.

Everyone also learned that Su Bai, a lawyer of Bai Jun Law Firm, lost the lawsuit, and the result ushered in a big reversal.

Losing the case is indeed losing the case, but it is only because of encountering an unscrupulous presiding judge, and Su Bai also sent this unscrupulous presiding judge in!

Is this causal relationship awesome?

Must be awesome!
Suddenly, Bai Jun Law Firm's short video account added another [-] followers.

In the comment area, a large number of fans commented:
"Good guy, did the law firm put this up for fishing? Who posted the video, saying that Lawyer Su lost the case? It's obviously a rumor. Send it all to me! (angry face)"

"Hahaha, the upstairs guy sees the account clearly before spraying. This is the short video account of Bai Jun Law Firm. What are you sending here? Believe it or not, they asked Lawyer Su to send you in?"

"I don't believe it, I believe Lawyer Su won't bully ordinary people like us!"

"This is obviously a joke, everyone have fun!"

Among them, there is a relatively conspicuous comment in the comment area.

"I know the presiding judge sent by Lawyer Su, Qian Wei, right? If I remember correctly, it should be in the Nandu DC District Court, right?"

"I remember it very clearly! At that time, I had a case, and it was also Qian Wei who tried it. Obviously I was able to win the case. I provided such strong evidence. Good guy, the court refused to accept it all!"

"The other side didn't prepare anything, but the presiding judge didn't ask the other side a single question, and kept catching me and started questioning."

"The final result is obvious, and our side lost the case."

"It was only later that I realized that something was stuffed on the opposite side. Brothers, push me up so that Lawyer Su can see it!"

"At the same time, let everyone know that Qian Wei is not a good guy, nor did he do this once or twice!"

"Okay, if the presiding judge disregards the constraints of the law and makes a blind judgment based on the facts, he should be sent in! Give it a shot!"

"Top top!"


Under the top posts of many people, this comment was quickly sent to the top.
at the same time.

On the other side, after the verdict came down.

Liu Jun and Qian Wei have been rushing to bring up the matter of the second trial.

Originally, Liu Jun filed a second-instance lawsuit on the grounds that the sentencing was inappropriate.

But it was rejected.

Later, Liu Jun found new evidence and statements from the side, and filed another appeal request.

Approved by the court.

The second-instance lawsuit is about to begin, and what Liu Jun did this time is still defending his innocence.

After Guan Tong got the news, he contacted Su Bai.

"Lawyer Su... This Qian Wei filed a second-instance lawsuit, and now the Provincial High Court is ready to continue the trial of this case."

"Lawyer Su, would you like to come over and observe?"

Su Bai said with a smile: "Okay, give me an exact time, when it's time for the court session, I will definitely go there!"

"Oh yes...has the court started cross-examination now?"

"not yet."

"Well, I have an important piece of evidence that I want to submit to your prosecution. Wait a moment, and I will send you the general content first."

"Important content? All right!"

About 3 minutes later, Guan Tong received the new trial evidence sent by Su Bai.

After another ten minutes, after Guan Tong confirmed the contents of the evidence, he immediately sent a laughing emoji.

"Lawyer Su!"

"With your important evidence, I guarantee that this time, Qian Wei will not be able to run away at all! Immediately sentenced to death, it is impossible to appeal!"

"Thank you, Lawyer Su!"

"When it's time for the trial, Lawyer Su must come over."

"it is good!"

After Su Bai replied, he continued to prepare and wait until the end of the second trial to review the report materials submitted by Chen Meixia and Li Mu.

Obstruction of justice.…

However...this can only be submitted after Qian Wei's second-instance judgment.

Because this is the best time to submit.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

 Found an interesting lawyer article...

  Everyone can take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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